《A Demon Lord's Virtual [Magic Life]》Chapter 4
Lucas opened his eyes to the poorly lit room. His home was a one room house with a living room and kitchen. It was a very old building but that is in the standards of the current generation. That said, it was very dirty. Having to focus in game to gain money, he didn’t clean up and because he left school at the age of 10, he didn’t have many friends.
He had tried joining gaming guilds or studios but it didn’t work out, the stress he faced was different from these gamers, also he tended to try and focus on kingdom building over common playing because of his poor skill set and even then he needed tons of help from players and NPC he recruited.
His stomach growled, like always, as he lifted his smaller than average and skinny frame from the bed. He went to a cupboard and took out a small cup out which had brand tags around it. It was a classic instant noodle cup, that said it was very different from the common stuff from the 21st century. They had long perfected the nutritional balance of this and cheap and easy production had gained full force during the 23rd century when robot labor hit its peak.
One of these cups had the necessary diet balance for a full meal, of course there are warnings such as not to over eat and the necessity of proper exercise and true food. Sadly, Lucas simply could not afford the ‘luxury’ of proper food. These cups were just $1.00 and it was nutritious enough to keep him alive so that is what he went with.
Since he has never had major success in his kingdom building, he has never been able to grow enough funds to improve his life in general which has left him in this situation.
Even his bills are behind and he had to stack up on water gallons from a local artesian well. As for electric bill, he paid that because he needed to keep the ancient electric stone running. Nowadays, plasma wave cooking was the mainstream fire. Stoves were made with special technology to contain the energy in a confined space and it would release the energy as heat in only one direction. Of course, he was too poor to have that and could only use these old electric stones.
He heated the water in a kettle and called up the pc monitor. His pc was scavenged from a junkyard and it was made of many parts from different similar model pc. As for internet, there was free worldwide net provided by the government.
He opened up the forum for [Magic Life]. There were tons of posts about the ‘Demon lord Akor’ message but no one had information and the game company didn’t release anything which made everyone thing it was related to a special super quest or story quest.
He didn’t mind that as he went to the information section to learn about skills and classes.
Topic: How to gain class and skills for monsters and animal races in the wild?
This post was pretty much what he needed and he pressed on it to open the post.
Topic: How to gain class and skills for monsters and animal races in the wild?
Well first off, we will be saying this. The feature of classes is for all races and people no matter if they are animal, monsters, humans or demons. That said, as a balancing agent against the fact that monsters evolve into stronger races.
This doesn’t mean there is no access, self learned skills will result in classes. For warriors, learning skills like smash, slash or bash with clubs or swords while having a focus on strength and constitution will permit you to gain the warrior class or a warrior based monster form.
So we have to find the class ourselves?
Yes, this is an element of the game so that monster races and people who end up the kings or rulers of groups, don’t grow in power so fast that it breaks the balance. This is especially so for the demon race who have few cities and few intelligent figures at the moment. Most demon tribes are nomadic and territorial so it would be hard to gain classes which are not racial classes early on.
Will that demon lord change that?
There is a possibility depending on how he/she develops because Demon lord directly grows by commanding minions so it can be seen that he/she will most likely branch out with time as he/she expands.
Seeing demons being directly used as an example didn’t really make Lucas happy but he didn’t mind it either because it allowed him to get more understanding.
He then exited after figuring that out and searched about demons, there were a number of people who got different demon races and even those who got the demon icon and gained a class to decide the race.
Topic: Demon Race
The demon race is a broad term for creatures who originated from the Demon (Imp) race. All demons originate from these creatures due to their high fertility and highly compatible DNA which is on par with Dragons who equally, can mate with any other race.
By ‘any race’ you mean ‘any race’?
Yes, as long as the mating ritual is compatible (there exists an entrance) it can work. It can work both ways also.
That is beside the point thought, demons are not monsters thought. They are incapable of ‘evolving’ like monsters who have the ability to change their entire genetic profile as they go up the stages. Demon’s ‘mature’ on the other hand.
Just for information, Humans are a Tier 2 race and are born with intelligence, wisdom and as they age their stats increase to adulthood by simple growth. On the other hand Demons (imp) are Tier 1 and thus they are born mindless, don’t gain stats as they age. That said their matured counterparts, Arch-imps, are a different story. If demons can mature, their DNA becomes more ‘stable’ like humans.
When do Demons ‘mature’?
This information we cannot release at this time. Should someone correctly discover this information up to 60% we will update the post with the new information.
This was even more interesting to Lucas. He remembered seeing Tier 1, now he found out what that meant. He looked to see what Tier 3 and above were but there was no released information at the time.
Next he looked for town management information.
What he learned was actually quite interesting. Within the Town management section, there was actually more options and one of them was research.
That is, technology research.
The game research and upgrade were tied together in which they rely on one another. In some cases, building upgrades needed research and vice versa where the research needed specific level of buildings.
The research can be chosen and would develop over time but if the settlement leader put people to research, it would speed up but these researchers had to have at least 10 intelligence to be able to do research.
It did not matter to Lucas because he could leave the system on its own for now but he already had plans. His plans for the stats gained from the first level up of the minions would always go to intelligence so that they won’t be mindless.
He will place two of the leveled up imps to farm and make the current farmers level up so that all the minions will have intelligence. Next was to make tools and weapons. He remembered the craft list had some very weak but proper weapons beyond just simple rocks so he would see what he could make.
After that he would need to start building up the village. He needed more houses, village walls and more.
He finished drinking up the water from his noodles and cleaned his lips and drank some water to quench his thirst and turned off his pc and laid down on the bed before logging in.
As he appeared in his village, in front of his house, he was shocked by the huge pile of wood and stone in front of his home. Three imps were snoring away on top of either pile. The wood was much higher then the stone though.
What was interesting was a new imp had appeared and was sleeping among them.
Lord Overview update
3 Demon (Imps) have completed ‘Clearing the Land’ Minion quest.
3 Demon (Imp) have leveled up to level 2
1 Demon (Imp) was born
4 Wild Fruit Fields have produced 1 unit of food each (4 total) Current, 8 units
Research gathered, 280 wood and 244 stone
Looking at the numbers of the material, he wasn’t surprised but looking at the pile was still shocking, though living in an era were tens of tons of material move at once doesn’t really make him that shocked.
“Resource storage.” he said and suddenly both piles lit up and vanished into motes of light sucked into the ground.
The imps sleeping on the pile all fell down with a shock and woke up. They saw him there but their mindlessness didn’t make them move any faster.
Akor didn’t mind them and looked at their stats first before walking into the Lord’s house and opened the minion management.
Demon Management
Demon Minions
Single Minion management
Multiple Minion management
He pressed multiple minions.
Please select which minions you want to manage
“All minions, this setting will affect all future Demon (Imps).” He said.
The entire Demon (Imp) race under your command has been chosen. Please designate the desired management.
“All 5 stat points from the level 1 to level 2 level up will always be placed into Intelligence.” he said.
The entire Demon (Imp) race will now automatically add 5 status points to intelligence when level up at level 1.
Updating current minion population status
Current minion population status updated.
He smiled as he cleared the first step of his future plan for his kingdom to make his demons different from the wild ones who were dangerous. He didn’t deny he needed to make them strong because strength was the key to having the ability to survive but he wanted to maintain a peaceful stance and wanted to pass this along to his citizens.
He closed the windows and walked outside, when he walked out, the three level 2 imps focused and walked over. Their previously fully black, empty eyes now had a ‘shine’ in them as they were no longer completely mindless. He smiled happy to see this before nodding.
“Good, now go build one more Wild Fruit Field.” He said.
The window for the town opened and he placed the final field which caused the four imps turned and ran to get the work done.
Different from the still mindless imp, the other three were much quicker and seemed to work with more vigor. This was a good sign that intelligence makes a big difference in demon temperament and actions.
The area was cleared out and a new field was made.
“Alright, you two in the field come here, you three who are level 2 will now farm the fields.” He said.
Upon hearing my orders, the two farmer imps stopped and walked out while the three imps looked at each other and began to grunt and growl at each other and pointing. Eventually they even shouted at each other before something was decided and they divided the fields based off of their ‘kill’ record, a fact unknown to Akor who could not understand their unintelligent grunting.
They began to work quickly and they even ripped out fruit trees which were too close to each other and planted new ones in areas which were left empty. This made a bit more room to move around in while also improving the quality by a small bit.
Seeing how intelligence had greatly influenced the imps, Akor was even more happy. He looked at the younger one and the two older ones. He had them follow and headed to do demon heart and opened the town management screen.
Demon Management
Demon Towns
Town Management
20 Unit
20 Units
Number of Buildings
Lord’s home
Level 1
Wood 50 units
Village wall
Level 0
Wood 20 units
Demon Hut (imp)
Level 1
Wood 10 units
Demon Nest (Imp)
Level 1
Wood 20 Units
Wild Fruit Field
Level 0
Wood 5 units
When he looked at the bottom he noticed the small arrow just under the Wild Fruit field. He pressed the arrow and the screen switched.
Demon Management
Demon Towns
Town Management
Current Research
Lord House
Seeing the sections of the research section he was actually curious about them all.
Tutorial Guide
Research is an important part of nation building. By researching buildings, you can unlock new constructions while the other options will relate to skill or cultural development of your nation.
Building - researches new building blueprints and is used to research upgrades for existing buildings as well.
Crafting - researches about craft skills and buildings related to crafting. Certain buildings need both the research for a specific skill and building to unlock the construction to build it and unlock the skill within the village.
Military - researches about military based skills, combat skills, and weapon and construction blueprints. Certain buildings need specific skills researches to upgrade and unlock which must be done through this section.
Support - researches about support based skills, logistic skills, skills needed for running a government in a more organized way. These skills/class are needed for government buildings.
Culture - researches about culture aspects. Demons are a race of nomadic tribes most often so it requires many cultural aspects to attract them to your budding city and nation. Also used to research buildings related to historical events of your race.
The information was quite good and easy to understand.
Looking at the research subjects he decided that he needed to start with the buildings and see each upgrade group.
Demon Management
Demon Towns
Town Management
Lords house/Town hall
Upgrade 1
Tier 2 Research
Requires all relevant house upgrades, Basic Architecture skill researched
Demon House (Imp)
Upgrade Level 1
Tier 2 Research
Requires Tier 2 Demon (Imp), All relevant house upgrades
Demon Nest (Imp)
Upgrade Level 1
Tier 2 Research
Requires Tier 2 Demon (imp), All relevant nest upgrades
Village Wall
Upgrade Level 1
Tier 2 Research
Built Wall, Basic Architecture skill researched
Tier 1 Research
Training Yard
Tier 1 Research
Any Military skill researched
The number of locked research was quite shocking but it made sense as all the skills were more related to construction and upgrades. Since his current buildings needed to be built and upgraded to the max of their current level to unlock the upgrade and he needed to research a significant number of skills so he was quite far from upgrading beyond this.
Demon Management
Demon Towns
Town Management
Tier 1 Research
Tier 1 Research
Sewing skill
Tier 1 Research
Tier 1 Research
Herbalist Class
Tier 1 Research
Herblore skill research, Harvest skill research
Alchemy skill/class
Tier 1 Research
Herbalist class research
Mining skill/class
Tier 1 Research
Mine building researched
Blacksmith skill/class
Tier 1 Research
Mining Skill research
Opening the craft section, he found that there was similarly a number of research topics blocked but there were some which were unlocked, surprisingly.
He didn’t do things without thinking and opened the next section.
Demon Management
Demon Towns
Town Management
Warrior Skill (Bash - Shield)
Tier 1 Research
Warrior Skill (Slash - Sword)
Tier 1 Research
Warrior Skill (Stab - Spear/Sword)
Tier 1 Research
Warrior Skill (Throw - Hand)
Tier 1 Research
Warrior Skill (Punch - Fist)
Tier 1 Research
Archer Skill (Shoot - Bow)
Tier 1 Research
Bow Making, Carpentry
Archer Skill (Rock Throw - Hand)
Tier 1 Research
Archer Skill (Sling Mastery - Sling)
Tier 1 Research
The skills were numerous and extremely simple to the point Akor thought there was something to this. Considering that any of these skills could be learned with just some training, he thought that researching the skill could cause those living in his cities to learn it faster. After thinking like this he understood better the system but he had to confirm this point.
He opened the support section next.
Demon Management
Demon Towns
Town Management
Basic Math Skill
Tier 1 Research
Paper making
Tier 1 Research
Animal Husbandry
Tier 1 Research
Tier 1 Research
Tier 1 Research
Tier 1 Research
Tier 1 Research
Math skill, Writing skill, Paper making
Scribe Class
Tier 1 Research
Writing skill, paper making
Tier 1 Research
Any Craft skills, Math skill, Writing skill
The many skills in this section made Akor want to start here but he stopped himself because he lacked minions though he was interested in the farmer class because it would aid the farming. The last one was the Culture section.
Demon Management
Demon Towns
Town Management
Writing skill
Tier 1 Research
Demon God Recognition
Tier 1 Research
Tier 1 Research
Tier 1 Research
Culture research had a lot of blocked options in the later pages yet the first few options were incredibly important for sure. After weighting a lot of options, he eventually choose Animal husbandry because it was tied to the ability to domesticate wild animals and those wild goats were a viable option for this.
He clicked the chosen research.
Choose the building that the research will be completed in
Lord’s House
With a single option available he clicked his own house and the page returned to the selection option and the research appeared at the top.
Demon Management
Demon Towns
Town Management
Current Research
Lord House
Animal Husbandry
Sadly he had no intelligent enough minions to speed up the research but that would have to come with time. He turned to the next important topic which was related to the three mindless imps outside.
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