《A Demon Lord's Virtual [Magic Life]》Chapter 5
Demon Management
Demon Towns
Town Management
264 Unit
300 Units
Number of Buildings
Lord’s home
Level 1
Wood 50 units
Village wall
Level 0
Wood 20 units
Demon Hut (imp)
Level 1
Wood 10 units
Demon Nest (Imp)
Level 1
Wood 20 units
Wild Fruit Field
Level 1
Wood 5 units
Going back to the town management, Akor looked over the existing constructions.
He pressed to build the village wall, he needed to start setting up the defenses.
The map appeared and it showed the village with a large space around the village cleared and a wooden fence surrounding the village. The available space within the fences was around 1000 m2. This was just about the size of a large land property in some rural areas for house building.
“Well… this is just the most basic one after all.” Akor said and pressed to accept.
Minion Quest:
The First Walls
The Demon Lord Akor has ordered the following!
Build the first village walls to increase the protection of his land.
Build the walls
20 exp each minion
The mission was made but Akor didn’t leave to distribute the mission, instead he pressed on the five building names to get a description from each of them.
Building Overview
Lord’s home
The Lord’s house, only available in the capital city of a Demon Lord. It is the administrative center of all his land and were his power concentrates and is the only place with the Demon Heart inside the building.
Level 2 Upgrade condition: Village wall, 5 fields, 5 Demon Hut, all upgrades complete.
Village wall
Current level 0: No walls
Building Level 1 wall: a small wooden fence which works to just slightly impede invaders for a short while.
+1 Village Security
Demon Hut (imp)
The home for Demon (Imp), each house can contain 10 individuals who mostly don’t care how they sleep and just sleep in piles.
Demon Nest (Imp)
The nest of Demon (Imp), it is the location which incubates the eggs of the demons. It is impossible to know whose eggs are whose after they are laid here which causes Imp’s to be impartial towards their own kind and have no familial feelings.
Spawn 1 Imp every 12 hours.
Wild Fruit Field
A simple rough field meant to raise wild mountain bush to collect wild fruits.
1 unit every day per field.
Looking at the stats of each building, he started to get an understanding of the effects of each building.
He cleared the windows and wobbled outside to see the three bored mindless imps, “You three, go build the village walls.” He said.
After he set up the construction of the walls, the material in the village storage appeared next to the Lord’s House and they grunted and walked to the wood. Akor followed them as they walked to the ‘front’ section which was towards the north side. It should be noted that the fields are outside the space of the wall, not that it makes much of a difference.
He watched as the three units of wood was taken to the front and dropped and the imps began to shout and ‘dance’ which eventually caused the units of wood to turn into particles of light and sink into the ground before regrowing as a really crappy fence section.
They got a few more and built the next section which contained a really horribly made gate and a final section.
Then they gathered all the material for the east wall and built it in one go followed by the south and west walls finally closing off the fence
Minion Quest: Complete
The First Walls
The Demon Lord Akor has ordered the following!
Build the first village walls to increase the protection of his land.
Build the walls
20 exp each minion
Some glittering lights entered the three who returned in front of Akor. He shook his head at the low experience he was getting but he could do nothing except max out the necessary buildings for his homes upgrade, which would hopefully attract more demons.
He went to the demon heart and placed four more demon huts to be built as well as a new nest so that he could obtain 2 demons every 12 hours, or else he would never populate his village quick enough to do anything.
Minion Quest:
Large Constructions
The Demon Lord Akor has ordered the following!
Build the village, complete all the Demon Hut (Imp) and Demon Nest (Imp)
Build Demon Hut 0/4
Build Demon Nest 0/1
80 exp each minion
Looking at the exp gained, he was incredibly happy as he assigned the mission to the three imps. He had them work as a team because it would make the projects move quicker.
They began with the nest, surprisingly. They built it near the other nest which was where Akor placed it and they gathered all 20 units of wood there before doing the ‘dance’. Like all buildings of low level they had built, it was constructed quickly and looked like a pile of wood and mud with a round opening they crawl in and out of.
They went to the first nest and took many eggs out to place in the new one.
After that they began to build the Imp huts.
They quickly gathered the needed material to the selected spaces and began to build the huts. It took around twenty minutes for them to complete the construction project and as soon as they finished, glittering lights shined around them and their empty eyes gained life.
They came back to Akor with much more desire showing their intelligence had improved with the automatic distribution of stats from the level up.
“Alright, go rest until i need you.” He said and they just looked at each other and remained there.
Akor didn’t know what to do but after a moment he just shook his head. He was going to start using the craft system now so he didn’t need their help but he didn’t mind them either.
He opened the craft window and this time the tutorial items were gone.
Craft System
Craft List
Alchemy List
Smithing List
Craft List
Hand craft
Crude Wood Club
Consumes 1 Wood Unit to produce a Crude Wood club
+4 dmg
Crude Wood Spear
Consumes 1 Wood unit to produce a Crude Wood Spear
+4 dmg
Crude Wood Shield
Consumes 2 Wood units to produce a Crude Wood Shield
+4 def
Crude Stone Knife
Consumes 1 wood and 2 stone to produce a Crude Stone Knife
+5 dmg
Consumes 1 pelt to produce 1 unit of leather
He tilted his head, “Why are the weapons ‘Crude’?” He asked.
Tutorial Guide
Crude tools/weapons, these are tools made by those without the respective tools to craft items. These items are over 50% weaker than their respective counterparts. Once the corresponding skills are learned by the crafter, they will be able to produce common tools.
“Ah! I see, so they are just very low quality items made by people with no skill.
Pressing the next button, he found items which needed leather but they were similarly crude and an item he knew, Bone meal.
“This was probably a low level fertilizer, i wonder what is after?” he muttered. Sadly he needed bones to produce it so he could do nothing. He pressed the arrows again and found tools including crude stone axe and pickaxe. They were probably for wood and stone, the pickaxe was useful but the other axe wasn’t.
He found a Crude stone hoe and smiled as he clicked on it and choose to make three, he also found a small wooden bucket and made three as well. This would improve the care in given to the fields.
Six units of wood and six of stone appeared and all merged and shined before producing three crude stone hoes and three small buckets appeared.
Akor called the three imps, “Take these to the ones in the fields, one bucket and one hoe for each of them.” He said.
“Gya!” one of them exclaimed and nodded. They each took a pair and ran off excited to do his orders.
Because there was no way he would lead a hunting group with so few imps, he ignored the weapons and since he lacked variety in materials he eventually closed the craft window and decided it was time to start upgrading the village buildings.
He walked into his house and opened up the management.
Demon Management
Demon Towns
Town Management
264 Unit
215 Units
Number of Buildings
Lord’s home
Level 1
Wood 50 units
Village wall
Level 1
Wood 20 units
Demon Hut (imp)
Level 1
Wood 10 units
Demon Nest (Imp)
Level 1
Wood 20 units
Wild Fruit Field
Level 1
Wood 5 units
Seeing this he decided to start with the fields. This is because he needed excess food and housing to attract wild demons which would increase the number of spawns per day.
Demon Management
Demon Towns
Town Management
264 Unit
215 Units
Number of Buildings
Wild Fruit Field Upgrades
Tilled Fields
Improved fences
Wood 10 units
Seeing only two upgrades, Akor nodded and agreed since everything was only basic levels at the moment. Since he wanted to improve production the most at the moment he pressed the ‘Tilled fields’ upgrade first.
Because there was no need to pay the minions, for tilling the fields, there was no upgrade cost.
He couldn’t choose another upgrade for the same building meaning it would need to be upgraded one by one which would slow down the development.
Still he opened up the nest upgrades next.
Demon Management
Demon Towns
Town Management
264 Unit
215 Units
Number of Buildings
Demon Nest (Imp)
Increased Size
Wood 20 units
Straw Flooring
Wood 10 units
Separate Nest Units
Wood 50 units
Looking at the upgrades, the last one drew his attention, aftering thinking about it he interestingly found that this upgrade could most likely cause the start of familial recognition as each imp would have their own nest. As for the straw flooring, straw is dried grass and is a good insulator and is great at keeping in warmth and would probably be the upgrade which causes an increase in birth rate.
Seeing that he needed population, he decided to upgrade the flooring first.
He pressed the upgrade button and the others became grey and closed the windows. He walked outside to see if the minions were working.
Of course, each upgrade resulted in a job, of which they gave only 10 exp each minion. The three farmers were tilling the fields while the other three were rushing to gather the needed materials for the straw flooring.
There was no doubt that in the coming days the hovel would become a true demon village once things kick off.
At the headquarters of the makers of [Magic Life] there was an uproar going on in there.
“What is with this!?” shouted the CEO to the many employees who were sweating.
“W-We don’t know!” someone replied with a pile of papers, “We checked with the system AI as well as the many dozens minor AI but they said that all the Lords which appeared are all random. They even showed the algorithm which was used to randomize classes for those who wanted to begin with classes if they were among the sentient races and even more so for the monsters. There was nothing wrong with it.” The man said.
“Sir…” the many said.
“Not only so many demon lords, dwarf, dragon, human! Every fucking race has lord’s appearing in the two digits! If this continued won’t there be a 1:100 proportion of lords to common classes!” he shouted, his eyes having red veins appearing.
Everyone gulped upon hearing this and the CEO scoffed at them, “Since it’s already like this we will go with it. This will make the game a bit more interesting at least but tell the eggheads downstairs that each race can only have 100 lords each.” The CEO said coldly.
“S-should we increase the difficulty?” Someone asked.
“Yes, if a lord loses his nation, he will have to either start from Zero all over again or you give him the option for a new class but they would forever lose the Lord class.” He said.
“Alright sir!” They said and the employees ran to give out orders and make patches for this.
In the CEO room, the vice looked at her boss, “Do you think the AI’s did this on purpose?” she asked.
“Probably, they most likely have some form of ‘plan’ which was prepared behind our backs.” he said.
“Like?” She asked.
“If i remember correctly, each AI represents a race right?” He asked.
“That is correct, this was the only method they were allowed to participate in the game because their game access would break the game balance.” She replied.
“And what is the power distribution of these races?” He asked.
She thought a while, “Um… i guess it depended on the race, monster races are weak and sentient race are strong because of the number difference.” She said.
“Exactly, this is probably to increase the population count of the ‘weaker’ races without breaking the game scale. I can also bet you that they are also going to make NPC kings appear soon enough as well.” The CEO said.
“And you will let them?” He asked.
“I will talk with them soon enough.” He said before his scowl turned into a grin, “This could probably propel [Magic Life] to a new height.” He said.
“And what about the Hero class?” The vice said.
“From what i know, the proportion of this class is a 1 in a billion chance. If i remember correctly, the class triangle was hidden on the line between the warrior and support categories and only if the wheel stops with the pointer exactly right in the center would they get the hero class, otherwise they would get either class was at the corners.” He said.
The vice remembered this as well and decided that there was no problem with this unlike the lords who were coming out in droves. With the number of races in the game, war will cover the game world soon enough for sure and these lords will be at the center of it all. If the company did things just right, they could make extreme use of these lords that are appearing and use them to draw in a huge player base.
This made the vice realize something, “Sir, if we use these lords to draw in a player base, are you planning on making them sign an employee contract to work with us?” She asked.
The CEO looked at her and was about to say something before thinking of something, “That might actually be interesting, we could hire them. We could have a department make a live feed website which would post many points of interest for each nation formed by these lords and their peculiarities.” He said.
“It would take an entire division to run this? One person per player pretty much!” She said.
“True… why don’t we hire a few studios for this? We can split the profit without putting too much weight on our own company. If it becomes successful enough, we can take full command and invest money into this.” He said.
“Hmm… i will see to contacting some notable VR TV studios who would be interested. Maybe they could do small reality shows.” She said.
“We need to talk about it but get some contacts and have their representatives come over so that we can discuss this. Also call the board of advertisement and book a meeting here with me at once.” He said.
“Yes sir.” She said and walked out to get working.
In the game, 42 demon lords who were of different races of demons, as well as the same as Akor, began to lay their Demon Hearts, shocks of energy shot into the sky and world notices appeared to everyone one after another of the rise of countless Demon Lords sending everyone into a massive panic.
Battle Frenzy
Amidst a disaster, an orphan contracts a sickness. In his waking hours, he is tormented by his ailment, but when he slumbers, there is infinite darkness. One day, when he was five years old, a strange Fate Trickster appeared in his dreams. Ten years later, he dreams of becoming a lord. To do so, he takes a chance to trade his fate! That day, Wang Zhong once again stood at the gates of the Tianjing Heroic Soul Academy. He was about to start a brand new life.
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The Prime
In a distant Era, Seven powerful beings who called themselves Gods appeared and created a world with many species. This world was named Ethernasia. To kill their boredoms the Seven Gods decided to play a Game. The Game consists of becoming a mortal to explore the mortal world, enjoying it. When it was the turn of Emea, the goddess of Life. She fell in love with a mortal, named Kyle. Kyle our MC was killed by two males Gods amongst the Seven Gods: Lumis the God of Light and Grimm the God of Darkness due to jealousy. Then, ressurected by Emea, She had performed a forbidden spell on Kyle, bringing back from Hades embrace. However, Kyle was not human anymore, he became a Vampire, the first of his specie: The Prime Vampire. He was more powerful than the Seven Gods. Sadly, Emea became his first victim. The Vampire race was born, a war happened and many died, the two Gods were almost killed. Some years later, Ethernasia welcomed a new Era: The Awakening Era, the New Species Era, The Mutants. This is the Story of reincarnated Gods and Goddesses, the Story of the now awaken Kyle coming back to Ethernasia after more than Two thousands years to see his beloved, the Story of his Life, his women and his fights. =============================================== Hello. I'm a new author, this is my first Original book. I hope you will be interested and read it. Also, English is not my first language, sorry in advance for any misspelled words or bad grammar, don't worry the story is interesting and I promise I will quickly improve. So, give this book a chance. Chapters Words are between 700~3000 words. The picture on the cover is not mine, it looks like one of my characters. Kaguya Mio Sakura only that Kaguya has bigger breasts. I can take it down if it bothers.
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