《The Fourth Faction》Chapter 03 - First assimilations


AN: … It is necessary for the future...


After mutating himself, the grand lord brough the remaining larvaes into the genesis core and mutated them. The end result was a bigger and stronger drone, and on his back 2 new limbs similar to the back arms of a zergling, but with pincers instead of scythes. It was a strong zerg worker with 4 arms. The Grand Lord experimented on this kind while searching for a mutation for himself. He made it for the sake of exploring the remain of the spaceship that brough him here, and carry things. So they climbed the slope.

'There is only the rear part of the ship? The rest is nowhere in sight, probably broken the moment we entered the tunnel, or even before that. I guess I was very lucky, it's in a terrible state...'

On the way up, he had seen a lot of scattered items and bodies. The corpses were aliens, some were zergs, and in a very poor state, but the cold kept them from degrading too much. He ordered his worker to bring them to the genesis core for assimilation, hoping something could be salvaged. That was one of the greatest traits of the zergs, assimilating other species for the best parts of their DNA. He didn't know if that species had anything good, at least he hoped it had something usefull aside from their 3 arms and legs constitution.

There was a very low humming sound, indicating the power source was still functioning.He entered what looked like a breach in the cargo bay. His container was probably ejected from there. There were many containers, and a vehicule that confirmed his previous assumptions considering the race who owned the spaceship. In the cargo bay there was a vulture and another 4 wheeled all terrain vehicule. Everything was written in some advanced form of english, but still understandable. He ignored them for now and explored the rest of the ship. He was looking for human bodies to assimilate.

The locking system in the whole ship were down, all rooms were easily accessible. He found a reinforced room near the destroyed section of the ship. There were 7 coffins-like objects in there. He quickly recognised them as some kind of hibernation capsules. 4 of them had a malfunction and let their content die, but the other 3 were still active. One of them kept the man inside in total hibernation, but the other 2 were kept in some kind of artificial coma, and they were slowly running low on air and nutrition. One of them caugh his attention. Inside was a beautifull silver haired woman with a tanned skin, and a certain presence.

'… This one... It can't be... A psionist? Even though the zergs had some basic ability, it wasn't on the level of the protoss or even the human psionists, they could only use it for communications! That was why the overmind was so adamant on having Kerrigan in the game! And here I got my hands on a psionist! This one will be carefully assimilated... Hmm, I can connect with other zergs, but can I connect with a human mind? Let's try with that guy first.'


The result was a failure. He couldn't connect with his mind, thus couldn't get informations out of him. After observing the apparels, he noticed that they could be disconected and moved. He did so with the first male and had his workers transport him carefully to the genesis core. He followed behind. Once in the genesis core, he forcefully opened it and his worker took the poor man out, placing him in an assimilation cocoon. The apparel was then put in another assimilation cocoon.

He wanted to know the primary mecanisms used in the machine to feed the sleeper, and also know the composition of the products used to keep him alive to reproduce them. He carefully conveyed his will to the genesis core. The machine had to be gently probed and analysed to make an organic copy, for the psionist woman. He went back to the ship. The hibernation capsules used some kind of supply cartridges, so he replaced the empty ones from the blond's capsule with the usable ones from the broken capsules and the supply crates in the cargo bay.

According to the display, a cartridge would last around 15 days, and a single capsule could hold a few supply cartridges. There were plenty of spares, so the woman would survive for quite some time before running out of materials. And since the man was still in cold hibernation he wouldn't use anything. That was very good for the Grand Lord, that left him a lot of time to make preprations.

Back at his base there were larvaes about to hatch. He wanted to use them for more experiments. He didn't want to have each drone go through the evolution chamber to turn into a zergling or a hydralisk or something. He wanted to make a building that would only produce the said units. Using them, and the following ones, he made experiments for 6 weeks. The end result was a special drone, which he called the “zerco”.

That drone would then turn into zergling colony. The zergling colony was a small creep colony that would automatically make 9 zerglings and 1 zerco drone. The zerglings and their zerg colony would always be in contact. If a zergling died, the zerg colony would spam a replacement. The zergling colony would also have the ability to shoot spikes at a distance as a defensive mecanism, and it could attack both ground and air enemies.

The grand lord decided to make it to explore some of the tunnels. Since there was light, breathable air and water, it was fine to assume that there would be other life forms underground. And since the tunnels were big, there would probably be big life forms as well. The zergling colonies would be used for basic defense and expansion. Designing them was relatively easy since everything aside from the spike launcher was already certified parts of the zerg gen pool. They were just assembled in a different fashion.


113 days after the crash, with the human race assimilated, the Grand lord's own knowledge about humans, and the basic mechanisms of the capsule understood and replicated, the last 2 humans of the ship were brough into a special room in the genesis core. It was about time since the capsules had used almost all the supplies left. There were 2 organic capsules in the room. The first one was for the psionist silver haired woman, the second one was for the still hybernating man.

After carefully opening the capsule of the woman, she was striped naked and put into her new capsule. The great lord was amazed by her beauty. She was gorgeous, with well sized and shaped breasts and buttocks. Even though he was ogling her, he didn't get excited, a reminder of the difference in species. But he didn't mind. She would be kept alive, probed, analysed and used for a while before being slowly assimilated, especially her nervous system. She would become a template.

As for the guy, his organic capsule was made with the intent to connect with his brain. The Grand lord wanted informations, and he intended to forcefully read them from the mind of the sleeping man. Once in their respective capsules, a transparent lid closed them. A weird limb like a palmed hand covered their noses and mouths, and from the palm, 2 tentacles emerged, going down their throat up to the stomack for the first, and in the trachea for the second.

2 tentacles moved toward their crotchs, one entering in their assholes and the other, warping around the penis for the man. For the girl, one part went into her vagina, and inside it warped around the cervix and opened up, sending 2 thin tentacles in the womb, toward the ovaries. The other blocked the pee-hole. A thin tentacle with a needle at the tip pierced their necks. In the man's capsule, another hand-like, thick tentacle masked the eyes. Other tentacles with aiguilles stabbed various parts of their bodies. Then, their organic capsules were filled with warm water mixed with other elements.

Those tentacles would allow them to breath, feed them, take care of their body wastes, and collect some seeds to artificially breed a humans with psionic abilities, the poor guy will be sucked by a zerg tentacle and he will enjoy it without knowing it. A hundred wombs were prepared for that. The 2 humans would be kept alive until a decent amount of babies with psionic abilities were born. The tentacle on their neck infused them with chemicals to keep them in the coma. The others would analyse their bodies functions and chemicals thanks to micro tentacles, and keep the muscles from withering.

The thick tentacle above the man's eyes slowly dissolved the man's eyelid, then the eye, the optic nerve. It took over the occular cavity, then it extended thin tentacles toward differents parts of the brain, slightly digging into it, or deeper for some to reach certain areas. They were connected to an isolated hybrid human/zerg brain, and the Grand lord connected to it to probe the mind of the sleeping human. It took some time, but he was able to get some informations from him.

'That's a little surprise. The year is 2432, the humans shouldn't have made any contact with the zerg yet, no wait, this was the first contact. And if my memory isn't wrong, there is still a little less than seventy years before the main events from Starcraft. I have many years to prepare before the humans, zergs and protoss clash against each other. But now, the overmind is aware of the existance of humans. So he will soon search for them, and then learn about the human psionists.'

'However, I have the edge here. I will develop zerg psionists before the birth of the Queen of blades. Thinking about it, I liked Kerrigan, mainly because I had read the book Liberty's crusade. I also liked Raynor, and of course Michael Liberty himself. I wanted Jim and Kerrigan to have their happy ending. But if I give them that, the future will become a bigger unknown. I could also steal her from Jim, she's hot! ... No, let's forget that idea...'

'Also, things may move slower or faster than in the game. I wanted to stay hidden underground, but I'll have to move out to get informations. I'll have to take the risk to have my place found. I can't stay hidden because I know there is more to the story of the zerg and protoss. I didn't play all the games and read all the books, I only know the first game, its expansion Brood wars, and the first 3 books. My friend played Wings of Liberty and Ghost, and read other books. Thanks to him I know that there is a dangerous evil mastermind behind the zergs initial actions. It is necessary to stop him, and it having me on the board would raise the chances to defeat him.'

The Grand lord copied as much informations as possible from the man into the isolated zerg brain, like downloading things into an external hard drive. With that knowledge he was able to shut down the power source of the ship. It would be usefull later. But even though he was being carefull, reading the guy's memory, the process was still forcefull, slowly damaged his mind. After 3 months, his mind got destroyed and he became a vegetable, just good enough to have his sperm squeezed for breeding.


AN: Poor guy. Good thing he isn't aware of his fate.

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