《Beyond The Game (Abandoned)》Ch 19 - The Snide and the Vile
“Hmph, were you never taught manners either?” Tallow mused as each Covenant knight behind him turned to face them then, blocking Tsarra and her men off as well.
“I would ask the same for you, but it is painfully obvious to me that you haven’t,” Sinclair answered back with a murderous glare, Dark reacting to the knights as he took a step to stand ahead of her.
Tallow raised a brow, “Well, then. Might we both learn out of this, seeing as, you stand in my city. My land. My territory and under my laws.” He said coldly, as slowly he began to raise his left hand up.
“W-Wait, please, we apologize for that. She’s a bit of a hot head…” Jedd exclaimed as she stepped in between them, “We’ll abide by the rules, we’re not here for conflict but to help.” She said, trying to diffuse the situation.
Glancing in between the three of them, Tallow’s eyes narrowed, “Your standing is duly noted, adventurer, take your comrades and step aside from the accused.” He stated coldly.
Making Tsarra’s expression pale, as both the knights, Dark and Sin now fingered their weapons.
It seemed as the situation was only worsening.
“Dark, Sin, stand the fuck down.” When a voice then hissed out from behind the adventurers, each glancing back, but Dark and Sin, who knew it was Kaine.
As he stepped out into view, coming to stand next to Dark he clenched his old comrade’s shoulder.
“Stand down.” Kaine said, and Dark’s eyes turned to glare back at him.
“You don’t tell me what to do.” Dark whispered with a warning tone.
“You can argue that later, or right now.” Kaine warned back, as Dark quickly looked him up and down. Seeing no weapon in sight only made him more cautious, as he did not respond back.
“Fine,” Sin sighed, also pulling Dark back then, yet still meeting the Coven officer’s glare as she did. “I’ll drop it,” She said with a sudden smile, “Apologies.” Sin spoke with a strangely honest tone.
Confusing Tallow, “A-Ah,” and putting him in an awkward situation as his expression twitched into the fakest of smiles. “V-Very well, if you’re willing to admit your mistake.” He dropped his hand and the Covenant stood down as well.
“I don’t believe,” Kaine continued as he turned to the new faces now, “I caught your names?”
To which Tallow straightened, “Oh, yes. How uncouth of me,” clearing his throat then, “I am Elder Squire Dheron Tallow, member from the Elder Coven of this city of Calen’Ris. I, as a law enforcer of the west ravine, have been tasked with welcoming the prophesized summoned. Which, I take, are all of you…” He finished with a bitter tone, glancing back at both Dark and Sin.
To which he swore he heard Dark growl, but wasn’t entirely sure as Sin had elbowed him in the gut making the poor adventurer create a sound more akin to a wheeze.
Sin continuing to smile throughout.
“Yet, from Captain Reylee’s report, I have come to understand that there are…many more of you to come?” Tallow then explained.
“Yes,” Jedd answered, “We could number in the thousands, hundreds of thousands, the exact number is unclear even to us since the spaw-” Clearing her throat then with a cough and catching herself, “Sorry, since we arrived here in large but probably separate groups, spread out throughout the first area we found ourselves in. My guess is that each horde of p-adventurers has at this point met one another and formed together to move in this direction.”
“Hundr…of thousands?...” Dheron squeaked out, his expression twitching further. “M-My have the gods decided to send numbers over power then?...”
“That very well could b-be sir,” Tsarra added as she managed to squeeze her way through the Covenant knights.
“W-Well, that is not as such that great an issue…The military could easily rally and regulate you with some well thought out strategy…” Dheron mused out loud, “It would be greatly easier if you had a select few to…per say, speak for you.”
Almost laughing, “Hah, I’m sure that can be arranged.” Dark replied with cold amusement, remembering the first few minutes of spawning in and the players already beginning to take command.
“Yeah, we’d have to reconvene with the rest first though.” Jedd added, focusing on the topic at hand and away from Dark’s attitude.
“I would dare ask though,” Kaine then stepped back in, “What do we gain for listening to you?”
His question amusing Dheron as the Elder Squire now turned to the seemingly most interesting face amongst them, delighting him that this was an Elf, and not one of the other races he saw before him. “If, you follow our rules. You gain knowledge of this world, be it simple directions through the very dangerous ravine to historical knowledge of our people and this realm. You gain access to trainers and scholars of ours, alongside the very resources our military train upon. In return, all we ask is that you do as told whilst within our home.”
“Sounds reasonable…” Lara mused.
“Reasonably vague,” Jedd then coldly mused as her eyes narrowed onto Tallow, surprising the Elder Squire as he had thought her to be the easier one to convince, Jedd’s careful expression now spoke otherwise as she met his stare.
“We will follow your rules, within our own moral reason.” Jedd said solemnly, “We understand something is coming, and you think you can take it all on your own. Would it not be much cleaner a process with us though? Less damage, less losses, less costs to cover. We have our own rules to follow as well, while we won’t force them upon you, most of us will follow them.”
“Y-Yes, we won’t force you to just follow our laws, of course.” Dheron added into the brief pause Jedd gave as she then continued.
“We will both benefit from this friendship, as such we will follow your laws within reason and you will allow us freedom within reason.” Jedd ended with, thinking to herself then.
We won’t be controlled, we won’t be bullied.
“We won’t be pushed around, leafy.” Sin then mused, still wearing that now creepily perfect smile.
“Hmph,” Dheron Tallow smirked in response, “But to an accord we have come, as such I officially welcome you, to Calen’Ris. I’m afraid we’ve only prepared accommodations for few though, how soon should we expect the…rest of you?”
“They’re days behind.” Dark said with a grin.
“Meaning we can accommodate ourselves with said accommodations!” Sin joyfully added.
“Y-Yes…” Dheron responded awkwardly, “Then to Sporetop you shall go.”
“Sporetop?” Roy repeated in question.
“The nearest town, beyond the villages alongside the eastern path, a three-day journey through the ravine.” Dheron answered, “Of course, guides will be provided.” He said glancing then to Tsarra.
“R-Right…” Tsarra replied tentatively.
“I’m afraid that might not be possible sir,” Then spoke a voice from Tsarra’s gathered guards, Lixiss spoke out with a respectful tone as expected from an underling.
Tsarra herself just noticing that she had also returned, “What might you mean?” Dheron asked as he too turned to her.
“We’re short on hands sir, we won’t be able to deal with any coming adventurers if our numbers shorten.” Lixiss replied.
To which, Dheron chuckled with great amusement, “Hah, how usual of the military, then shall we send our friends here through the ravine alone and unguided?” He asked with a wide smirk.
Tsarra was about to respond but Lixiss spoke out too quickly, “Would it not be wiser to send out the Coven’s men to guide our ‘friends’ sir? As much more capable as they are than us simple guards, we wouldn’t want accidents to happen to them due to our lack of personnel?”
“That’s…” Dheron glanced at his men.
“Can’t you just like, take us with you through that portal thing you just came from?” Rey then asked.
“No adventurer, only Coven can use Coven magic.” Lixiss then answered with a smile, “You do not meet the requirements.” Seemingly changed from the annoyed young Elf they had met before.
Kaine’s own eyes narrowing, although he understood her change of personality, she had something to say but wanted not to remain noticed within this Coven member’s mind.
“Indeed, but alas it is true that the Covenant is unmatched,” Dheron sighed dramatically, turning then to his knights, “Second Squire…Thorn?” Dheron seemingly asked, not remembering the name of his own guard.
The Covenant soldier stepped forth and nodded, a grimace hidden behind his helm.
“Yes, Second Squire Thorn and his squad will guide you,” Dheron then said, and Thorn simply nodded again as three of the Covenant stepped forth with him. “I…will return to the city, there is much to…plan for. As we await the rest of you, in the meantime, have a safe trip, adventurers…” Dheron gave a barely low bow, a cold smile as he gave them all one last glance, ending upon Kaine as a portal then appeared behind him.
Your faction reputation with [The Elder’s Coven] has increased! [The Elder’s Coven] 10/2000 Your faction reputation with [The Covenant] has increased! [The Covenant] 10/2000
Two notifications appeared within Kaine’s view then, and by the surprised expressions of the rest of them, he wasn’t alone. As before them Dheron turned about to leave, “Captain, I expect full cooperation with what’s next, after all we must work together to make these coming events go as smoothly as possible.” He said with a snide smirk, before nodding and stepping through the portal.
Followed by the Covenant guards, all but the squad of four tasked to guide Kaine and the rest.
And as the portal closed, Thorn’s entire demeanor changed, as the guard spat off the edge before turning to glance over them all. “Heh, I know he’s a bit of a jackass but, Tsarra you should’ve at least warned them to be careful with his type.” He said with an amused chuckle.
“I know…I was caught off-guard by the timing.” Tsarra replied, sighing with relief.
“Well, guess I’m stuck with you all now.” Thorn then mused, “Thanks to a certain big mouth underling.” Glancing briefly at Lixiss who remained at attention.
“Not very reassuring a tone there.” Farvo pointed out.
To which Tsarra laughed, “Guys, this is Clayton Thorn, a bit of a jack ass himself.” She introduced him, and each guard both military and Covenant laughed, whilst Clayton grimaced. “We of the military who protect the borders and the ravine work closely with the Covenant who protect the citizens within our villages, towns and the main city, alongside keeping them law abiding. You’ll be safe with his squad as long as you follow them closely and listen.”
“Meh, just follow three simple rules.” Clayton then said with a shrug, “Shut up, follow, and don’t fall behind.”
“Neither of which he is capable of himself,” Joked one of his own squad mates, bursting many of them into a fit of laughter.
Clayton sighed, glancing back at her briefly as he said, “Nice, right, thanks for your input.” Turning back to his charge right after. “The joker is Third Squire Kla’ris Hawk, and the remainder being Velnor Crest and Tuck Kales’io.” Then quickly introducing each of his squad as all three casually saluted back.
Briefly staring at all of them, “What? Do none of you have names?” Clayton then asked with a raised brow.
“R-Right, sorry.” Jedd apologized with a stutter, “I’m Jedd, leader of the crimson crows, alongside my friends here.” Gesturing at each but Dark and Sin, “Lara, Farvo, Rey, Roy and Jor.”
“Jor eh? Seemed like you made the best impression on ol’ jack ass back there,” Clayton mused, “I’d watch yourself as much as the rude ones.” To which Kaine’s eyes narrowed as he processed this, “Speaking of which, how about you, rude ones?” Clayton then asked the last two. “Got names? Rather know who I’m risking my hide for.”
“Dark Hour,” Dark said with a roll of the eyes.
“Ah, I like this one, little words and easy to read.” Clayton said with a chuckle, gaining himself a glare from Dark.
“I’m Sinclair, or just Sin.” Sin added in with a wide smile.
“And that’s everyone, right?” Clayton then asked, a chill going up his spine as he glanced away from Sinclair.
“At the moment yeah.” Jedd replied.
“Good, the less the better.” Clayton added as he yawned.
“What should we expect?” Roy then asked, “On our way through the ravine that is.”
“Hm? Ah, all sorts of things.” Clayton lazily replied, “We’re gonna need some supplies though, so I’m afraid I’ll be confiscating some things from your cellar.” He then told Tsarra with a smirk.
“We don’t have too many mouths to feed here, go ahead, we’re stocked for months.” Tsarra said, gesturing at the largest of the trees within which a tavern seemed to have been built in.
“And unlike them we know how to sustain ourselves from our surroundings,” Lixiss mused in a whisper, which Kaine strangely heard as a breeze blew past him.
“Great, fill yourselves up while we’re still here, three days out there is bloody long enough.” Clayton told them and his squad as he immediately turned to stroll towards the direction given.
“Speaking of which…” Jedd mused as the sound of grumbling echoed out from amongst them, each turning to look at Lara as the human turned redder than peach skin. “We haven’t eaten much for a couple days too…”
Kaine too felt a bit light, but said nothing if only to enjoy Lara’s embarrassment a bit further.
Still, starvation is penalized by death even here so…
That one thought entirely draining the humor out of the situation for him, as he glanced at his survival UI, his hunger bar was indeed hovering below 40%. Something he knew could be dangerous if not paid attention to.
“Then let’s get you all some food, Kjil makes the best soup.” Tsarra said, inviting them forward as well.
“More like the only soup…” Lixiss whispered as she now came to stand beside Kaine, once again him seemingly being the only one able to hear her as once more a light breeze blew past his ear. “Oh, right. I’m using a wind spell, Sending Breeze, nifty little trick isn’t it?” She mused with a smirk, “Only you can hear me, although others can see my lips moving and maybe detect my mana. Like how Tsarra just glared back at me.” She said with a stifled chuckle.
“Teach me that?” Kaine whispered back as the rest moved to follow a now suddenly delighted Clayton.
“Well, that depends what elemental arcane arts you possess.” Lixiss replied normally now as both of them also moved.
“Ah,” Kaine remembered, yet wondered if it was still the same as the last game. “How do I know what I have access to?”
“What spells can you cast?” Lixiss then asked, “Ah, nevermind.” She then quickly added realizing what her question meant, as did Kaine right after. “Depending on the spells you know, is what kind of elements you have access to. If you have learned a fire spell, then fire is your primary, or one of, your elemental arcane arts.”
“How many elements can someone have access to?” Kaine asked.
“Depends…Most only have access to one, some get two, and rarely three.” Lixiss replied with a shrug, “I have wind, obviously.” She said before suddenly changing her voice to sending. “And another we both probably have in common.”
Kaine thought as they reached the tavern’s massive wooden doors, which is what he attributed to his fear spell, {Dreadful Sight}.
“So, I won’t know what other arcane arts I have access to until I learn more spells?” He then pondered.
“Pretty much kid,” Velnor, one of the Covenant, said as he pulled up a couple chairs out from under one table nearby. “And spells ain’t something you exactly learn, just gotta wait for the Elements to find you worthy of their power.”
“Yeah, and most who do, are a minority compared to those who never get any.” Grumbled Kla’ris.
“The Elements?” Lara repeated in question, as each of the adventurers now grew interested in their conversation.
“Deities who command a specific power, be it fire, water, disease, sound, etc.” Tsarra answered as they all began sitting down around the largest table. “Ah Kjil, portions for everyone.” She told the large burly Elf on the other side of the wide window separating them and the kitchen, before returning to them. “And it’s not just Deities, but other kinds of spirits could deem you worth their attention.”
“Such as?” Roy asked, prodding for more.
“Hm, Fae, Dark Harbingers, Nymphs or even Demons.” Tsarra listed off, the last catching Kaine’s full attention, “Each of which you should be very wary and careful of, unlike Gods who bestow power with the only agenda of strengthening a creature who’s ideals they like. These spirits do so to warp and turn their chosen’s ideals to their own agenda.”
“Fae and Demons above all are the most mischievous,” Kjin’s rough voice exclaimed from the kitchen.
“Whilst Dark Harbingers, or Servants of the God of Death, rarely ever select anyone.” Kla’ris added, “Other than maybe one old man at the brink of death, once every seven centuries.”
“What about Nymphs?” Sinclair then asked, as an absolutely horrid smell then reached their nostrils.
“Ah-N-Nymphs are what empower the current royal family of the clan Tera.” Kjin answered once more as he stuttered, after seemingly having spilt something into the large cooking pot he had been slowly stirring.
Kaine was very sure he saw the ‘chef’ glance at the cupboard full of strange bottles above him as if he didn’t know what did fall, shrug, then continue to stir like it wasn’t his problem.
“Still, they’re n-nothing compared to the power the Coven has accumulated over the years.” Clayton mused as he returned from a side door taking downwards, carrying a large backpack he quickly set down once having reached their table. “I hear one of the Elder Paladins was chosen by a Reaper.”
“What reaper?” Farvo asked with a raised brow.
“A reaper, A harbinger,” Clayton reiterated as if it was obvious, sitting down then, he sniffed the air only for his nose to twitch in seeming disgust. “Power over death, it’s some high-level magic that. Not that we common folk will ever get to see any of it.” He then sighed, rising briefly to look at Kjin pouring whatever lay within the pot into several wooden bowls.
Clayton’s pale expression then, gave Kaine little hope, as Kjin then came out from the kitchen with a tray full of bowls.
“Behold this power over death…” Lixiss mused into Kaine’s ear then, as Kjin began dropping a bowl before everyone.
And as it was Kaine’s turn, the stench of something truly dead now fully reached him.
As Kjin placed the bowl before him, all Kaine saw within was a bubbling green sludge he wanted no part of.
Seemingly none of the rest wanting to partake in either, as starting from Lixiss, each pushed their bowls away. Sinclair even gagging at what she saw within.
“What?” Kjin asked as he watched it all, “It’s just kaldarin spice!” he protested.
“Ugh, my friend, if spice is what created this…” Kla’ris began to say as she held her bowl up towards him, “Then I question what ingredients are missing to make it anything else.”
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