《Beyond The Game (Abandoned)》Ch 7 - True Colours
A low discord of howls sounded off from all around him, as the Gnolls recognised the threat that was Kaine. Calling upon more allies, as the five around him slowly turned to seven…nine…twelve…
Fifteen Gnolls surrounded Kaine now.
Kaine though…was not afraid.
Long had he made peace with what was to occur here.
I’m sorry, I cannot keep our promise.
He thought to himself, clenching his weapons as he held his sword ahead defensively, whilst wielding the bone axe close by and ready to counter any attack.
As he grinned, widely and madly he grinned.
“Come on!” Kaine exclaimed, his outburst sending many a Gnoll rushing back several steps away from him.
As his very appearance oozed death.
Fear filling each monster, as they stared at him cautiously.
Like armour you wield their fear
When suddenly, an opaque black window briefly appeared in his sight.
Ignoring it, Kaine kept his attention on his surroundings.
Watching as the Gnolls made not the first step.
And deciding, if they weren’t coming to him…
Then he would come to them.
As exhilaration overcame patience, Kaine rushed forth. Slashing aside a spear before slamming his axe into the wielder’s face, the Gnoll stumbling back in pain as Kaine continued on around it.
Parrying bone weapons left and right, ducking under spear thrusts and stone throws, Kaine quickly disappeared into the tall grass and scattered shadows beyond. The sound of his footsteps then going dead silent.
Unseen and scentless as the entire area smelled like blood, blood which he was covered in...
The Gnolls lost complete sight of him.
As their giggle like yips filled the area, howls and growls communicating each creature’s confusion.
Long moments passed by, as the Gnolls began to spread out and search for Kaine.
You have stealthily killed { Slayer Gnoll [Level 3] } Martial Experience gained 15/300
When suddenly a loud yelp sounded off, quickly turning into a dying whine right after, disrupting the silence.
As Kaine returned to hiding in the shadows of the rising sun, laying low and slowly making his way through the grass. Only moving when the wind whistled through, walking in the direction it blew the grass to retain his hidden state.
He listened, carefully he listened for their sounds. The sound of their feet crushing dirt and grass. The sound of their noses, sniffing deeply. The sound of their signals, as they communicated with one another.
Kaine heard it all, making a mental map of what lay in which direction.
What they wielded or looked like unknown to him from where he hid, still it didn’t matter to Kaine as long as he knew where they were, and in what direction they were moving.
The wind blew into his back, and he stalked forth, approaching another two Gnolls ahead as they moved away from discovering the last death. Both disturbed by the silence, both afraid of the unseen enemy.
As Kaine suddenly rose behind the two Warriors, his axe slashing open one’s throat as he stabbed his sword deep into the other’s back.
You have stealthily killed { Warrior Gnoll [Level 3] } Martial Experience gained 30/300 You have stealthily killed { Warrior Gnoll [Level 3] } Martial Experience gained 45/300
Immediately he pulled away, having to abandon his sword as it wouldn’t return from the Gnoll’s bones. Instead, he picked up one of their spears.
Quickly, but at the same time carefully, rushing off from the scene.
Stopping dead as the wind stopped blowing, Kaine then dropped as low as he could.
Watching as many a Gnoll rushed to their now dead comrades, growling and snarling as they searched for him.
But saw nothing, as from their perspective he had disappeared completely once more.
Frustration began to build up among the Gnolls, as their snarls grew keener, their yips and growls becoming full blown bellows and roars. They gathered back together, surrounding the last two deaths as they finally began to show off some semblance of intelligence albeit their beast-like features.
Forming a flimsy, circular formation, from the twelve of them that remained.
Through the shadows you tread
As once again, an opaque black bar with blood red and italic words appeared in Kaine’s sight.
Confusing him, as he had never seen anything like this before in the previous game.
But as he remembered the previous sentence, and read this new one…
Kaine realised what they were.
Like armour you wield their fear…Like armour, I, wield their fear. Through the shadows you tread…Through shadows, I tread.
Repeating both in his mind and changing the wording’s point of view to his own.
Kaine remembered, he remembered what it was and what it meant…He also remembered, the next two sentences to the chant.
As he rose to his feet, revealing himself to the Gnolls who immediately turned to him.
Eyes wide as they snarled and bellowed, frantic and confused, afraid as they faltered even whilst he stood before them.
“Like armour I wield your fear.” Kaine spoke, as he felt something suddenly course through his body. “Through the shadows, I tread.” He said, as something akin to jolts of electricity rushed through his bones.
As his own voice changed, the hissing tone he before forced out from a rush of excitement, now coming out as naturally as if it was his own.
“I abandon the purity of this form, then embrace, the after.” He spoke the words from memory alone, remembering the chant from the many times he had faced its original casters.
“I embrace, my hunger. I embrace, my silence. I embrace…my darkness.” He chanted, as several Gnolls built up the courage and rushed at him.
Arcane Arts Unlocked!
Arcane level: 1
Intelligence +1
Spirit +1
Expertise +1
Sense +1
Aura +1
The Trial by blood, has begun.
Prove yourself strong,
Prove yourself fearless,
Prove yourself, worthy….
Kaine took a deep breath, feeling the energy surging through his body, a familiar feeling he hadn’t felt in a long time.
He looked up, meeting the Gnoll’s frozen gazes.
The sight of you chills them to the bone
Kaine took a step forth. The Gnolls snapping out of their frozen state as he moved. Suddenly thrusting forward two spears at him, Kaine meeting them with his own spear as he swept both aside with a single wave of it. The still confused Gnolls faltering when he struck their weapons.
He continued on towards them, his spear dragging along theirs before digging deep into one’s chest, piercing through the flimsy leather amour and into its flesh.
Abandoning that spear, Kaine turned to the other Warrior as it backed away from him. Away from his cold eyes, away from his wide smirk.
He grabbed its spear, ending its retreat briefly enough for his axe to slash across its throat.
Splattering more blood onto his face.
You have killed { Warrior Gnoll [Level 3] }
Martial Experience gained 60/300
{Blood Well} 1/7 You have killed { Warrior Gnoll [Level 3] } Martial Experience gained 75/300 {Blood Well} 2/7
Grinning, widely Kaine grinned as he turned towards his next victim. Meeting the Slayer’s large blade with his axe, just barely equalling the creature’s raw strength with his own. As he pushed against its weapon with his.
Then suddenly releasing and stepping aside.
The Slayer Gnoll falling forward from the sudden leeway, that’s when Kaine grabbed onto its hairy mane and pulled it further. Slamming the Gnoll onto the ground before descending upon its fallen form with his axe.
Once, twice, thrice…
Four times Kaine hacked at the creature’s back.
Each time his axe released its flesh… the Gnoll tried to rise but was not allowed to, as again Kaine’s weapon crashed down into its rising form. Pushing it back down to the ground, splattering blood all over…As he brutalized it.
You have brutally killed { Slayer Gnoll [Level 3] } Martial Experience gained 90/300 {Blood Well} 3/7
Then backing off, as a Hunter Gnoll’s axe suddenly swiped by where his face once lay.
One, two…
Kaine took three steps back and away, as two Slinger Gnolls came to the front then took aim upon him.
He saw the stones fly, he saw them approach, and he even tried to evade them.
{ [Life]: 12/16 }
But he was too slow.
Feeling one stone bash into his left shoulder, the impact reducing though as he spun with it, the stone continuing on behind him as he turned.
Blood, bright red it was as it dripped down his shoulder, then onto his arm and chest. The pain from the wound coursed through with every movement. He was able to move it without too much agony, so nothing was broken, but still the pain was there.
Ever present, as if telling him this is the price for failure.
It was merely a reminder to Kaine though, he knew all too well the price for failure.
As he turned to face the Slingers, eyes still wide as before, but the smile was gone.
His eyes also, seeming less cold than before, almost maniac as they shook but held focus.
The sight of you chills them to the bone
Again, the words appeared.
Kaine now understanding what they meant too.
“The sight of me, chills you down to the bone.” He repeated the words yet altering them like before, all the while taking a step towards the reloading Slingers.
As their gazes rose to meet his, the both of them suddenly stopping their movements entirely for a few brief seconds…
Their eyes, widening with fear, as their bodies trembled.
A chill ran up their spines, then they dropped their weapons and turned tail.
Suddenly and frantically the two Slingers…just ran off, confusing their comrades.
Confusion which Kaine used and abused, as his axe flew true, bashing into the nearest Hunter’s face. Not killing him, but distracting him enough…
Enough for Kaine to close the distance between them.
As he snatched the weapon off the stumbling Gnoll, bashing the new axe across its face once more and making it stumble further back.
Kaine then dashed off from it, although still it lived, he didn’t want to remain standing in the same spot for too long.
Keep moving, keep attacking.
He willed himself on, leaning forward as he ran, just enough to retrieve the axe he had just thrown and to make himself smaller.
As a bone-carved blade slashed over his head, evading that attack he then stopped on the spot. Slashing both weapons forth and causing the Slayer Gnoll to step back and away.
It prepared its weapon, thinking itself safe and ready.
It wasn’t ready.
It wasn’t safe.
As Kaine’s axe crashed with its sword, luring it to put force forward, but immediately backing away and stepping aside as it did.
Slowing down its reaction to the next move, as Kaine’s other axe slammed blade first into its Gnoll’s sword arm, hacking deep enough into its flesh to break bone.
The Gnoll screamed out in agony, a brief whine as its arm went limp, leaving nothing between Kaine’s axe…and its throat.
You have expertly killed { Slayer Gnoll [Level 3] } Martial Experience gained 105/300 {Blood Well} 4/7
Again, Kaine backed away.
One, two, three…
Four steps back, putting some distance between him and those that remained.
Kaine counted, seeing one squirming Hunter Gnoll searching for a weapon whilst the other five covered it, two Warriors, two more Hunters and a Slayer.
Each wary of his every move, each trembling as they held their weapons defensively ahead. Growling and snarling.
Dogs that bark too much, never bite first.
Kaine mused, as he suddenly threw both axes. The two weapons wonkily flying at both Warriors, as each rushed to deflect the attack…Raising their spears defensively…
And leaving themselves wide open for Kaine, as he gripped onto the long bone blade two-handed whilst he charged low and towards them. Then slashing widely as he came within range, feeling the blade’s sharp edge cleave right through both their spear shafts and defenceless bellies.
Watching briefly as the game’s graphical glory fully revealed itself, as guts and murky blood splashed out from the wounds...
You have multi killed { Warrior Gnoll [Level 3] } Martial Experience gained 120/300 {Blood Well} 5/7 You have multi killed { Warrior Gnoll [Level 3] } Martial Experience gained 135/300 {Blood Well} 6/7
Turning immediately then to parry as two axes descended upon him, using the blade to block one and the sword’s long handle to stop the other. Slowly…being forced back, as the two Hunter Gnoll’s strength out did his own.
Kaine tried to retreat, pushing as hard as he could on them before suddenly falling back and making them stumble…
{ [Life]: 5/16 }
Only to walk right into the Slayer’s attack; As its lunging blade slashed right into Kaine’s side, leaving a massive gash across his lower left side.
It must have snuck around without me noticing…
Startled by this, Kaine slashed widely at the Slayer but missed, the both of them then retreating from one another. After putting some more distance between him and the remaining four, Kaine groaned as blood gushed out of his new wound.
{ [Life]: 4/16 }
He was bleeding, and knew he wouldn’t last long.
He had to end this now, and quickly.
Seeing his weakened state though, the Gnolls suddenly seemed revitalized.
As if seeing him bleed, gave them courage.
As the Slayer, and all three Hunters, moved to surround him.
Whining, yipping and growling at one another.
Communicating, as the Slayer seemingly took the lead.
Roaring and snarling at Kaine, trying to gain and keep his attention.
While the other three stayed mostly silent, as they stalked about.
{ [Life]: 3/16 }
Kaine watched through the blades of tall grass, slowly backing away as to not be surrounded whilst keeping tabs on each Gnoll.
Seeing him back away, the Slayer Gnoll’s courage reached its peak. Overexcited by its newly gained higher moral ground, it snarled out ferociously before charging at Kaine. Stabbing its great blade towards him.
Right then each of the three Hunters also charged, enclosing on Kaine and striking at him from every direction.
Kaine lay surrounded, he lay outnumbered and outmatched as too many attacks descended upon him from too many directions.
Too many for him to evade.
As he fell to a kneel and raised his sword up defensively…
They weren’t too many to block.
As the Slayer’s blade came first, thrusting into Kaine’s sword and being redirected over him.
Kaine led it, he used the parry to lead the blade just right…
Using both weapons which now lay over him to parry the axe that came from the left, and the one that came from the right.
Then, evading the one that came from behind completely.
As he released his weapon and charged the Slayer, headbutting the Gnoll in its gut and tackling it to the ground.
He heard them, he heard the three Hunters turn to attack him as he did…
And as they moved to do so, as the Slayer Gnoll snarled and roared up at him.
Whilst it struggled, Kaine used every bit of his strength to roll over with it.
Blood then splashed to either side of him, as two axes descended upon the Slayer’s back, each Hunter then backing away in confusion and fright after accidentally hitting their own.
Agony coursed through the Slayer’s expression and with just as great a painful tone it bellowed and cried, unable to fight back as Kaine pushed it off him then stood back up and away.
One of the Hunter Gnolls charged at him the moment he did, relentless in their pursuit of him.
But Kaine was ready, as he used his greater speed to sidestep its wide slash. Then rolling forward as another axe descended upon him, continuing his roll and coming back to stand several feet away from the closest Gnoll, the Slayer who still lay groaning and whining on the ground.
Kaine watched as the three Gnolls then each turned towards him…and charged.
{ [Life]: 2/16 }
His bleeding, still very much in effect too.
Hah…This is it.
Kaine thought as he lay unarmed and with none in his direct vicinity.
Alone, as three armed and furious Gnolls charged at him.
Coldness filled his eyes, as his expression suddenly relaxed.
Prepared, aware…
That there was no escape, no possible counter or route to take.
Twice he considered several options, but none would work.
Kaine knew then that…this is where he would die.
As he smiled, acceptance painting his face whilst he waited for these brief final moments to pass.
You have mercilessly killed { Slayer Gnoll [Level 3] } Martial Experience gained 150/300 {Blood Well} 7/7 {Blood Well} Full
But as some sort of saving grace, windows began to pop up into his view in rapid succession.
As everything around him…No…As his own perception of everything, of time itself, suddenly slowed down to a crawl.
They gather to watch your accomplishments.
They smile upon you, their thirst quenched by the blood you’ve spilled.
Blood, gathered by your hands.
Blood, released by your methods.
For this…
Dark Gods smile upon you…
Race change in progress. You feel strange…
You feel changing…
You smell blood, your own blood.
As it boils, as it twists and warps within you.
You feel...
You feel reborn anew.
Race change completed. You are now a Dark Elf They welcome you.
New born, first born…
Dark born.
{First of the Dark Born} [Racial] Title unlocked!
Your bloodline runs strong within you.
And the blood of others…empowers you.
+25% Perception
+1 (Rounded 25% of base) Dexterity and Agility for each consecutive execution. (Maximum of 10 stacks)
[Racial] Titles unlocked! These are hidden unless purposely announced to a target.
Kaine watched as his pasty pale skin suddenly rushed into a dark violet.
As tendrils of his long dark blue hair which fell into his sight gained strands of dark green.
Unseen to himself though, were his eyes.
Green they remained, if not a bit darker than before…
But they changed the most, as suddenly his pupils turned to slits, and the white colouring began filling with blood before going fully pitch black.
Kaine felt the same rush of power he had felt before, like electricity rushing through his body. Followed by a deep sensation of burning, as his wounds lit up with agony. He groaned at the pain, but to the Gnolls it sounded like he was growling.
{ [Life]: 1/16 }
Left within an inch of his life, Kaine watched as time around him sped back to normal.
But nothing was normal anymore.
As he felt himself move almost twice as fast as before, evading in between two of the Hunter’s swipes before pushing through and passing between them.
Kaine thought, as he dashed towards a fallen Warrior, grabbing hold of a spear and an axe before turning around to face the remaining three Gnolls.
They faltered, each of them confused and disturbed by his changed appearance.
And confused one of their expressions remained, as Kaine quickly threw the spear, sending it forth like a javelin he also found that his accuracy had tremendously increased. Nailing the scarred Hunter directly in the centre of its chest and sending it stumbling back to the ground.
You have killed { Hunter Gnoll [Level 3] } Martial Experience gained 165/300
Kaine sighed, a long breath of relief as he rose to stare down the last two Gnolls.
Axe clenched tightly within his good hand, although his left wasn’t aching with pain anymore, similarly how his wound was no longer bleeding…
He himself was slightly confused, but fully understood the situation he had put himself into. He had gained power, power which came at a price, but power nonetheless.
Maybe…I won’t have to meet you again so soon.
Kaine mused.
Maybe I can…keep our promise just a bit longer.
Kaine thought, that single thought filling him with resolve.
As he stared them down, and they, slowly backed away.
Seeing not an Elf in front of them anymore.
Through both sight and scent, the Gnolls saw something entirely different before them now.
No longer prey to be taken down, no longer food or entertainment.
The Gnolls now saw a predator eyeing them up.
They glanced at their fallen comrades, too many for them to count as their gazes passed over the bloodied grass.
They were surrounded by vivid red.
Kaine had killed many, more than they were right now.
And as they met his cold, dreadful gaze, they knew that they would be next.
This thought sent a chill crawling up their spines, fear suddenly filling them as they met the Dark Elf’s eyes.
That fear lit up something within, when Kaine took a step towards them.
A cold, frigid flame…Like frost, quickly the feeling filled them.
Another step, Kaine slowly moved closer.
Seeing their fear, watching it intently as he approached.
Waiting for those words to appear again, yet they did not.
Which, gave him a thought.
“The sight of me, chills you down to the bone” He chanted, then saw the mildest flicker of green light shine within each Gnoll’s eyes. As the fear that permeated them suddenly filled their entire expressions, and they ran.
Dropping their weapons then turning about, both Gnolls rushed off terrified, as if a greater monster than Kaine had suddenly appeared and snarled at them.
Kaine watched them leave, as the adrenaline slowly drained from his body, exhaustion taking its place.
Spell {Dreadful Sight} has been learned! Arcane experience gained 50/100
He fell back and onto his ass, tired, as patches of strain and numbness began showing up all over his body.
[4] Jor Mungandr - [M]Level:3 - [A]Level:1 - [C]Level:0
{The Reckless} {First of the Dark Born}
{ [Life]: 1/16 }
{ [Breath]: 7/160 }
{ [Arcana]: 2/10 }
He was completely worn out, and his UI reflected that.
But still Kaine was relieved, after all, he was still alive and...
At least...nobody got to see me like that.
Truly, he was relieved.
- End1317 Chapters
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