《Powerless》Chapter 28 - Something is wrong



I was totally confused and rightfully so. My entire fucking interface just changed.

First, the only three stats that I had in common with the Immortal Growth System, two of them were completely removed and the one replacing it was this.

WE: 1/1

What the hell is World Essence anyway? Is it like Qi, or something completely different? What about an essence core, what the hell was that?

With the other two stats, even though I couldn’t use them, I still knew what they did based on seeing other people use it, but this? I have never even heard of this.

My mind was in a complete mess. The fact I was following a bunch of armoured dudes with lights around their waists walking in a dark damp cave didn’t help at all.

I racked my brains stressing about it until we reached the end of the path we were on.

“Another dead end. Let’s track back.”

This happened a few times as well. We didn’t know about this cave's structure until we found it a few minutes ago.

The guards said that they never knew something like this was here as there was no one who would venture this far out of town for a mere hunting trip.

I understand though. If I properly tracked my way to the place where I found Silvia, I would’ve never come here, I only followed my skill, which somehow led me here. How would I know that the trolls were heading towards East Green?

“Fuck it.”

“Is something the matter Mr Grant?”

“Let me lead the way. I might have a way to find them.”


“Come on, sir. We’ve already wasted our time with these dead ends already, let’s just let him try once.”


The guard leading eventually agreed as he too believed that we were wasting too much time going around. I would’ve opted to lead right at the gate if I knew that they had no way of finding the creature once inside.

I went ahead, and used [Awareness]. I used it consciously to heighten up the range and effectiveness.

I could feel it everything distinctively. It was like a radar.

I could pinpoint the location of the creature, but I couldn’t properly map out a way, I could tell the general direction though, which was enough as this was more of a lead that what we’ve been following.

“Let’s go.”

We weren’t gone too long, it hadn’t even been a week since the last time I was here. So why?

“Why is it like this?”

The flame orb in my hand flew towards the Flying Serpent. The flames broke through the scales burning the thing alive.


[100 EXP Gained.]


This amount of EXP was nothing but a waste of time.

“Hey! Aagon, here as well!”

Shouted Kyle.

I look back and see him holding down a few with his skill, I quickly conjure up another huge flame with the help of the Flame Crystal in my hand and throw a torrent of flames towards the creatures.

A few seconds later, all of them were cooked.

[600 EXP Gained.]

Although I wasn’t part of Kyle’s party, I still helped with the hunt. Because unlike me and Gina who can target the Flying Serpents, Kyle, Jacob and Walter have to wait for the Serpents to attack first.

It also helps that I have a pretty amazing skill myself. I mean, Kyle won’t admit it, but he wants me around.


[100 EXP Gained.]

I shot one down that was heading towards Jacob.

“Hey Kid! Isn’t the swarm supposed to be on the southern gate? How come so many of them are here on the west gate?”

“How am I supposed to know that?”

“Well, what worries me is that there doesn’t seem to be any precaution from the town. We aren’t seeing any signs of combat whatsoever. If this was a normal swarm then the volunteers and hunters should’ve never let these creatures get this close to town. We should hurry back.”

“Kyle’s right, something weird is happening.”

Walter added.

I get it.

“Fine. Let’s go, old man.”

Readying the carriage, we headed towards town, while Kyle and Jacob walked alongside it and Gina stationed at the back with her bow.

Walter was seated right next to me as I ordered the horses to move forwards.

“Miss Rachael! On your right!”

[Paralysis Touch]!

The arrow containing the paralysis effect hit the brawler straight in the chest, stopping it from moving forwards.

The Clingers rushing below its feet were then hunted down with a simple [Aura Cut].

[250 EXP Gained.]

As a butcher it is my best skill. No beast can withstand its cut, especially the small Clingers.

As the smaller group was finished off, the others around me all jumped at the Brawler, stabbing it in multiple different places, eventually taking away its life as well.

[800 EXP Gained]

The situation around the south gate is getting worse by the second. If it weren’t for the huge amount of people already guarding this place, I don’t know what would’ve happened.

From what I heard of the people who came back after healing, the situation around the other gates isn’t going so well either. If this keeps up, the overrun may actually happen.


The worst part, the swarm king hasn’t even shown itself.

There is always a huge monster that actually forces the smaller beasts and monsters out of their habitats, forcing them to run towards the city. After more than half of the swarm makes it to the city only then will the king show up.

This time however, not only has the king not showed up even after this much of the force has been defeated, the other gates have started being attacked as well, I cannot help but think that this isn’t a simple swarm anymore. Something bad is happening and I don’t know why.

This is it. We were just around the corner of the large breeding room.

A stench strong enough to burn through your lungs was coming from the room.

If it weren’t for one of the Guard’s stealth skill, [Group Conceal] then we wouldn’t have been able to get this close to the creature.

“Listen, we will take care of the smaller ones around the queen, according to the commander’s orders, you are to take on the queen. But if you think you can’t do it, then say it right now.”

“No problem, you guys just keep the coast clear for me.”


While the guard was busy explaining his plan to others, I took this chance to turn towards Silvia.

“Hey, can you use that skill again?”

“U-Um only once, though, my Qi has not recovered yet!”

“That’s fine. Once is enough.”

I thought about it and added.

“But you should consider getting a regeneration skill for Qi, that skill is pretty useful.”

I don’t know if I said something offensive or not, but she looked at me weirdly. I don’t know, is it appropriate to tell others what skills they should learn? I don’t know.

Anyway, back to the topic.

“Listen, the moment I give you the signal, use that skill immediately. Okay?”

She hurriedly nodded her head.

With our plans all set, we all moved into position.

Surprisingly the stealth skill even worked even if the group was separated, so we could all get ourselves into position without much problem.

“With my mark on three…”

The head guard whispered.

We all nodded.

“What is this…?”

I’ve never seen anything like this.

I was at the bottommost layer of the cave and in a room hundreds of meters across and tens of meters high, there was the creature.

“King of the Trolls.”

A Tier 4 Late stage monster. Normally only a rank 5 team would be able to take it on, but it’s just me today.

Looking at it sitting in the middle of the hall in a shabbily made throne of cobblestone, made my hand itch. I wanted to fight it.

I got Goosebumps all over my body as I imagined the fight next, an almost Tier 5 monster vs. a Rank 5 warrior. My blood was boiling with excitement.

This is the reason why I asked to go alone, it would’ve been the standard procedure to get my team down here with me and deal with the creature that way, but let’s be honest, where’s the fun in that?

[Aura Materialization – Aura of the Spear]

A black eight feet tall steel spear came materializing into my hand. The creature must’ve understood seeing the sudden change in the atmosphere, as it moved its hanging head upwards and shot a look at me.

Its eyes that glowed blood red became strikingly noticeable in this dark hall.

I was ready and in position as I waited for the king to make its first move, but it never came.

With the same amount of non-existent enthusiasm that it showed while raising its head, with the same amount and energy, it lowered it again, as if it had lost interest.

This kind of an attitude that it just showed pissed me off to no end.

If it wasn’t going to take me seriously then I’ll make it.

[Aura Strengthen – Steady Pierce]

I activated my Aura skill and jumped directly towards the creature, this time once again, I could see movement in its body, but it didn’t even try to avoid it.


The spear pierced the flesh of the king and dug deep in there too.

I was standing atop his shoulder when I tried to pull it back out, but the most troublesome ability had kicked off when I attacked it.

Super Regeneration.

I could feel the flesh around the spear tighten, I was having difficulty pulling it out, so.

“Take this! [Flame Root]!”

Red glowing lines, innumerable of them came rushing out of my body, and multiple edges of the roots pierced the body of the King.


I wrapped my spear in the same heating energy and the spear started burning off the flesh around it. As soon as the grip of flesh around my spear weakened, I yanked it out.

I back flipped from the shoulder and landed straight in front of the creature.

It now had anger in its face.

“That’s the price you pay for underestimating me!”


It roared, finally rushing towards me in a blind rage.

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