《Until Then》Chapter 19
The North King fixed them all with a grim smile as he rose from his golden throne. His dark green tunic that matched Aggie’s, was covered by a brown leather vest, and his pants were held up with a matching leather belt. He descended the 5 long steps to the group that all quickly bowed, Aggie included.
For the first time since running away, Aggie felt as though her wardrobe was insufficient, even if the King dressed like any other landowner in the county. What surprised her perhaps the most however, was that he carried no weapon aside from a dagger on his belt. The dagger itself didn’t have any finery in its hilt like the one the South King wore, and looked far more practical.
Aggie had only seen the South King a handful of times at some of the larger balls, and only briefly in passing. However whenever she had had to curtsey in front of him, his decorative dagger at always caught her gaze with its golden hilt embedded with jewels glinting in any ray of light it could find.
Comparatively, the North King’s dagger had a black leather wrapping around its hilt, and that was the extent of its comfort. It seemed far more functional than the accessory of his fellow King, and perhaps had been used for its intended purpose unlike the bejeweled dagger.
Despite the lack of finery on the North King, his straight posture and direct gaze still exuded the presence of a powerful person. The crown didn’t hurt the impression either.
“Your majesty, I had no idea you were the one summoning me.” Tork righted himself after his low bow, and gazed at the king with reverence.
The King was tall for a pure human man, and his broad toned shoulders indicated that he had some proficiency with a sword. The king approached Tork, and smiled more warmly down at him, though his eyes looked tired.
“Tork, it is good to see you after all of these years. How is your family?” The King’s voice was rich, and pleasant to the ears. Aggie had no difficulty acknowledging him as royalty, but couldn’t help but feel somewhat unsettled by his commanding aura.
“Reggie is well, and my wife is doing another trades run to the mountains. Thank you for asking my liege.” Tork answered more courteously than Aggie would’ve thought him capable of.
“Ah yes, we are so grateful to your wife for all she has done, I am glad to hear they are well. I understand the past 2 years have been troubling for your family.” Tork bowed his head again in thanks, and at long last the King stared at the rest of the group.
“Ora and Quib, I know our meeting in the past was brief, but it is still wonderful to see you’ve recovered and done well.” Aggie looked at Ora with new curiosity, she’d been injured or sick? How long ago was this? It was hard to imagine the robust Beast Awares with her purple tinted fur being unwell recently, and so Aggie resigned to inquire about this later.
The King knowing Tork personally had come as a surprise to Aggie, but then again if Tork had served in the military, it wasn’t out of the question. The fact that the North King remembered so many details when he faced hundreds and thousands of faces every year however, was quite impressive.
As Ora signaled answers to the King, a terrifying thought occurred to Aggie: What if he noticed too much about her?
“Pray tell, who are your new companions?” Aggie dropped her gaze immediately, and stared at the floor, trying to stop her hands from trembling. She wondered if Tork would still be able to lie for them. Lying to common folk and a few knights was one thing. Lying to a King was something else entirely…
“That there is Beads and his sister Bets. Or that’s what I’ve been calling them anyway, both don’t speak a lick of English, though they seem to understand it more or less. These motherless mongrels were with the Minkies up until recently. I knew their ma, and when we crossed paths during my last job, offered them a more stable way of life. They could maybe take over my work someday.”
Aggie felt like swearing her allegiance to Tork in that moment. She had not expected him to be so loyal.
The King made his way over to Arlen and Aggie, and immediately Aggie hunched her shoulders further. She had no idea if the King was staring at herself or Arlen, but when she felt his warm hand under her chin leapt away in shock.
“Sorry there lass! I mean no harm, you don’t need to be afraid of me, I know the Minkies tend to spread some vicious tales about the King’s on this continent.” His soft voice was reassuring, and so Aggie stole one quick glance at him.
However something told her that was a mistake, for the moment she met his bright green eyes, his expression changed.
He held her gaze, and she realized with growing panic that his interest in her seemed to be growing rapidly. He folded his arms across his chest, and leaned casually back on his left foot as he studied her. He seemed to be putting something together in his head, as his eyes searched her face, and a small smile began lightening his expression.
“Is… everything alright your majesty?” Tork’s uncertain voice broke the stunned silence, and the King finally turned from Aggie to Tork.
“Everything is fine Tork. I don’t happen to see many Minkies around this woman’s age that don’t already have multiple babes, so I’m wondering how dangerous she is, or what hidden talent she might possess.” The King waved off this explanation, but Aggie saw his stare turn for a brief moment to linger on Arlen, with a glimmer in his eyes. After a second of regarding her Servicer, who’s eyes were fixed straight ahead, he clasped his hands behind his back and strolled back up to the throne.
“I have summoned you here Tork, on urgent business.” The King sat down, and leaned his head on three fingers while studying the group. Tork nodded his head eagerly.
“Whatever you request my Lord.”
Ora nodded as well, at the same time giving Quib’s leash a small tug as the beast began pulling towards one of the 4 guards in the room. 2 were stationed in the corners of the throne room, and 2 at the entrance to the room where iron doors that were perhaps 12 feet in height, stood firmly closed.
Other than the King, there was one other man staring at the group. He had dark skin, brown eyes, and a hooked nose that appeared to have been broken more than once.
He was easy to miss as he was dressed entirely in black, and stood behind the throne to the King’s left hand side. Aggie hadn’t noticed any of the people until that moment due to the overwhelming shock of seeing the King, but now that she had, realized that the man in black was staring at Arlen pointedly, which was when she noticed Arlen was returning the attention to him.
“The crowned prince has been missing for 2 weeks, and I need you to find him and bring him home.” Every back in the room went stiff, and the silence that followed the announcement carried the weight of the message.
“With all due respect your majesty, why is such a serious matter not known publicly? Was he abducted? Are they asking for a ransom?” Tork asked the questions in rapid succession, but with great control over his tone.
“The prince was not abducted, nor has he been taken prisoner anywhere. I am given to believe, that he has run away.” The King met everyone’s gaze, and Aggie wasn’t sure but she felt as though his eyes lingered on her for a second longer than the others.
“I apologize for my boldness, but is there any reason why? Having an idea of his motivations can aid me in finding him quickly.” Tork explained carefully, knowing that he was asking a very personal question to an aristocrat.
“My son is… prone to doing what he pleases. I suspect that he is in search of temporary escape from his duties, however the time has come for him to return home.” The man dressed in black strode smoothly out from the shadows to the King’s side, and handed him an envelope.
“He was last seen heading to the city port of Rockfell nearly a week ago, but sightings of him have disappeared since then. I trust you know to handle this matter with the utmost delicacy.” The King now sat up straighter, and fixed them all with a very level stare.
“Of course your majesty.” Tork was bowing again, and Aggie began to wonder if the shit taste in his mouth would ever be expunged.
“I want you to send reports back every 3 days on your progress and findings. I expect you back in front of me in a fortnight.”
“Your highness, I will conduct this search with haste, but…” Tork shifted uncomfortably, lowering his eyes to the floor for a moment.
“I have to travel on foot. No horse lets me ride it, and it will take us almost a week getting to the city without steeds, let alone uncovering the prince’s whereabouts.”
Aggie was quite certain that if Tork’s complexion could show him blushing, it would’ve at that moment.
“We have a cart and 2 Clydesdale horses that should do just fine for delivering your group.” The King offered calmly.
“I wouldn’t impose on your kindness were it not for us wanting to find the crown prince as quickly as possible.” Tork did another small bow, his gold earrings jangling softly.
“My associate, Sir Zeke Thomas, will lead you to our stables. I’m afraid I must insist that you all leave immediately.” The King stood again, and suddenly the cloaked man that had lead them down the tunnels appeared at his right hand side, while the dark skinned man flanked his left. Aggie hadn’t seen the cloaked man at all, and was startled at his sudden apparition. Perhaps he was Fey?
The King strode down the center of the throne room along the red carpeted aisle, forcing the group to split apart to allow him his leave. As he passed by Aggie, he gave her a brief sidelong look with a small smile.
This time she knew she wasn’t imagining things. The King knew exactly who she was, but had hadn’t breathed a word.
Leaving Aggie to wonder, with no small amount of agony; Why?
After the King’s departure, the 2 guards that had been situated closest to the throne had marched to the open passageway, and shifted a large oak chair that was to the left of the entrance. It seemed to take a lot of effort from the 2 of them to do so, but after it had been shifted, a large pillar that had previously appeared to have been embedded in the wall, shifted with a rumble that covered the entrance.
By the time Aggie had torn her eyes from the occurrence, she realized that the cloaked man was standing waiting for her while the rest of the group had begun heading towards the double doors.
“Come.” The single word he said proved he was male, and Aggie quickly trotted after him and her group.
Aggie had hundreds of questions as she ran down the mysteriously empty halls towards what she could only guess would be the stables. Arlen glanced over his shoulder once or twice to ensure she was still following, but looked as though he his mind was far away. He nodded at Aggie once she was able to match pace with everyone else, and she nodded back, assuring him she was alright.
After descending a winding stone staircase a single level, Aggie found them in front of a narrow exit, where the promised cart and horses stood proudly waiting, as though they had been prepared an hour earlier instead of within minutes. The stables themselves didn’t look as large as she would’ve expected, and other than the ones attached to their horses, she realized that no other steed was in sight.
Aggie was still finding it strange that other than the cloaked figure leading them, there wasn’t a single serving staff around.
“Everyone is preparing for the arrival of Duke Sean O’Farrell next week. As I’m sure you’ve heard, his betrothed has fallen gravely ill. As a result, his political plans have been briefly postponed.” The cloaked man named Zeke Thomas explained as though reading Aggie’s mind.
His back was turned to her as he collected the reigns of the 2 Clydesdale horses, and so both Aggie and Arlen were able to share a panicked look privately.
“Thank you Sir Thomas. We will do our best to return swiftly.” Tork took the reigns from Zeke, but as he did so, one of the horses tossed its head back suddenly, making Zeke turn his head rapidly and causing his hood to fall back.
Aggie drew a sharp intake of breath, and Zeke turned his head and fixed her with the most unsettling pair of eyes Aggie had ever seen.
Aggie had seen Beast Awares that looked incredibly strange with patches of fur, scales,0 claws, and a plethora of other animalistic characteristics, yet didn’t startle her as much as Zeke’s appearance.
His eyes bulged from his face, as though they were large spheres growing from his face, each moving separately from the other, but the eye that was fixed on Aggie, was such an unnatural electric blue that was rimmed in green, that Aggie found herself petrified.
He was unearthly pale, with faded brown hair, and regular features everywhere else. However his eyes made it hard to acknowledge that.
“BETS! Stop staring!” Tork snapped angrily as Zeke’s mouth set itself in a hard line.
Aggie snapped out of her trance, and politely averted her eyes to the ground.
“I am a Beast Awares, no different than any others. Why is it that my eyes disconcert everyone so much?” Despite Zeke’s voice being so soft and calm, there was still an underlying anger there that made Aggie’s cheeks burn.
She wished she could’ve apologized profusely, but had to make do with bowing. She hoped he could understand she hadn’t meant to make him feel like a spectacle.
He snorted in response, and walked back into the castle leaving them alone.
When Aggie stood straight again Ora bonked her on the head.
“You idiot human.” Tork chided as Quib leapt into the cart, and began sniffing around the food bags. Aggie opened her mouth to speak, but Arlen clamped his hand over it, and gestured his head towards the cart.
Tork turned away from them, and stepped up onto the front of the cart where the driver’s bench waited. He didn’t look at them again as Arlen ushered her onto the cart, and they began being pulled away with heavy ‘clops’ from their horses.
The King sat in his chambers with his head resting on 3 of his fingers, his eyes staring off into the distance, and the same small smile he had given the lass on his face.
It wasn’t until the dark skinned man dressed in black sat down across from him, that he slowly returned from where his mind had wandered.
“Do you think they will find the crowned prince quickly?”
“Ideally the horses I gave them will help speed up the process, but I’m anticipating it being closer to a month.” The King paused, then stared more pensively at his Servicer.
“Ekon, did you see what I saw amongst Tork’s band?” The Servicer opened his mouth to answer, when Zeke strode into the room without donning his hood, his mouth pressed into a firm line.
“Did they stare?” The King asked tiredly as his associate seated himself to his ruler’s right with a heavy thud.
“There are so many other strange Beast Awares. I'm not horrific looking!” Zeke waved his hand angrily as he spoke. Ekon watched without any trace of emotion on his face before turning his attention back to the King.
“My liege, you were inquiring on what I observed with the group.” Ekon reminded gently as Zeke’s eyes swiveled to the two of them.
“Yes… Did you happen to see what I did?” The King’s amused expression made Zeke pay closer attention suddenly.
Ekon grimaced before answering.
“I saw a Servicer amongst them. He observed my presence as well, but I was unable to discern if he was accompanying the bounty hunter or his fellow Minkies woman.”
“Oh that isn’t a Minkies woman. That’s Lady Agnes Beatha.” The King laughed as he said her name, delighting in the knowledge.
The 2 men at his sides sat up straighter with widened eyes.
“Duke O’Farrell’s betrothed?! I thought she was on her deathbed!” Zeke exclaimed leaning forward.
“How was it you figured out it was her, my liege?” Ekon asked, his tone controlled.
“The Beatha’s are distant relatives of mine. We shared great great… great? Grandparents far back. However, given our propensity to have multiple offspring, as each new generation came, we all became further slung from our origins. Her eyes were my own, and they are quite unique on this continent. Not unheard of for there to be no blood relation with an individual who shares the color, but almost without a doubt she is a relative. As soon as I figured out she had a Servicer with her it wasn’t hard to put 2 and 2 together. Duke O’Farrell had asked me to be put in touch with the Ruling Family nearly a year ago to begin negotiating the purchase of one of your kind, Ekon.”
Ekon was frowning at the end of the King’s explanation, and Zeke’s eyes were whizzing around the room as his mind processed the information.
“Tork and Sean O’Farrell lied to you about this.” Ekon’s expression was dark, as he slowly clasped his hands in front of him.
“I doubt Tork knows who she truly is so no matter there. I suspect our dear Duke intends to inform me of what has happened during his visit. This is incredibly sensitive information after all.” The King gave a small shrug, nonplussed by his subject’s omission.
“Have you thought of the possibility that Duke O'Farrell is using her to spy-”
“No.” The King’s tone turned hard as he stared without any of his previous softness at his Servicer.
“Duke O’Farrell won me a war, and has served this kingdom without fault. He has been a key component of our advancement. I have no doubt in his loyalty.” Ekon lowered his eyes and nodded silently.
“No, I suspect that he is either; trying to save face and buying time until he finds her and brings her back. Or, he has given her the means to live freely. Either way, I intend to hear what he has to say.”
“What if he has been searching for her, and we have let her go?”
“Then we know where to send him. If I had interfered when she has been more or less liberated from her marriage to Sean, then it would’ve only given everyone a headache. It would've been like Lady Sarah all over again.”
Ekon sighed, and Zeke frowned. They had their own musings on the matter, but knew better than to argue with him.
“Will this change Lord O’Farrell’s campaign for the Southern throne?” Ekon inquired diplomatically.
“No. We will continue gaining forces and move in the fall against the South King.”
“Do you think Sean will be able to last the whole war?”
“I do. Stubborn as an ass, and smart as a hawk, I have no doubt that before our winter solstice, Sean O’Farrell will be the new South King.”
The 3 men sat in silence, as they all mused separately what the year would bring.
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