《The Gate of Shadows》Chapter 26: The Red Moon
When the clock ticked past the half-hour, I placed the ring on my finger. And wrapped the necklace around my wrist instead of my neck. It would have the same effect, and I did not want Fenris to see it in plain view. To hide it, I draped a bandage around it to secure it in place. Shade grew big enough to challenge a deer to a standoff too.
Once I was ready to go, I opened the window to let the night breeze in. It allowed me to glance up at the moon. It was almost halfway red. Getting ready, I closed my eyes and thought of what I wanted. I pictured it clearly. Then I made my second request to what we knew as the nether world. Extending my right hand towards the air, I tried to appeal to the realm that resonated within me.
"Nether world I beseech you. Take me to my beloved!" I commanded only for nothing to happen.
I never expected it to be easy, but time was running short. I stared at my hand, wondering what I was doing wrong. All the other times it responded to my potent emotions but never towards a direct plea. The nerves I had tried too hard to bury threatened to erupt. Time was running out.
"Try calling it by the name that man gave you. Maybe he was right." Shade encouraged me, placing her head on my extended hand.
How did he know more about that realm than anyone around me? Even though Shade was a resident of the realm, she simply had no memories of it. The only thing she could recall was that she had to protect me, no matter what happened.
Even back then, when I first met her, she told me the warning she gave to Ben. Someone else gave it to her. But that memory was inaccessible to her anymore, like many others. Meaning she did not know who had ordered her to do it. But she was sure of whoever it was. They lived within their homeworld.
"Use me too," Shade added another suggestion.
I sighed in response before taking a deep breath to calm my nerves yet again. All the other times, it never really responded to being called the nether realm, but to my emotions. Though if it responded to this name. It meant something was very wrong with the information they had led me to believe.
Preparing myself for whatever happened next, I closed my eyes. Shade's fur tickled my fingers.
"Soul Cairn, I beseech you! Take me to my beloved wolf!" I commanded once again.
A throbbing sensation coursed through my body this time around. Then a pulse of energy radiated out of me and towards the window ahead of us. Blue light swirled around, creating what looked like a portal, just like the one I had opened before when I wanted Fenris and me to be safe. Almost as by command, Shade picked me up on her back before she launched towards it.
For a moment, I thought we would crash through the glass that had shut because of the pulse, but instead of that, we went through something I found hard to explain. Light warped around us while we went into a free fall through a distortion point. It was not like the other time that I wanted a place to run away to. It was almost as if we were being guided towards what I desired.
Shade seemed to be unfazed by it all. I, on the other hand, held on to her for dear life. Shadows blazed past us before a hand reached out to me from the warped light. For a moment it reached my face, slightly touching it while we continued our free-fall through the space we were in. A whisper radiated in my mind from the moment it contacted me.
'My... Lilith...' It called out to me before I tried to shut it out.
This was not the time to have a whisper to convince me to do other things. However, instead of silence, it continued to call out to me lovingly.
'I have finally reached you.' The voice said.
I closed my eyes and buried myself into Shade's fur. It belonged to a man, but one I had never met before. Even though part of me wanted to investigate, time was not by my side. Also, I could not forget that the last mysterious man I met. Had left me with one of the most undesirable of experiences. Ignoring the whisper, I held onto Shade.
Before we knew it, we were surrounded by a forest. Familiar voices erupted from behind the bushes we had fallen by. Luckily, we were unnoticed by the two who sat in the clearing. Taking the opportunity when Shade shrunk back to her usual size, I tried to peer through the bush to see who it belonged to. One voice I knew very well, but much to my surprise the other one belonged to Liam, who was still with Fenris in a forest clearing.
The rising moon was in plain view as well. Much to my astonishment, it had yet to turn red. I wondered if I had seen an illusion when I opened the window back in the room. However, my mind was captivated by Fenris, who I had not seen in three days. He seemed on edge, vulnerable, and almost breakable. A side I had never seen him express so openly as he did with Liam.
"Are you nervous?" Liam asked his friend.
Fenris sighed, not wanting to answer that question. Instead, something else laid in his mind.
"Liam," Fenris called out to his best friend.
His words caused the brown-haired wolf to grab onto Fenris's shoulder to comfort him. His voice was one of a troubled man.
"What is it?" Liam wondered why Fenris sounded so serious.
"If something happens to me, promise me you will protect her," Fenris said, voice quivering a bit.
The moment those words left him; my heart sunk faster than any anchor would. Nothing could happen to him.
'Nothing... Nothing... Nothing...' Whispers invaded my mind.
My emotions became somewhat unstable the moment those words reached me. This conversation was not healthy for me. Shade placed her paw on my hand to soothe me.
'Lily... Relax. He is just worried.' Shade tried to calm me.
Liam seemed to be surprised by his request.
"What are you talking about, Fen? You will be fine. Lilith cannot live without you, you know that." Liam reassured Fenris that he would make it through.
In his eyes, everything would be just fine. After all, the fate of the world depended on him coming back to me. However, my wolf did not seem to be so sure. What he was about to say... would shock me.
"But what if I lose my mind? And become like the wolf from that legend?" Fenris voiced his worries.
It left me in disbelief at what he had said. He could not possibly mean...
‘No... He knows about... How...’
He never mentioned a thing to me, even when he said he would tell me everything!
'Why did he not say anything to me?! Why keep me in the dark!?'
A throbbing sensation curved through my body while I tried to stay in control. It hurt.
"Come now, that is a tale the elders told you to get you scared back when you were younger. And even if it were true, you are stronger than him. I just know it." Liam tried to boost Fenris's confidence, but it seemed to fall on deaf ears.
‘A legend? A tale? No... It is real. That Lycan existed. Oh... by gods... Alijah is real.'
"Am I? How will I protect her if I become like that mad wolf? I will probably hurt her." Fenris continued to fret about whatever the future held.
In response, Liam sighed and shook his head in disbelief.
"Man, I am certain you will still be you when this night ends. You have something that crazy Lycan did not. After all, Lily is waiting for you. I am sure she cannot stop counting the minutes. No, the seconds there are left for you to come back to her." Liam pointed out.
His words caused Fenris to simper, happy about how faithful Liam was to him.
"You have so much confidence in me," Fenris chuckled a bit, glancing towards the moon.
It slowly turned red.
"Always." Liam smiled back at his friend, gazing towards his watch on his wrist.
"I can stay with you for a little longer. Seems we have just reached the half-hour mark." Liam informed Fenris, who closed his eyes and laid back on the ground.
What Liam had said was completely impossible. Yet... I knew he was not lying. The moon had been halfway red when I had left. And in the clock, it had been almost seven when the portal finally opened. Was I going crazy? Somehow the soul cairn dropped me at a different time than when I had left. How... was any of this possible? Normal witches could not use time magic... And I knew nothing of it. So how?
'Lilith, focus on what you have in front of us right now. We will figure out everything later. Just concentrate on the now!' Shade tried to keep me on track.
My thoughts were slowly becoming more chaotic. Nothing was making sense. This night was becoming too much. It was definitely more than I wanted to bite, and it was far from over.
"Ah... Thanks." Fenris mumbled, not too happy about spending the night alone.
"On brighter news. Will you tell her, you love her finally? After the festival ends, I mean." Liam asked to lighten the mood.
His words triggered Fenris to chuckle again.
"That will be the first thing I do after I ascend," Fenris affirmed.
I tried to not quell too deeply on what they were speaking about. My heart could not take it if I had.
"See, you have something to look forward to. After this stupid festival!" Liam yelled into the night.
Fenris laughed in response. It seemed the preparations had taken a toll on them both.
"Yeah... Though I understand why we must isolate from the general population. I lost control and attacked Lily two days ago. The moon is not even out yet. I do not want to imagine what I would do to her during it." Fenris confessed.
Liam shook his head.
"We can feel the moon long before it comes. It is a miracle how you control yourself so well during full moons. I usually have to chain myself to a big metal post personally." Liam chatted, trying to help his friend calm his nerves.
"I do not think a poll would hold me today," Fenris added, sitting back up, reaching to the moon.
"Still cannot believe you kept your relationship a secret for so long." Liam kept chattering.
It triggered Fenris to shrug. He never wanted it to be a secret, but...
"I could not risk anyone knowing." Fenris seemed apologetic towards Liam.
"Yeah man, I understand," Liam reassured.
He was not angry at Fenris for hiding it from him.
"What about Melody, are you not going to talk to her about Kira's lie?" Fenris changed the tune of the conversation.
Liam seemed to frown upon hearing her name.
"I tried. She ran away like I was a monster or something." Liam seemed saddened by the fact Melody avoided him.
Before Fenris could say anything to comfort his friend, Liam continued to speak.
"Plus, it will not matter if I do. Those old fools want me to marry her, even though I am not her child's father. She cannot lie they say." He added with a low growl.
I grabbed onto one branch of the bush to reline myself. It accidentally snapped. The sound was loud enough to catch their attention.
"What was that?" Fenris questioned, getting up from where they sat.
Liam scoured their surroundings from where he was. Unexpectedly Fenris walked towards where the sound originated, only for Liam to call him back.
"Forget it. It is probably a bunny or something." Liam dismissed the sound as fauna that normally roamed the woods next to Silverant.
Luckily for me, he seemed more interested in Fenris's emotional state than the physical dangers lurking. He was confident about the security for the event that included vampires. Taking Liam at his word, Fenris turned away from where I was. Even though I was safe, my heart pounded loudly.
They picked up where they had left off before I interrupted them.
"Hey... do not give up. Once I take the lead of the pack, I will change that stupid pure blood policy." Fenris announced, sitting next to him.
Liam smiled, scuffling his brown hair, feeling unsure about everything ahead of them.
"I know. Still, it will not be easy for us to happen. I mean... I am sure Mel likes you for one." Liam said, confirming my suspicions.
Fenris's eyes twitched, completely surprised by his friend’s assessment.
"What?!? No way. That girl only has eyes for you." Fenris reassured his friend.
Liam glanced off to the side.
"I hope..." The brown-haired wolf scuffled his hair again, standing up and glancing towards the moon.
It was halfway to being fully red.
"There are so many things to look forward to after this stupid moon and festival then," Liam added before he glanced down to Fenris, who seemed unhappy to see him getting ready to go.
"Freedom for one," Fenris mentioned with a soft smile on his lips.
Liam responded the same way.
"Yup. Know that I back you up no matter what." Liam said, reaching for the moon before turning away from Fenris.
"I know." Fenris acknowledged.
Liam walked away from the clearing and towards the forest. Much to my relief.
"I will come to get you in the morning. Don't do anything too embarrassing or too crazy." Liam teased.
Fenris seemed to get annoyed a bit by the meaning behind his words.
"Shut up," my wolf growled.
Liam laughed at his friend's reaction and continued to walk away. For a moment, though, Liam stopped and glanced towards where I was. The moment we locked eyes; my heart stopped. If he found me, it was over. I tried to control my heartbeat. Liam shrugged before continuing his way. He had left my body cold from the fear of being almost found out.
Even though he could not have seen me. The spell I had cast on the ring made sure of that. He was just too sharp to overlook or underestimate. If I had not done this preparation ahead of time, surely he would have seen me. However, a part of me wondered if he knew what was going to happen, which was impossible. Still, the way he had gazed towards me sent shivers down my spine.
The whole thing was probably a coincidence, though. The spell made me invisible to all eyes but Fenris's. I knew he could not have spotted me. Even so... my mind wanted to play games on me. All the information I had gained made everything even more concerning. It confirmed so many things and jumbled up others.
However, I would not have time to analyze anything since the moon was already halfway eclipsed. Fenris sat alone by the clearing, staring at the moon. I would not move while waiting for the barrier to be activated. It was necessary for me to know that Liam was far away from here. In case Fenris raised any alarms.
Just like Shade told me, I concentrated on the present than on the latter. After all, there were just too many things I did not understand. Time magic was something I thought only god artifacts held by royal Lycans and vampires could manage. Maybe the fabled witches, too. The soul cairn... what it was capable of was just one of the first things on my list to figure out.
Nothing that came by it should have surprised me, yet I never expected it to warp time too. It was slightly. But I wondered if that happened in the previous incident. I had no way to know anymore. Shaking the thoughts away, I turned towards Fenris, who seemed impatient. He paced back and forward, staring upward to the moon.
When the barrier went up, I took a final deep breath before deciding slowly to step out of my hiding place. Shade stayed behind in the bushes to give us space. Although she promised to stop Fenris if anything got out of hand. The moment I got close enough to him, he turned towards me. His expression turned into one of disbelief. He could not believe his amber eyes.
"Lilith?" Fenris called out to me, not believing what was right in front of him.
He thought I was an illusion cast by the moon on him. I had to be. There was no way I could be there. Especially after all the preparations that took place to keep him away from everyone.
"Fenris... I..." I tried to justify to him why I was here, but before I could get a single word out to explain myself.
He closed the gap between us and placed his hand on my cheek. The warmth that seeped from my cheek into his hand was enough to let him know I was real. He swiftly pulled away from me and took a few steps back. His expression was one of pure terror. Not one I thought I would ever see on him. It almost hurt.
"No... No... This cannot be real. You cannot be here!" Fenris panicked, trying to reach for his phone, only to find that it was not in his pocket.
He had left it back at the hut they were staying at for the festival. After all, he had not planned to use it until after the moon. He had said so in the last message he sent to Melody, which I had seen.
"Fenris, I..." I tried to reach out to him only for him to take more steps back.
He wanted nothing to do with me.
"Stay away!" Fenris screamed, his voice full of fear.
He was terrified of what was about to happen. And it was not because he feared what I could do, but what he would do to me.
"Fenris let me explain." I continued to pursue him.
He wanted none of it. For such a tough wolf, he seemed rather childish to me. Well, he was having somewhat of a meltdown. And it was my fault. Even so, I never feared him or what he could do to me. I knew how dangerous this was to my health. Articles about Lycans losing it and killing their friends and non-Lycan lovers were all over the news.
They had advised everyone that was not a wolf to stay away from the festival grounds. And to lock themselves up in their homes for the night. All the killing usually happened under the full moons, but a red moon was way more intoxicating to them.
"No. What you need to do is get away from me right this instant, Lilith," Fenris ordered.
I glanced up towards the moon. It would soon eclipse.
"I will not," I whispered, triggering him to get angrier than I had ever seen him.
"Fuck! What do you mean you will not?!? Lilith, this is serious!" Fenris continued to lash out.
I tried to not allow his words to hurt me. He just wanted to push me away. Something I could not afford. And he could not run away from me either. Not while we were both in this barrier. Eventually, once he lost his senses to the beast within, he would hunt me either way. So, he only hoped to make me run away, in whatever method I used to get in.
"I will not leave you. I am not scared." I simpered.
He could not believe my words. I was not making it easier on myself, either. If I somehow survived this night, the next morning his undying rage would not quell.
"No... I... can fucking hurt you, Lilith. Like really hurt you. Do you not understand, I will not be myself!" Fenris continued to argue.
I shrugged off his words.
"... You will not hurt me," I affirmed.
He could not fathom why I was staying. Why I was placing myself in such danger. He probably wondered but if I told him straight up. He would surely take away the stone before destroying it. It would make my efforts go in vain.
"Lilith, please, I am begging you. I do not know how you got here, but you need to leave now!" Fenris continued to push me away.
I stood firmly. My heart would not waver.
"No. I am not going anywhere." I said firmly, standing my ground.
He seemed to lose it. The moon was already influencing him, even though it had not fully eclipsed. His amber eyes were slowly turning red, just like Alijah's.
"Lilith, are you fucking serious? Are you willing to put the world to death because of your selfishness?" He tried to incite me into running away, but nothing he said would work.
I had already played every scenario that could have happened. Every word he would use to make me run. I never expected him to be happy to see me. Probably what I would do next would disgust him, yet I had no other choice.
To help Melody, I had to hurt Fenris. Taking a deep breath, I undid my robe, letting it fall onto the floor below. My action exposed my body to him.
"Fenris... eat me." I simpered at him.
I fully offered myself to him. In response, he seemed utterly appalled by what I had just done.
"No!" He yelled, trying to take another step back, but before he could try to run away in vain.
A throbbing sensation radiated his body, making him grab onto his head. The blood moon was finally on us.
"I am sorry." I apologized for causing any further distress.
He already seemed like he was in so much agony. In vain he would try to hold in the wild animal within him that threatened to rip me into shreds.
"Lilith... please... I... cannot... Control... my... for you!" Fenris declared in a snarl, grabbing hold of his chest.
I spread my arms, waiting for him to come to me. It was only a matter of time. I did not know if he would eat my flesh or find pleasure within me.
"It is okay. Let go." I reassured him that everything would be fine.
In a blink of an eye, I was on the floor pinned by him as his transformation began. It was so fast that I barely felt the blow from the floor on my back. Fenris growled, holding me down. I willingly spread my legs to let him in. I knew this would not be the nicest of times we would have together yet. It had to happen.
"I... will rip into you. Please..." Fenris pleaded, tears dripping down his cheeks.
It stung my heart to see him like this. And to know I caused it made it unforgivable. Even so, I reached up to his cheek to wipe away from them before smiling at him. I trusted him fully. There was no doubt in my mind that he would not hurt me past the point of return.
"You will not," I whispered before Fenris finally lost it.
His breathing quickly became rapid and uneven before he ripped his clothing with his claws and wasted little time in entering me. There was no foreplay and affection. Instead, all I felt was him ramming himself into me. For a moment, it left me breathless. It almost felt like my first time all over again. Instinctively, I clung to him. He grabbed onto my waist, slightly digging his nails into my delicate skin.
His voice shifted into one of a beast, while his canines protruded slightly from his mouth. He was struggling to hold back his transformation. Holding me in place with one hand, he held himself up with the other. His body slowly radiated a crimson aura that matched the moon, staring at us from above. All I could do was hold on for dear life.
The moon's essence slowly drifted in between Fenris and me. It gradually collected into the stone hidden by my bandages. Even though in the beginning it hurt a lot, I was the one who had asked for this. He was doing the best he could to have his wilder instincts expressed into ravishing me. Instead of devouring me.
His thrust reached all the way towards the entrance of my womb, triggering me to feel pain at first. Sluggishly though, every time he kissed it with his heat, I felt a rush of pleasure running down my spine. Eventually, even without the foreplay required to prep my body, it slowly felt pleasurable. After all, I was with the man I loved. Beast or not, my body responded to him, no matter how forceful he was being.
Once I could compose myself a bit, I loosened my grip on Fenris's neck. He continued to ram himself into me. My back was again on the ground. His grip kept my hips in place. With his other hand, he had dug his nails into the ground, crushing the ground underneath it. While his groans filled my ears, I tried to not voice my pain or pleasure, to not incite him further.
However, it would soon be impossible to do. The moment a whine left my lips, he let go of the ground and gripped my neck before plunging himself into my depths. I felt him get bigger than I had ever experienced. Before I knew it, his member twitched inside of me. He released himself, kissing the entrance of my womb.
Another mewl escaped my mouth, triggering Fenris to tighten his grip on my neck slightly. It was not enough to make it difficult for me to breathe, but it was tight enough for me to feel pressure on my skin. Everything that was happening to me, he had never done before. The way he found his release was not how he usually did it, either.
It was almost as if he was trying to lock me into himself, to impregnate me. Male Lycans had a special gland in their member. It stimulated the female wolf’s cavity to lock down on theirs. This happened mostly when they wanted higher chances to produce a child. Something I could not do for him, no matter how much he tried to encourage it to happen. Instead, it caused me to lose my mind. My body convulsed in pleasure for him.
When Fenris finished, for a moment I thought it would be over, but instead of getting a breather, he rammed himself into me again. This time, his crimson eyes were locked with mine. He released his grip on my throat before licking the tiny bruises he had made on my neck. He could easily have snapped it clean. Instead, he was showing it affection after the rough handling. My shaking hands tried to reach for his face, but he pinned them down with his hands when he released my hips. I moved at his rhythm.
The moment I felt Fenris's sharp canines on my skin, I braced, thinking he would bite me. But instead of getting bit, he pulled my lips onto his. His tongue invaded my mouth soon after. His sharp teeth threatened to pierce my lips with each brush. They never did. Pulling away for breath, he growled loudly, grabbing into my hair. Pulling it back to arch my back, he rammed himself once again into my deepest compartment. Before finding his release again, trying to do the same as he did before.
Each time wiping my mind, I responded to Fenris differently than he intended. A husky moan came from his lips. I could not control my voice any longer. In response to my mewls, he licked my neck, going down onto my chest. His member continued to seek for me to clamp down on it. Again, it sent me into my world, only to come crashing back as he turned me around, ready for more.
Before I knew it, my knees and chest were on the ground. He grabbed onto my waist, thrusting himself into me again. Unable to control my voice, I let it go as Fenris continued to indulge himself with me. Grabbing onto my hair once again, he pulled me up as his left hand ran up my belly and onto my chest. His nails were so sharp that any type of slight pressure on my fragile skin. It would cause a slight scratch.
Even though the pain was something new when it came to being with Fenris, I could not seem to hate what was happening. He was being rougher and less forgiving, but at least I had my limbs attached. I also had yearned to be with him for the past week. Because of that, I was enjoying any type of touch he gave me. The night continued like this until a howl from a neighboring Lycan roared through the night.
Another pursued it, then another, until a chorus of howls carried through the night. Fenris stopped pounding me upon hearing them. He let me go onto the ground without separating his heat from me. I could feel it twitch inside of me. He assessed where his fellow Lycans were. We were alone in this barrier, but in the neighboring ones surely there was where the other wolves were.
However, in Fenris's current animalistic state, he could not recall that was the case. Instead, the howls from others were a threat to him. For a moment, I could breathe, but only for a moment. Fear quickly consumed my senses when Fenris's shift towards his beast side progressed. Fur formed in his arms; his face was no longer one of a humanoid.
His crimson orbs glared up into the sky. That was when a startling snarl released from him in response to the howls of his fellows. Even though I did not comprehend what type of warning he sent out, it surely was terrifying.
At that moment, Shade's worry grew. She felt everything was about to go out of control. All this time, Fenris had been fighting the beast within to keep it from tearing into me. But the moment he heard the others, it was like the beast himself stomped over whatever was trying to hold it back.
'Lilith!' Shade cried out to me.
Fenris had placed one of his hands on my back. It did not feel humanoid, either. It was not the same hand that had been holding me moments before.
'It is okay...' I tried to keep Shade at bay.
Any movement she did would trigger Fenris to tear into me without a doubt. He had lost touch with his self-control. Turning my head slightly and slowly, I saw something that should have been terrifying to anyone. But to me, it was the most beautiful beast I would ever see. His breathing was heavy. Growls erupted from him because of my slight movements. I still felt the moon's power flow through me. We were still intimately connected.
A Lycan had three forms that they could shift between. One that appeared humanoid which they would use daily. Another was the full beast form that allowed them to use their raw power. And their last form was a mix between both humanoid and beast. However, their third form was one they rarely would shift into. It was the most unpredictable of the three.
Fur covered all skin I saw. Fenris’s face and body were one of a beast. Instead of paws, he had fingers just like a regular humanoid being, but furry and with sharp claws attached. He had never let me see him in this form. It was always his humanoid or beast, never this one. Maybe he thought it would scare me, but it did not.
I always thought whenever I witness one, it would be dreadful. But under the moonlight, it was the most beautiful thing I had ever laid eyes on. Lycans were fascinating creatures from the very start. This solidified my beliefs. My wolf’s bright crimson orbs gazed at me, studying me. He did not fully recognize me. Yet I...
"Fenris..." I whispered to him weakly, my voice hoarse from the previous actions I had endured.
In response, he growled, placing both hands down next to my shoulders. He pushed himself into me, not realizing we were connected. A slight mewl came from my lips, from the sensitivity that everything had caused.
Before I knew it, Fenris spun me around again. My back was again on the ground before he launched at my neck, only to be interrupted by another howl from another Lycan. Shade wanted to stop everything there. But the only way for her to save me would be to cripple him, to prevent him from following us. And that was something I would never allow.
My wolf again responded with the same aggression once again. I closed my eyes and steadied my heart.
"Fenris," I called out once again, shifting his attention back onto me.
Digging his nails into the ground, he did not know what to do with me. I was not the normal type of prey he was used to. In his eyes, I was not trying to run away from him. But neither did I look threatening enough to cause him to attack me. Slowly, I reached out to him while he growled in response to my approach. Luckily, he did not launch at me again.
However, what was more distressing for me was how painful everything seemed to him. He seemed uneasy about everything. Was the blood moon's energy causing this? Even though it flowed through me, all I felt was warmth. But to him, it was changing him to his core.
"It hurts... doesn't it?" I whispered.
It triggered Fenris to launch at me again, only to stop inches away from my neck. His body trembled. Somehow, a part of his subconscious was fighting to keep me safe, even in the chaos he was in. Unable to bear seeing him like this any longer, I threw reason out the window before touching his fluffy cheek.
The sudden touch prompted him to pull away from my neck. His sharp teeth lightly scraped it upon retreat.
"If... it will make you feel better. Know that I will accept everything you give me... I love you no matter what you become." I whispered, tears swelling in my eyes.
I caressed his cheek. His fur, even in this form, was silky smooth. To me, no matter how he appeared or what he became. He would always be Fenris. The one person in this world that I trusted with my everything. I would never stop loving him.
"Li... Li... Lily..." Fenris called out to me in that monstrous voice.
I simpered, nodding slightly before tracing my fingers on his jawline. For a moment I thought the worst was over, but I was wrong. What would happen next was something I could have never prepared for. Fenris, upon recognizing me once again, licked me anywhere he had injured me. Before he slowly started making love to me again in this form.
"I love you! I love you!" Fenris muttered over and over.
His thrust overwhelmed me once again. Before I could feel joy at hearing him say those words to me, a burning sensation erupted from everywhere he touched. Whispers in a language I did not understand bombarded my mind. It caught me off guard. They differed from the ones who usually plagued me, and their language was unknown to me.
A blue aura radiated from my body while Fenris continued to press forward. With every push, slowly, the aura that was radiating from me turned purple. It was merging with Fenris's aura, which still radiated pure crimson. Dread swelled within me. I thought my magic was becoming unstable. This was nothing of what I thought would have happened.
Fenris shifted back to his humanoid form. And continued to shove himself into me as my mewls of pleasure combined with groans of pain. My body felt like it was being set ablaze again. Almost as if to comfort me, Fenris's lips crashed with mine, muffling every sound I made. Even though he was back to his humanoid self, he was not in control.
The moon still had a hold of my wolf. It radiated through me, almost overwhelming my every sense. I dug my nails into Fenris's back, causing him to groan in pain within the kiss, without letting me go. My consciousness wavered, but I tried to fight to stay where I was. I did not know what was happening or what would happen if I passed out. I fought to stay.
Suddenly the whispers died off, leaving only one behind.
'Let go...' The same man's voice I had heard earlier incited me.
I refused to. However, even though I wanted to stay, my consciousness came and went, not abiding by my command. The pain was consuming me. I deeply scratched Fenris's back before a throbbing sensation erupted within me. Then everything went black.
- In Serial165 Chapters
Ashlani's Reincarnation
Ashlani was hunting keelish, a large bipedal reptile commonly seen as a pest, near his home village when he was betrayed by one he thought was his friend, which led to him being killed by the keelish he was trying to hunt. Shortly thereafter, he found himself reborn as a keelish spawn himself, and next thing he knew, he heard a voice, welcoming him to his new life. Ashlani was hatching as an ordinary keelish spawn himself, but was offered the opportunity to evolve from just a normal keelish into an assortment of superior ones. So begins Ashlani's new life, and, his pursuit of vengeance!This is me reattempting something I tried to write on tapas a couple of years ago. I’m going to try to be consistent on updates, but the whole “day job” thing gets in the way sometimes. I have been posting this on WebNovel, but decided to try to broaden my horizons, so I'm posting here as well! Also, join my discord! https://discord.gg/h7t9bSj2yz
8 337 - In Serial60 Chapters
Will You Be Alone? After The End? Don't You Know We're All Still Here?
More than a century ago the world was devastated, but that doesn't matter. Nobody cares about the past, stories from that time are as wildly conflicting as they are ridiculous--when any stories exist at all. There are problems in the here and now that need to be dealt with, bringing the past into things isn't going to help anyone. The fact is that young people all over the world are developing mysterious powers, and the public reactions to these powers are far from positive. Fair enough, you might say. Who wants a young man around who can conjure heat from the palm of his hand? How deeply undesirable is a girl who can bend your emotions to her will? What use, I ask you, is a girl whose very essence crackles with lightning? No use at all, I'd say. As for this so-called Mr Fin and his grand ideals, well, all I can say is that his clothing is of better quality than his plans. Vague allusions to a 'sanctuary' and a 'mysterious and powerful statue' are all very well, but when it comes to solid results I fear you may find him somewhat lacking. Mark my words and mark them well, following one such as him will only lead to tears. All in all, I'd say there's not much you could reasonably expect from a world such as this. Conflict, perhaps. Hardship, certainly. Despair, heartache, loss... ...hope? No, don't be ridiculous. Where could one find hope, in this ruin of an existence? Honestly, I am asking. Where?Discord
8 256 - In Serial1072 Chapters
I Died and Got Summoned to Another World as a WHAT?!?!
Have you ever wondered what would happen if the hero was summoned by the villain instead of the people who need him?
8 1553 - In Serial25 Chapters
Reborn into a RPG?
If you were to die today, what would your final regret be? What if you were given another chance to fix it? Thrown into a world full of magic, demons, dragons and more; is Kyros. In this world of strong eat the weak, how will our protagonist adapt to survive?Mature for 15+First ever attempt at writing a story, literally. So please rate or just send me a review on a post/in private. It's all about improving right?Currently busy with work so chapter releases will be sporadic, if released at all.
8 227 - In Serial20 Chapters
My Female Masturbation Adventures - Snafus and Successes
This is an autobiography of my masturbation experiences and my life of anorgasmia, and my journey as I try to regain my ability to orgasm.Stories of my masturbation adventures as I discover and explore new ways to masturbate, from the shower massage spray to vibrators and more. I'll also share about my anorgasmia what I'm doing to overcome it. This story will include details of my early masturbation experiences (the good and the bad), along with updates about my recent escapades.~Previously held rankings:Top 0.02%:#4 truestory out of 26.3K stories8/28/22#1 autobiography out of 6.2K stories11/7/22Top 0.03%:#6 personal out of 26.5K stories9/11/22#1 memoir out of 3.4K stories9/2/22Top 0.04%:#2 confessions out of 5K stories9/22/22Top 0.05%:#27 diary out of 58.8K stories9/29/22Top 0.06%:#23 nonfiction out of 45.5K stories9/26/22Top 0.2%:#65 memories out of 42.5K stories10/3/22Top 0.4%:#12 shower out of 3.5K stories9/30/22#38 selfdiscovery out of 10.1K stories9/3/2022Top 0.8%:#10 orgasms out of 616 stories8/18/22#4 vibrators out of 142 stories8/19/22Top 6%:#1 femalemasturbation out of 19 stories8/19/22Top 9%:#6 vibrations out of 71 stories8/21/22~Previously held unlisted rankings:Top 15%:#1 clitoral out of 7 stories8/21/22Top 40%:#2 femalesexuality out of 5 stories8/21/22~Previously held unlisted rankings from tags I removed:Top 50%:#1 sexualsecrets out of 2 stories8/21/22#1 showermasturbation out of 2 stories8/21/22
8 247 - In Serial47 Chapters
Ms.Oblivious (✔️)
Rebeka(Beka) just began her Sophomore year at Hillsborough College. "Nothing can go wrong" is what she says to new beginnings,but what happens when she gets involved with Ethan Mclove and mistakens his meaning of love?
8 187