《Rose of Thorns and Blood》Chapter Eleven
Aftermath Part 2~
(Mikoto)"How?! to gain the eternal one must gain the eyes of a close family member, like a brother or sister, but you didn't have sibilings!" she asked shocked that her nephew had the eyes only one man in the history of her clan possesed.
(Shisui)"I don't know why exactly, but narumi-chan had an answer, hah when i first told her that my eyes felt diferent she was clueless, she thought that sharingan stopped at three tomoe, i couldn't stop myself for speaking about the mangekyou, how it is acheived, and the eternal mangekyou, when i told her that to get these eternal eyes you must steal it form a family member she did another, more detailed medical scan, and found minute diferences in the dna, that it closely resembled a twin, when i said that it didn't have a twin, she brought up that it had been modified with chakra, so even if it is still my eyes the curse doesn't reconize it, so i was able to go a step further in our bloodline, after she did some test, she said she wanted to replicate it, as she never seen a dna altering ability, hah she is smarter that itachi at her age" 'now the problem was who altered it? Was it the joker who got hold of both my eye? If so what is his endgame, what would he acomplish by giving me more power?'
Just then Narumi entered the room.
(Narumi)"The tea is ready~" "Hai shisui here is the crutch for you to walk, i expect that you will be able to walk normaly after 2 days then you can start training" she handed him the crutch and told them to follow her to the living room where the hokage and her brother were enjoying some snacks while sipping tea, after some banter, small talking, it was dusk before long, and the hokage was about to leave when..
(Shisui)"Hokage-sama after i heal can i take my old post in the ANBU back?"
(Sarutobi)"I see, i was waitingfor you to ask that ANBU Captain Raven... i will be waiting for you in a couple of months" he closed the door and left
(Narumi)"So Mikoto-obachan let me go show your room~all of the apartments are connected by doors, so it will be easy to take care of the children, especially the babies, so there is no worries there~" narumi-chan led me towards the next apartment, even so these are big, they can hold a large family and still hold some space, the previous owner is stupid for abandoning this complex "tommorow we will go shopping for necessities, don't worry i will pay, we are pretty rich after all" 'of course we inherited canon naruto's dumb luck for everything including gambling, and we also own all of the re light district, so income is great, although i can't wait until we explore our family vaults, ahh the uzumaki dna is affectiing me again, our clan is very, very selfish, the greed, lust, wrath, gluttony, we are the worst enemies you can have, everyone in that clan is completely insane, the uzumaki will never even bat an eye while killing someone, they will commit the most depraved acts, and others will applaud, that's the problem, they have such a sense of distorted family love, they will turn a blind eye to what others in the clan did, be it pillaging, killing and other stuff i won't mention, while we were a little over 20000 ninjas it took the efforts of three of the major nations, quality over quantity, haha~ and it is definitely worse for us, we have royal blood of the uzumaki, dad's dna was useless, i wonder~ why dad even married mother~i guess his infatuation made him blind to her obvious insane nature, while he has killed many as 1 million ninja in his lifetime, he never did enjoy killing, but mother was diferent, she took extreme amount of pleasure from killing and torturing, her kill count reached 5 million ninja by the end of her life, but i reality she did not only kill ninja so her real kill count cannot be measured, it didn't matter if you were ninja, civilian, women, children, babies, if you lived in the water, lightning, or earth countries you were fair game for her, her lust for revenge was the greatest of all time, i guess even konoha did not know of her real cruelty, she did most missions solo, and sandaime is foolish enough to think that iwa has a grudge against the yellow flash? that they will send assasins to us if we are named namikaze? HA~ how dumb~ they will probably try to kill us because of the uzumaki name~ out of extreme terror, they have such fear of mother they cannot even hate her properly, that's how badass the Red Death was, the scars from her deadly kenjutsu still mar some locations in the world~ ahh i can't stop it the blood is so strong, it is affecting my mind since i was born, i was a killer in my last life, a cold blooded psychotic killer, who lived in the second world war, lived through it and experienced everything with a cold look, but this time around, i am enjoying killing so much it is an addiction~' while thinking that narumi showed the room for her godmother, then went to her own room where her beloved onii-chan was waiting, both had a satisfied smile.
(Narumi)"Did you do it~"
(Naruto)"Of course~ Saru needed to grow a backbone, and i just helped in the process by putting him in 'kotoamatsukami' he now has become war like, whatever threat happens to konoha he will react accordingly, i also healed his body a bit, so his age will not reflect on his ability as a warrior"
(Narumi)"Its ironic~i also put shisui in kotoamatsukami~he will serve well for our plans~" both chucled darkly.
That night a figure stepped into the hospital undetected, the only way to identify her were the long silky hair, the royal purple rings tightly together making a it look like an iris, there was no pupil but there was nine tomoe distributed in groups of three in the first 3 rings, she went in a godly place opening the doors where the uchiha children were located, the reason she was here was to absorb every sliver of zetsu's chakra that was rooted in them, the curse of hatred originated from this piece, and would then seep in and start corrupting the chakra and mentality, she didn't want to deal with edgy and broody kids everyday, if you want to kill someone just Do It, don't brood about it, be happy~.
The last room was sasuke's.
(Narumi)"ara~ara~sasuke-chan, it seems zetsu's curse already is deeply seeted in your chakra system~ such a pity i stole away indra's transmigration from you don't you think? now you don't have anything to protect you from the curse, if i were to pull it now it would kill you, but i won't, first me and onii-chan will steal both mikoto and itachi from you, you are really pathetic you know that, your attitude has already killed any love our godmother had for you, but it is still not enough, itachi still loves you, but i am patient, soon enough Mikoto will forget all about you, and in a few years Itachi will regret leaving you alive~, hmm you will wake up in 4 months it seems, you are really weak~, can't even handle one tsukuyomi and you're in this state, when you wake up things will be drasticaly different, oh and i will leave you a present~" she pumped an insignificant sliver of indra's chakra into him, then made some seals and applied in his mind "Now with this although it will be hard you will get your precious sharingan, you just got to train harder~ there are also some seals in your mind, i am an uzumaki super prodigy so mastering seals wasn't so difficult, the first one will completely immobilize your body when i want to, the second will cause you untold amounts of pain, a little bit of security will not hurt will it? now for the fun stuff, the other seal will make it so you will have a tiny dick forever, you shouldn't have looked at me like a breeding tool after all~ the last one will make you an eunuch it will be activated when you try to force yourself on a woman, goodbye, you still have some entertainment value for me~ it will be fun to see other uchiha children achieving the sharingan and becoming more powerful while you are left in the dust, weak and powerless~as your mother forgets about you, and, like a bug beaneath my shoes, i will crush you once you stop entertaining me" she left through the night with a deranged laugh 'ufufufu~i love destroying the lives of the characters i hate, now we need to strike the haruno family where it would cause the most impact in sakura's mind, that whore is already irritating me with her screaming, ino shouldn't have given her self confidence to a person with a double personality, and case of insanity, there is a good resemblence between the insanity of the haruno clan and the insanity of the uzumaki, although the diference is that harunos are weak, and it is not familial love they have, but a love that goes to a single person, no its not love, more like an obssesion, just like Sakura is fixed with Sasuke, Sakiri is fixed on Minato, dear father~'
Three months passed and the uchiha children, along with Izumi and her unborn daughter, moved in where, it was difficult at firsst taking care of most children as they missed their parents, but it got easier with time, narumi still cooked for everyone as she loved cooking, although she had Mikoto to help her sometimes, it changed when Shisui started training the twins when he finished his rehabilitation exercise, they quickly learned kage bunshin, finally, and started using it all the time, as they didn't have a problem with mental backlash, they also picked up things he teached with extreme speed, making him wide eyed and jaws open, he thought he had seen prodigies with itachi, but these two took the cake.
Shisui also trained with his eternal mangekyou sharingan, and he was stunned by the power he could control with his eyes, his chakra level shot up to bijuu level, that's how strong those eyes were, he though he had a stronger sharingan than everyone else since he activated his, but this was ridiculous, he could spam kotoamatsukami, he could use it twice a day instead of a decade, he also could use his sussano'o freely, which made him one of the most powerful people in the village, and him being 17 years old, meaned that it would be a long time until he hit his prime, he also got reinstated in anbu, and did most mission with ease as Raven, he also noticed the hokage building up his forces, no more would you see jounin and chuunin slacking around, the academy changed, and most of the civilian council lost their power over the ninja affairs, only helping with economic and infrastructure affairs, the only classes that didn't change in the academy were naruto and narumi-chan's, because of the low number of children in that year, but it didn't matter as most of the clan heirs were having harsh training home, and one day when Danzo's head was delivered in his office he had a smile face onthe forehead, he didn't even bat an eye to his old rival death, but was worried how could joker could enter, so he reinforced the security in the village, meanwhile the industrial side was working on producing more weapons and inventing new products, it was an armament race, tensions were high between kumo and konoha, and kumo disregarded the disarmament law after the third war, but with the loss of their kage and many of their ninja against iwa they are still far behind so they can only grit their teeth for now and wait, so we will probably enter in war in a few years.
Mikoto would also constantly leave to go to trips in fire country to have the people who owned debts to the uchiha clan and those who owned favors, so their finances were now stable, with Shisui's pay fromthe mission also sustaining them, but with her constant travels and work as the matriarch, Shisui's work as ANBU, and Izumi taking care of the 3 babies and herself during pregnancy, the other children were at the mercy of Narumi's manipulations, she instilled in them loyalty to her, admiration, and a deep love for the village, patriotism at its finest, she also trained them, and most above 6 years old already had a 1 tomoe sharingan, and some having 2, and although, Mikoto, Shisui, and Izumi didn't notice they started treating the twins as family, and started loving the place they were living, even after the clan coumpound was released, Mikoto went and sold the land to the highest bidder the only thing she recovered was the library and the clan texts hidden in the naka shrine, she also went and destroyed the stone tablet that was lying underneath it, the area is now an ANBU Training area as most of the buildongs and houses were demolished.
~~Narumi pov~~
I avoided a weak punch and gave one in return in her left breaking some ribs.
(Iruka)"Narumi, you must stop putting such strengh on your attacks, some months back you injured a girl pretty badly and she could not be a ninja anymore"
(Narumi)"gomen sensei, but its the normal strength i use when i am going against Ino or Hinata, that means that sakura has a very weak body to be injured like this, ne?" I asked the downed girl with annoying pink hair, she whimpered in pain as she was clutching her ribs and trembled in impotent rage.
(Iruka)"hah, at least have some amount of control, Mizuki can you take her to the hospital wing"
(Mizuki)"yes, iruka" he picked up the downed girl, and left, but not before he gave me a subtle glare 'hmm i guess he was told about the kyuubi from orochimaru' the glare went unnoticed by iruka as he gave us another thing to practice.
(Narumi)"ha this is going to be fun don't you think onii-chan?"
(Naruto)"Hai i am itching to kill that man so much" we were in front of the haruno mansion, in one of konoha's districts, there were two ANBU guards knocked at our feet, as we entered the house, there was food on the table, and a man and woman were discussing things, the man was slighly tall and had brown hair and green eyes, the woman had pink exotic hair, and almond eyes.
(Kibe)"It seems sakura will be returning late, she was injured in a spar in the academy, and will be only released at 10 pm"
(Sakiri)"honestly that girl is worth nothing, not until she can get in the pants of that uchiha boy, with the elder heir leaving konoha, sasuke-sama will probably be the next uchiha clan head, we need more prestige and power for our family, so she will be the fucktoy of sasuke while we steal the power and influence of his clan"
(Kibe)"Of course, mentioning fucktoys i will be in the basement having 'fun' with some of our slaves" he finished eating and went downstairs.
She huffed and finished eating, then the lights came out
(Sakiri)"Wha-" at that moment she was thrown towards the wall with force, it broke her shoulder, she did a loud pained screech, that would have woken the neighborhood, but with the silencing seals placed on the house it would never be heard "Who- gh"
(Narumi)"its me Narumi Uzumaki" narumi then put her hands bound together by her microscopic chains, and raised the woman from the ground with her back to the wall.
her clothes were quickly shereded as her nude form was exposed, high B-cups with pink nipples she had a patch of pink hair downstairs and a pink slit that led to a great ass and a puckered hole.
(Narumi)"that's right" ahn~ this day finally arrived, i have been waiting for my revenge
(Sakiri) "Release me you demon, even if all the civilians have forgotten I haven't, because of you minato-kun is dead, even if you are his daughter I don't care"
(Narumi) "Sakiri.. Sakiri you were always obsessed with dear father and you were so jealous of mother, fortunately your mother had some connections to the mafia in fire country, so you 'released' information to kumo that an uzumaki had survived, you knew by then that minato loved our mother so you sought to get mother out of the way didn't you, then kumo was quick to act and kidnap her, even though she ended up killing most of them, you thought that she was on her way to become kumo's baby factory, at least daddy saved her before they crossed the border, you were quite disappointed weren't you? ANSWER ME!?" i picked up the nail from her pinky and pulled out as a gutural sound came from her mouth, after a bit of crying she shook her head in denial.
(Narumi) "i see, well let's pull another nail, see if your mouth will open when i pull all your nails." i then pulled one nail at a time, going painfully, blood was spilling out from her injuries as she cried harder every time.
(Narumi) "ready to talk now, all of your twenty nails have been removed from your body you know~" i said with a deraged smile she shook her head again, "i see" then with one movement i broke one of her fingers, the bone was protruding from the injury "let's try again did you? Or did you not?" she nodded her head "see that wasn't so difficult, now what about the uzumaki name being erased, i was quite confused at first when all of the civilian council decided to erase the name from all records in konoha, but it made sense when you were added to the equation, you whored yourself to them so you could pull out some favors am i right? " i said as i caressed her slit, while putting a finger on her clitoris, then opened up her used pussy with a finger, then two, three, finding her g-spot was easy and before long i brought her to an orgasm, even though she should be in pain, she cummed hard in my fingers "so am i right?" she nodded again not believing the demon could bring her to such a high "hmm" i broght my soak filled fingers up and grabbed her clit with both my thumb and index finger and gently squished it like a button, then i widened my fingers in a scissors position, then my bones protuded from the underside of my fingers and were like dark small blades, and like a scissor i brought them together and slashed her clit right off her body, bringin her more pain that i could imagine, as the clit is one with the most nerve endings "scream more" i started laughing as blood sprayed in my cum soaked fingers "scream, scream, scream more~", after a few minutes only groans, whimpers, abd a few screams could be heard as her tears fell nonstop and blood traced downwards until it reached her asshole then it started falling on the ground. "Now last question of the day~ do you know the identity of the boss of the mafia here in fire country?" she shook her head.
(Sakiri) "p-p-p-please l-let m-me l-live p-plea-" i cut her stomach open with my bladed fingers and blood and organs started spilling out i started pulling her intestines out like a pasta.
(Narumi) "as expected you have very pretty insides.. Ahhh you're dieing.. Slowly.. Slowly.. Slowly.. Ahh you're dead.. Ahahahah" i finished pulling out her intestines as it fell on the floor.
~a few minutes erlier in the basement~
Kibe was currently raping one of his slaves he bought, although slavery was prohibited by the daimyo, it was not enforced as the mafia dealt with slave trade, and even the prestigious Hyuuga did it with their cage bird seal, he released his seed inside of her as he looked towards her eyes, dead eyes, those that gave up on life, just like his other slaves that were chained up, just as he was about to put the buckle in his pants a punch came right in his kidneys he gasped and spit on the floor he looked to see a blond kid holding a stance.
(kibe) "who are you?"
(naruto) "you will be my little experiment i always thought the academy taijutsu is weak against other ninja, but what about a civilian, i will be goibg at you with the strength of a student, as for who am i, you don't need to know as youbwill be dead soon" after a few minutes of beatdown kibe's body was littered with black bruises and his arms and legs were at an odd angle there was blood coming out of his mouth as he struggled to breathe, most of his teeth were lying on the floor as naruto looked at him with an impassive face "as expected the style is weak, if i used any other you would be dead already, despite the level of strength i use, hah i tire of this" naruto put his hand on the mans mouth and ripped his jaw with such force that kibe died of shock, what was left was the body bleeding from what was once his mouth as the jaw was literally on the floor, naruto killed all of the slaves and took care not to cause them any more unnecessary pain 'you are a bastard kibe, you always need to treat your possesions with care, after all if you don't they will break'
He met with narumi and they left for their home, for the twins they did not care for slaves at all, they did not care for rape, as narumi already witnessed it many times in her life, and with the savage blood of the uzumaki who were known to the other countries as fiends, made them not care at all for the cruelty of this world, after all everything the haruno clan has done the uzumaki has dobe it many times worse, rape, killing, torturing, slavery, all kinds of depravity, in all honesty the uzumaki got what they deserved, kushina also got what she deserved, after all how many people she killed, how many she tortured, how many men, women, and children she raped in the third shinobi war? But it would not sit well with the depraved royal blood of the twins, they loved mother, even if she had, her 'minor faults' , they were connected to her feelings, thoughts and memories since she was pregnant, its hard not to love her, within the file they discovered that the clan was an offshoot of the senju, a group of women separated from the clan and weren't seen for a couple of years, when they surfaced, their hair had turned a deep shade of red, and they were cruel beyond belief, they raped and raped until they were pregnant, thats how the uzumaki were born, cruel beings from birth, although they didn't have any information on how the women got the red hair, and how it is connected to their madness.
(Naruto) 'i wonder, if we hadn't modified our appearance we would be born with red hair, ah i am itching for my sister, but we promised we would deflower each other on our graduation, at least i got something to look foward to...'
Sakura was just returning from the hospital wing after they healed her ribs. She was currently thinking of asking ger mother to make that uzumaki bitch life hell, after all her mother was a council member, she entered ger house
(Sakura)"tadaima, why is it so dark?" she turned on the lights "mother, father? She then looked at the dining table, and widened her eyes as her bag fell on the ground, dropping all the books on the ground, on the table was her mother with her belly open and ger face looking right at ger with an expression of terror, her father was sitting ob a table holding a knife and a fork, the latter had mother's intestines wrapped around it like an oversized pasta, the former was in a cutting motion right in her stomach, she looked up to see a large smiling face on the wall painted with blood and a transparent liquid, there were also words close to the face and it said 'welcome home', the nightmarish situation finally caught up in her mind as she let out tge loudest scream she probably could, waking up the neighborhood and the prevous knocked out ANBU guards, most of the civilians entered the house out of curiosity and puked at the horrible scene, most being traumatized, and the night sky showed a red moon, signifying a change. Three sets of eyes opened in almost, in the deepest depth of a sewer, the sewer was below a dream like castle, surounded by cherry trees, the castle screamed edo period, one set of eyes was azure in color, they shined in hope and compassion, the other was a deep red with slitted pupils, it showed deep hatred for everything, the other was a violet, that only showed depravity, wrongness, insanity, brokenness, whoever stared at those glowing violet eyes would only feel despair a side of her konoha would never witness.
(Narumi) 'ah they are finally awake, good~ now lets give them access to our memories since birth~ the other life's memories will stay locked forever, ne daddy? Are you proud of us? ~ HAHAHAHA'.
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