《Trinpik》Volume 1 Ch.1 The Islands


Welcome to Trinpik !!! This is a Virtual World... The catch is... No one will be able to leave until you are able to build several major empires that willingly coexist peacefully together. Currently there are over 5 million people in this Virtual Reality and more incoming. This world can support over 10 billion people. The size of this planet is four times the size of Earth. Since you are one of the first 5 million beings placed here, you will not be placed in the vicinity of other people. Everyone will be dropped randomly with a distance of 400 or more kilometers from all other people. Note: Your real bodies outside this Virtual Reality are in special pods that will not age or die.

Everyone is under noob protection until level 5. After level 5 feelings such as death will be real, although you will not die and will respawn at your last visited city, if not in the vicinity of a city, then at your last rest area.

Deaths will cause skill levels and main levels to drop after level 5 and not lower.

There are two ways to raise your main level, through combat or when you reach a certain amount of stats.

Raising main level through combat is much easier than through stats. We have programed your mind to understand basic control of all aspects of the game. Enjoy !!!

As it got brighter and brighter I opened my eyes to see that I was falling at an increasing speed. Although the view was nice, I was scared of falling to my death.

As I was falling I saw a mountain range pocking out of the water. It looked like small islands composed of mountains surrounded by an endless ocean.

I don't know how but as I hit the ground, I was able to leave a small crater from the impact.

"Darn... why couldn't I have fallen into water? It would have been a softer landing." I murmurred to myself.

It actually hurt quite a bit. Though I was amazed that I did not die from the impact, guess it’s what the welcome screen calls it "placed". Perhaps this was also a wakup call so people try to avoid getting hurt.


"Now that I think about it these islands in total don't seem to be more than 400 kilometers across." "Just great seems I am marooned on this large island by myself for sure."

As I got up from my soft landing, "Are you for real"?

To my surprise I landed not far from an apple tree and not only that there seems to be a small water spring next to it. I also noticed a bag next to my landing. Since I was hungry I ate an apple of the tree and tried to drink the water to test if it was salty or not. Luckily it was fresh water.

Then I decide to open the bag to see what’s in it and a window in midair popped up.

Please say 3 essentials that you think you will need. These are starter items and will have unlimited durability until you reach level 5. You are only able to request 3 items and will not be able to exchange later on. Please choose now!!! Note: You may only choose items you can pick up with one hand. It cannot be a weapon of mass destruction or a weapon with unlimited amunition.

"Rope, axe, and huge waterproof sleeping bag." It was weired that I chose that as if by instinct since I could not remeber anything.

You have received: *Strong Rope

*Strong Axe

*Waterproof Sleeping Bag.

As I was still looking in to the bag, I now saw the items I asked for perfectly compacted within the large backpack.

The current Island I landed on was no more than 200 meters in diameter. Barely outside the massive mountain range bordering the ocean.

I took out the sleeping bag since it was taking most of the space in the bag and placed it under the tree.

I had decided to go exploring, I gathered 35 apples that now took the place of the sleeping bag.

As I was leaving the island by means of swimming from one island to another with a full bag of apples, a rope, and an axe, A sudden gust picked up and I saw the sleeping bag near the tree fly off, due to the strong gust.


"aaaaaaaa..... Darn there goes my essential item...."

"Stupid sleeping bag...."



"This world is way too realistic."

As the sleeping bag flew I was able to see it get caught in the branches of a tree on another island.

"I better go get it. I don't want it to be lost forever since I bet I’ll need it to sleep on."

Trying to swim the best I could with a full bag was not easy. After I swam for about 30 minutes I was able to take a breather on a small island of no more than 5 meters wide. There was another 3 tiny islands between me and the sleeping bag.

"I better hurry!"

It took me 4 hours just to get to the sleeping bag. Luckily there were no more strong winds in that duration.

This time I took the rope out and tied the sleeping bag to the tree on this island since I didn't want to chase after it again.

As I sat and ate one of my apples I got up and explored the new Island I was on. This island was no bigger than 1 kilometer in diameter. Since there were no monsters on this island I decided to make it my home. It had more room with many trees. Some trees had bananas on them although they were pretty high up I was not able to reach them.

I tried climbing the tree, but wasn't able to climb even close enough to reach the bananas.

I then realized that even though there was a fresh water spring on this island too, this island didn't have food I can access to just yet. So I decided to head back so that I could once again swim and go get more apples.

Being in a hurry to retrieve my bag, in the beginning I didn't notice the word "information" with an exclamation mark flashing on the upper right side of my vision.

"Information Window" I called out. [th_096_K.gif]

!!! Information Window !!! Skill acquired: Swimming Beginner LVL. 0 Exp. 20% Skill acquired: Breath Hold Beginner LVL. 0 Exp. 33% Stat Increase: STR 2 Stat Increase: AGI 2 Stat Increase: DEX 1

Then I called out "Status Window." [th_096_K.gif]

Status Window LVL 0 Name: (State your Name.) Race: ????? Profession/Class: ?????: ?????? ????? Health: 100 Regen Rate/sec: .05 ????? ????? Regen Rate/sec: ????? Stamina: 1 Regen Rate/sec: .01 Strength: 2 ?????: ????? Agility: 2 ?????: ????? Dexterity: 1 ?????: ?????

"Skills Window" [th_096_K.gif]

Skills Window Swimming: LVL. 0 Exp. 20% Breath Hold: LVL. 0 Exp. 33%

"Swimming Information" [th_096_K.gif]

Swimming Information Swimming increases the speed and depth you will be able to swim.

*Currently you can swim at a pace of 100 meters in 30 min.

*Maximum depth you are able to swim to is 1 meter.

"Breath Hold Information" [th_096_K.gif]

Breath Hold Information Ability to control ones breath. Being able to control ones breath is one of many factors that help hide one's own presence. It will also enable you to go longer without breathing.

*Currently you are able to hold your breath for 25 seconds.

"Wow so I can raise my stats mainly by swimming. Wonder how many stats I need in order to force my level to increase."

"Well it’s time to get swimming."

As I swam this time I focused on different styles to make it easier to swim.

After another 4 hours I was on the island with the apples. It also seemed my stats and skill experience had doubled.

Since the sun was past the midpoint and going down soon, I had to hurry back before sundown I assumed. However, this time I stuffed as many apples in the bag as I could. 30 apples fit inside the bag with no rope and axe in the way, which I left near the sleeping bag.

By the time I swam back it was getting darker and darker. Luckily I knew the rough direction in which to swim towards. The information window was so irritating while I was swimming that when I got back I turned off the notifications until I became LVL 5. After shuffling in the dark I was able to find my sleeping bag which I unfold and went to sleep, since I was so exhausted. I hung my clothes to dry as well, while I slept.


***Proofreading & Grammar Done By: ***



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