《Dust to Dust》Monster 00: Two Deaths; One Permanent, One Temporary


Dust to Dust: Monster 00 Two Deaths; One Permanent, One Temporary -

Soft white fur, powerful hind legs, and an adorable button nose. All cold, dead, slowly being stained red as the small rabbit bled out. It shouldn't matter. It hasn't mattered before. It's happened countless times and will happen countless times more. A completely inconsequential event.


However,this time, the rabbit was given a second chance. The boy that slayed it, a ragged child, so emaciated and dirty that his ethnicity was impossible to place, kneeled over the small creature he bludgeoned. The rabbit could sense what was to come, the teeth that would tear it so that the boy could live just a bit longer. It was nature, it was the cycle, and it was expected. The rabbit closed its eyes and waited, waited, waited.


The rabbit, incapable of such complex emotions such as befuddlement, looked up to gauge the situation. It saw the boy setting up a series of lines and small trinkets in the sand. The rabbit wouldn't even consider using such trash for its nest, but the child seemed to cling to them as if they were more important than his own life. The small human then crawled to the now bloodsoaked woodland inhabitant and cradled it in his arms, whispering soothing nothings into the frightened, dying creatures ear.


However, as the rabbit could tell, there were two beings here close to death. The child was not long for this world either, the smell of blood was far too strong for it to just be its own body. Instead of eating his prey and recovering, the boy was laying it in the middle of an arrangement of baubles and carved dirt, chanting as he did so. The baubles began to tremble, drawing the dirt toward the now terrified animal.



The boy gazed upon his work, praying for the miracle he needed. The precious wagers he'd lost, the more precious companions he'd lost, this was his last hope. He could eat the rabbit, but he'd soon die from a predator in the unknown woods. He had to make his last gamble on protection, and so he began to draw the soul from the rabbit into the dust it lay on.


Dirt closing in on all sides, vision distorting, pain in its chest, the rabbit was in its own version of hell. As time went by, the dirt seemed to inspire less and less fear, instead, the small ball of red fur drawing its curiosity. It felt soft, sticky, it felt familiar. Realization began to dawn on the newborn golem, that it was him, and it was him no longer. Something activated inside him, drew him together, and he was once again a small rabbit. A small rabbit made entirely of dust, such a weak existence that even the wind would consider him inconsequential.


Gazing towards his creator, his Master, the one that he was now forced to serve, all he saw was the frayed blonde hair topping his master's head lying in front of him. Mobilizing his frail dust body, he slowly crawled around his Master, in order to better receive orders.


But Master did not give him orders. Master did not move. Master would not move again. He overreached in hope of something greater and fell to be lower than the dust that gazed down on him.


Cracked, hardened skin, emaciated and frail muscles, and an adorable button nose. All cold, dead, slowly being stained red as the small child bled out from the wound on his chest. It shouldn't matter. It hasn't mattered before. It's happened countless times and will happen countless times more. A completely inconsequential event.


- And the small dust golem walked on.


-Beel here! Been storyboarding this for awhile, and do I have a story for you. Yes there is a buildup until we get into the meat of the story, but you'll love the ride. Read the tags if you want to know what is to come, they're minor spoilers. That being said, I'm not a tragedy junkie, don't worry, you won't see much of it, and the mature tag is -just in case-. I don't want to limit myself at the beginning. The way I have this planned out is around 1k chapters of this length (ambitious, I realize), but it could easily be a much smaller story if reception isn't good.

It could also be a much bigger story, if reception is -great-. Food for thought. I work a manual labor job and have hours and hours to think up story elements as I work.

Anyways, welcome to the story, and to the world of ------! (redacted until later in the story, no spoilers) Let me know what you think, feedback and editing comments appreciated.

EDIT: Proofread a bit, pronouns were weird with a rabbit and golem so i switched things around for the rabbit to be an "it" until it became a golem, when it was referred to as a "he". That is -not- a mistake, it is -not- backwards, it is completely intentional. Welcome to the story There's your first mystery.

EDIT2: Hindsight 20/20 got some people to look at this and I have big changes to make to the prologue that I'll be adding in withing 24 hours. Unsure of the turnaround time on these checks you guys do for new fictions, so i'm letting you know here)

LASTEDIT(I swear): After agonizing all day I've decided to keep this as-is, I'll clarify a bit as time goes by. I just don't want to change this.

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