《A Demon Lord's Virtual [Magic Life]》Chapter 17
A week quickly passed and things were getting in motion quickly for all the players. Because of the show many players were had joined up and many of them actually faced very unique adventures throughout the week. The demon players were the most unique, the reason being that all players started in the Dark Lord’s territory and so they were under their rule if they weren’t spawned in a small town under their rule.
One unique part was the players joining in on the raid against the ‘rebel’ players. This added an incredibly unique and harder to predict twist to the game because players were smarter and could think straight even if they were Tier 1.
This put a lot of stress on the players.
At this point a lot of them had already chosen gods and besides those who were still in the tutorial zone, a number of player lords actually picked sleeping gods. It wasn’t because they didn’t want the common gods, their blessings were already at full power after all, but players in this day and age wouldn’t be restricted to playing a stupid game style.
Building a city required many talents and powers and the sleeping gods had many domains which the demons lacked in that aspect. The evil demon gods were too strong which is why the demon bodies were powerful but they were stupid.
Because of this, those who were previously not considered rebels were labeled as such but most of these were already out of the tutorial and with the protocol the game had, the territory they controlled was moved to a new location which would take a longer time to find.
As for Akor, his development in the last week wasn’t small. With the transport of wood, food and stone between his tree villages, he developed the numbers and defenses very rapidly while his population also flourished.
His territory was already facing several waves of demons every two days pretty much and as the population increased, it would only get worse but he didn’t slouch around. Because of the ambush, he began to research extensively. With the lord’s house and two mayors house along with the architect house and scribes house, which could research only support type research, he began to research combat related things.
As for the Minting research, that was completed and with the production of copper, he had the ore transported to the capital and converted one of the smithy into a Minting smithy.
The upgrade transformed the crucible to produce money.
He also researched the accountant class to produce a working class which could manage the ins and outs of money.
The unlocked building was an upgrade for the lord and mayors house which was the Vault and treasury of each town.
He made both upgrades. About the other villages, he had leveled up the villages Prosperity and Hope to level 2 already and his Lord’s house was already upgraded fully but he had not yet leveled up to level 3 because it would break his tutorial zone.
He was already building the upgrade for all the village walls which was many times slower. The upgrade for the walls was to reinforce it, which transformed the crude messy walls into palisades and the other formed crude watchtowers.
Both of these upgrades took close to a week to fully build and required the architects to guide the work to have the imps push and lift the logs into place properly and tie it up.
As for the combat classes, Akor set each of the houses to research a different type of skill set. The Lord’s house, with Valring, researched warrior skills. When the first one was researched, it unlocked the warrior hall and the barracks.
The warrior hall is the class distribution building, this is were even players have to head to get their class when in his village. Scribe, Accountant and all other classes have a different building for that but there is always a building.
He already separated a section of the village just for the class halls. He then built the barracks near the gate which is where he would form his ‘official’ army.
This army was different from the mob he used before, the mentality of all the demons underwent a fundamental change. This building was also a building only NPC could go into and get the class. The class in question is called Militia.
Class: Militia
Militia is a guard and soldier type class. This class is the most basic class which makes up a city army/guard. They can learn any military type skill which can differentiate their future path
Be it archer, warrior or mage, they were militia but in their class it showed a difference. As said before, each mayor house had a different skill set which was archer and mage. These skills were obvious researched and it formed the three branches of Militia. Militia (Warrior), Militia (Archer), Militia (Mage).
Each specific class gave the same buff which improved coordination in groups and made it easier for their superiors to give them orders but their learned skills were different and their basic system given equipment reflected this.
Warriors were given stone clubs and crude leather armor, Archers were give old bows and leather armor and mage were given an old staff and rag robe.
When the classes came out, Akor did a population count and asked Sam for the proportion of warrior to population.
She said that for demons it might not really matter but for common sentient races it was between 1/10 to 2/10 of the population equals the number of true army members. The reason is that it takes a certain amount of tax money from the population as well as the economy set up by them to sustain this much of an army. As Sam had explained, she had a massive orc army but no infrastructure or economy causing the nation to collapse after reaching to many in number.
Akor obviously was not dumb enough to cause such a stupid problem for himself. He first leveled up his two secondary villages to level 2 after upgrading the mayor’s house and then quickly took a number of imps to the final mana spring he could feel and set up a final village. He could no longer sense any more mana springs in his surroundings and the final village was formed with the name Dawn. The name came with the fact that after he set this village up and finished his last prep work he would level up the capital village into a Town which would open up the territory to players and high leveled monsters as well as moving him away with the land he occupied.
Before he did this of course, he needed to build the basic foundation of the village and finish his preparations of his militia. He would not hold back the hunting as soon as he finished it which would cause a major change in his village structure since the imps will return to their common ‘patterns’ after being freed.
During this preparation time he had also researched the harvest skill which every single minion and himself learned.
Harvest skill
Level 1
Allows the user to harvest materials from plants, animals and corpses.
The skill was exactly what was needed for the goat farm. Once obtained, the food production instantly increased because they would produce goats milk which would convert 5 liters of milk into 1 unit of food.
It also allowed them to harvest the thick bushy hair on the goats after producing the shears out of copper and wood. The wool would go to the hands of crafters and turn into crudely made yarn and produce simple coarse cloth. This is because there are no tailors yet and tailoring worked with this kind of material.
Beyond that, the progress on the god quest is coming rather impressively.
God Quest:
Awakening a god
By choosing a sleeping god and sacrificing a life to stimulate him, Pyarus, the Demon God of Education has begun to awaken. Those who wish to follow him will be rewarded by contributing to his reawakening and shall reward all those who help him awaken with his blessing.
Produce 100,000 faith 12,262/100,000
Full God’s Blessing
The numbers increased more rapidly recently and Akor learned that Sam had picked him as her patron god as well. Her population had been on the rise since they began sharing information so she ended up slowing down the hunting and focusing on the villages she could make. She had three but the monsters guarding the last one was the hardest. She was unlucky enough to get a flock of baby wyvern as the safeguards so she was having trouble dealing with these flying enemies.
Even so, she had already broken the tutorial with her level and was soon to reach level 3 in her capital as soon as she finished upgrading one of the mayor houses to level 2 in another village. Her resource pool was also growing and she took control of the water hole and was putting into effect rationing as well as constructing a large well structure to expand the pond and open the possibility of channelling. This was a higher level project which was based off of using the well building over a pond with an expanded size.
Akor himself had built a well over the spring near his town and finished channelling the irrigation channels while also allowing the flow of water to flow naturally down the path it had formed.
In fact, all this slow paced progress had actually caused Akor’s name, along with Sam’s to go from 1st place lord most likely to fail to the 10th and 11th place each. This was because they resisted each attack with incredible creativeness and both would sacrifice the survivors to speed up the god quest as much as possible.
Because of this, although not the most popular demon lord, Akor was certainly an interesting specimen to look at, especially the fact that he spent so much time on his studies that Valring would set up for him from writing to math, which was slowly getting more advanced following the information given by the scroll.
Indeed the scroll for the math skill was like a textbook to teach basic school knowledge. This was Akor’s first time seeing something like this and he found the name [Magic Life] growing more fitting for this game. Him and all the accountant and scribes all studied together and were slowly forming a class system as well as structure for the founding of the nation. Put simply, Akor was testing these intelligent imps to see who would be the mayors, advisors, etc.
Akor always favored intelligence and now he set up the first 3 levels of the imps to place all int so that they could raise to 15 intelligence and have 6 extra means by level 3 they would have 21 intelligence early on.
This was an important fact because it would mean the mental age of the imps would be equal to humans and as his minions, he wanted them all to be intelligent enough to at least talk, which is achieved by 15 intelligence, though broken, and full speech at 20.
Speaking of high intelligence, the now one legged imp that saved Akor was officially bound as a royal follower. Akor manually put the intelligence on it before giving it the mage. This is not the militia class but the mage one from the Mage’s hall. He was officially the Royal Mage bound to Akor.
When Akor brought him out, he was confused and using a stick to hold himself up but when Akor wanted to bind him, he cried like a baby because it had thought it would be disposed. Akor quite liked the little imp and named him Adok giving him the Royal Title.
Demon Royal
The Demon Royal Title is the title of a Demon lord’s trusted followers.
Demon Royals gain an extra point in their classes primary stat and will revive after a certain amount of time if they are killed.
The title wasn’t extensive as Sam had said but it did make the royals better than the common minions when considering late game where it would have an advantage over its peers which is what makes it the ‘royal’ it is.
As for the missing leg, Akor could only make some coarse cloth, and use some wood to make a peg leg for him to equip and replace the lost leg. As he grew he would need to change it to match his size.
Akor, in his home with Valring and Adok, he was solemn as he looked at a screen.
“So?” he asked.
“My Lord, it is the natural course to level up. We will be stuck if this continues and our population grows. Soon an army of demons will come from all sides so it might be best to buy time by breaking out and leaving the gods to move us and get time to grow in peace.” Valring said.
“What she say, master have a strong army.” Adok said.
Akor nodded and finally pressed the button.
Level up requirements
All Lord’s House upgrade All Demon Hearts placed At least 2/4 demon hearts level 2 Level 2 Village Wall Completely built and upgraded Constructed Barrack Level 1
All requirements completed
Please choose one of the following additional ‘path’ requirements
Technology level: Early Copper Age
(Copper weapons and tools are appearing and copper coins are beginning to be used as currency for trade)
Culture Level: 5
(level in which simple familial interaction exists with a tribal society)
Military Level: 3
(Level in which simple hunting parties are appearing)
Current path achievements
Technology Level: Early Copper age Culture Level: 8 Military Level: 2
Looking at the system, he frowned when he saw his current achievements. “Can i choose more than one?” He asked.
He was surprised by the reply from the system but nodded, “Then i will choose technology and culture.” He said.
Path requirements chosen
By choosing Technology and Culture for the upgrade, you will favor the improvement of these factors in your territory.
The screens vanished and suddenly the three were teleported outside of the lord’s house. They looked at it as light shined up into the air and the lord’s house began to grow and unlike before, it was a much more significant growth.
It widened and grew a second floor. A stone foundation formed under the first floor lifting the house up a bit and it was clear by the sound that the underground had grown as well. All the imps watched in awe until the light vanished, bursting out.
By leveling up your capital, Demon heart has reached level 3
By leveling up your capital to level 3 your capital has reached the rank of Town and is now open to player spawn. Your tutorial zone is also revoked and the level limit has been lifted allowing monsters, animals and demons to once more walk in naturally into your territory with their full power.
As soon as the screen vanished, the world was covered in light for a moment blinding every creature inside the territory for a moment and it vanished.
If it was not explained, people and creatures would just assume that it was the tutorial zone breaking but it was actually the teleportation of the entire territory happening and another zone being swapped and the land adapted to the new elevations.
Akor knew this but because the land moving was so huge he could not see anything different but he did feel it was a bit colder now. From what he could imagine, the mountains grew colder the deeper he went while the badlands was hotter, it was possible he was pushed further out in the mountains making it harder for anyone to find him.
He smiled as he realized this fact and that he was much further away from the demons compared to the others who would just be thrown around the badlands. He was moved around the mountains covering it.
He looked at the imps around and thought a bit, “Valring, Adok, let us start hunting, we can’t remain weak anymore, we have to start developing the army quickly.” Akor said.
“What does lord require?” Valring asked.
“Take the imps to go level, train them as best as possible, those who level up faster, have them start leading small parties to hunt while you watch. Try and teach them tactics. Adok, you are with me, i will try and show you what we have to do.” he said.
“Yes Master!” he said excited.
Before going out, Akor gathered his scribes and pulled out three of them and named them mayors. This gave them the Title ‘Demon Noble’ which gave them 5 Charisma which would allow them more easily lead the demons.
He appointed two accountants, three for Prosperity where the copper came from, as advisors and two scribes were additional help to the mayors. He sent each of them to one of the three cities. A mayor was allowed to construct buildings in the place of a lord but he would see all changes and could veto them or change them as he pleased with his own power.
Different from lords though, mayors don’t get exp from their citizens hunting as that all went to their lords through the demon hearts.
“You three, once you arrive at your designated villages, you are to implement what i taught you for setting up the guards in each town. Do you understand?” Akor asked.
“Yes Master!” they said, all of said together, having been leveled up by Akor to get a higher Intelligence to allow them to do their jobs.
“Good, take a few imps with you to guard you and get going. By the time you arrive the barracks will be complete so you are to get there and make the guards quickly.” He said.
“Yes Master!” they exclaimed once more and went to gather the copies of all the research scrolls.
“One more thing!” Akor said making them stop, “You are all responsible for research done in the mayor’s house over there.” He said.
“Understood master!” they said and he finally let them go.
They soon left the lord’s house with many copies of scrolls and gathered a small group of militia class imps to take them to the other villages along with some traders heading the same way.
“Shall we go?” Akor said.
“Of course.” Valring said very excited to finally start leveling up to regain her former power and beauty.
The two split the militia in two and each picked one side to go hunt for real now and began to single out the ‘better’ imps to make the command hierarchy of the guards and start leveling up.
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