《I'm Just a Nameless Side Character in a Vampire Romance Novel》Chapter 26 - Avoiding the inevitable


The next morning, I woke up alone in the room. Even at the palace I hadn’t gotten used to waking up in that room, so it was a familiar feeling of vertigo while I remembered where I was. Michael had been kind enough to allow Misa and Maybella access to his tower while I stayed, so shortly after I awoke, they helped dress me. Downstairs I was greeted with the sight of two handsome men waiting at dining table. It looked like it had been placed here for the very occasion.

“Good morning Miss Jasmine!” Michael’s kind smile lit up the room.

“Sleep well Jazz?” Eclis’ was like a seductive black hole that drew all the attention to it.

“Yes, its an even better morning with you two here. What’s the occasion?” My smile was lighthearted.

“Unfortunately, its not for an easy topic. Sit, sit.” Michael gestured at the chair across from him. To our left, Eclis sat at the head of the table. The moment I sat Misa began serving us breakfast. It was a wonderful fruit salad cut into little flowers atop a bed of porridge and cream.

“Let me guess then. Something to do with the imperial family?” The way the atmosphere changed; I knew I was correct.

“It’s better if we prepare for what is to come Jazz. The imperial family already has an active interest in you.” Even though it was a topic I knew was a pain in Eclis’ side, he spoke confidently.

“So, I’ve heard. From what I’ve read they made sure to contract the crown prince to Julia in the novel. Do you think that’ll be the case with me too?”

“Yes. Their intentions will be the same, it doesn’t matter the rose they capture.” The way Eclis put it, it sounded like I was being hunted.

“But as ever Miss, you’ll always have the ability to refuse contracts with any nobility, including the crown prince if you wish, so do not worry.” Michael interjected with a smile.

“Never let anyone force you Jazz. If they try, just know that I will kill them for you.” Eclis was typically bad at making me feel better, but it still made me smile. I was no longer concerned about being forced into contracts, rather I was concerned with how serious Eclis was when he said he’d kill people for me.

“Wait. Does that mean you won’t force me to contract with anyone if I don’t want to?” That was unheard of for a Rose.

“No. I wont force you.” For a moment I was confused until I remembered I wasn’t staying here anyways. Why form a contract with a Rose on a time limit?

A sly smile crept across my face. “What if I want to contract with someone then.” He glanced at me and a spark of amusement entered his eye.

“Try it.” There was a storm in his eyes that drew me in for a moment.

While we spoke, Michael dismissed Misa and Maybella. He waited until he knew they’d left the tower before speaking again, “The real problem isn’t the crown prince but the other fact…” He hedged me to speak. It took me a moment to realize what he was hinting at.


“Oh, right. Yeah.” I turned back to Eclis, “I can speak the elder language.”

“I know.” My eyes narrowed.

“What do you mean you know?”

“You spoke it at the inn back in Eridia.” He had a lazy look in his eyes that drew my in. Wait. I did?

“You mean when I was alone?”

“Vampires have far better hearing than humans Miss. If you do not wish for them to know something, you should never speak it aloud. You never know who might be listening.” I looked between the two of them, miffed. There was a good reason why the entire palace was sound proofed after all.

“I will try to remember that the next time I decide to talk to myself.”

“That would be wise.” Michael answered my comment so seriously that it made me laugh. His face flushed and he broke eye contact.

“So, how will we deal with that anyways. From what I understand, I can’t lie directly to the imperial family even if they’ve never tasted my blood right?” Eclis nodded.

“The trick is to deflect and misdirect instead.” Eclis’ face grew serious, “Though if you try this on me, I will find out.” There was a hidden edge to his voice warning me that I wouldn’t want to know what he’d do if I did this.

“I know I know. We’re a team anyways so honesty, always.” I crossed my heart. A gesture that was lost on the both of them.

“Miss, what will you say if I ask you, ‘Can you speak the elder language?’”

It took me a moment to consider, “I can speak common and abyssal.” Both were true, and I never specified that I couldn’t speak the elder language. Michael approved.

“Too slow. They’ll be looking for tricks like this Jazz. Again. How did you come to be my Rose?” I blurted the first thing that came to mind.

“The contract was made and sealed before I had any chance to react.” Did that work? Michael nodded his approval.

“Good good, stick to those answers.” Michael sounded pleased, “Though I doubt anyone will ask you if you can speak the Elder language, its good to be prepared.”

“And don’t say anything I don’t want anyone else overhearing.” I added. Eclis nodded.

“Then on to the next problem.” Michael clapped his hands, a magic circle appearing between me and him. It spun on its side glowing a bright blue.

“There’s another problem?” I was already stressed with the verbal gymnastics I would have to do.

“The crown prince has been known to be a bit… Forceful when it comes to his interests. I’m going to measure your aptitude with resisting psychic abilities.” With a push of his hand, Michael’s circle expanded outwards until it was large enough that I fit through the center. As it passed around me that familiar humming feeling in my body returned, similar to the machine we used yesterday. He smiled wide.

“Good news?” The uncertainty in my voice was palpable.

“Yes actually. You’re completely immune to mind control.”


“Not completely.” My voice was flat while I recalled the feeling that washed over me when Eclis captured me in his gaze. “Eclis can mind control me. Unless the glowy eye thingy is different from mind control.”

Michael laughed, “No the ‘glowy eyed thing’ is what I am referring to Miss. While you are immune, being in love with someone will negate that effect so I’m not surprised to hear that.” My face froze.

“What other reason could negate my immunity?” Michael answered, not noticing my change in demeanor.

“Fortunately, nothing Miss! The only thing that can get past it is if you’re in love with someone.” He gave me a big innocent smile. Beside him Eclis snickered. “What’s wrong Miss?”

“Ah, nothing.” It was my turn to blush. “There must be something else though.”

“Don’t worry miss, there isn’t. I would know, I did a thesis on the psychic powers of vampires and how resistance occurs and to what extent it works.” My face drained and I avoided all eye contact with Eclis. Let’s change the subject.

“Anyways, with my mana problems, would it be ok to begin training with sir Heinrick?” Eclis struggled to hold back his laughter. Michael’s eyes widened seeing him smile.

“Uh.. Yes, it shouldn’t be…” He glanced between me and Eclis wondering what he was missing. “It shouldn’t be a problem at all Miss.”

“Thank god.” I pointedly ignored Eclis while we discussed what limitations Michael recommended on my training schedule. Eventually, he agreed to visit Heinrick with me.

I’d been staying at Michaels tower for two days by the time I’d decided to reschedule tea with Richard. As I had instructed, Alphonse had set the table with herbal tea, sweet cakes, and candies. In front of me Richard sat with a worried smile. He’d likely inferred that I was ill given the situation.

“I’m relieved to see you well today your highness.” Richard was always dressed well. Unlike Heinrick who dressed in clothes that allowed him to always be ready for a fight, Richard’s taste was more suitable for balls and parties. He wore a style similar to one of the designers I had recently met with, one that had too many questions for someone of his stature. The colours he chose were always deep berries accented with glimmering threading and gems. Likely exactly the style popular in the Empire right now.

“Yes, it’s been a hard time for me adjusting here but my condition has improved today.” I gave him a cordial smile. My purpose here was to buy time before the palace summoned me.

“I’ve always found fresh air and good tea works wonders on a roses’ condition.” He smiled again. It had almost sounded like he’d talked about me as if I were a pet rather than a person.

“Yes, Michael had a similar thought as well. Is the ball nearing soon?” It had been… Five days since we’d discussed the ball by now and he had said a week.

“No, actually. Shortly after they announced the victory at High Castle another scuffle occurred in the shimmering isles. The crown prince’s return it seems has been delayed.” He didn’t sound remorseful about the fact at all. It was oddly convenient that the prince’s ball was being pushed back.

“Ah, that is unfortunate. I hope he is able to return home victorious soon.” It wasn’t a lie. No one should have to be away so long fighting.

“I’m positive he will soon.” Richard changed the subject easily, “Have you given thought of who you’d like your ladies in waiting to be? The Dumont house has quite a few connections, myself in particular.” He smiled, “I can recommend a few reputable candidates if you’re interested.”

“Thank you, Sir Richard, but I think I’d rather keep the positions vacant for now. Why not use it as a way to build new connections?” I didn’t expect him to look pleased with the idea.

“Yes, yes. That is a rather clever idea your highness. I’m starting to see why Eclis has given you so much freedom.”

“Oh? Is that so?”

“Yes. It is normal to use your Rose to build connections, but Eclis has been reluctant to do so.”

“It must be because I haven’t been well. Michael has been working day and night to get a hold of my condition.” My body swayed a little with the breeze. Nothing I said was an out right lie, though I was taking great pains to embellish it.

“Yes, it is a blessing that your condition is improving. Has Michael mentioned to you when you might be able to join everyone at the palace? I’m sure you’re itching to rejoin society.” He’d finally cut to the chase.

“It will potentially be several more weeks at this rate.” I sighed, feigning boredom. “In the meantime, I’ll be exercising among other things in an attempt to improve things.”

“Exercising? Is it that serious?” For noble ladies, exercise was never done unless doctors forced it, typically in cases of obesity, infertility and for ‘mania’. For me to exercise meant whatever it was, it was serious. In reality, it was just the beginning of my training with Heinrick.

“Yes. Did anyone tell you I was captured to be sold as a slave? They hit me really hard on the back of my head and I was unconscious for quite some time. It could be related.” It wasn’t of course, but it was a plausible enough reason the imperial family would buy. Vampires had a very skewed opinion on the hardiness of other races. Especially humans.

“I hadn’t heard. It must have been a horrible experience for you.” He smiled. We continued to talk for another hour. Normally I shied away from small talk, but Richard was genuinely good at it. He did have a thousand years to perfect the art. He left me smiling. While he had a low opinion on roses, he was still entertaining to talk to in the end. How unfortunate. It would be easier if he were just completely hateable.

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