《Beyond The Game (Abandoned)》Ch 6 - The Serpent
Hunter Gnoll [Level 3]
The creature growled as it stood over Kaine’s waking form, bone axe in hand and raising it higher before suddenly lunging down at him.
Immediately after, Kaine felt the adrenaline rush through his system, as he rolled out of the Gnoll’s attack.
Grabbing onto the creature’s leather top and dragging it with as he rolled, before slamming the now confused being beside him. Kaine was the one to stand over it now, his blade cutting into its throat, as he held it down. Eyes wide and wary as he inspected it.
A furred body with round ears, a long fanged snout, a hairy mane across its neck and back, sharp and jagged claws…The being was humanoid but with features akin to a hyena, as it snapped out of its daze and growled at him.
Lunging once more with its bone-crafted axe, Kaine quickly parried the attack with his sword before stabbing his blade down into the creature’s bare throat.
Watching briefly, as it choked to death beneath him, the life dissipating from its eyes as its body went limp.
You have killed { Hunter Gnoll [Level 3] } Martial Experience gained 25/200
Hearing shuffling from behind him, Kaine turned to see another of the armoured creatures spread their tent’s curtains wide and rush inside. Yipping like the beast it seemed, as it slashed widely with its long bone-sword, a blade several times thicker and longer than Kaine’s.
He pressed forward, parrying the attack with his short-sword and holding the creature where it stood, as it continued to push against him. Growling and snarling, showing off its jagged fangs as it bit towards him.
“What in the bloody fuck?!” Farvo exclaimed in surprise as he woke to find a dead Gnoll laying beside him.
“S-Shit!” Roy waking up too after hearing the Dwarf shout, each of them grabbing their swords which lay beside them.
Kaine’s expression though was not one of relief, but paling, as their exclamations lured more of the beasts to their tent…Seeing several more through the holes in the tent, roaming outside and gathering.
“There’s more! Help me with this one!” Kaine exclaimed as he felt the Gnoll’s greater physical strength slowly push him down.
Then hearing a rumbling growl, much louder than the Gnoll’s, as suddenly a massive brown paw appeared through the tent’s entrance. Slayn’s snout becoming briefly visible as it bit down on the Gnoll’s shoulder, then disappearing after pulling the creature out with it.
Your party has killed { Slayer Gnoll [Level 3] } Martial Experience gained 35/200
All hell woke then, as the sounds of a massive grizzly brawling with who knew how many Gnolls began sounding off outside their tent.
“The fuck do we do?” Farvo asked, his voice barely audible among the yips, growls and snarls.
Kaine glanced back at him with a raised brow, turning to the dwarf but walking right past him. “We fight.” He said, as he kneeled down and grabbed hold of the dead Gnoll’s axe. “Or we die.” Adding as he walked past the both of them again, and then onto the battle outside.
The sun was just barely starting to rise off in the horizon, leaving the entirety of their camp still in the dark as utter chaos ruled it. As Slayn lay guarding the girl’s tent, the grizzly growling and swiping at five Gnolls which surrounded it with spears and slings. Between that and Kaine, lay the long-sword wielding Gnoll, dead and torn to shreds on the floor.
A kill that, hadn’t come without its toll as Kaine noticed several bleeding cuts across the bear’s side and legs.
Then seeing as he glanced to either side of their own tent, four more Gnolls, warily eyeing him down as Roy and Farvo stepped out beside him.
“Shit, there’s a whole lot of them!” Farvo said in agitation as he immediately raised his sword at the lone Gnoll to their left.
Roy though wasn’t as shaken.
As he stepped out of the tent with a javelin in hand, the Elf swiping his arm forth the second a target entered his line of sight. “One less right there.” He said as his projectile flew true, embedding itself into a Gnoll’s chest, the creature fell face first into the ground.
[Roy White] has killed { Slinger Gnoll [Level 3] }
Seeing this, the two sling-wielding Gnolls which surrounded Slayn, turned towards them instead.
“Yeah, good fucking job at taking aggro!” Farvo said sarcastically, rushing back inside the tent as a volley of stones flew at them. Both Roy and Kaine having to duck to avoid the sharp pebbles themselves.
“Watch it!” Kaine exclaimed, pushing Roy aside as he stepped to parry another Gnoll’s axe with his sword, the beast having targeted the Elf.
“There’s too many!” Roy exclaimed, seeing three more Gnolls come around the tent from their left as he himself engaged one wielding a stone hammer.
“They’re reloading!” Kaine then warned, seeing the slingers take aim at Roy once more. “Fuck, Farvo! Jedd!” He shouted out, stepping back and allowing the Gnoll’s own force to push itself towards him.
Leaving it wide open, as Kaine used his own axe to pull the Gnoll’s arm out of the way, then suddenly stabbing his blade into the creature’s chest. Holding it where it stood, dying, Kaine then turned and carried the creature with.
Coming to stand between the Slingers and Roy…and using the dying Gnoll’s body as a shield.
Blood splattered onto his face, as stone bashed into leather and flesh. The slingers killing their own comrade as they fired wildly at Roy.
You have mercilessly killed { Hunter Gnoll [Level 3] } Martial Experience gained 60/200
Yet, Kaine got the kill himself.
“Can’t a girl…get some fucking sleep…around here!?” Jedd exclaimed in a rage as she appeared over Slayn’s back, leaping off her tame and descending down on an unsuspecting spear Gnoll with her short-sword. Her blade slashing off the creature’s left arm before she thrust it up through the neck and into its head.
[Jedd] has stylishly killed { Warrior Gnoll [Level 3] }
“Ugh, what the fuck is going on?!” Jedd shouted out as she grabbed hold of the spear herself, then backing away from the two other Warriors and coming to stand next to Slayn.
“It’s free loot! Don’t question it!” Rey said in amusement as she stepped out from behind the tent, lobbing forth a javelin to assist her brother. The projectile soared through the camp and found its resting place within a poor Gnoll’s knee as it tried to slash at Roy’s back.
“Dammit, get those Slingers!” Jedd ordered as she took cover behind Slayn, the two Slingers having turned their attention to her instead.
“Busy!” both Roy and Kaine exclaimed as each held at bay two to three Gnolls each.
Kaine dancing around two Warrior’s spear thrusts whilst still using the dead Gnoll’s body as a shield, but having to abandon the corpse as a third Gnoll wielding a long bone-sword dashed at him. He turned to meet the beast’s charge, kicking the corpse forward and into its path as he unsheathed his blade from the chest.
The Slayer effortlessly slashed aside the dead Hunter and continued on towards Kaine. Snarling, yipping in maddened exhilaration as it came upon him.
As its large bone blade met his axe and sword, Kaine barely holding the creature’s greater strength at bay, but not intent on fighting it with strength alone.
As once again, he stepped aside, giving it leeway to push forward…
Using every bit of his strength and agility, Kaine evaded out of the way, as two spears lunged to where his back once lay.
One of them, lightly catching his shoulder as he stepped aside.
{ [Life]: 15/16 }
But the other, although deflected slightly by the Slayer’s downward slash, still it thrust forth. Piercing into the Slayer’s face.
You have slyly killed { Slayer Gnoll [Level 3] } Martial Experience gained 85/200
The Warrior watched in brief confusion as his ally dangled off his spear’s end, watching as the Slayer slipped off the sharpened bone point and down to the ground.
Confusion which quickly turned to darkness, as Kaine’s sword stabbed through its chest. Piercing into what now was its no longer beating heart.
You have killed { Warrior Gnoll [Level 3] } Martial Experience gained 110/200
Turning, Kaine used the Warrior’s body the same as earlier, using his sword as a handle and the corpse as a shield as the second Warrior’s confusion instead turned to rage.
Snarling as it thrust its spear at him, although the pointed end embedded itself into the corpse’s back instead.
Kaine smiled, widely he grinned as he took a step back and kicked the corpse forward, pulling his blade out while at the same time pushing the body deeper into the spear.
“Fuck this shit! Outta my way!” Farvo suddenly exclaimed as the Dwarf returned from inside the tent, wielding in both hands what seemed like a short hollowed out log…
As…slowly…a thin line of string at the back slowly burned away from a small flame.
Kaine’s eyes immediately went wide at the sight, his expression paling further as the make-shift cannon was aimed in his direction.
Ducking down…Kaine dropped to the floor as the Warrior Gnoll before him released his spear and grabbed hold of the Slayer’s bone sword.
Raising it above its head as it stood over Kaine…
But was given no time to attack, as the sound of a reverberating boom echoed out throughout the camp and beyond.
As Farvo was sent flying back into the tent log and all, whilst from within the cannon shot out a large spherical rock.
Smouldering, the stone bashed through the Warrior’s left shoulder, taking both flesh and bone with before crashing right into one of the Slinger’s chest. Disabling one and instantly killing the other.
[Farvo10] has dwarfishly killed { Slinger Gnoll [Level 3] }
All stared flabbergasted as the Slinger fell dead on its back. Both players and monsters stared at the dwarf, petrified for several moments, as he stumbled back out of the tent. “Well…m-might have put a bit too much powder in there…” Farvo mused with a cough as he held a shattered piece of wood in hand, what remained of the make-shift cannon.
“You think!?” Roy exclaimed, slashing aside his opponent’s spear then thrusting his sword into the startled Gnoll’s chest.
[Roy White] has killed { Warrior Gnoll [Level 3] }
Kaine on the other hand rose shakily, a trial of smoke still lingering beside him where the stone had soared through like a comet. He took a quick glance at his surroundings.
Farvo, the maniac as Kaine had decided to call him from now on, had dropped his ruined weapon and rushed with his sword to aid Roy. The male twin still facing two Gnolls on his own.
On the other side of camp, Jedd and Lara rode over Slayn’s wide back, the both of them poking away with bone-spears at three Warrior Gnolls and the last remaining Slinger.
A Slinger which lost its weapon, as Rey’s javelin soared into its shoulder.
We’re recuperating ground…
Kaine thought as he glanced at the many corpses which now riddled the campgrounds, turning then to face the whining Gnoll beside him, as it lay on the ground shaking in agony.
{ [Life]: 2/16 }
He watched as it slowly bled out.
{ [Life]: 1/16 }
Feeling his hands starting to shake as he watched…
As he met its pleading eyes…
But it wasn’t fear which filled him.
No, Kaine wasn’t frozen in fear.
He was willingly standing there, as he clenched his weapons.
{ [Life]: 0/16 }
Forcing himself to just watch, as he resisted the urge which plagued him.
Your party has dwarfishly killed { Warrior Gnoll [Level 3] } Martial experience gained 125/200
Taking a deep, long breath, as the creature fell limp.
“Jor! Now’s not the damn time!” Jedd exclaimed, snapping him out of his daze as he turned to them, just in time to see Slayn crash through the three spears. Throwing two aside, while Jedd stabbed her own spear through the third.
Your party has killed { Warrior Gnoll [Level 3] }
The other two Warrior Gnolls quickly recovered though, standing back up and thrusting their spears into Slayn’s hide, as the weaponless Slinger Gnoll suddenly leapt up onto the grizzly’s back. Snarling and yipping in frustration, as it slapped Lara’s spear aside.
“Fuck! Kill it!” Jedd exclaimed, abandoning her spear as she rose to stand over Slayn’s back, unsheathing her sword.
But, losing her footing, as Slayn suddenly collapsed to the ground.
{ [Life]: 2/25 }
Barely breathing, Slayn’s body was riddled with cuts and holes, each bleeding profusely. Covering much of the grizzly’s fur with blood.
“Slayn?!” Jedd exclaimed, as she stumbled back and off the bear, watching as she fell…
As the Slinger Gnoll forced Lara over its shoulders and leapt off.
“Lara-” Jedd tried to shout but was cut off, as she slammed back first into the ground. Coughing as she rose to her knees, finding a dying Slayn’s snout before her when she did.
Her eyes going wide as she saw the bear take its final breath.
Your party’s tame {Slayn} has fallen!
Then hearing footsteps behind her, Jedd glanced back to find herself faced with the two remaining Warrior Gnolls. Spears held clenched tight and aimed towards her, as they snarled and growled. Yipping as if laughing at her.
Her expression paling, as they suddenly thrust their spears at her fallen form.
Closing her eyes in fear of what was to come, her sight went dark…
She heard it, she heard the sound of something hitting and tearing flesh, even breaking bone.
Yet, Jedd felt nothing, she felt none of the pain she expected to feel.
Opening her eyes then, to see the two Gnolls lying dead on the ground before her.
And Kaine, standing over their limp bodies with sword and axe in hand, blood-drenched from top to bottom. She met his eyes, wide and cold as she had seen them the day before.
Eyes, which wouldn’t be found on just anyone.
She watched, as his gaze moved from her and to their right. She watched him grimace, then followed his gaze.
Seeing for herself as the Slinger Gnoll dashed off, running on all threes, disappearing into the tall grass ahead whilst holding a struggling Lara on his back with one hand.
Then, as the sound of dozens of yips, growls and snarls first reached her, Jedd glanced to the left to see a dozen more Gnolls step out of the tall grass.
“Fuck they took Lara!” Rey exclaimed in agitation as she, her brother and Farvo came to stand next to them. Weapons held ready as they faced the party of laughing barbarians ahead.
Then said a cold voice from beside them, each of them turning to look at Kaine as he stared at the Gnolls. “Go after her, come on.” He urged them, taking a step back himself.
This is it.
Kaine thought.
Jedd nodded, briefly giving Slayn’s limp body a glance before grabbing her spear and sword. “Let’s fucking go! Come on, come on!” She exclaimed, each of them then turning tail and rushing after the one Gnoll’s direction.
I can’t hold it any longer…
As the new group of Gnolls, growled out their battle cries, several rushing to loot the tents or hack away at Slayn’s body…But most…most gave chase after them.
I guess…this is it.
Kaine mused, as they ran, animalistic barks and yips sounding off from the hunting party behind them as they made their way through the tall grass.
As the all too fast Hunter Gnolls caught up with them, Kaine glancing at one to either side of him.
Hunter Gnoll [Level 3]
Although shorter than himself still they looked fearsome, they ran on all fours to keep up, as they snarled and growled at him.
Like some terrifying monster out of a nightmare he once had as a child.
I guess…
But…Kaine was no longer a child. He was a far shot from the person he once was.
Kaine thought, glancing at the rest as they ran ahead, as he dragged back behind them…
You have left the party.
Is where I die?
Suddenly stopping in his steps and slashing widely to either side, the two Gnolls running head-first into both of his weapons. Both of them falling flat on their backs, as Kaine dropped to his left knee, stabbing down his sword into the right’s chest and bashing his axe into the left’s head.
Killing both.
You have single-handedly killed { Hunter Gnoll [Level 3] } Martial experience gained 150/200 You have single-handedly killed { Hunter Gnoll [Level 3] } Martial experience gained 175/200
Then rising and turning around as another Hunter Gnoll came up, Kaine threw his axe. The weapon soaring awkwardly at the creature as it tried to parry the throw, successfully doing so but…
Unable to avoid the sword as Kaine thrust low, stabbing his blade up through its lower side and into its gut.
{ [Life]: 7/14 }
Still, it survived that too.
{ [Life]: 6/14 }
Although slowly it began to bleed out.
It stared into Kaine’s wide eyes.
Its own, full of fear, pleading for mercy as they stared into Kaine’s.
And they were cold.
Cold, but not empty.
As he smiled.
As he grinned.
Enjoying every moment, every drop of blood, tearing of flesh and breaking of bone.
As he pushed his sword further inside.
{ [Life]: 3/14 }
Staring deep into the dying Gnoll’s eyes, watching with great amusement as he tore his sword out.
Watching as the light faded from those eyes.
You have single-handedly killed { Hunter Gnoll [Level 3] } Martial experience gained 200/200 Level up!
Martial Level 3 reached!
+1 to all Martial stats.
3 Neutral Martial Points available for distribution!
{The Merciless} Title Unlocked!
+25% Dexterity
+25% Strength
-25% Perception
Kaine stopped there, briefly standing frozen.
As the Gnoll’s body dropped dead to the ground.
As the rest, came to a crawling stop around him.
Surrounding him.
Their collective sounds rising with excitement, as they yipped, as if laughing.
As he took this pause to set his title.
Race: Elf
Total Level: 3
Martial Level: 3
Arcana Level: 0
Crafting Level: 0
Main Faction: None
Reputation: 0
Guild: None
Title: {The Reckless}
As Kaine quickly and mentally altered his Martial stats.
[Martial Arts]; 3
{0} Neutral Points
-Strength / 5-
-Agility / 7.5 (5)-
-Dexterity / 7.5 (5)-
-Vitality / 3-
-Perception / 3-
And with his life still only a single point of damage below the max.
{ [Life]: 15/16 }
Kaine faced the Gnolls before him, as many more lay stalking about his surroundings.
As the sun rose, rays of golden light now shining through the blades of tall grass around him.
Giving out shadows across his face.
Making his piercing green eyes, as they lay oh so dreadfully cold and staring, seem so much more fearsome.
As the wind whistled through, the grass flowing with, and with also moved the shadows.
As Kaine’s grin…widened.
“I escaped that hateful world…I’ve made friends…I’ve decided on how to answer her too…Then I guess, It’s a good day to die.” Kaine mused, his voice low and whispering out with the wind. “So, come on…”
“Come at me, measly pups.” He hissed out, arms wide open with weapons held tight.
The sun’s light, reflecting off the blood which covered his body.
Giving him a reddish, hellish hue.
“Can you kill…this blood thirsty serpent that is me!?”
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