《The Joy of Evolution》I scream, You scream, We all scream for Tree Carrot
I awoke in my hole after sleeping for the first time a bit groggy.
Guhhh, five more minutes. Hit the snooze already! I stretch a tendril, where my alarm would be on instinct from my time as a human.
Huh, oh right Im not human any more, except I have upgraded from a tennis ball to the world's largest pill! And I can move more freely now too, my little suction cup tendrils move now! It's like having dozens of arms! I feel more energetic too, I feel I can keep moving and moving! Let me get a better look at myself, and use that discount on my radar sense.
Upgrade my Radar Sense to give better clarity.
(Confirmed, Spending Biomass in Hosts storage,costs 8 Biomass. Upgrading Hosts Radar Sense from (Very Weak to Medium), remaining Biomass 2.)
As I black out and float into my conscious for a couple seconds I think, 'That discount was really worth it, that would have cost 12 Biomass before, wait a minute didn't I have 20 Biomass before passing out, ahhh I must have used quite a bit for my evolution. Although why didn't she say it takes half your Biomass, what scam are you running GladOs!! You could have starved me again, you know how much that hurt!'
And I'm back! And I can see, still colorblind, but I can see clarity at last, I don't have to focus so hard at suspicious looking rocks! I probably still will though just to be sure, it is so breathtaking that I forget about GladOs’s attempt to kill me. Lets check ‘status’.
[Name: Joy
[Species: Lola Fetus
[Gender: N/A
[Health: 100/100
[Stamina: 100/100
[Material Storage:2/100
-Draining Spike: Draining(Very Weak) Breakthrough: (Very Weak)
-Suction Cups: Grip: (Weak) Power:(Weak)
-Regeneration Gland Speed:(Slow)
Usability: (Very Weak)
-Flesh Motor: Speed: (Slow) Usability: (Very weak)
-Radar Sense Clarity:(Medium) Distance:(Medium)
-Lola Core: Defense: (Extremely Weak) Usability: (Extremely Weak)
-Flesh Flash: Distance:(Extremely limited) Speed:(Extremely slow)
-Tier 1 Mutation Store
Wow, I have grown stronger, I mean obviously but, seeing and feeling really make the obvious even more obvious. I have new things to try and figure out what they do. Alright Flesh Motor, your up.
I can now extend one of my suction cup limbs as well as shrink other ones. These limbs are also extremely flexible like octopuses, they can knot each other if I'm not careful.
Next, the Lola Core, not sure about this one maybe if I upgrade it. Let's try it.
Upgrade Lola Core to very weak for both.
(Confirmed, Upgrading Lola Core to Very Weak for both Defense and Usability, costs 2 Biomass, you now have 0 Biomass)
I have 0 Biomass, are you kidding, now that I think of it what would have happened if I spent my Biomass before evolving, ehh I dont know maybe a mix of starvation and death if I were to guess, so good thing I didn't evolve on an empty stomach! Heh, yeah.
Ah, but back to the Lola Core, you know I do feel different, I feel a little more secure in my body and I also feel even more efficient.
This new core must be like my brain or something, and the defense is my skull, even though I don't have a skull or a head I mean I am currently a foot long pill body about 3 inches in diameter.
Alright, last but not least, is the Flashy Flesh, ehh that doesn't sound right what was it called again ‘status’
Name: Joy
[Species: Lola Fetus
[Gender: N/A
[Health: 100/100
[Stamina: 100/100
[Material Storage:0/100
-Draining Spike: Draining(Very Weak) Breakthrough:(Very Weak)
-Suction Cups: Grip: (Weak) Power:(Weak)
-Regeneration Gland Speed:(Slow) Usability: (Very Weak)
-Flesh Motor: Speed: (Slow) Usability: (Very Weak)
-Radar Sense Clarity:(Medium) Distance:(Medium)
-Lola Core: Defense: (Very Weak) Usability: (Very Weak)
-Flesh Flash: Distance:(Extremely limited) Speed:(Extremely slow)
-Tier 1 Mutation Store
Ah that's right, wish I could just ask for a specific mutation but, this works too, somewhat.
Like I was saying, Flesh Flash lets me move fast by extending a tendril that hooks onto the ground on then launches me over there. It takes a while for it to latch onto something and it only moves a little faster than my top speed, but it is still extremely weak so it has a lot of room for improvement.
Some of my Mutations seemed to have grown more customizable like my suction cups and my Draining Spike, they can now have breakthrough, which by the sounds of it will allow to punch harder than ever before, and
And finally the Mutation Store, drum roll please *dundundundun*
It is beautiful, I mean look at all these Mutations like this one!
(Locked, Available at Tier 3 Mutation Store)
Ehh, okay that makes sense Tier 1 is not the best, ahh but, what about this one.
(Locked, is not compatible with current species)
What?!, that?! Its okay, its okay there are alot more left, lets see.
Ohh I can filter, alright let's do that, my species is Lola Fetus, and I am a Tier One. That should be good, right? Aha, this one Flesh Clone! I even get details on it sweet!
-Flesh Clone-
The body splits and creates a Loyal Clone of the Host that will attempt to complete any task given to it, within its power.
Cost: 5000 Biomass
Guhhh?! 5-5000?! Who the hell can afford that! That's 50 times my new max and 250 times the highest I have ever been! Im broke I have zero, right now, I'll come and shop later, I don't really know what I want yet and I should probably focus on my current upgrades before getting any new ones that I can't afford anyway.
Alright, I need to look for more things to kill. So I dont starve again. I am so thankful that this body doesn't have taste buds. I mean, imagine eating a slimy slug, I mean I did and it wasn't too bad, but still.
As I crawl out of my bone door, I am actually too big and end up destroying it. You know what, screw that door! I have a different idea that is even better. I grab the bones and implant them in the ground pointy part up and create a little wall of snake bones around the entrance to my hole.
I then transform my pill body to have 4 big tendrils with suction cups sticking out which allow me to look like a cartoon character, but with a lot more suction cups and and I have no face or body but atleast I have arms and legs now and…oof! I fell over, it feels so weird to walk like this, I have no knee cap to stop my leg. I can't fight lizards like this, ball body is definitely better than pill body for fighting, it just is not as manuravable, but luckily I am now a shifter and I can do this!
I bloat my body back into the shape of a ball which is now basketball size, I am going to need to figure out how to expand my house or get a new one. I'll be on the lookout for one.
I stick to the edge of the caverns like glue even if I have evolved. I ain't walking out in the open among all those rocks. I see like eight things fighting over there 6 spiders and 2 wolves going at it. Actually let's watch the battle. Maybe I can clean up. But just to be safe I am going to climb up that rock behind them and prepare a Flesh Tendril to pull me back using Fleshy Flash, that totally wasn't right but it doesn't matter. I move around them while watching the battle.
Two spiders jump up at a wolf's back, they latch on and bite at it poisoning the wolf, the wolf's bites at them and tears them off from it back, killing one while injuring another but that dead spider got a hit on its tongue before it died. The other blind wolf starts to sprint at the other four spiders and takes a running leal completely missing them, and is now coming straight at me with its mouth open thinking I'm a spider. I jump off and land right next to the three spiders it missed, while the wolf smacks its face against the stone.
Heyyy? We can be friends right, I mean to my knowledge I haven't killed any spiders in this life yet. That doesn't seem to work. These vicious spiders must be able to sense that I am their mortal enemy from a previous life or they're just hungry. Nahhh, definitely mortal enemies.
A spider jumps at me and I grab it by moving a tendril to stick to it, it bites at my suction cup,
[You have been inflicted with Weak Poison]
[You have no Biomass to Negate the Poison with]
I try to stab into it with my spike but its carapace is tougher than it looks and doesn't allow me to drain it, the other two spiders jump at me. I grab them with a tendril and try to stab them too. It doesn't work and they bite, inflicting more poison. I need to do something and fast, I bring all of my tendrils to converge on the spiders with spikes out and I stab the ever living crap out of them wherever I can looking for a weak point in the carapace, I go for the eyes I mean they got eight an obvious weak point but it is not enough I am going to die of poison before I can drain them, the spiders keep biting me.
[You have been inflicted with Average Poison due to the poisons mixing]
[You have no Biomass to Negate the Poison with]
SCREW THIS?!! I am not dying to a bunch of spiders, I chuck them at the other wolf fighting the two spiders, I rush toward the wolf still dazed on the ground from slamming its face into a pillar. I latch onto its back behind its neck and I implant as many spikes into it as possible and start to drain it.
[You have gained 2 Biomass]
[You have gained 2 Biomass]
[You have gained 2 Biomass]
[You have gained 2 Biomass]
The wolf quickly gets up and shakes me off, throwing me to the side but not before I got enough Biomass to negate the poison.
[You have negated the Poison with Regeneration and 7 Biomass]
Now, I have to fight a wolf now though, they have a weakness though, they are blind and deaf and dumb. I just have to outsmart it using my superior senses and intellect. Before, the wolf gets any more funny ideas. I enact my plan and head toward the edge of the rock pillar where it smacked its head against, the wolf starts to sprint toward me, I use my Flash Flesh ability. And get behind the pillar, the wolf slams its shoulder into the pillar spraying rock and dirt around it. The wolf is once again down for the count, stunned at the shock of running half into a pillar. I roll into action, and latch onto once again draining it, the wolf tries to get up but is too weak to stand as I drain it away.
[You have gained 2 Biomass]
[You have gained 1 Biomass]
[You have gained 1 Biomass]
[You have gained 2 Biomass]
[You have defeated an Enemy]
[You have reached lvl 6]
Behind me, I can see that the invincible spiders are winning and the wolf looks pretty beat up on its last legs. It killed another two spiders but they poisoned real good and its movements have grown sluggish. I do not intend to fight them and retreat away with my increase of 5 Biomass, I could try and risk it by upgrading my spikes which may allow me to pierce the spider's carapace, but I am not that kind of risk taker. I would rather not gamble my life on the possibility I kill a few spiders.
But, I have grown stronger, I killed the thing that terrorized me a couple days ago. I am the apex predator! Okay, maybe not those spiders probably are, I mean they use teamwork, albeit not very good, I mean there is no strategy other than if you jump, I jump. You know that old saying, if your friends jump off a bridge, will you do it too. Well these spiders, they would. I know that because I saw it happen before, thats why the spiders are still on the dumb list. Along with every other creature is in this dumb cave filled with dumb creatures.
Alright, that's enough raging at hairy poisonous spiders. I still need to look for food preferably not, spiders. Maybe I should upgrade some more now that I have Biomass to spare, ahh but if I get another surprise fight with something poisonous I need all the Biomass I can to regenerate, still I should be able to upgrade my Fleshy Flash ability to very weak.
GladOs upgrade Fleshy Flash to very weak for both.
GladOs upgrade Flash Fleshy to very weak for both?
I can never remember that dumb abilities name, I mean what does GladOs care if I cant say it right.
Flesh Flash: Speed:(Extremely Limited) Distance:(Extremely Limited)
Alright, upgrade my Flesh Flash ability to Very Weak for both.
(Confirming, using 2 Biomass in Hosts Storage, Upgrading Flesh Flash ability to (Very Weak) for both (Distance and (Speed).
Thank you, I think as I pass out once again, but come back to my senses not too long later and continue in search for more food.
As I roll around the cave and I find something interesting; a plant, I mean it's not that interesting, but it is the first piece of plant life I have seen here. It doesn't look too special, it's just a normal weed… should I eat it.
I poke at it from a distance with an extended tendril with the suction cup removed. Nothing happens, it must just be a normal weed. I poke my draining spike through the leaves. The plant starts to bleed green juices and jostle around before drilling out of the ground. It looks like a large wood shaped carrot with four mouths around the top of the carrot surrounding the leaves . I retract my tendril back but, while I do, it attacks me with a sonic attack.
“REEEEREEEEE!!!!” the tree carrot screams stunning me with its very annoying banshee shriek.
I extend tendrils with suction cups to suction the mouths shut. It stops the sound but, it was very loud something else probably heard that. I need to kill it quickly, otherwise it will scream again, stunning me until whatever got attracted gets here and murders me. I can't poke through the wood part, so I must attack where it bleeds. I stab at the leaves at the top of the carrots head and tear them apart before drilling my spikes into its weak spot, a hole the leaves come out of.
The tree carrot doesn't seem to like that and tries even harder to scream, I am not strong enough to keep all of them shut and a mouth gets loose as I drain the carrot.
“REE…” I retract a spike that was digging around its insides and shove it down its mouth. It bites off the tendril I shoved in its mouth and starts to chew it. But I stopped the sound. I put the suction cup back on like a muzzle. And focus harder on draining it.
The carrot flops over to the side dead but, it took too long I can see other creatures coming to investigate the sound, I climb up the wall to avoid them. But it seems the sound attracted a special someone and by special someone I mean.. Mother?! What are you doing here?!
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