《Trinpik》Volume 1 Ch.10 Moonstone


As I placed the last stone from the stockpile near the tower the basement was now complete. It was 6 stories deep. Each floor was 2.5 meters tall. Fair enough I said. There was a 2-meter wide staircase following the outer wall all the way to the first basement floor. What we stood on now was a platform just above ground level, with a mithril ground door that enclosed the stairway access. I made sure to secure a key. You never know when you might need it.

During the quarry operation there seemed to be many deposits full of ore. So they decided to use the best of it for the purpose of the tower as well as to do some finishing touches to the Carriage I was promised.

However the key was something I could not forget to get and thus hid it.

It took us nearly 2 months to complete the interior of the basement as well as the stair. I even too a copy of the sketches since I notice there where a few hidden compartments that we build as well as an escape round that was made from the tower in to the Brik’s Mountain range. I made the escape tunnel pass underneath the promised land of mine after the quest was complete. The architect didn’t mind that either. So he kept quiet. The exit was made with mithril in order to prevent anyone from trying to melt it using low or high magic since magic was not good against the mithril metal.

The following morning as we where heading to the quarry. The Blacksmith tagged along carrying what he called his grandfathers pride in a form of a black sword. He was actually carrying it as if it where paper weight.

When we go to the mine we notice that the people were sitting down. One of them came up and said that they have cleared up most of the easy rocks and stock piled them again although not as many as the first time we came. They told us they hit a huge bolder that nearly took all there efforts to chip away at it. It was nearly 20 meters high. They had no idea how wide it went. He then said ideal thing is to cut it nicely but at this pace its really preventing them from their work.

That is when the blacksmith turned to me held out and said try to cut that bolder from top to bottom. I instantly took it to realize it was indeed heavy even for me. It was no easy task even to fake it being light. I was then scared of the blacksmith’s strength.

As I used Phantom Running I was now 50 meters above the big boulder and with moment of gravity and using Phantom Running towards the ground I sliced the entire boulder with a clean cut. It didn’t explode or anything. I sliced the boulder many times vertically then horizontally. That is when I reached my limit.

The blacksmith took over and finished cutting the huge bolder from the remaining topside. He did that so quick that I was really amazed.


That is when the blacksmith approached and asked me if I wanted to become a swords man?

I without hesitation said “NO.”

All he said was if you change you mind come see me. He then left.

After the workers at the mine cleared up and we saw that the boulder was nearly 50 meters wide I frowned. I knew it was just as deep. Now there where stones even more then we initially started and with nicer cut then the previous stones.

As I was walking away I realized something caught my leg. I took a look It was a small chain tide to me. The other end you can guess where it ended up. At the new and developed catapult now propelled by steam power.



Viiiiioooniiiiiaaaa iiiiiii wiiiiilll gettttt youuuu for thiiis.

Vionia: I can’t hear youuuuuu.

Since the power of her newly made catapult was so great. We decided not to transport them to the newly made pile of stones and then start building.

While Vionia was catapulting rocks over Tio and Fricks helped the locals with different tasks that were meant for the completion of the tower.

Exactly one year after the start of the project. Even though there were many setbacks. We showed phenomenal progress even to the extent that all the villagers were surprised. During that year all holidays even got cancelled. It showed how much this village needed this tower.

At that one year mark stood the first floor of the tower.

Salim: “Check Skills and Stats.”

Status WindowNameSalimRaceZanilHealth35000Mana14000Level5Class/ Proffesion?????????????Stamina Regen35Health Regen/Sec175.5Mana Regen/Sec140Strength815Agility1500Wisdom480Intelligence936Stamina1500Vitality709Dexterity1060

Skill's WindowPhantom RunningLVL. 77exp. 22%Inertial TurningLVL. 89exp. 33%Respawn PointLVL. 7exp. 18%

I am satisfied. I better not get a class until all my stats are 1500. Certain stats such as INT and WIS especially from what Vionia said. Are the hardest to raise.

Frick’s Stats where all 1800 except speech that was 500 points. His Shadow Step skill was the only other skill raised to LVL 92 with an additional effect: Rider will also be able to disappear completely while riding Frick’s and will consume no extra mana/ stamina.

From the looks of it everything was on track.

I even put en effort in to Vionia’s wake up calls. That when I realized how though it must have been to wake me up. Hence making her innovate new ways of torturing me.

I guess I was slightly proud for being so durable. Her three beginner Items where 3 different types of clothes. How funny, they literally were indestructible. Even when I ripped them up they would repair automatically when no one was looking.

-------- It took us 2 months in order to two use that entire boulder that was cut up in to stones. At the same time with the first floor we were around 7 meters of the ground. I was building and assembling the interior at the same time since it was easier to do so.-------

The moment the stones stop falling from the sky I ran to the catapult only to see everyone staring at a meter size boulder that would not budge with all of the villagers and Vionia trying to pic it up. I tried to lift if up with them only to find out it barely moved.


So we decided to call the blacksmith. As soon as he came he understood why we couldn’t. He simply said that is a black asteroid. The same metal the sword was made from. He took out his black sword and with tremendous swings started to chip it away while collecting the heavy chips off and transported them to his shop. When it was about the size of the fist he stopped.

It was a different color in the center made out of transparent stone slightly bluish.

Blacksmith: I guess you deserve that stone for all the hard work until now. It’s a moonstone and is supposedly as light as a feather.

I had a big grin on my face for I knew what I could do with it. However I wanted Fricks to also reach 1800 stats in each category before I even offered him the stone.

So I hid it away in the same place as that key to the mithril doors.

Before he left he took a couple swings at another boulder near by and we again had enough stone to last us a couple months.

30 stories were really high. Since everything above the basement was agreed upon to be at least 3 meters tall for each floor.

Making it 90-meter tall tower. (Over 270 feet tall.)

Currently at 7 meter of the ground it seemed like a long way to go.

This time I tried a new approach. I got in the catapult and was shot out like a boulder. I then used my Phantom Running and within seconds was at the tower. I amaze my self sometimes.

As I was still amazed at my self:

Badoinggggggggg. A hot stone landed straight in to my face as I turned around.


Since I was so angry due to the stone that hit me had to be hot I destroyed a few dozen incoming stones with my bare fists after landing 2 -3 punches they were nearly turned to dust.

I was wondering how did her aim get so good. Well I’ll just have to put a note in my mind to get back at her once again.

Her aim was no longer the bottom of the tower but more to the top of the tower. After 4 more months, I was working now around 59 meters high in the air. So as soon as the small rainstorm started I met a very frizzy friend.


I was charred and falling of the tower. At the same time the stones stopped being catapulted up. Vionia was able to install a makeshift telescope to the catapult and clearly saw what happened stopped from firing in order not to destroy the tower.

You have been severely paralyzed!- You will be un able to move for a duration of one week.

- Due to the nature of this paralysis normal methods will not work to break you free from it.

- You are also unable to talk; fortunately you are able to feel pleasure or pain.

Vionia was really mad; that I was so careless and didn’t side step or something.

So she started to innovate different methods of how to make me talk and wanted to see if she can cause enough damage to me to cause me to die so that I could get back to work. All her efforts seem to go in vain.

She finally got so mad after trying all her torture methods I still didn’t move. She brought a knife and struck me in to the heart I could feel I was dyeing. She took it out and literally bled me till I was half dead and passed out.

When I woke up the next morning she was sleeping besides me.

!!! Discovery !!!

- You have discovered a second secret concerning STAT points.

- You have discovered 2/10 secrets.

- While fatally bleeding and being tortured all your STAT points temporarily became zero. Due to this state the extra paralysis electricity running through the body berserk calmed down and facilitated the recovery rate of your health and Stat points.

note: Discover all hidden STAT points secrets in order to receive a clue to anything you desire the most. Even to the pinpoint location.

I continued to rest that day to recover my strength.

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