《Just a Rock》Chapter 12: Double-edged Betrayal


As the rock traveled further down the river, it was caught in a net. Trapped alongside him were a few fish and other bits of debris. The net was quite primitive and simple. It was made of intersecting ropes made of grass.

The net was held in place by two, large and heavy stones on the shore. Those stones betrayed their own kind, helping keep the rock prisoner. Not that the stones had any choice, but their excuses fell upon deaf ears. The rock was only able to silently endure its imprisonment and hope that someone would rescue it.

Eventually, the amethyst from before came down the river, probably caught by a later melt. Her crystals had sharp edges, and could easily cut through the rope and rescue the rock. The very thought seemed to move the rock. Wait no, that was just a fish struggling and shaking up the net.

But instead, the amethyst passed right through the net unhindered. It was small enough to for it to avoid the rope, thanks to the rock bumping into it and breaking off a part of it before. It didn’t even slow down as it went through, seemingly oblivious to the rock’s plight. Even worse, a little bit of light reflected off its edges towards to the stones on the shore, making its purple hue deepen like a blush. The rock should’ve known better, you shouldn’t trust two-faced people, and the amethyst had a lot more than two faces—err facets.

How tragic. The rock seemed to meet horrible situations at every layer of its life—or lack thereof. Good thing it’s just a rock.

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