《Evo-Gaming》Chapter 5


Chapter 5

“We're all living in a yellow submarine, yellow submarine, yell..”

Oh, I’ve finally reached the bottom. How? Yes, yes Kevin I’m getting to that part. I noticed a huge increase in my SiO2 compounds. That being said, I found another use for the crafting system. I can actually split and combine elements to create compounds, based on what I remember from school chemistry class. Which is summarised as barely anything, and nothing useful. That being said, am I even carbon-based lifeform? I might be right now. I currently see no new elements, and yes, I checked the spoils from my last life and death situation. I did get quite a nice amount of proteins, carbohydrate and lipids. What kinds of? Dunno. As I said, my knowledge ends at pointing out that it is some kind of protein.

Well, I did get a great surprised tho. It seems I just collected, one of the most evasive things on the basic mutation chamber list - biomass. No clue what it is though, it doesn't allow me to split it into base components. Anyway, it’s time to get this party started!

“Open crafting”


-Currently available mods:

Mitochondrion (*new upgrade using acquired schematics) Miniature movement spirals Basic mutation chamber


Whelp, there goes two weeks’ worth of stuff and most of my prize for the fight I barely noticed.


-System message:

Congratulations to the player for stepping in the big stage! You have unlocked the research and development (R&D) system As part of our everlasting customer support for players actively trying to play you been granted a free gacha machine (1-use) To improve player performance, we have decided to release some player statistics: Players dead from suicide - 50% Players not displaying any cognition after first 3 weeks of playtesting - 25% Players dead from other sources - 15% Good luck to the rest, you are doing great!



Okaaay… Not even going to comment on the last part.

“Open R&D”


-Available blueprints:

Small energy generator Cell division Primitive sensory systems Advanced cell membrane Basic inner cellular defence Toxin production Luminosity Solar energy capabilities Extracellular transport system Small movement spirals


You have no idea how fast I selected primitive sensory systems. You just don’t. All you bloody min-maxers can go take a dive in my shoes and spend 5 weeks in total complete silence with only your mind as the company. Even Kevin is going nuts at this point. I think I'm the only reason he is holding on to sanity. So even if going something else would be better/safer/cooler. I DO NOT CARE!


You don't have enough energy



How much do I need then? Oh, it’s actually written here. The total energy required for starting research 200, thus I need 2 more mitochondria. I can do that now, as this ground swallowing strategy, I have going on, is quite profitable.


Let’s try this again. Primitive sensory systems - BUY!


-Primitive sensory systems research - 1% done


It has wait time… Obviously, how did I not see this before? This whole game was a way to let you discover the value of patience. I have seen the light Oh Lord! You have blessed me with your almighty wisdom! Now that, I, your faithful servant, have understood this ultimate truth, can you, you know… HURRY THE FUCK UP?


-Primitive sensory systems research -2% done


I’m so 100% done with this bullshit. Now, where is my gacha machine?

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