《Death Is a Reality》Chapter 10: Information Gathering


Chapter 10: Information Gathering


As we left the back alley. I took the chance to look around the huge city. Everywhere I looked there were people crowding the streets some in groups and some alone. I walked to the central plaza and found it packed with players looking for a party or selling their items.

This was the first time I’ve seen so many players gathered in a single place. From what I see I’m guessing 2000-3000 players are here.

“Just how many players are there in Tyrne.....”

“From the server logs 2 weeks after the games launch I think it was about 10000.” Sylva answered my muttering

“10000 in single city.... And they say there are 2 million players trapped here.” I remember what FutureTech reported before I logged in.

“Makes you really admire the scale of the world right? This game was supposed to be a technological marvel, but now it’ll be remembered in history as a huge mistake,” Sylva commented

“Well, with 10000 people how are we going to find Hime?”

Just thinking about it makes depressed.

“Well for the time being let’s just ask around.”

Splitting up with Sylva I entered the crowded plaza and asked players that were selling items. If they were frequently at the plaza someone might have saw Hime.

“Excuse me.”

“Ooh you want to but these potions? 1 gold each for you! They’re much better than stock potions sold by NPCs!”

“No, I’m sorry. I wanted to ask some questions.”

“Questions? I won’t tell you how I made these.” The seller refuses me

“No, that’s not it.” I said while sighing inside

“Then what is it?”

“Have you seen a player named Hime? A girl with black hair reaching her hips, probably has a bow.”

“Hmmmm, no I don’t think so.”

“I see thank you for your time.”

“Wait! If you’re looking for someone try the local merchants guild, ask for Sagami.”

“I will, thank you.”

Merchants guild huh? I’ll just go there later....

Asking around the plaza again I still didn’t find out about Hime at all. Some of the players also suggested to see Sagami. When I asked the players that weren’t selling stuff they just ignored me...

Those that didn’t tried to drag me into their party to go to some dungeon.

Looks like just randomly asking around isn’t going to work at all.

Not giving up I kept talking to players here. I spotted a spotted a brown haired guy my age.

“Excuse me”

“Huh? Oh, wha’sup?”

“I want to ask you some questions.”

“What is this an interrogation? “ he seemed offended

“Ah, sorry. I just want to find someone.” I tried to calm him down

“Fine who you looking for?”

“A girl named Hime. She has long hair and-“

“A bow?”

“Yes! Do you know where she is?!” I nearly jumped at him



“Wha, then how did you?”

“look man you’ve been asking everyone that, I already heard you talking with some other guy.”

Annoyed I was about to leave when he called me again.

“But I do know her and her friend.”


“Whoops did I say that?”

“Just tell me....”

“Now, now. Let’s make this interesting. Let’s duel. If you win I’ll tell you, if you lose I’m leaving.”

“Why the hell do I have to do that!?!”

“Dunno, I’m bored” he said and sent me the challenge

Ted has challenged you to a duel! Will you accept? Y/N

“Haaaah, yes....”

I don’t want to waste time on this nonsense... since this a duel he can’t die so I’ll just go all out.

As he readied his sword I immediately launched myself at him.

While running towards him I don’t draw my blade but just raised my right arm.

Using my mana I fired 3 lightning bolts at him. Surprised by the sudden bolts coming at him he couldn’t even dodge.

With lightning movement I just jumped up and kicked him straight at his face sending him back a whole 10 meters.

“I win.”

“........ Damn it, who are you? You just plowed me into the ground!”

“Not important. So what do you know?”

“Haah, Fine got it. I know the girl you’re looking for and her friend Amy too.”


“Uh-huh , a mage I think. Anyway, we met more than a month ago on the road. She was on her way her from someplace north of here and we traveled for a day together.”

“Where is she know.”

“How would I know.”

“Damn it you’re useless!”

“I never said I knew where she is.”

I finally ran out of patience and just left the guy. Well, it wasn’t entirely useless. Now I know she’s with another girl named Amy. That’s something to keep in mind I guess.

Looks like I have to go find this Sagami after all. What kind of guy is he?

Making up my mind to go to the merchants guild, I looked for Sylva to go together.


I found Sylva but it looks like she brought someone with her.

“Come on just join us for a few days!” player in tattered leather armor followed Sylva

“I’m sorry but I’m with somebody.”

“Just leave the guy! We’ll pay for your room at the inn!”

What? No matter how you look at it leather guy there was poorer than Sylva!

“No, I’m not interested. Ah there he is!” Sylva walked up to me

“Him who the hell’s he supposed to be” leather guy glared at me

“Um, He’s my boyfriend.” Sylva blurted out and took my hand

“What!?” We both yelled out

“You, duel against me! If I win let her go!”


“No, I’m not-“


“If you don’t accept I’ll follow you around!” he made a cheap threat

Come on! Your level is clearly below mine! Please just leave....

Still waiting for my answer silently I was forced to just deal with it

After beating him up I went back to Sylva. I didn’t even use any skills! A single punch already knocked him out cold

“Sorry Haruki....”

“....Why did you tell him I was your boyfriend?”

“Usually guys give up after I say I have one.”

What is it with today. Are all the players here stupid!?

“Get anything?” Sylva asked me

“Yeah, looks like Hime’s with a girl called Amy. Some people told me that Sagami at the merchants guild may know where she is.”

“Yes, people also told me the same thing.”

“I guess that the only lead we’ve got.”

Walking away from the plaza I noticed some people were staring at us.

Crap! That plaza was full of players! And here I just beat up 2 guys...

No wonder they’re looking at us! I increased my walking pace and quickly left the plaza.

Arriving at the merchants guild I saw it was a rather normal looking building with wooden walls and 3 floors high. I had imagined it was would be a huge tower or a large hall.

Entering the place, I saw an NPC sitting in front of a counter. I guess she’s the receptionist. I walked up to her and started to talk to her.

“Hello, I was wondering if I could meet Sagami?”

“Your business?”

“People said he can help me find someone.”

“Third floor, door on the right at the end of the hallway.” She pointed at the stairs


Sylva and I went up the stairs looking around the place. It looks like a normal office here. Is this an administrative branch?

We reached the room that the receptionist mentioned. I knocked the door and I heard a voice telling me to come in.

“Nice to meet you Haruki, Sylva.”

“You know us?”

“My information network is pretty large.” He said with a smile

“Then you know why we’re here?”

“Yes. I can find her.”

“Please do.”

“I’m not doing this for free.” He sharpened his eyes

“How much do you want?” I grabbed my pouch

“No, no. I want to hire you. You two should be pretty strong. After all, killing an adult dragonling for the first time in this game isn’t easy.”

“Game? You’re a player?”

“Yes, I am. I’m one of the few players that is with an NPC guild.”

“If you’re a player you can just help me! I don’t want a quest!”

“Being a player doesn’t matter. We’re living here now. We now die and can’t leave, we’re no different than NPCs.”

“But... This is really important.” I protested

“As long as we’re trapped here it’s give and take Haruki. Nobody can spare any kindness.” He said as he closed his eyes

“Very well, what do we do?” Sylva questioned


Quest: Infested Mines

The mines owned by the merchants guild near Tyrne has been invaded.

Currently no reports know what attacked as all the workers died.

Investigate the identity of the assailant and eliminate it.

Quest Clear: Secure the mines

Difficulty: ???

“Are you kidding?! The difficulty’s unknown! We could get killed!”

“I have no choice. As far as I know you two are currently the strongest players in this city. If others go failure would be more likely.”

I was about to refuse but Sylva suddenly spoke up

“Fine, we will do it.”

“Good, return after you clear the mines. I’ll have Home’s location when you’re done.”

Sylva stood up and left the room leaving me behind. Rushing out I quickly caught up to her outside of the guild.

“Sylva! Why are we doing this stupid quest? Let’s just look around again.”

“We have no choice. This is the fastest way possible. You also want to quickly know where Hime is right.”

“Yes, but still this unknown difficulty quest.... It could turn out to be incredibly dangerous...”

“Don’t worry I’ll protect you.” She grinned

“......You know that’s supposed to be a guy’s line.”

“Really? Then you better do your job.” She walked ahead

Man, this day really is troublesome. And Sylva! Since we’ve met she changed a bit,,,

Sometimes I can’t help nut fell a bit annoyed. I guess that’s also part of being friends with someone.........


We had reached the mines near Tyrne. It looks deserted with no sign of anyone here. I guess the workers really did all get killed...

As Sylva conjured a fireball as a torch I walked in front with weapons at the ready.

As we went deeper we still didn’t find anything living. Not even a single bat was here! Did they all run away? What the hell is in here?

As we reached a big room Sylva pointed at one of the tunnels. It seems that it led further underground. Before We passed it I poked the ceiling with my spear checking if there was a risk of it collapsing.

As it was solid hard, I nodded and kept walking ahead of Sylva. As we went further down we noticed a rotten smell coming from further down the tunnel.

“Looks like we’re getting near” Sylva whispered

“As usual I’ll go face it while you support me with ranged spells.”

Agreeing to this we ventured down the path and entered a room 20 meters wide.

In the center there was a large creature that emitted a foul odor as It looked at us.

It had two heads, no three heads...

On the front were heads of a lion and a goat. Where a tail should be there was a scaly limb with a snake head hissing while facing the both of us,

“That’s a Chimera.”

I nodded to Sylva. It seemed this monster really was based on that Greek myth.

Realizing it seemed like a tough opponent I grit my teeth and held my weapons tight.

As Sylva started the fight with 3 fireballs that exploded as they hit the chimera’s two front heads I also charged in with Ascalon aimed at its chest.

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