《Powerless》Chapter 29 - Things getting worse



“Now, go!”

As soon as the signal came, we all rushed into the room.

I headed straight for the queen in the furthest back and the guards all followed around me stopping anything from coming into my path.

The queen saw me coming towards her and the two adults that were guarding her came rushing towards me. One of the guards who was still free came and slammed his shield into the one on the right.

This only left me with the left one to deal with.

[Qi Manipulation]


[Weight Control]

I used all three skills in quick succession. Using [Qi Manipulation] to strengthen my fist, I then used [Sprint] to increase my momentum towards the creature. Finally to top it off, I used [Weight control] to increase my weight by 100 kilos more which only took 50 Qi to do.

I then punched straight towards the adult troll and its body with a caved in chest threw itself back and slammed into the queen’s, startling her.

She wasn’t standing but was sprawled on her back, with a belly twice the size of her own body, no wonder there are so many young trolls out there.

With the littered corpses of half eaten animals and beasts, it was obvious that the queen was kept well fed so that she could produce an army of these things.

I jumped forwards.

Now would probably be the best time to use Silvia’s skill as I had a clear target towards the Queen, but I don’t want to lose another skill to a cool down.

Unless I absolutely have to, I won’t give the signal.

The adult which was getting up after having slammed itself into the Queen didn’t quite get the chance to do as my fist full of Qi slammed into its body once again.

This time, it was over.

[680 EXP gained.]

[EXP cannot be used. EXP stored.]

Dammit. I was hoping to increase my stat points the same way I increased my HP, but it doesn’t matter anymore.

Just a little bit more and I would have enough HP that the only things remaining on the condition board would be the WE stat and the Essence Core thingy.

I jumped upwards by loading my legs with Qi, I didn’t fly that high as I had increased my weight significantly. But it was still enough to land on top of her belly.

Seeing me standing on top of its body, the Queen tried to attack me using her claws, but sadly they weren’t reaching where I was standing.

“Time for some population control.”

I used the same method that I used to defeat the younger Queen outside, that is jumping on her head with a lot of weight.

The trick didn’t work that well this time around as I was clearly wasn’t as heavy as I was outside.

But before I could jump again to finish it off, out of the corner of my eye, I saw a huge claw coming towards me. I loaded my arms with Qi, strengthening them enough and braced for an impact.

With its huge swipe, I was thrown back a couple of meters as the thing that stopped my movement was the stony cave wall.


HP: 225/425


‘Damn that hurt!’

My arms were all red from stopping that attack, thankfully nothing was bleeding or broken.

I could see it trying to attack me again with the other hand, but I didn’t give it the chance as using [Sprint] I easily dodged the attack and jumping once more, I finally finished the Queen off.

[4600 EXP gained.]

[EXP cannot be used. EXP stored.]

I waited for the guards to finish off the remaining ones and used this chance to start searching for the remaining Queen.

Back at the west gate of town, Kyle was having a headache trying to deal with all the remaining flying serpents.

“I fucking hate flying enemies!”

Shouted Kyle, which was then followed up by a fireball rushing towards the one Kyle had just pinned down.

“Too bad, old man! I’m having fun! Haha!”

‘Of course, you are! I don’t understand how a guy like you was born in a merchant’s family. If he was born in a knight’s family or the best case scenario, a mage’s family then this kid would’ve shined more than anyone else out there. Too bad his father is too overprotective of him…’

“Focus kid! I won’t be able to face your father if anything happens to you!”

He could hear a small grunt coming from Aagon’s direction, but he was way too pissed at the current situation to say anything to him, so he focused his concentration on the battle at hand.

‘This kid needs to be disciplined!’

Gina could only sigh looking at the two, sometimes she honestly thought that these two maybe blood related.

While Kyle, Aagon and Gina were busy dealing with the huge horde, Walter was busy healing the guards who were holding the gate before they came.

While he was doing that, Jacob made sure nothing came even close to Walter.

This teamwork proved to be effective as with the help of the guards the hunter party almost wiped out all of them.


“Not yet.” Said Gina from the side.

“What do you mean?”

Instead of answering, his vision automatically moved upwards.

“What the hell is that…?” Said a guard who also followed Aagon’s gaze.

“Haha ha! A Flying Naga, the king of this swarm. Get ready team, let’s see if we are able to beat down a Tier 5 on our own or not.”

Said Kyle laughing ignoring the scared faces of the guards.

“We are severely lacking to fight a Tier 5 monster. Should I send someone to get help?”

Asked one of the guards.

“There is no point! There is no one in the union except for some healers and citizens. Just shoot out the flare.”

“Don’t worry! As long as we’re here, nothing will happen to the town!”

Declared Kyle. He walked forwards and as he activated his Aura, a pure black tattoo in the shape of a shield manifested on the back of his right hand.

His shield that was already very bulky was now covered in a very translucent layer of energy.

His party did the same. They all activated their Aura except for Aagon and Walter, who swallowed a small red pill.


With Kyle leading in the front, Jacob and Aagon standing on either side and Gina and Walter backing up from behind, they readied themselves for the battle.

Even in the face of such difficulty, they couldn’t help but get excited.

On the north gate, things weren’t going as smoothly as the west gate.

“Miss Rachael, the Brawlers have started coming in groups!”

Rachael’s expression stiffened as she heard that, but she couldn’t keep that face for long as she quickly headed towards a bulky looking man standing in the back ordering the warriors along.

“Clingers to the right! Team A, take the Snow Pikes to the left! The remaining ones target the Brawler in the front!”

“Yes, Sir!”

“Sir Rakhna!” Shouted Rachael.


“Scouts have noticed the Brawlers that are joining from behind to be joining in groups.”

“In groups? That’s not possible!”

“I’m only reporting what the scouts reported.”

“Damn it!”

Seeing his face filled with anger, she could sympathise with him. Brawlers were pretty nasty creatures, but what made them somewhat easier to deal with was the fact that they never travelled together.

Unless it is for mating, they wouldn’t even stand the presence of their own kind, as they’re well known for their cannibalism.

But seeing them travelling in groups only means one thing, that there is something far worse behind them than a Brawler.

As if mocking them for being scared of it, they felt it. Every single person near the gate could feel it, the creature’s slow footsteps, as it slowly made it in the people’s view.

It was a humanoid creature, with its crystal clear body, glowing red eyes and the multiple bony protrusions that came out of it, it was a disgusting yet dangerous sight to behold.

“A Pike Lord!” cried Rakhna.

Everyone who heard it lost all of their fighting spirit. Even the commander of the defence force was shook.

“Why is a Tier 6 creature here…?”

The monster population control around the town was top notch, there was no way something like this was living right under their noses, every monster that grew or was even close to growing to Tier 6 was exterminated without fail, they were baffled how something like this was even standing in front of them.

But no matter how much they think about it or try to deny that something like this came, the cruel reality was that it was standing right there, looking at the gates as if it had locked on its prey.

“Shoot out the flare!”

The situation in the southern gate was also the same.

“Sir, the number of golems just keep increasing!”

The head of the defence force looked on as the towering ice golems just kept pouring out of the forest like cockroaches.

“Focus on the front, keep our fire mages on the back. Tell them to target the larger ones, the smaller ones should be dealt by the swordsmen and anyone with a weapon’s aura.”

Just as they were going to execute this, they saw the huge lines of trees behind the smaller golems being pushed aside. Something huge was making its way here.

Soon, a huge golem towering well above ten meters came into view, something that distinguished it more than its height was the glowing red gem on its forehead.

“The swarm king has arrived! Shoot out the flare!”

High up in the clouds, thousands of meters above East Green, there was something, or rather someone present.

This figure who looked to be in his early thirties with shoulder length silver hair and a clean shaved face, wearing a fully white robe, was sitting cross-legged atop a floating white disk.

Every now and again, this figure would look down as if to confirm something, and each time his expression became that much worse.

“Where the hell is he!?”

The figure roared, his anger having finally crossed the tipping point.

“Isn’t that abomination supposed to be in this town!?”

Saying this, he took out a small crystal. Every few seconds, the crystal would glow a faint blue.

“No, he is definitely here, but not in town right now. Does that mean he’s out in the woods? But judging how almost all the swarm kings have made their debut except the Troll King, he should be near the east gate, if I’m lucky then he could even be around the troll’s cave.”

His disk moved with great speeds and within only a few seconds, he was above the entrance of the Troll’s cave.

“Hmm? He isn’t alone?”

The man moved his aura around to check inside the cave.

“Dammit. A rank 5 warrior!? Just how lucky is this pest!”

He was beyond angry now, it was already too much for him that he had to destroy an entire town just to get rid of this man. But now that the town has almost been overrun, he finds out that the man isn’t even in there.

He was near one of the swarm kings but he was being protected by a rank 5 warrior.

“If mistress finds out about this, I’m as good as dead. No, death might be the best outcome here!”

He shivered at the thought of seeing his mistress if he were to fail.

“These otherworldly pests are always a pain but Mistress was persistent that this one was far worse than all that came before him. He cannot be left alive.”

He firmly remembered those words.

As if a few images flashed by his eyes, and his face lost all colour.

“No! I cannot fail!”

Fuelled by his terror, he finally moved into action. His aura finally detected something good.

“This is it!”

Grant wasn’t with the warrior, but rather with some weak guards who were probably from the outpost.

“As long as he isn’t with that warrior, I can kill him!”

As soon as he said that, his disk rose higher, so as to not be seen doing what he was about to do.

As his chanting started, a translucent circular formation formed in front of him.

The number of runes increased in that formation with each passing second.

Only he knew what he was about to do.

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