《Heaven's Grip : Orcs of Iaoue》Cleansing 17 : Our Teamwork



Being surrounded by these bunch of bipedal creatures, my self-confidence dropped. There are just way too many of them and fleeing from here is going to be harder. We need to break this encirclement and breakthrough to reach Fig.

When I look at the building in front of us, I can see Fig being stepped on, the negative feeling was slowly dropping and a strong sense of anger came as I look at the perpetrator's smirking face.

An enemy launched his body up into the air and aimed his club at my head. Before he could hit me, I activated impale skill and aim at his stomach. The enemy was impaled as I swing him still afloat to a nearby enemy as they collided with each other. Another enemy rushed towards me, I as well charged towards him. Since my height is shorter, I gave my limbs a burst and rushed towards him hitting his lower limbs while receiving a club on my back at the same time.


-30 HP

AF: Blunt Damage causes swelling, the attacked area will receive more damage when receiving an attack.

I ignored the notification and pain in my back as I mowed the enemy, I used his body that is still hanging on my back as a shield to move forwards, this guy seems to be knocked out. The fallen enemies I left behind was pierced by Jule, she aimed at their necks killing them on the spot.

'What a scary sow' I thought as I halted my steps.

Nic is still acting as a rear guard and uses PROVOKE towards those who aimed at Jule, this guy knows how to control the crowd even as a beginner, he did that all while snickering.

Pic, on the other hand, was sober after shouting those oh so worrisome words. He received Nic's GUARD buff and was able to take some hits but the skill was broken after absorbing the capacity. He turned back and run towards our direction as some goblins followed his track. He opened his storage and dropped some things. He did not look back and continued to run towards us.


The enemies that are following Pic stilled as they started to hold their legs, it seems like they are in pain. They started to fall and roll on the ground as they withered and turned into ash.

'Pic where did you get those scary flowers? don't put them into your storage, you dunce!'

I think inwardly as I looked at those scary flowers, POY-SON that is the name that Fig warn us to never approach. That bastard Pic actually got his hands on those scary flowers.

'This daredevil what if you accidentally touch those?'

I really can't get how this pig's brain work but worrying about that right now is really inappropriate. So I met with Pic half way and the 4 of us are now gathered and formed into a cross. Me at the front, Nic at the back, Jule and Pic on both flanks. As we continued to push our way towards the building.



The Goblin Chief moved his feet away, he went to the Hole in the Wall and looked at the transpiring battle. He turned his head and looked at me while saying...

"You're in luck kid, those Goblins are settler Goblins and they are weak. If you meet our Soldier Goblins then those friends of yours would be annihilated within seconds".

I did not respond, but this guy seems to be telling the truth. We really do not have a chance in fighting these guys not only are we outnumbered we also lack experience. The best way is to flee away from here.

I looked around the area as I stand, the Goblin Chief is looking down on us and doesn't really see us as a threat. He thinks that he can kill all of us anytime if he wanted to. He went closer towards the rescue group.


'What an arrogant guy,' well that works for us though.

I moved closer towards the center of the Shrine. The fire was burning, ever since the hole in the wall was created, the fire burned stronger for some reasons.

'I will make you regret you dumb Goblin Chief.' I thought as came in front of the bonfire.

'Though we may be weak for now... the possibility of getting stronger EXISTS!'

A fiery feeling burned inside my heart as I whip my tail towards the burning bonfire, the assembled wood scattered as the Shrine slowly lost its source of light. The moment the darkness invaded inside, I activated my newly acquired night stealth skill as I run towards the tent's entrance. I made sure not to bump any random goblin on the way.

I moved faster than I remember, as I made a curve line going towards the nearest torch, these goblin guys sure have many ways to make light. I extinguished the torch by flicking my tail and making it fall to the ground as it lost its light. The goblins inside the Shrine made a ruckus but, their response was slow and it made me extinguish more torch that surrounds the Shrine as I went closer towards the rescue team.

The Goblin Chief noticed what I'm doing and started to activate another cannon burst skill and from the looks of it, his skill was aimed at the rescue team.

'OH SHIT' I thought inwardly as I shouted towards the rescue team.


After hearing my words, the team scattered into different directions, it seems that they get my message. The scene where the light near the Shrine disappeared attracted the attention of the goblins allowing Chief and the team to move along the crowd of goblins as they activated their night stealth skill.

'May the Goddess of the Moon guide us' without me noticing, I started to place my worries towards this Goddess that I never met before, as if it is the most natural thing to do.

The Goblin Chief who saw the group fleeing in different directions, lost his target forcing him to shoot the skill towards the sky.

The skill erupted as pure mana emitted a 'booming sound' accompanied with a flash of blue light momentarily illuminating the area.

After that explosion, another loud sound was emitted.



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