《Queen of the Hill》Subterfuge (4)


The Dwarf nodded sagely as I reviewed my Status in horror. "Yer killed a lotta great tren, aberrant. Sum...less than great, but they were kin nonetheless."

He stood from his chair and strode toward the bars of my cell, folding his thick arms behind his back. His piercing green eyes fixed themselves on me and I froze like a deer in headlights under the full weight of his flower.

He shook one clenched fist at me, growling his next words. "Yer caused a deadly dayle av a mess in our 'alls, beast. Oi knew we should've blown yer ter bits before yer came ter de top. But no. De witch 'ad ter 'av 'er wee pet, didn't she? Fookin' good it did tah us!"

The Dwarf started pacing in front of my cell bars, agitated about this 'witch'. "Selfish hag should've never been put in power. She goes against everythin' a proper Dwarf stands for! Mind magic," he spat the words out of his mouth, "Oi canny stan' de lot av it! Fookin' witches an' them twisty spells. Warrld wud be better aff without dem!"

I could hardly understand what he was saying with that thick Irish―was it Irish? I'm thinking it's Irish. It could be Scottish because, honestly, I don't know the difference, but I'm betting it's Irish―accent, but I could tell he was getting angrier by the second.

Angry people do bad things to people when they get mad enough and I do not wanna be on the other side of those meaty fists. But trying to calm him down might backfire on me-in fact, I'm betting it will. I-I killed his people after all.

Maybe a rune could work? Hey, System, I thought, because I was trying to be quiet while Mr. Giant Hands was ranting, pull up my current runes.


Host's Rune List:

[Rune: Shotty]

[Rune: Hill Bourban]

[Rune: Friendship Brandy]

[Rune: Jaws of Life]

[Rune: Friendship Bomb]

[Rune: Friendship Brandy] ought to do it. Everybody bonds over havin' a drink with a pal or two. I'm absolutely positive that Mister Dwarf would like a bottle.

I discreetly started my squats, hoping I could gather enough mana before he noticed what I was doing. Thankfully, he was pretty distracted tugging at the hairs of his short red beard and stomping his boots. Whoever this witch was, she sure had his boxers by the string.

A loud, startling growl stopped us both in our tracks. The Dwarf turned to me, his eyes glistening.

"Is de beastie hungry?" he said, grinning maliciously. "Oi don't tink de witch wud loike it if 'er new pet starved. No, not at all."

Smirking, he turned on his heel and marched out of my line of sight. I gulped and went back to squatting. Whatever he said, I didn't like that look he gave me. It just screamed there was some evil plan in the making, ya know? I wanted no part of it.

Coming to this hill was a mistake. I don't know why I listened to that evil voice in my head; all it did was get me captured and force me to kill people. That wasn't the type of life I wanted to live. I never intended to become some Dwarf-and-Fairy murderer.

Sure, the fairies were sadistic freaks and the leader of the Dwarves was a jerk, but I didn't want to kill them. I didn't want any of this. I wanted to go back home to Texas, see my family, and eat more eggs.

Life as a dragon sucked. I didn't have any of the pretty scales and I couldn't even fly! What kind of dragon can't fly? To make things even worse, I couldn't even breathe fire! I'd tried and the system laughed at me, saying, "Hill dragons can't control fire, silly! All you do is plants! (≧艸≦*)"


Ugh. Darn thing got me thinkin' with emotes. Whatever. The point is, none of the cool things about being a dragon apply to me.

One misfortunate after another is comin' down on me and I do not like it. I want out, and I want out now!

ԅ(≖‿≖ԅ) No.

I stopped squatting and stared at the screen. "No? No? I suwanne when I get my hands on you-"

Settle down there, Daphne. Remember who's in control now. Be a good dragon and sit.

Fear crept into my heart as my body moved on its own according, folding my hind legs underneath me and plopping my behind down. I trembled as the screen started to grow, getting wider and taller.

After mere minutes, it took on a human-like form, developing arms, legs, and a head to boot. Finally, the screen's transformation was complete. In front of me stood, no, hovered a blue man wearing nothing but a loincloth and sandals. He flipped his long, grey hair to the side and smirked down at me.

"Happy to see me, Mupin? Cause I sure am!"

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