《HavenGuarde》Chapter 12 - Reunion
Chapter 12
- And they came from all over the earth, from distant lands, searching for truth -
The first thing Thonavar saw as his eyes adjusted to the light were the familiar faces of people he knew and loved.
"Mother! Father!" cried Thonavar. Felix stepped aside as Thonavar ran past to greet his parents. Leaping from her seat in a snug white armchair decorated with white cushions, Mirya ran to embrace him as Jesse stood to his feet, a look of relief evident on a weary face. Thonavar hugged his mother tightly. Her skin was warm and her touch was home to him. It was the that he realised how much he had missed her and how much he feared for her and his father’s safety.
"We heard the terrible news, Varu. That man came to our home yesterday evening. He told us everything."
She threw a glance at Felix, who still stood by the door as it closed shut behind him.
"Your father and I feared for you", she said softly, stroking his hair. She did not tear or raise her voice and was lavish in her affection. At times, Thonavar felt awkward when it came to responding to or reciprocating such outward displays of emotion. But this time, Thonavar was greatly comforted. More than that, he felt safe. He hugged his mother back.
"We are glad you are safe", said Jesse, patting Thonavar’s head. Thonavar grinned. His father’s hands were rough and calloused. But they were strong. Thonavar liked the feel of them.
"When we heard from the watcher that you had been taken by the wardens, we feared the worst. I once knew a man. A fellow labourer. He and I worked in the same force. We built a few of the tall ones up in city above. One day he was hauled away by the wardens. The overseer said he had been caught for stealing, I think. I doubt it though. He was a good man. But he was political. Hated the Unity and was always saying things about them. We never saw or heard from him again. And even to this day."
Thonavar saw Mirya shoot his father a look of exasperation.
“What I mean to say is that we are glad you are safe”, said Jesse, hastily. That is what matters now.”
Then, as if suddenly remembering that there was someone else in the room, the room fell silent and all eyes turned to Felix who remained exactly where he had been since he had entered the roon. Throwing up his hands, Felix spoke.
"Now that you have been happily reunited. I would like to discuss the matter at hand."
Thonavar saw his father’s face darken with worry and felt his mother’s body become tense as she hugged him close. Felix clasped his hands together and walked to stand in the middle of the room. He gestured towards the seats. Mirya shook her head.
"I prefer to stand", said Jesse, folding his large forearms across his chest.
"Very well then”, said Felix with a nod. “I have brought all of you here to discuss the charges brought against Thonavar for what has befallen the boy Alexis. The charges are brought by Alexis’s father, Sir Alberoth Amery. You might know him as the owner of the houses of wines in city above. He is a man of wealth and influence. He will desire the harshest penalty inflicted upon the one who caused injury to his son."
Thonavar’s heart sank into his stomach as he heard Felix speak those words. He remembered the warden who had struck him full in the face and the foulness of his breath. He had stared into those murderous soulless eyes and had seen only violence.
"I know", said Thonavar, putting on a brave face. "The stasis cells guarded by the wardens…".
"It will not be the stasis cells or torture by the wardens", said Felix, shaking his head, his voice stern. "No, it is a penalty far worse."
"Worse? What penalty can be worse than torture?” whispered Mirya, her face ashen white. Jesse looked utterly loss for words, his eyes registering a look of shock.
"Death", said Felix simply.
The temperature in the room plummeted. Thonavar felt a chill run down his spine.
The word echoed in his mind.
The word felt strange and devoid of any meaning. For a brief moment in time, Thonavar become lost in thought as his mind grappled with reality.
I am going to die.
Thonavar heard his mother speak but did not see her fight back tears as she tried to keep her emotions at bay.
"Death by execution. But I have seen reduced sentences. The boy may yet still be sentenced to work in the mines. For the rest of his life. But it is likely to be death."
"The mines? This is…I cannot believe this…".
"Such incidents are common", continued Felix, ignorning his father’s look of despair. "Recently, a young boy from another district in city below robbed a man and his wife travelling through city middle. His wife slipped and fell in the scuffle. She hit her head and died. The thief was found by the wardens, tried and excecuted."
There was a sharp intake of breath from Mirya followed by a long silence as the severity of the situation began to sink in. But Thonavar was incensed. He felt frustrated and helpless. The whole matter was unjust. He had not killed Alexis. He had merely wounded him. Further, he was the true victim here. Of Alexis’ bullying. Anger swept through him.
I should have killed Alexis then, if I am going to die anyway.
"Then he must escape the city", said Mirya, her eyes wide. "He will escape tonight. You will take him!"
"And for what? Your son will become a hunted fugitive. Listen to me-", began Felix but Jesse interrupted.
"Take me instead. I will bear the brunt of whatever punishment is decided."
Anger sprang up in Thonavar’s chest. I will not let father and mother take my punishment. This is my fault.
"I am not leaving the city and neither will you take my punishment. This is my fault", said Thonavar defiantly. "And I will bear my own punishment."
“You keep your mouth shut boy”, said Jesse, turning to face his son, his temper flaring. “If you had not struck -."
"Well, what do you always tell him then? To fight his own battles? Well he did, and he stood up for himself", said Mirya in retort. "A gang of five boys Jesse!"
“I would have hit them and taught them a lesson but I would not have used the knife, Miri!”
Mirya turned to Felix, a mix of unbelief and desperation etched on her face, her voice pleading.
"Death? How…how can that be? He is just a boy!”
Felix did not respond but remained silent.
"Wait", whispered Thonavar. But no one listened. His mother was once again engaged in a shouting match with his father, her face seething with anger and frustration.
"And if you had been around to watch your son grow, he would not have continued to be bullied by those gangs of wretched boys! I warned you about this!"
"I stand by my decision!" roared Jesse. "The boy needs to fight his own battles!"
"And now", shouted Mirya, as she pounded her fists on her husband’s barrel chest. "Look at what has happened!"
At this, Jesse fell silent, looking completely defeated.
It pained Thonavar to see the situation causing his mother and father so much distress. This is all my fault.
Thonavar saw Felix close his eyes. He seemed to be waiting for the commotion to die down.
"Wait", began Thonavar again, turning to Felix, his voice louder this time. "You have a plan. Do you not?"
Thonavar’s eyes met Felix’s steely blue.
"You met me on the hovercraft. You helped me escape. You gave me instructions. You brought us all here", continued Thonavar, still watching Felix. "There must be a purpose. You must have a plan."
Upon hearing these words, Jesse and Mirya abruptly ended their tirade and turned to look at Felix, this time with faces expectant.
Felix smiled.
"You are perceptive boy. If your folk had allowed me but to finish, we would all be safe in bed by now."
Thonavar saw his parents exchange looks. Taking a deep breath, Mirya spoke first.
"We apologise watch-…Felix. Please, share with us your plan."
"No need to apologise", said Felix with a warm smile. "It has been a long day for everyone. Some food and drink perhaps? Please help yourselves."
Felix gestured to a clear cylinder jug of water and a few white packages of which Thonavar suspected contained some kind of food. Jesse nodded sheepishly as Thonavar turned his attention to pouring some water into smaller glass cylinders for the group. Thonavar handed out the drinking glasses and Felix waited until everyone was settled before speaking again.
"Now, if we can all remain calm, I shall continue."
Thonavar, Jesse and Mirya nodded.
"The charges will demand the penalty of death. But we will defend against these charges. I have sent word. The charges will be heard at the Houses of Court where there will be an adjudicator", continued Felix. "But there is a strong likelihood that it may find in favour of Alberoth. For his reputation and contribution to city above will aid in giving considerable weight to his testimony. Such is our judicial system", said Felix, in a somber tone, and his gaze strayed to Thonavar. "However, I have investigated and there are no records of the incident between Thonavar, Alexis and the rest of his gang of boys. There are no virtual playbacks recorded on the warden’s surveillance systems. As such, there is not much evidence of the matter. Now, I suspect that this might have been done deliberately in hopes of eradicating any evidence of the injustice exacted against young Thonavar by Alexis and his gang."
At this mention of Alexis, Thonavar clenched his fists so tightly that his knuckles became white. The memory of the last fight was still fresh in his mind.
"Those bastards". Thonavar heard his father curse under his breath, provoking a look of outrage from his mother.
Turning to Felix, Thonavar spoke.
"But you have something that might help."
"Yes", said Felix. "There may be a way I can help with this. But I cannot share this with you now."
There was another round of silence as those present in the room considered what Felix meant. But curiosity got the better of Thonavar.
"Why? What is it?"
"Something that just might be able to shift the balance in your favour. Something to prove your innocence. I will leave it at that."
At this, Thonavar’s pulse started to race.
"But he is innocent", protested Mirya, slightly angry. “He has done no wrong. I know this boy, Alexis. He is a cruel boy who delights in causing pain untoward others."
"Miri", said Jesse, taking her hand in his own, calming her down. He turned to face Felix. "Watcher, I mean, Felix", he began. "Is there not a way for peaceful settlement between families? Let us meet with Alexis’s family. Surely there could be a way to discuss and explain this incident in a manner other than the courts."
"The situation is far graver than you think Jesse Ironhand. There will be no compromise", said Felix with a shake of his head, and a knowing look.
"But surely-…".
But Felix cut Jesse off in mid-speech.
"Alberoth is a loud and short-tempered man. He has been to the courts several times to prosecute his own employees for accidents and minor disputes. With his son on the verge of death and being treated by the medical houses, Alberoth will have worked himself into a rage. There will be no compromise. There will be no mercy. Your son’s life is in peril."
There was an air of mystery about Felix Vanyaga. An image sprang into Thonavar’s mind and he remembered, as clear as day, the knife disappearing from his hand. One moment the knife was in his hands and in the next, it was gone.
"I can help. But I will require something in exchange", said Felix in a hushed tone. At this, the room fell silent again. Mirya’s eyes narrowed. Jesse frowned. "I can help. But, I will require something in exchange", said Felix in a hushed tone.
At this, the room fell silent again. Mirya’s eyes narrowed. Jesse frowned. Thonavar felt a rising sense of excitement grip him. His pulse raced.
There was always a catch, he thought.
"You both know what I ask. For I have asked before", said Felix softly, addressing his parents.
Felix then turned to speak to Thonavar.
"Do you remember my words to you after I left you upon the rooftop?"
"What rooftop?” Mirya’s face was angry. "Have you been bothering our son? How dare you approach our son without going through us. You have no right. Jesse, say something!"
"Look here watcher", began Jesse. "We appreciate your help. But you have no right to-…".
"You said to be ready when you call", Thonavar replied. Then turning to face his mother. "It is fine mother. He was not bothering me. I am not easily influenced or tricked."
Mirya nodded but her eyes were fearful.
"Good, then the time has come to strike a deal", said Felix, with a clap of his hands. "Boy, your parents both know what I ask. They support my proposal. "
Thonavar heard his mother hiss under her breath. Jesse’s face had turned a brilliant red.
"I once spoke about a chance of a lifetime. And so, it is now up to you to decide."
As much as he hated the feeling of being in someone’s debt, there was something about what Felix had mentioned that filled him with excitement. More than that, he could smell adventure in the air. But experience had taught him that people seldom did things for charity.
"It appears I have little choice in the matter", said Thonavar, masking his excitement. He folded his arms and stared at Felix his face taking on a sullen look.
"Why the choice is all yours", replied Felix.
"And if I say no, you will deny us your help. Blackmail is what this is."
"Be more gracious in your tone Varu”, chided Mirya, now worried. “That is hardly the way to speak to someone who is trying to help."
"Trying to help? He plans to use me for his own ends", said Thonavar, his tone accusing.
"You will be civil this instant!", hissed Mirya, her face becoming white. Thonavar upon seeing his mother’s distress, immediately softened his approach.
Felix remained standing where he was, his demeanour relaxed.
"I have helped you thus far", said Felix. "You stand here before your mother and father because of me. From this point onward, the road ahead will be difficult. If I am to help further, then you must trust me."
"Trust is earned".
"And have I not kept my promises thus far?"
"Fine", agreed Thonavar, albeit reluctantly. "State your terms."
"If I am to help you further, you will do the following. You will undertake a Testing. You will pass. You will then join the Angerius Order as a pupil at Sanctum where you will train and be eventually classed. If you are unwilling to meet any of these conditions, speak now."
Thonavar did not reply immediately, but took a moment to consider Felix’s words.
"Listen to me Varu", said Mirya, stooping to look her son in the eye. She placed both hands upon his shoulders. "What Felix offers is a good thing. You will become a watcher like him! And earn a good wage too. It will prove a better life my son."
Mirya made as if to say more but at Felix’s request, Jesse nudged her to relent from speaking further.
"This is now Thonavar’s decision to make", said Felix.
"Testing…sanctum…training…", whispered Thonavar, as he thought about the offer. The words sounded meaningless given his current predicament. This was all so confusing. "So, this opportunity of a lifetime you speak of is simply a chance to become like you?"
Felix ignored the sarcasm in Thonavar’s tone and chuckled to himself, which sounded strange in the current situation.
“Perhaps. And that is far more than you can ever imagine boy. But I think you have more to worry about now. So, what shall it be?"
"And what happens if I do not pass the testing?"
"A good question", said Felix. "Be assured that should you fail I will return you unscathed to your family. This I promise. But know this, should you deliberately fail the Testing, then I cannot protect you any longer. Should another incident with Alexis occur, I may not be there to save you again. And what is more, deliberately failing would only prove to be a huge waste. You will grow up regretting that you did what you did for the rest of your life. For your parents are right. What I extend to you now is a chance at freedom. This is your chance boy."
Thonavar looked at his mother and father and saw the hope in their eyes. His father even managed a slight nod.
"Fine", said Thonavar, and he noticed the relief upon Mirya’s face.
"Good", said Felix, and a wide smile broke upon his face. "It is agreed then."
"It is agreed", said Thonavar, his pulse racing.
Once more, a sense of wonderful adventure gripped him. But in his excitement, he chewed on his lip, biting slightly too hard. He tasted blood and hastily swallowed.
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