《I'm Just a Nameless Side Character in a Vampire Romance Novel》Chapter 27 - Training Begins


Heinrick sent me a spare squire’s uniform to use for our training today. I put it on immediately. It was so refreshing to wear pants again. Even though the fabric was uncomfortable, and the pants weren’t designed for my shape, I was happy. When it came time to put on my shirt I was faced with my next wardrobe problem. Thus far I hadn’t seen anything akin to a modern day bra here and it would be impossible to train in a corset. Instead, I instructed Maybella to bind my breasts. She had to tie it three times before I was happy with the fit. Afterwards, she expertly tied my hair in a bun, interspersing it with tiny sapphire beads that matched well with the blue uniform. Even for something as simple as training, I had to look my best it seemed.

Heinrick met me outside the knights’ barracks. It was easy enough to ignore the glances his men stole when they thought I wouldn’t see. It was harder to ignore the death glares and killing miasma Heinrick was putting off every time he noticed them look… And he noticed every single time.

“So, your highness, what training have you received in the past?” Whenever he turned to me his entire aura would shift and a carefree smile would reappear on his face. The changes were giving me whiplash.

“This would be my first time actually.” He gave me an incredulous look, “At least I haven’t learned any bad habits yet eh?” That drew out a chuckle.

“That is true. You’re like fresh clay for me then.” While he said this, he still sounded reluctant. This was a man who trains and leads armies. Some of the greatest adventurers and knights came from his mentorship, and here he was forced to train a tiny girl like me. In his eyes I must be the biggest burden. Sucks for him.

We quickly arrived at the training field. He cut through it, aiming for a more secluded spot. “Sir Heinrick. I do want you to know, I wasn’t joking when I said I intended to learn how to actually fight.”

“I know. I’ve heard about the interesting goal you have in mind Madam.” His voice still held doubt. It seemed the only way to win him over was to show him. We stopped at the edge of the training grounds. All the way around the field was a trail the knights used to keep in shape. “Your first task is to gain some muscle. Every day, and I mean every day, you will run three laps. I donna want to see you resting either.” At odd times he’d regress into an accent from his homeland. Like while he was being stern.

“Understood.” I stood at attention and gave him a salute. He glared back at me.

“And none of that sass either. While I am your mentor, you’ll be referring to me as Master or Sir. You’re nothing but a squire while you’re here, understood?” Now that class had begun, his entire demeanour towards me changed. Unlike before when he’d referred to me with respectful pronouns in this language, now he referred to me as if I were his underline. His eyes became sharp, and his aura was like that of a commander.

“Understood sir.” I grew serious as well. He wasn’t doing this for himself after all. This was all for me and I intended to make the most of it.


“Afterwards, I want to see you do two sets of five sets of push ups, then a set of ten, and finally finishing off with two sets of five again. like so,” He dropped to the ground quickly assuming perfect form while he pushed himself off the ground, keeping his elbows in and his back and knees perfectly straight.

I kneeled, assuming the same form Heinrick did. Thankfully, I had at least learned how to properly exercise in my world to. It was just teaching this body to match what the mind knew. After two push-ups my arms begun to shake.

“Next, squats.” He quickly changed positions and I scrambled to keep up. “Like so. Same amount of sets. Do you remember?”

“Two sets of five, one of ten, two of five again.” My thighs were already burning from four squats. I had a feeling getting into shape was going to kill me.

“Good. At least your brain is working.” He muttered. “This will be your training regimen going forward, until I say you are ready to start with the basics.” His eyes were full of doubt, but at the very least he had the courtesy to push me seriously.


“We meet every day before breakfast. Seven am on the dot.” Ugh. Even in this body I wasn’t a morning person. Inwardly I cringed.

“Understood sir.” I had no plans to let me defeat myself.

By the end of the day my arms felt like liquid puddles and walking hurt. My lungs burned with every breath and sweat was beading down my entire body. Heinrick joked that he could get a palanquin to carry me back to my rooms and I briefly considered taking him up on the offer. Back at my room, I took a big breakfast with lots of juice. The bath was what really saved me. What ever oils Misa and Maybella were putting in it were working wonders on my fatigue. Afterwards, it the array of instructors Alphonse had arranged for me seemed actually manageable.

The next day I met him at seven am. He lead us around the course and killed any knight who dared look with his glare. One lap had completely winded me. I keeled over wheezing and he let me recover, but only after completing a lap. For the next two he’d bark at me the entire way if I dared slow down. He was kind enough to carry water for me at least. Water was life. By the time I’d completed all the sets I couldn’t move. The next day he couldn’t hide the surprise in his face to see me return to his torture training.

After training each day was breakfast, the magical bath, then afternoon classes with various teachers Alphonse had procured. Each were reputable experts in their respective fields, from political theory to history to languages. He even got me an ex adventurer to teach me the ways of the world, the contracts I’d face. He also promised to eventually teach me about the potential beasts I’d run up against. Lunch marked the end of my work for the day thankfully. The rest was left purely to my own devices.

After the third day of Heinrick’s gruelling training regimen he relented. “Take a break for the next two days. We’ve sufficiently given your body a kick in the arse, now its time to let you heal. I’m going to be changing the food they feed you to help you build muscle.” I nodded. He gave me a wary stare trying to read me. “You’re an odd one Jasmine.” While we were training, he would drop my title as well. I preferred it honestly.


“How so?” I panted between every word and was currently looking up at him from the ground.

“Honestly, I thought you would’ve given up by now.”

“I can tell that was your intention.” I smiled at him. He didn’t try to hide it.

“I’ve never met a Rose that was ok with anyone simply changing their meal on them.” Hmm. He seemed to be suspecting me.

“You know… I said I haven’t trained before but that doesn’t mean I didn’t know what I was getting myself into.” He offered me his hand, dragging me back to my feet. My legs shook.

“I’ll see you here in two days.” I couldn’t tell what he was thinking while we returned to the barracks. From here Heinrick would continue to train with the rest of the knights while I’d return to the Palace. Today though, I was off to meet with Michael instead.

“Ahh, Miss Jasmine.” Michael smiled as I entered his study. I’d been living in his tower for five days now, but he still wouldn’t call me without the title. His kind smile was still a refreshing sight to see after this morning’s torture. “Come, sit. I’ve asked Misa to bring us breakfast today.” A chair appeared for me beside his desk.

“Thank you. How’s the research been going?” His smile faltered for a moment. Unlike Eclis, Michael wasn’t good at hiding his emotions. It was something I liked about him. His mess of curly silver hair was particularly rambunctious today. “Have you been sleeping properly by the way?” Surprise crossed his face.

“Oh, yes. No need to worry about me Miss.” He sighed and scratched his head, adding to the mess, “I’ve… I’m still looking into every option we have available Miss. The good news is your condition has stabilized naturally, so long as you don’t use magic things should be fine for now.”

“If I can’t end up using magic, then can I use English-“ He flinched at my use of the word, “I mean the Elder language instead?” His eyes grew dead serious.

“No. I will solve your mana problem Miss. While I am working on it I do expect you to hold up your end of the bargain.”

“I understand why it wouldn’t be intelligent for me to use it in front of other people, but do you mean I can’t ever use it again?” The prospect of being able to talk to someone in my own language was really tempting. He considered me for a moment before answering.

“I understand that for you it is just a language, but here it is far more than that. It holds the power to create unbreakable contracts, to change the workings of magic around you. It is far more than a simple means to communicate and should be treated with respect. Once you’re properly trained, you’ll be able to harness it. Until then you can cause significant damage by speaking it haphazardly.” Reluctantly I agreed.

“I do have at least one solution. At the moment your soul is cycling mana through your body while you sleep. That means that it at least has been accepting of it. The problem is… How do I put this.” He scratched his head in thought. “I would describe your current condition as that of a child’s. You have the amount of mana that would have naturally developed with the aging of your new body, but your soul has not had the time to learn and adjust to how to use it. You haven’t developed the mana networks within your body so you’re capable of casting spells, but not capable of controlling it.”

“If that’s the case, is there even a way to speed up that development?” His face grew grim. At that same moment Misa entered the room carrying two trays.

“Hello your highness and Sir Mage.” She gave us both a bright smile. It rekindled my own smile I hadn’t noticed I’d lost.

“Good morning Misa.” She set down both our plates. When she revealed them two very different meals were set. Mine was full of meat and veggies in bigger portions that I was used too.

“I hope this is fine miss. Sir Heinrick said you’d approved him changing your meals going forward.”

“I didn’t expect him to act upon it so fast, but yes. It’ll help me gain strength.” She still looked worried, but nodded leaving us again to our conversation.

“Will you be able to eat all that?” Michael sounded dubious.

“Probably not but I’ll try.” At least it tasted amazing.

“To answer your question, yes. There is a way to speed up your development. It isn’t something I’d like for you to experience though so I’ve been researching other possible solutions first.” My eyebrows knit together.

“Why not? What is it?”

“Have you ever heard of an awakening?” Oh. I cringed.

“I hope you find another way.” The only time an awakening was mentioned in the novel was when Eclis needed to gain strength to survive the upcoming battle with Tyrra. It was a gruelling process, even for someone like him. While the exact procedure wasn't described, it included a mind breaking level of pain and would fail if your will to proceed faltered. Something only the elites of this world would attempt.

“I’ll continue searching Miss.” He continued to pour over his tomes while we ate.

“If you become my teacher, will you still call me Miss?” He always had a hard time looking me in the eye when I laughed or cried and a part of me felt like teasing him just to see it.

“When I become your teacher, yes I will still call you Miss.” I pouted.

“Well that’s not good. Sir Heinrick has me calling him Master while we train.” He choked on his tea.

“Sir Heinrick is crass.” My laugh made him glance away.

“Will you call me Jasmine when the time comes then? It’s only proper between a teacher and student after all.” He cleared his throat taking great pains to read the same passage in the tome in front of him.

“We’ll discuss it when the time comes.”

“Then I can’t wait.” This was really fun.

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