《Beyond The Game (Abandoned)》Ch 20 - Secrets
A cool breeze washed over Kaine’s face as he stared down the long winding staircase ahead, carved into the stone of a tunnel going down one side of the ravine, it was the sole way up and down from the safety of the outpost’s height.
Glancing back, he watched as the others said their goodbyes to Tsarra and Lixiss.
“Watch yourselves down there, beings of all kinds exist solely to hunt and feed within the ravine, whilst there are also others of many different reasonings and needs.” Tsarra warned one last time as the adventurers gathered behind the accompanying Covenants.
“Trust not what you see, believe not what you hear, only what you know.” Clayton grumbled as he began descending the stairs.
Kaine though glanced around once more, looking for Lixiss, strangely he found her speaking with Jedd. With Butch the worg sticking closely to his reunited master, the beast whined as it glanced anxiously in between the Elves.
Unable to hear their short conversation Kaine could only watch as Lixiss glanced at him, smiled, then walked away. Eyeing with a raised brow the strange NPC as she left, Kaine barely noticed Jedd approaching.
Pausing next to Kaine, Jedd tapped him on his shoulder to get his attention then gestured for him to follow. “Well, I got my tame back. She also said she doesn’t need any more goodbyes,” Jedd told him, “Should we wait for you?”
Pondering over it for a few moments, “No, let’s go.” Kaine decided to leave it be, turning to then follow Jedd down the tunnel and stairs the others had already begun to descend.
Taking a deep breath, Kaine began descending the stairs too, his hand clenched around the sword he had been handed by Tsarra.
Since he was the only one unarmed amongst the adventurers.
Glancing at it, Kaine pulled up the weapon’s window.
[Elven Sabre]
Make: Average
Creator: Durand Sol [Calen’Ris]
Material: Ironleaf, Living Wood, Elder Tree Sap, Drake-weasel Pelt
Durability: 80%
Sharpness: 100%
Seemingly somewhat worn, yet Kaine couldn’t complain about the weapon’s light weight and sharpness. With a long, mildly greenish single-edged and curved blade, greyish wooden handle and handguard. Kaine’s hand wrapped comfortably around the white leather-like grip, what he figured was made from this Drake-weasel creature’s pelt.
This will do just fine.
He thought to himself, turning then to look ahead as he walked down the stepped path. Each of his comrades, new and old, wielding their weapons and other brand-new equipment.
Same as Kaine had not only gotten a brand-new sword, each of the adventurers were handed some new clothing to replace their tattered new-spawn clothes, and some protective equipment to go with. Not wanting to hand them the full guard uniform though, Tsarra at least gave each of them a hard-leather vest, shoulder-guards, knee-guards, Ironleaf helmets and boots.
Everyone was ecstatic about finally replacing the bandages with actual footwear.
But that excitement was short-lived, as the dreadful feeling of anticipation crept up into all of them, as they descended these steps.
Unsure what to expect, unsure what might come next.
Carefully, they anxiously took each and every step down the dimly lit tunnel, as at times a cold breeze caressed their faces.
The wind making the light flicker, as the plants giving it off swung with.
“Care of where you put your foot from here on,” Then warned one of the Covenants, being at the very back Kaine recognised the voice as being the buff Velnor’s.
The light within the tunnel began to brighten, as suddenly the tunnel opened up on his right. With railing keeping them from walking over the edge, albeit flimsily made, Kaine could now see down into the ravine below.
As the lower you went, it widened.
Turning from an already rather wide crack in the earth, to a long valley bustling with life. As strangely-feathered birds flew down below in great flocks, actual clouds moved with the winds at an elevation slightly higher.
Then further down below, the bottom of the Living Ravine, was a grassland.
Not a tree in sight, unlike the very top where the massive Elder Trees grew out of the ravine’s edges, the largest plant-life Kaine could see where unkept hedges formed out of bushes and tall grass.
A vastly open stretch of land, lit up only by the light producing plants which grew out of the ravine’s cliff-sides. Yet not even those could fully light it up, as where the plant’s light did not reach, was utterly dark.
“Generally, I’d suggest keeping to the Ravine’s edges,” Clayton then began to explain as they continued their descent, “After that, is the grasslands filled with many creatures, great and dangerous. Further beyond, are the Dimlands, where monsters prowl, hunting the beasts in the grasslands before dragging them back into the shade for consumption.”
“Then beyond even that, is the Dark Rim,” Kla’ris interjected, “Where creatures beyond the word ‘Monster’ live. Monsters that, hunt other monsters, for a literal living.”
“I’d also suggest never going there.” Clayton resumed, “If you like keeping your insides where they are, otherwise, feel free to feed the beasts. Anyhow-” He yawned calmly, “The plan is simple, follow us, and we’ll deal with anything perceivably dangerous. If we do not deem it dangerous enough, then we’ll reserve our strength and you will take care of it.”
“Wait what? Aren’t you supposed to be our guides?” Rey pointed out.
“Guides, not bodyguards.” Clayton specified with amusement, “Killing shit that you can’t if and when it attacks us, well call it on the house.”
“There’s things other than monsters you need to look out for down here anyway…” Velnor grumbled, eyeing the lands below with narrowed eyes.
Unsure what the soldier meant, “Like what?” Jedd asked.
Tuck smirked, “Heh, let’s just say not everyone gets along with the law.”
“Crest…” Clayton called out with a warning tone.
“What? Not like they won’t figure it out later, better now than then.” Velnor replied and Clayton just shrugged.
“What do you mean?” Roy then asked as he stood directly behind the Covenant.
“I mean that this kingdom isn’t all bright and fun, while the Coven obviously doesn’t care much for you, others might.” Velnor explained, “Others like the Royals, military higher ups and…well others.”
“The prophesized summoned.” Clayton mused with a chuckle, “Wait till the barracks knows you’re just barely adult newbies.”
Cringe went through the adventurers, other than Sin seeming to be growing further annoyed with each word Clayton said, Kaine then finally spoke.
“Then what do the people think of us? What does this prophecy say in the first place?” He asked what was on everyone’s mind.
“That’s the thing, we don’t know what the prophecy exactly says.” Kla’ris said, “Only the Elders do, which has left it for widespread interpretation. Most think it’s just as the Elders said, summoned from another world will come to aid us in our time of need. Some others though…think there is more.”
“A dangerous way of thinking,” Tuck added, “Questioning the Elders, blasphemy.”
“Even you cannot deny that keeping the prophecy from us is strange, right?” Velnor then asked.
“The Coven must have its reasons to,” Tuck replied, “Either way, one should never question their leaders. There’s a reason we’ve only ever prospered under the Coven.” Tuck coldly said, letting the conversation die there as an awkward silence then filled them.
As they continued to descend, for what felt like hours, down the steps they went.
The silence then broken as they all stopped, “Finally…No more steps…” Clayton sighed with relief, “You all ready? Stick close, touch nothing and provoke nothing.” He warned them as they each silently nodded in response.
He rested his halberd onto one hand, then pushing open the rickety wooden door before him, Clayton stepped out of the tunnel.
As did the other three Covenants, allowing the adventurers out into the Ravine proper.
Tall blades of the greenest grass dancing about their waists, each gazed off to either side of this gigantic crevice in the land, as they lay at its very bottom, yet life flourished none-the-less.
The ravine going on for miles and miles in both directions, they could just barely make out where it curved on one side and more easily where it suddenly turned to the other.
“Remember, don’t wander off.” Clayton repeated, resting his weapon onto one shoulder before beginning to move once more. As did everyone, following him, they trudged through the tall grass. “Tuck?” Pausing though as Clayton suddenly stopped to glance back at Tuck, the Covenant had remained back at the exit, halberd clenched in his hands as he glanced at their surroundings.
“It’s…nothing.” Tuck said, having sensed something strange move about them, yet he felt nothing out of the ordinary now. “Haven’t been out and around in the ravine for a while now, is all.”
“Well better get your shit together and quickly,” Clayton warned before continuing onwards. “Now come on, we’ve got a long road ahead.”
“Aye sir.” Tuck responded, turning to follow, still he anxiously continued to watch their surroundings.
As Kaine then suddenly sensed a familiar movement about his feet, he heard the demon’s hiss reach his ears too.
“I have returned, master.” Nova hissed out in a whisper as she entered a pouch which lay hanging off his waist. “These ones are alert master, I must hide, else you might be…revealed.” The demon said, going silent then.
Like I’d protect you at the cost of revealing myself…
Kaine bitterly thought, not having forgotten this creature’s master and their ‘Agenda’.
That dagger…I’ll have to deal with it at some point, but now’s not the time.
He figured best to leave it for when he had some more privacy, not around his comrades and definitely not around the Covenant. Realising also, that Nova had kept her distance their entire stay here. He was unsure, whether it was to keep her existence secret, or to avoid conversation with Kaine in the first place.
I can’t avoid it.
He decided this demon in his pocket was a dangerous priority.
Long hours passed by as they treaded through the seemingly empty tall grass, not a living creature in sight other than the flocks of birds storming the sky beneath the clouds, yet the Covenant knew otherwise.
As did Lara and Kaine, as the only two amongst the adventurers having unlocked their magic, they sensed the movements within the grass. Creatures large and small, the grass was their forest within which they lived and hid.
Clayton sighed as he suddenly stopped, the rest stopping with him, he turned to them. “Damn rats, well, you’re up newbies.” He said, “Not gonna waste our breath on these things, still someone’s gotta deal with them pests before they horde around us and lure other things to the feast.”
“W-What do you mean?” Lara asked, sensing only the usual critter she had the entire trip.
“No more questions, here they come.” Clayton announced, aiming his halberd down the direction they had come from.
Kaine and the rest immediately turned to face it, as he gripped his weapon ready.
Kaine too sensed nothing approach, not even seeing the grass move unordinarily, he no clue what they were expecting to come.
That is, until it bit his leg.
“S-Shit-” Kaine pulled away, almost falling over as the furry creature gnawed at his boots. Kicking up, Kaine momentarily sent the beastie flying through the air, revealing it for what it was.
Not much unlike a ferret, yet the long little beast had thick gleaming silver fur. Only two fore-legs though, as from its waist down the beast became serpentine in form, the fur completely stopping and being replaced with a scale-like white pelt.
The creature hissed as it soared, Kaine taking the moment to inspect it.
Female Drake-Weasel [Level 6]
“Careful now, their fangs are poisonous.” Clayton warned as the Covenant rested upon their halberds, watching with great amusement as the adventurers began to huddle up and unsheathe their weapons. “Also worry not, they can sense you’re weaker than us, they’ll definitely focus on you!” He assured them with a chuckle.
“Oh, how reassuring!” Sin grumbled as she prepared her polearm.
“I don’t sense them!” Lara exclaimed, “Where are they!?” she was panicking.
“Calm down, watch your feet!” Jedd exclaimed as she did just that.
Kaine’s eyes widening then as he watched the grass suddenly shudder nearby, as one of the beasts leapt out and into Jedd’s direction.
Quickly unsheathing his sabre, Kaine stepped forth, slashing upwards he met the beast’s leap with his blade. “Watch out!” He exclaimed, as the agile creature bent mid-air, completely avoiding his attack…
It couldn’t then avoid Jedd as she smashed her massive maul upon it, crushing the beast into the ground, still the creature seemingly survived as no death message came up.
Also disappearing from sight, only crushed grass lay before them as Jedd and Kaine then turned to watch each other’s backs.
“Okay! Don’t just watch your feet!” Jedd then exclaimed, eyes wide as she scanned her surroundings back and forth.
“Oh yeah, they have a tendency to jump out at you! Did I mention that?” Clayton added with a wide smirk.
“Let’s just fucking say you did!” Dark shouted back.
As the adventurers now formed a circle, unsure where the enemy was or where they’d come at them from.
Sensing nothing amiss, seeing no movement, sound was their only friend.
As Kaine solely focused on his hearing, “Stop moving.” He told the rest.
“What?” Jedd asked.
“Be quiet, listen.” Kaine told them.
Gaining Clayton’s attention then, Kaine listened through the blowing winds and flailing blades of grass. He listened through the chirping and calls of the birds above.
Sounds that had surrounded him the entirety of the journey thus far, he searched for something amiss, he searched for a sound that stood out.
Then suddenly, he heard it.
Squeaking as it prowled towards his feet, Kaine heard one approaching.
Glancing down, he couldn’t see it, the grass too thick to do so.
Yet he heard it, he knew where it was.
As he gripped his blade with both hands and aimed it down, the sound then abruptly stopped as he did.
Kaine stepped back and when he did the beast leapt out, hissing with fangs wide it soared out of the grass and towards him.
Towards its untimely demise as Kaine lunged forwards, his blade cleanly slashing through the creature’s snout, splashing green blood onto the grass as the sound of tearing flesh now rung.
You have killed {Female Drake-Weasel [Level 6]} Martial Experience gained 105/500
Holding his stance, Kaine studied the beast closer as it hung off his blade’s point dead. Fangs longer than any snake’s, he figured himself lucky they did not penetrate his boots.
“Don’t celebrate just yet!” Tuck exclaimed, “Trust me, there’s more where that came from!”
And Kaine believed him, shoving aside the little corpse he stepped back into formation, blade ready at his side.
Kaine listened, as did the others.
“Hmph, how about we show them who’re the newbies here?” Dark mused, as he suddenly stepped out of formation.
“I like the sound of that.” Sin replied, as she stepped forth as well, she held her naginata one handed and to the side.
As Dark kept his katana sheathed, he continued to move ahead, Sin all the while following him.
“Meh, it’s your death.” Clayton shrugged.
“How about it Jor?” Sin called out, “Like old times?” Eyes wide as she smiled, as she suddenly spun with her weapon.
Three drake-weasels leaping out of the grass at her then, her blade slashed through all three, a wide sweep that ended with splattered blood and three falling corpses. Having cut aside the long grass as well, a circle of her long range was clearly visible at her feet, not one blade of grass having avoided her sweep.
“Always so defensive,” Dark mused as he scanned the grass before him, “Remember Jor? We were the frontline, what happened to going to our enemies.” Dark asked, as suddenly he rushed forwards, running around their formation with the sound of several beasts chasing after him through the grass as obvious as the grass was now giving off their position.
Dark suddenly stopped and spun around then, unsheathing his weapon he slashed and moved forwards in one smooth motion. Sending more blades of grass into the air, as more blood splattered in the wake of his blade, yet he did not stop there.
Dark continued his forward motions, each step a slash, each slash continuing into further. Dark danced with his katana as much as Sin did, once more spinning in place.
No creature could approach her, high or low, her blade reached them all before they even got into range of leaping at her. She moved not, retaining her position, she spun her weapon about.
As Dark continued his own dance, each step met with a foe, each foe met with his blade.
And not wanting to be outdone, or losing on the potential experience gain, Kaine also stepped out of formation. Immediately hearing two of the beasts leaping out of the grass and at him, Kaine stopped to face them, onehandedly slashing at one as he grabbed the other by the tail, throwing it aside.
Kaine turned and followed the beast he had injured, rushing into the grass blade first, he plunged it into the fallen beast’s back.
You have killed {Male Drake-Weasel [Level 6]} Martial Experience gained 125/500
Before quickly retreating away as the other leaped out at him once again, Kaine though was ready.
As once more he grabbed it by the tail and at the same timed slashing with his sabre, pulling it by the tail and ending its leap Kaine then slashed the beast in half.
You have killed {Male Drake-Weasel [Level 6]} Martial Experience gained 145/500
“Hah! Looks like you still got it!” Sin exclaimed, cutting down what could have been her dozenth beast.
“Still not enough!” Dark mused, slashing through the tall grass and sending two of the beasts flying out, they momentarily hovered before him.
As he lunged forth, impaling both into his blade before slashing aside, catching a third mid-leap. Cutting each down to size.
“No, not enough, just yet.” Kaine replied with a smirk, as he pulled a copper sword out from his inventory, a blade per hand now he stepped forth once more.
“Show off.” Sin and Dark both mused in unison at the sight.
As Kaine took in a deep breath, as his smirk widened into a grin.
As four drake weasels leapt out at him, one from each direction, he also heard more rushing towards his feet.
Surrounded, Kaine switched his shorter weapon into a back-handed grip.
Suddenly stomping his foot down upon the closest weasel, Kaine stabbed down with his copper sword.
You have killed {Male Drake-Weasel [Level 6]}
Martial Experience gained 165/500
At the same time lowering his stance, and slashing to the side where two more weasels stalked through the grass.
The four now descended upon his back, yet weren’t quick enough, as Kaine rolled forwards, avoiding them entirely albeit abandoning his copper sword. Quickly Kaine recovered and turned about, rushing into the grouping of monsters, Kaine stabbed and slashed with his sabre, recovering also his copper sword.
A whirlwind of blood and bodies followed the rhythmic and co-ordinated movements of his blades.
You have killed {Male Drake-Weasel [Level 6]} Martial Experience gained 185/500 You have killed {Female Drake-Weasel [Level 6]} Martial Experience gained 205/500
With each injury, still the frenzied monsters did not back down, re-entering the fray even after being thrown aside or cut down.
As even more joined the assault upon Kaine, unafraid even with many of their companions lying dead nearby, the Drake-weasels horded around him.
Yet Kaine’s grin only grew wider, blood splattered across his face, he enjoyed every moment, every sound and feel of his blades cutting each beast down. Breathing heavily with excitement, the rush of it all went to his head.
As his vision began to blur from overexerting himself, Kaine still continued to fight.
His eyes then, suddenly revealing themselves for the green slits that they were.
Kaine did not notice, he only continued to kill, kill and kill.
Even as his body shook and trembled, his movements were clean and deadly.
Right up until both his blades were met with Dark’s katana, as the beastman glared straight into Kaine’s ravenous eyes.
“Stop.” Dark told him, breaking Kaine out of his daze. “They’re running off, stop chasing them.” He said, Kaine now noticing how far he had run off from the group, having been chasing the retreating beasts.
Noticing then his heavy breathing, his hands shaking, his feet trembling and his vision going blurry.
You have killed {Female Drake-Weasel [Level 6]} Martial Experience gained 485/500
And apparently the many dozen of drake-weasels he had already slain.
“I-I did it…again…” Kaine quietly mused, stepping away from Dark and lowering his weapons, Kaine fell back into the grass. Dropping both swords, he clenched his shaking hands upon his trembling legs, taking several deep breaths.
Kaine tried to calm himself, as the rush of excitement slowly faded away.
He swore he saw it before him, plunged into the earth and awaiting his hand, for the briefest of moments Kaine saw the dagger amongst the grass. Somehow different, more ornate than before.
But it was gone now, and so had his eyes returned to the illusion Tsarra had cast upon him.
“D-Did they notice?” Kaine asked Dark as he, Sin, Jedd and Roy now stood all around him.
“No…I don’t think they did,” Roy replied as he forwarded his hand to Kaine.
Glancing up he met their gazes, Roy and Jedd’s filled with worry whilst Sin stared down at him with confusion.
Dark though, he glared down at him, cold eyes of understanding and amusement. “Hmph, so it’s true, Mangoest.”
Kaine met Dark’s glare with his own, “Don’t fucking call me by that name,” he warned, slapping Roy’s hand away before retrieving his weapons and standing up alone. Still mildly shaken, Kaine walked away to re-join the rest.
Again…god damnit I saw it again…
He thought as he sheathed his sabre and put away the short-sword, then briefly he glanced back at Dark. Meeting their amused glare with his own cold stare.
He knows…and this is going to be an annoying trip.
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