《Unexpected Consequences》Chapter 11 (4.02)


Slicer couldn’t believe his eyes, he was in the temple district, standing in front of the smoldering ruins of the Temple of Justice, the statue of Iustitius that had stood in front of the entrance was lying shattered in the street amongst other rubble of the destroyed temples. He wondered if his friend father Strag’iustos had survived but he had no idea how to find out.

After spending some time poking about in the ruins Slicer made his way out of the temple district with a heavy heart. He spent some of his secret funds on some more respectable clothing, visited the public baths and started to make his way to the Adventurers Guild intending to update his licence.

However as he was cutting through the docks district he spotted Patsy scurrying through the shadows heading in the direction of Ma Tibs lair. Slicer grinned, ‘maybe this day won’t be a total loss after all,’ he thought. Slicer quickly slipped into an alley that would allow him to intercept Patsy and waited. As she scurried past the alley he was hiding in he darted out, grabbed her and pulled her into its shadows making sure he was covering her mouth to avoid any outcry, not that was likely that anyone would care but why take risks.

Patsy was heading home – somewhat reluctantly – as ma Tibs was angry and Patsy knew she was dangerous and unpredictable when angry. She was hurrying so as to minimise any annoyance ma Tibs might be feeling. Patsy didn’t want to take Ashes’ place in the local brothels and she was worried that with the recent losses ma Tibs might decide she no longer needed her skills.

Then as she was passing yet one more noisome alley she was grabbed and pulled into its shadows, she froze in terror as her assailant dragged her back against his chest holding one hand over her mouth and a knife at her neck.

“Well, well, well it must be my lucky day after all,” hissed a voice that seemed vaguely familiar. “Patsy dear, I have a real need for your skills,” it hissed on, “I’ll even sponsor your membership in the Adventurers Guild.”


The hand left her mouth and settled on her shoulder. Patsy licked her dry lips and asked, “why me? An’ was innit fer me?”

“Why Patsy love, you get out from under Ma Tibs uncertain patronage before she dumps you in Rakell’s hellhole of a whorehouse in a fit of pique. And we’ll split commissions three parts in five for me and two for you until you repay me the cost of new clothes, a bath and the Guild fee. A modest sum I assure you.”

Patsy froze again as she realized who was holding her, it was Slicer, but how come he was talking posh.

“Well Patsy what do you say?”

“Um... You wanna see me nekid? Tha why youse talking clothes.”

“No Patsy, to be frank you stink and your clothes are little better than rags. To be accepted in the Adventurers Guild you have to look a bit more prosperous and it would be wise to be a lot cleaner. I’ll take you to the public baths and the attendants of the ladies baths will be the ones to see you naked, not me. I want you for your skills not your body.”

A few hours later Patsy and Slicer – virtually unrecognisable in their new finery – entered the well guarded portal of the Adventures Guild and proceeded to join the short queue in front of the hiring desk at the back of the room. It didn’t take them long to reach the head of the cue as there were two representatives of the guild manning the desk.

“Yes how may I help you?” asked the big man behind the desk, from the small tusks jutting from his jaw he had a bit of ork blood.

“’Evening,” said Slicer placing his guild medallion on the desk, “I’d like to reactivate my membership please, and I’d like to propose my friend for membership, she’s a competent rogue skilled in detecting and disarming traps and good with all types of locks. I believe she might have some instinctive magical skills. But I could be wrong.”

“Right, lets get you sorted first so that we may get to your friend.”


After all the paperwork was sorted and they were both Guild members in good standing Slicer led Patsy to inspect the job board.

“I suggest we find something far away from Foraville as I don’t think either of us will be safe here for a year or two,” stated Slicer.

* * *

Antonio gazed with amusement at his Pixie, she looked so cute curled up in the tiny armchair intent on her book.

‘Right to work Antonio, no more lazing about,’ he thought, ‘I hope Felicia can find a suitable lawyer, she should be able to, this is Portugal after all.’

He felt like grinning, the Adventurers had been flabbergasted when he’d recreated his old faithful Brazilia on the beach at low tide, and Felicia’s tight jeans and low top getup had shaken the ladies. Pity she hadn’t chosen to wear hot pants, that would really have been something to see.

« Amanhã Antonio, just wait, hot pants will show up tomorrow. »

Antonio laughed then started molding granite building up a long ridge – a kilometer long to start – almost parallel to the coastal cliffs and only overlapping the beach by a bit. In front of the ridge he set the foundations of a gentle slope calculated to maximize wave size and create perfect waves for the surfing enthusiasts. A bit of trial and error would allow him to host one of the best spots in Europe.

Meanwhile, he slowly molded some spectacular underwater caves apparently lit via refractive veins of crystal, he felt like grinning, he was cheating by using multiple fiberoptic cables after all.

Antonio delayed slightly and spawned a number of moray eels to infest his reef and cave, and a few more octopuses beads on Otavio, he also upgraded Otavio by giving him retractable claws hidden on the tips of his tentacles capable of injecting a lethal poison.

‘Sod the conventions, if they want my core then all bets are off!’

Felicia was singing along – badly – to the radio as she drove into Lisbon, she parked near the Campo Pequeno and grabbed a taxi to the lawyer she had selected due to her research.

Dr Pedro Reis was impressed, not so much by his cat eared client, as by her use of a Swiss numbered account and gift of gold sovereigns. It was a strange request, the purchase of a fair sized area of ocean that held nothing of value. The slice of cliffs might be more difficult and might already have an owner but nothing seemed impossible given the resources his clients had available so he agreed to the woman’s proposal. He was sure that the Muñoz’s would soon own most of what they desired.

* * *

Valentina came bursting into Alexander’s new office, “we have a confirmed sighting, Nadia Alextranovna is in Oslo.” She blurted as she placed half a dozen photos down in front of Alexander.

Alexander looked through them with rising excitement and some trepidation.

He looked up at Valentina, “Yes it looks like this sighting is correct, it certainly looks like her, will the Norwegians help or hinder?”

Valentina spread her hands, “I believe they’d rather know nothing officially. However Nadia Alextranovna is an orphan, a citizen of the Russian Federation and a minor. They will facilitate things. Unofficially.”

“So who do you think we should send along to speak with the girl and persuade her to help us? Can we expect help from our embassy?”

“Me and either you or lieutenant Novosiltsev, and someone fluent in Norwegian, we could rely on someone from the embassy, and should ask for someone but we should take backup.”

“Do you know of someone suitable that could double as an interpreter and bodyguard for the girl?”

“Hmm, maybe, I’ll check to see if she’s free, she speaks with an accent but is fluent enough for this.”

Three hours later Valentina Kosmodemyanskaya, Vasili Novosiltsev and two helpers were on their way to Oslo in an Aeroflot jet wearing smart new civilian clothes whilst Alexander was participating in a conference call with the Russian Federation’s embassy in Oslo and several senior officials in the government.

Alexander finally realized just how important his job was seen to be by his government.

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