《Unexpected Consequences》Chapter 10 (4.01)


Ashes learned that she was in Kansas. She had had a bewildering time recently, she had been exposed to staggering luxury and she was certain none of the miraculous things she had seen had anything to do with magic. It seemed that in this world anyone could have access to almost anything that would require magic back home. Currently was working hard to learn English.

* * *

Shal was still chuckling from the prank Loki had asked of her; the looks on the faces of those soldiers had been priceless. She stepped out of the small alcove she found herself in and the first thing she saw was a large man arm in arm with a regal looking woman. Instinctively she knew that she was in the presence of Loki and Sigyn so she dropped to one knee and bowed her head in respect.

“No need for that Shal,” Loki said extending a bejeweled goblet, “drink and be welcome to the foot of the World Tree.”

Being a well brought up girl Shal drank the offering despite its sweet and salty taste.

Loki laughed delightedly, “Now you have been truly rewarded. Allow me to introduce to the family.”

Loki gestured to a dazed looking man, “our son Narfi who you unwittingly allowed us to rescue from Hel’s realm and who wishes to be considered your brother.”

“And so it shall be,” intoned Sigyn.

“And then we have my children by Angrboda,” he indicated a woman in somber robes of a gloomy, downcast appearance more startling was the fact that she was half blue and half pale, “Hel, Goddess of the underworld.”

Then a huge savage looking wolf that towered over her and who was lazily wagging his tail, who was flanked by two slightly smaller wolves. “Fenrir father of Sköll and Hati.”

“And finally, but never least we have Jörmungandr, you mustn’t believe all the tales about her, she isn’t large enough to circle the globe but she is the larges and wisest sea serpent of them all.” Loki indicated a massive head that was peering down at the gathering.


“Flatterer! I hope you will call me sister too Shal, we could have lots of fun by allowing ourselves to be seen by the mortals of Midgard.” Stated Jörmungandr.

“Now Shal, I want the sons of the Rus to learn how to cast Gates, I will also need to find a way to get someone to show the Americans how it’s done.” His eyes sparkled with mischief, “so I need you to play hard to get for a while before allowing the Rus to find you. Just let me add a few shapes to your repertoire, salmon and fly. That should ensure they can’t hold you and you can always call on your brothers if needed.”

Sigyn smiled and opened a gate, “Now daughter, why don’t you go and explore Oslo.”

Shal stepped through and found herself overlooking a branch of slate grey sea lined with colorful buildings that seemed very tall to her though she was aware that for Midgard they weren’t all that large. The sky was covered in scudding grey and white clouds with not a scrap of blue to be seen.

* * *

Moonbeam flew over the ocean until she felt the core directly beneath her, looking down she could see the huge octopus under, she was impressed with the speed and size of Antonio’s boss monster but decided to await the dungeon’s Voice before contacting her potential partner. She was in no hurry to visit the bottom of the ocean.

Moonbeam was determined to do her duty and make her mother proud. She opened her perception and flew higher. Soon she could make out the true extent of her partner to be’s domain. It was a huge flattened circle of approximately two kilometers in diameter, however it only stretched about one hundred meters inland from the shore except the beach where the adventurers were camping where it reached just barely above the high tide mark.

That was sneaky, she approved. Antonio was growing on her, if only he wasn’t located under the waves.


She dropped to a more comfortable height and headed for the beach, then detoured to the north where near the cliffs she noticed some rocks emerge from the sand near the high tide mark. They formed a very natural looking cluster the upper level of which would always remain dry except during a storm.

She detoured again not wanting to draw the adventurers attention to the beaches new feature.

Some time later the travelers returned. Moonbeam was introduced to Felicia and vice versa. After the adventurers had withdrawn to their tents Felicia signed for Moonbeam to follow her and led her to the new rocks. There they clambered up and after Felicia adopted her feline form they entered the cleverly concealed low oval tunnel. It was quite roomy for them though it would be cramped for the adventurers, even the children would have to crawl.

After traversing the somewhat winding passage for over a kilometer they came to a collection of comfortably furnished rooms. Felicia stretched and resumed her humanoid form then grabbed Moonbeams hand and drew her into a room – and what a room, the walls were covered with shelves and the shelves were groaning under the weight of books. Thousands of books. Moonbeam couldn’t believe her eyes. She just had to persuade Antonio to bond with her.

“Come on Moonbeam, wake up, let me show you to Antonio,” Felicia shook her head ruefully, “you really are two of a kind. Come along, do.”

Moonbeam woke from her stupor and reluctantly left the book room and followed Felicia to the living room and to the huge window looking out into a brightly lit underwater cave that opened out into the bottom of the ocean. On a small granite pillar sat a mid sized multifaceted emerald.

Moonbeam reached out to the dungeon core her heart fluttering with anticipation and worry and offered Antonio the age old pact between dungeon and pixie. After a few clarifications and assuring Antonio that yes she did want the bond it was done. Dungeon and pixie were joined and none could part them in life. Then Moonbeam got another surprise, her dungeon was blessed by a goddess, and her ears changed becoming those of a cat.

Moonbeam hanged her mother’s gift mirror on the living room wall facing the window and called her mother. The mirror misted over and her mother appeared hovering over the large ruby that was her partner.

“Mother, mother, uncle Red, I’ve done it, I’m Antonio’s pixie and that’s him in the cave, and this is Felicia his voice, and he’s got thousands of books, and, and...” she babbled happily.

“Calm down sweetie, what’s happened to your ears?” exclaimed Rosy.

“Erm... Antonio has been blessed by one of the local goddesses and Bast is linked to cats, so,” Moonbeam touched one of her ears, it promptly flicked. “Um, we have to build her a temple.”

“Your uncle sends his congratulations.”

“ Oh mama, here let me share something with the two of you,” Moonbeam concentrated and sent her parents the vision of her aerial recon.

“Oh dear Moonbeam, just a strip of land and all that water...” Ruby trailed off as she watched a school of sardines dart through the underwater cave the emerald resided in.

An hour later after a satisfying session of gossiping an exchange of information Moonbeam was happily occupied with a book of Ancient Egyptian Myths and Folklore ensconced on a comfortable armchair that Antonio had produced for her. She just had to look up to see her dungeon core. Felicia had left to confer with the adventurers.

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