《PKKer》Chapter 6 - Faux Redemption
The cottage was filled with a tense silence, Aiz and Marcus sitting across from each other at the table. Rei remained on the bed behind Marcus, wringing her hands as she watched them with bated breath.
“How did you find me?”
Marcus wasted no time, cutting straight to what concerned him the most.
“Trade secret,” Aiz said, tapping his forehead. “What matters is that I did find you.”
“I’m assuming you didn’t come for a chat, did you?”
“Mm, yeah, I guess not.”
Marcus kept his eyes trained on Aiz, waiting for even the smallest indication of an attack. However, the sound of Rei’s ragged breathing broke his concentration.
‘Damn. She must be terrified.’
He reached backward with one of his hands, letting her take hold of it for comfort.
“Y’know, she totally had your back when I was talking to her. Kinda surprised me, and it really got me wondering. Just how did someone like you become the model husband?”
“I changed.”
“Well isn’t that convenient. What, did you wake up one day and realized you’d been a bad boy?”
Marcus opened his mouth, but no words came out. Beneath the mocking facade, what Aiz had said was the truth, and deep down he knew that. There were no heroics involved in what he’d done, just fear. He had been scared of what his old guild had become—what he was becoming—and had opted to leave it all behind for a fresh start.
“You’re right,” Marcus said with a forlorn smile, “that’s exactly what happened. It was so easy when I was still able to convince myself this was nothing more than a game. After I lost the ability to do that…”
“Ignorance is bliss, huh? It’s not a bad story you’ve put together, but is that all? That’s your best excuse?”
“No, it’s not an excuse. Words can’t fix the mistakes I’ve made.”
“What if I told you to just die then; what if that’s the only option I give you.”
“If you’d found me a few months ago, I probably would’ve let you kill me then and there. But, recently, I ended up realizing something.” As he spoke, Marcus’s grip on Rei’s hand tightened. “I don’t want to die. I want to continue living the life I now have.”
“Yeah? Why’s that?”
“I have too much to lose. I know it’s a selfish, greedy wish—but it’s also the truth.”
Aiz stared at him silently, then shifted his gaze to Rei. Seeing her fear-filled expression, he frowned.
“You know, if we fight, you’re gonna lose.”
“Only one way to find out.”
“What if I don’t give you time to turn your system back on?”
At that question, Marcus inhaled sharply.
“...What makes you so sure-”
“I was watching you yesterday,” Aiz cut in. “Saw you deactivate it myself. Not a bad idea if you’re trying to stay incognito, but it sure isn’t doing you any favors right now.”
Aiz snapped, and a sword appeared in his hand. It had a long, glowing red blade, with a black crossguard and hilt. There was nothing ornate about the weapon, but Marcus recognized it nonetheless; any Player would have.
“I go by Aiz now, but let’s hear you say it anyway—my ign.”
“Vapor Eyes Me.”
Aiz laughed. “Funny name, right? I swear, it never gets old!”
For Marcus, the situation was far from funny. He clenched his teeth, mind racing at this sudden revelation.
“He said you knew him,” Rei said. She could feel Marcus’s hand shaking and she didn’t know what to do; she’d never seen him scared before.
“There’s none of…us that don’t.” Marcus glared at Aiz. “You were ranked one in 1v1s back in VainQuest. Tons of people thought you were the best PvPer in the game.”
“That sounds about right, but you’re getting it a little wrong. I was always the best, and I still am.” Aiz smiled, pointing the tip of his blade at Marcus’s neck. Marcus exhaled sharply while Rei flinched. “So, system’s off and you’re up against me. What do you think your odds are now?”
“...No chance.”
Marcus’s voice was barely a whisper, his previous bravado nowhere to be seen.
“I’m glad you’re starting to understand.” Aiz tapped Marcus’s cheek with the flat edge of his blade. “The only reason we’re talking right now is because I chose to talk with you.”
Marcus gulped. “And why’s that?”
“You didn’t strike me as a PKer. All the ones I’ve run into are not too nice. None of them have treated NPCs,”—Aiz pointed his sword toward Rei—”like real people either, though, that’s not exclusively a PKer problem.”
“They’re not NPCs.”
“Wow, sounds like I struck a chord there. But, the fact that you even think that proves my point. If we’re only going off what I’ve seen while watching you here, you’re a real nice guy.”
“Because he is one!” Rei’s sudden outburst caught both Aiz and Marcus by surprise, with the latter turning to look at her. “It’s not an act or a trick, that’s just who he is!”
Marcus felt a pang in his heart. He was supposed to be the one protecting her, not the other way around.
“See, that’s true love if I’ve ever seen it. Really warms my heart.” Aiz lifted a finger to his eye and pretended to wipe away a tear. “Which is why I’m willing to offer you a special deal.”
“...What kind of deal?”
“Let’s just say that Theagenes did end up dying here today. That’s who I came here for, not some guy named Marcus.”
Rei’s and Marcus’s eyes widened at the same time. Neither of them had been expecting something like this.
“And what do you get out of this?”
“Jeez man, anyone ever tell you to not look a gift horse in the mouth? I’m after PKers, and you’re obviously not one anymore; simple as that.”
Marcus was dumbstruck.
‘One second this guy sounds like he’s about to kill me and the next thing I know he’s like this.’
“S-so, you’re really not going to hurt him?”
Rei’s quiet voice gained both of the men’s attention.
“I won’t.”
Hearing those words, Rei’s emotions finally got the better of her, and tears began streaming down her face.
“Thank you.”
“Just do me a favor,”—Aiz looked at Marcus once more—“don’t let me have to run into you again. If I do, we’re not having this talk a second time.”
“Is it really that simple? Don’t you need some kind of proof that you got me?”
“Proof?” Aiz laughed. “I don’t think you realize just how chaotic things are right now. The Council-”
“Wait, Council?
This was the first time Marcus had heard of a council.
‘The hell’s happened while I’ve been hiding?’
“That’s right! You’ve got no clue what the Council is, huh? I don’t got the time to tell you every little detail, but they’re basically a coalition of guilds who tried creating some order. Laws for Players, by Players—or so they say. They’re the whole reason I’m out here hunting PKers in the first place.”
“So they’re tracking down the PKers now…”
“Like I said, don’t worry. Some...issues have led to them suffering from a severe lack of manpower; I’m the only person they even sent all the way over here. Not to mention, nobody but me knows where you’re hiding.”
“If they need people so badly, why’d they send the best PvPer out on his own?”
“...Let’s just say that politics are messy over there, so here I am. Anyway, nothing you need to know about, seeing as you won’t be going back, right?”
“O-of course.”
With that, Aiz stood up.
“Well, no reason for me to hang around here any longer.” He made his way to the door, but then stopped. “Good luck, you two.”
“Thank you, Aiz,” Rei said, bowing her head.
Aiz didn’t turn around, instead opening the door and walking out into the dim light of dawn. As the door swung closed, Marcus felt a weight fall on his back. It was Rei, and before he could turn to face her, she had wrapped her arms around him. For a few minutes they remained like that, without speaking. Then, finally, Rei pulled him backward, causing the two to fall onto the bed next to each other.
“Rei… I’m so sorry…”
He tried to speak, but Rei simply shoved her face into his chest while shaking her head. Marcus embraced her and pulled Rei closer, unsure of how else to comfort her. As they lay there, he felt something damp against his chest.
‘She’s crying again.’
After everything they had just been through, Marcus couldn’t blame her. He could only imagine her fear and confusion, especially considering how little she had known about his past. Rei was smart, and Marcus was sure she had been able to piece together quite a bit from his and Aiz’s conversation alone.
‘She was alone with him before I got here, but he didn’t seem like the type of guy to just go revealing everything. I bet he left the bulk of the explanation for me.’
Rei’s voice brought him back to the present. He looked down, and saw her emerald eyes peering up at him through her bangs.
“I don’t care...about what you did. I just want to know…”
Her voice trailed off, so Marcus brought his hand to her hair and began to stroke it.
“What do you want to know?”
After another moment of hesitation, Rei spoke.
“Is what we have...real? Do you love me?”
Marcus’s heart skipped a beat at that question.
“I do! Please, believe me, I do! Do...do you think I’m just using you to hide?”
“...No, I don’t.” As she spoke, a smile spread across her face. “I just wanted to hear you say it.”
Marcus smiled back, then moved his head forward to kiss Rei on the forehead.
She giggled. “Stop, it tickles!”
Hearing her laugh made him more confident that she was okay, but a part of him still held doubts.
“Rei, do you really not want to know about everything? All this happened because I hid it from you.”
“Me knowing wouldn’t have stopped that man Aiz from finding you. I trust you, Marcus. I know that whatever you hid from me, you did it for a reason. I have...things...I want to tell you too, but not now. Let’s just rest and be happy we’re both still here.” Rei grabbed the hand stroking her hair and put it against her cheek. “Eventually, I want to know everything, because there’s nothing about you I don’t want to know.”
“Even all the bad stuff?”
“Especially all the bad stuff. Because after you tell me, you’ll see that my feelings for you won’t change.”
“Okay, when you’re ready, I will.”
After reaching an understanding, the two remained on the bed, finding comfort in each other’s embrace.
“Damn, why’d I have to hide the damn dragon so far away!”
Aiz was currently forcing his way through a particularly thick area of forest, well away from any human-made path—or path of any sort, for that matter. Unlike the native dragons of this world, his was a Player mount; one which he won as a special prize, though he had forgotten what for. It was, by far, the fastest method of travel he knew of, and he could return to Enfel in less than a week. That is, if and when he decided to return. For now, he still had things to take care of here.
“Nice work.”
A sudden voice cut through the quiet of the forest, causing Aiz to stop.
“Did it go like you wanted?” he asked, keeping his back to the voice.
“You’re funny Aizy,” the child-like voice said with a laugh. “It always goes how I want!”
“But,” the voice stopped him from continuing, “you could use some acting classes. You’ve really gotta sell it, y’know?. Imagine, coming face-to-face with a tragic couple engaged in a forbidden, passionate romance. You play the hardened killer, sent to tear them apart, but against all odds their love prevails! Their would-be executioner grants them amnesty and they go on to live happily ever after! Stories like that are worth dying for.”
Aiz frowned. “I wasn’t acting.”
“Oh, my sweet little Aizy! Don’t tell me you actually feel bad for them!?”
“What can I say. I’m only human.”
The voice sighed. “Yes, that is true. You can be so fickle about the strangest things. There was one time when-”
“So, what’s next,” Aiz asked, hoping to move their conversation along.
“You’re such a bad listener sometimes, but that’s okay, I forgive you. If you really want to know, all you have to do is say pretty please.”
Aiz clenched his teeth, but quickly relented.
“Pretty please.”
“With cherries on top?”
“Yes,” Aiz growled. “With cherries on top.”
“Hm, I was going to surprise you, but if you really want to know that bad… Marcus, I want him. I have a role just for him.”
“For the story?”
“But of course. He’ll make the perfect anti-hero. The former PKer on the run from his past; a broken man who found a new life and true love, only to have it all ripped away from him.”
“I thought you liked happy endings?”
“I do, I do—in moderation of course! But this is just too good of a chance to pass up! I’ve already arranged for some former associates of his to happen upon him, all by pure happenstance obviously.”
Aiz grimaced. “I really hate those bastards.”
“I know, but they serve a purpose, just as you do. Besides, if this all works out, Marcus will be hell-bent on revenge. Oh! Just imagining it is making me so excited!”
“And the girl, Rei?”
“All good things come with a price, Aizy. For Marcus to become what I want him to be, he has to lose that which he values most.”
“What if he doesn’t make it? There’s a very real chance they’ll kill him.”
“C’mon Aizy, what a dumb question. If that’s all it takes for him to kick the bucket, then he wasn’t up to the task in the first place. Either way, I get to enjoy the show.”
“Yeah,” Aiz sighed, and then turned around.
Other than trees, there was nothing behind him. After a second, he continued walking the way he had been going before.
“I guess you do.”
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