《Death Is a Reality》Chapter 9: A New Start


Chapter 9: A New Start


I woke up to the smell of food being cooked that tickled my sense of smell forcing me to open my eyes. Sitting up and stretching my arms I noticed Sylva stirring a pot over a freshly made fire.

Noticing me already up, she looked at me as her mouth formed a little smile.

“Good morning, Haruki. Breakfast’s almost done.”

“Ah, yeah... thanks.”

I stood up walking over taking a seat beside her. As I watched her mix spices into her cooking, I felt calm and relaxed, it’s as if yesterday was just a nightmare....

“Uuum Sylva,thanks.... you know? For saying you trust me and all that.”

“Hihi, I just said what I felt Haruki. It’s nothing to thank me for.”

I was a little surprised to hear her small giggle. That was the very first time I’ve seen her laugh since meeting her.

“Ah, also... I want you to know I trust you too, Sylva.”

She looked straight at me with curiosity in her eyes.

“what’s with all the sudden talk about trust? Is this so the skill can be useful?” she asked grinning

“No! The skill doesn’t matter! I really do-“

“Fufu, relax Haruki. I was just kidding.” She said smiling at me.

“Wha- What? Can you even joke around?” I was slightly baffled

“That’s rather rude. I am human too, I can laugh as much as the next person.”

“......yeah, well I just wanted to say I got your back, Sylva.”

“And I yours, Haruki. We’re partners.”

“Oh, looks like it’s done. Let’s eat before continuing to Tyrne.”

“Sounds good.”

From the sound of it she also received the ‘Bond of Trust’ skill. A little embarrassing considering its description.

We took out the utensils and started eating the stew. It was delicious. Sylva did say that she could took while on the road but this food’s even better than the stuff you can buy at the city inns.

“So, Haruki. Yesterday you haven’t told me anything yet.” Sylva said while I was sharpening my sword.

“.....I guess it’s fine to tell you. But let’s talk as we walk okay?”

Finishing up with the blade, I put it in its scabbard and started walking down the road beside Sylva.

“First, you remember about me looking for someone?”

“Yes, I’m guessing you were separated when the death game started.”

“Technically yes, but at the start only she was trapped in this game”

“What does that mean? ..... Don’t tell me!?”

“Correct, I logged in a month after the incident. I’ve only been playing for nearly 2 months now. I came here to find my sister.”

“Then you know about what happening outside!”

“Not really. Even after a month people still don’t have any clue about how or why the hacking happened. Players are just left in a coma..... And sometimes their brain waves would just stop.”

“Is that... because they died in the game?”

“That’s the most likely explanation anyone has. That’s why I knew Beth was gone. That bastard just killed a child and when he said he would kill Hime I just snapped....”

“...I see. Hime is your sister?”

“Yep, my step sister really. But she’s all I have left....”

“You must really love her.”

“Haha, I guess so! So, what do you think? Pretty dumb huh?”

“Not in the least, you treasure you’re family so much you’d risk your own life for them. That is something not many can do and I greatly respect your actions.” She said looking at me seriously


“What about you, Sylva? Anyone you miss? Parents? Brother or sister? Maybe a husb—UBUH!” She punched my side cutting me off

“My mom, and my little brother.” She said ignoring me rubbing my aching left side

“Hooo, I see”

“That’s why... that’s why I have to survive no matter what...”

“Well, don’t worry. As your partner I’ll also do my best so you can meet them again.” I say while patting her shoulder

“Yeah, thanks Haruki.” She smiled

“For now... Let’s stop the chatting for a while.” I say while brandishing my weapons

“It seems we have some guests.” I pointed at a group of monsters blocking the road


There was about a dozen enemies in front of us. They looked like the goblins I fought in the beginning only taller than me with tusk-like teeth visible outside it’s mouth. If I had to pick a word, I would say these were orcs.

Some were riding brown furred beasts that looked similar to tigers and were holding lances made out of bones. Their armor were also made out of animal hides showing off their unruly nature and ferocity.

“Sylva, stop the ones that have mounts first. I’ll deal with the ones on foot first!”

“Got it!”

As I ran forward I readied my two weapons. In my right hand I held the nameless katana while in my left was Ascalon. Even though I hardly have any spear training in the real world after a few of hours of practice I quickly got the hang of it. It must be a game mechanic for people who’ve never even held a weapon in the real world.

As the orcs and I charged at each other an icy wind passed to my right. The winds blew directly at the mounted orcs aiming at the beast’s legs freezing their joints causing them to fall crashing into each other.

With their cavalry disabled I thrust Ascalon first impaling an orc that was in the front. Quickly kicking him away I slashed my sword to the right and and ripped an orc’s arm off. Dodging the bashes coming at me from the left, I swung the spear in that direction and the spearhead made a deep cut into the orc’s stomach.

Backing off to avoid being crowded I parried an attack from a bone club of an orc that chased after me. I countered him by activating lighting blade destroying the weak bone club and slashed the orc from its shoulder to the middle of its chest.

As another one was about to strike my unguarded back a ball of flame hit its head causing it to explode into tiny bits.

As Sylva kept unleashing fire and ice and the remaining 3 foot soldiers. I dashed to where the mounted orcs were as they had started getting up and continue to charge.

One of them lowered their lance and aimed at my chest but the tip of Ascalon met his first as he was knocked of its mount as I slashed into the beast’s side kill it instantly. Not losing momentum I used lightning movement and jumped at the next one charging me, avoiding its attack. While landing I aimed my spear down stabbing through the orc and the beast killing both at the same time.

Only 2 left now. I spotted one mounted orc still struggling to get its mount to stand back up. I dashed at the fallen enemy and first cut of the beast’s head trapping the orc under its weight. With my high speed I kicked at the orc’s head as hard as I could hearing a ‘snap’ as its neck twisted to the right.


There was only one remaining orc. Sylva had already finished off the 3 other orcs, but it had given up attacking me and went straight to Sylva. Already too far to chase it down I gathered mana into my left arm and lightning flowed into Ascalon covering it in electric sparks. Pulling my left shoulder as far as I could I threw the spear causing it fly at the enemy.

The spear had met its target stabbing the tiger beast and came out its other side. With its mount suddenly killed the orc couldn’t stop the forward momentum and was thrown away to the front landing in front of Sylva face down.

Raising her staff she pointed it at the orc and it launched an arm size ice spike at its chest.

“That’s all of them!” I told Sylva as I retrieved Ascalon from the beast corpse

Noticing a few windows I quickly read what was there

Due to your actions you have created new skills

Spear Mastery (Beginner) lv. 1

Skill that increases the effectiveness of spears

1%+ attack damage, armor penetration

Lightning Spear (Beginner) lv. 1

Imbues spears with lightning made from your mana

Lightning damage (small), chance to stun enemy (small)

Cost: 10 mana/sec

Hmm looks like skills the same as sword mastery and lightning blade with these used for spears...

If I want to keep using both my mana consumption is gonna rise through the roof...

“Haruki, nice job.” Sylva came as I finished reading

“Yeah! You too Sylva! Looks like our teamwork’s already great.”

As I was about to continue walking I noticed she looked like she wanted to ask something.

“What is it?” i started

“No it’s just.... you’re lightning’s color is blue again.”

“Huh? Oh yeah. It turned red yesterday I think.”

“How’d that happen?”

“My skill evolved I think. It said emotions affect the lightning I produce.”

“...Really? So when it was red what did you feel?” she clearly looked troubled

“..............It was hatred.” I quietly answered

It seems she noticed I was rather uncomfortable with the subject as she nodded and just let the matter go.


After 3 days of travelling we were only a day from Tyrne. Looks like our progress was faster than we expected. At this rate we should reach the city by noon tomorrow.

As night fell, we decided to set up camp and rested for tomorrows arrival .

Leaving Sylva for a while as she cooked I started training again with both my weapons. As I slashed the air with the katana I inserted thrusts of Ascalon into my movement creating a fluid combo of attacks.

Waving the sword and spear around for the few last days I realized that I was much faster at running out of stamina even though I only wore light armor and a coat.

It seems swing around weapons meant for two handed wields with one hand only exhausted me quickly. In the case of the spear the effects weren’t really noticeable because I mainly just thrust it which doesn’t require much stamina.

The problem was the katana....

With weapons in both hands the slashes from the katana were slower than before and didn’t have much damage compared to when I use both hands.

Thinking about it for a while an idea struck me. I thought about the samurai from history. I remembered that the Japanese warriors were equipped with 2 swords! A long katana like the one I’m using now for both hands and a shorter lighter sword called a wakizashi!

I still have the dragonling materials that included fangs, scales, and bone. I also still had the raiju fangs I didn’t use yet. With those items I could visit a blacksmith and have a wakizashi made for me to use when I fight with two weapons.

Deciding to do that I continued training until Sylva called me over telling me the food was ready.

Before I went back I swiftly checked my status window.

Status[quart=Name,level]Haruki,51 [/quart]TitleRookie Dragon Hunter[quart=Health,Mana]4390,4820 [/quart][quart=Strength,Dexterity]134,137[/quart][quart=Vitality,Agility]111,169[/quart][quart=Endurance,Intelligence]91,88[/quart][quart=Luck,Wisdom]20,102[/quart]

My mana is higher than my HP but it’s still not enough. I can only increase my wisdom and intelligence stat when I level up and can’t increase them by training my body like my physical stats.

I opened the skill window and look at the ones with large mana cost.

Lightning blade (Intermediate) lv. 5

Imbues swords with lightning made from your mana

Lightning damage(medium+), chance to stun enemy(medium+)

Cost: 75 mana/sec

Lightning Bolt (Beginner) lv. 9

A spell all mages focusing on the element of lightning use. It is releases a bolt of lightning that targets what the user aims for with high speed and precision

Lightning damage (medium), knock back (very small)

Cost: 210 mana

Lightning discharge (Intermediate) lv. 5

Able to produce lightning from various body parts according to players will. Direct contact will also affect user.

With strong will, the emotions of the user will now affect the nature of the lightning created

Mana cost depending on shape and size

These 3 are the most useful combat skills I have but their mana cost are also the highest. Especially lightning blade. Even with full mana using it nonstop would just last a little over one minute! This forces me to use it when I attack only and deactivate when I defend.....

In the middle of battle that was really a burden on my concentration.

Well, I guess if the costs were low that would break the game balance...


“Haruki......” I saw Beth crying calling out to me

“Beth!” I called out “Wait!!” I reached out my hand as she faded away

Confused I look around my surrounding and find Riley looking down on me.

“I thought we were both you’re friends, Haruki....”

“No! I tried.....”

Suddenly the scenery changed again, I saw myself standing over a man torturing with a smile on my face. Sylva stood there watching as her eyes that were filled with terror reflected my figure.

“You couldn’t protect anyone again, Nii-san.”

I turned around as my face turned white


“You couldn’t help your parents. You couldn’t help MY parents. You couldn’t help me. You couldn’t help a small child. You even murdered someone.” She looked at me with disgust

My view grew hazy as I tried running up to Hime....

“WAIIIT!” I yelled out, with my hand in the air. I noticed Sylva beside me looking worried

I sat up and wiped the sweat that was pouring out of my face. A dream.

I guess I can’t just get over it in just a couple of days....

Even though Sylva helped me carry the burden ultimately it was still mine to bear.

“Nightmare?” She asked

“Uh-huh.” I grabbed a canteen and gulped water down my throat

“It’s okay, Haruki.” She smiled and patted my head lightening my mood

“Heh, I’m not a kid you know?” I smiled back at her

“I’m still older than you. I’ll just treat you like my little brother.”

“Haha, that’s fine I guess.” I slowly stood up

“Good, let’s eat and get going. We’re nearly there.”

Sylva and I headed down the road and after a few hours the city’s stone wall came into view. The walls stood tall with a dull grey color protecting the city from any attacks. The city was only a little bigger then Rygar but it and Roden were the biggest towns in this area.

I entered the gates after asking the gatekeeper about the city layout and asked around players for the best blacksmith in town.

Finding the place was easy as it was bear the gates we just came from. I told him about the wakizashi and handed him the materials for it. The blacksmith said it should be done in 4 days so we headed back.

“Haruki, I think that we should visit a magic artifact shop.”

“Sure, you looking for a new staff?”

“Yes, I have enough gold for one with a better crystal in it.”

“Okay, let’s go!”

We searched around for the shop and finally found one in some deserted back alley.

“This neighborhood won’t attract customers if I had to say something about it....”

Paying no attention to my sarcastic observation Sylva just entered as I followed her in. Inside tons of weird looking items were on display. There were magic staffs, rocks that had a faint glow, old books, furniture, even a few weird sculptures. It was like a junk shop here!

“Sylva, you sure you don’t want to check someplace else?” I asked looking suspiciously at the merchandise

“No, here is fine.” She started browsing the staffs on display as the shopkeeper stared at us

After looking around, Sylva went up to the counter.

“Let me see a staff with the best crystal you have.” She told the old lady that was eyeballing us

“Then pick one from those.” She pointed at the staff rack

“Those crystals are all junk. They’re transparent and hardly have any color

It seems the more color a crystal has the better its quality....

Looking straight at Sylva, the lady just said

“It won’t be cheap.” Hearing this Sylva just nodded as the shopkeeper went to the back

When she came back she was carrying a staff wrapped in silk and handed it to Sylva.

As she unwrapped it a smooth white staff as if it were made from marble was there, At the top of it there was a sharp metal triangle made from white steel giving it similar look as a spear. The middle of the steel triangle was hollow and held a blood red crystal similar to a ruby stone the size of my fist.

“How much?”

As Sylva asked i took a closer look at the white staff.

Gambanteinn (Unique)

A staff made from the finest wood in all realms. The crystal embedded is said to have been stolen from the treasury of the goddess of greed.

+50 Intelligence

+50 Wisdom

-12% casting time

+40% fire damage

“It’s 120 gold.”

“I’ll take it.” Sylva said as she emptied her coin purse

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