《A Broken World [Dropped Pending Rewrite]》Chapter Seventeen - A Profitable world


Lucas felt he had gotten the overall point across regarding what he could for them, now he wanted to know what they could do for him. After all, the efforts he will have to go through to produce things like vaccinations and antibiotics will require considerable work. Improving agriculture will also be labor intensive at first, the key to lasting change is some system to educate people on correct practices, and developing that system will likely be a pain.

In short, he should be paid for his work, and of course, he wanted to go home as well. For that matter, Lucas did not plan to go home empty handed. If he went back to his own world without something to show for it, all he’d be left with is the shattered remains of his life after likely being declared dead.

“So then,” Lucas broke the silence that had formed after his last statement. “Let’s discuss payment.”

“Payment?” Tyr seemed shocked, “Why would a hero demand payment?”

“Because I am not a hero? I am simply an educated man that you abducted from his own world.” This whole hero business was incredibly tiring, it gave people way to many expectations about what he could or would do. “And frankly, I am not planning to live as a pauper.”

“Greed is a very unattractive emotion,” Cardinal Simon admonished, probably less because he didn’t think that Lucas shouldn’t be paid, and more that the way Lucas phrased things was his rather blunt. “It is better to be generous, the Gods shower the generous with blessings.”

“At the risk of being insulting,” even Lucas was aware his next words were rough, but despite that he planned to say them anyways. “I am not sure the God that many religons in my world say exists, exists. As for what or who you worship, I am even less sure. Even if they do exist, why worship Gods that let their faithful be besieged by demonic beasts? They don’t seem particularly useful.”


Cardinal Simon seemed prepared to respond but the Duke interrupted him, “It is better to talk about remuneration with the King and his court. That said, I will be happy to provide a generous salary if you can deliver what you claim.”

“I would be pretty bad at my job if I couldn’t do these things,” Lucas answered. “The other thing I want is a way back to my world.”

“That simply isn’t possible.” Lady Versi answered, “The summoning is not even a human creation. We know that it works, but not how or why.”

“Additionally, even if we talk about magic theory,” Lady Almistraus spoke as well, Lucas figured that it makes sense that the two of them were knowledgeable about the topic considering their families. “We don’t know what world you came from. There may be an infinite amount of worlds, without that knowledge even if you could leave this world, you might never make it home.”

Lucas frowned, then sighed. “Well, what is, is. If it is impossible, than that is the way the world works. However, I refuse to take that for granted. I will give you the numbers and supplies to push back against your enemy, and you will have your mages or whatever research a way to send me home.”

“If you insist, I will arrange it…” Lady Almistraus clearly thought it was a waste, but Lucas did not particularly care.

“Perfect, then I shall begin in the morning.” Lucas said, heading for the door. “If you would be so kind as to have someone ready to guide me out to the farms, I would appreciate it.”

He left the room in a somewhat stunned silent, and made his way back to his room. Lucas was rather proud that he was able to find his way, but was somewhat disgusted by the room itself. He was granted a chamber that befit a member of nobility, so by the standards of a modern person, it was barbaric. Pretty, but barbaric.


No heating or air conditioning, no electric lights, no music, no machine laundered sheets, no comfortable mattress and pillow. Instead of plumbing, there was a chamber pot. Instead of an intercom, there was a pull bell. Luxuries that Lucas took for granted, now gone. Honestly, he wondered how he would even be able to sleep without being able to brush his teeth and get rid of the terrible taste in his mouth.

A soft knock at his door took Lucas out of his disappointed musing, to his surprise, it was Lady Almistraus.

“Lady Almistraus.” Lucas invited her in, using her title by accident. He sighed internally, he had a weakness for pretty women, and frankly she seemed somewhat deserving of her title, irregardless his distaste for feudal societies. “What can I do for you?”

“I wanted to apologise to you.” Lady Almistrause said quietly, “You must hate us for summoning you here.”

This time Lucas sighed out loud, “I don’t hate you.”

“I doubt that, and it would be reasonable.”

“Ugh,” Lucas was slightly ashamed to admit this but… “Given the state of your society I highly doubt you have the concept of gender politics, but essentially it is impossible for me to truly hate you. Despite the inherent sexism this statement involves, the way I was raised I would feel ashamed to have that kind of feeling towards a woman. It is an unfortunate part of my personality that I would like to change, though for you it is rather fortunate I guess.”

Lucas really did not want to talk any more about the subject. Being aware of his own biases was something he prided himself on, but the biases still existed. And despite the fact that some would argue that he has a social obligation to work against those biases, Lucas really had to admit that he was not interested. He was not a psychologist or a sociologist, and he did not think taking action without science behind it was a good idea.

Lady Almistraus, thankfully, did not ask about the topic further. “Still, I need to apologize. I would do it again if I had to, because as a noble I have a duty to the people I rule, and if I have to destroy one man's life to save my kingdom, I will. That does not mean that I do not regret having to do so.”

“I understand,” Lucas did understand, but it didn’t make him feel any better. “I would do the same in your position, and even though I am still angry, I will accept your apology.”

“Thank you for that,” Lady Almistraus walked towards the door, then turned before leaving. “Would you mind me accompanying you on your trip to the fields tomorrow?”

“That is no trouble at all, but you will likely find it quite boring.” A lot of biology is fieldwork, and it can be a slog. Lucas doubted that Lady Almistraus would really be interested in it.

“Still, I think I will be fine. Goodnight Lucas.”

“Goodnight, Lady Almistraus.”

With that, she left. Leaving Lucas to return to his annoyance about the state of his room.

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