《Evo-Gaming》Chapter 11


Chapter 11


“Quadra kill”

“Penta kill”

“Player is on a killing spree”

Okay, I won't bore you with details of those encounters. Safe to say, I'm currently the biggest fish in the sea. At least, as it comes to single cell organisms.

It's been a week and I've scored 3 more kills to my name. Energy levels at 560 and I've begun my research into small energy generators.


/Small energy generators - 10%


3 enemies also mean that I'm richer by 3 biomass. I'm obviously saving those up, you never know how much will the big things cost.

I had to change my direction several times already as I seem to reach the edge of the playable map. Currently, I'm starting to think that this really is a pond. While that does mean it limits the size of any possible boss spawn, it also limits my growth potential. I hope I get to land before I run out of things to consume.

-3 days later-

Research completed on small energy generators, or as I like to call them - Mitochondria v2.0. I also managed to catch a shiny Mewtwo. Okay, it was another cell, but I can always dream!

At this point, I ran out of R&D options. Well, I still have cell division, but that's a long energy grind ahead of me. I do have a way around the grind. At least I think I do.

Upgrading energy reactor!

It asks for 1 biomass to upgrade all the existing ones. Oh well, I'm rich enough.



/System warning:

-Player has overreached current energy cap!

-Energy core meltdown initiated!


Oh shit, that can't be good.

“Core meltdown stop?”

I just felt a part of me liquify. Fuck my life. I don't want to die now.


“Core meltdown inactivate, pretty please with sugar on top?”

It's still happening. More parts stop responding and become soup.

“Hey, if you don't stop it now, I'm writing a strongly worded complain on twitter! See how you like that PR disaster!”

After a while, it did stop. I'm kind of ashamed for worrying so much.

It seems the energy cap is at 1000 and once you reach over it. It melts down some energy sources to compensate. If I counted correctly, I'm sitting at 25 mitochondria v2.0 and each gives 40 energy.

I even managed to collect the melted down parts, as true the norm, my body was pushing them outside. This time, I was ready and increased the inventory cover to 100%.

I got so much power now. You could even say that I have - “Unlimited powaaaah”

Cell division research is on its way.

“Sleep for 1 week”

It didn't work, but it was worth the try.

Back to hunting, I go.

-Week of singing only Beatle songs later-

It's finally happening - I'm going to be a father. Mom will be so happy to have grandkids. I wish I could introduce my wife to her, but sadly, she doesn't exist.

That's right, boys and girls, I'm ready to reproduce! Pay attention or you might miss the kinky details.

The research on cell division is done. I’ve unlocked all the R&D options. I didn't get any system prize for it, but we can't have all our dreams come true.

Cell division straight up costs 3 biomass. It's a government propagated inflation, I tell you! Brothers, grab your tinfoil caps and join the resistance! You can only get a single biomass from killing a cell (excluding basic stuff enough for 2 mitochondria). I currently have 5 biomass though, so I can afford it.


“Alright, open crafting!”


-Currently available mods:

Mitochondrion v2.0 Small movement spirals Basic mutation chamber Primitive sensory systems Advanced cell membrane Basic inner cellular defence Toxin production Luminosity Solar energy capabilities Extracellular transport system Cell division


“Cell division start!”



In a single voice they call:

“Fear us, for we are many.”

“Fear us, for we are many.”


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