《Medium Meld (Naruto/Gamer, OC)》Chapter 6
I spotted a large wooden ship with two masts on either end out on the ocean the next day and when I observed it Prince Michiru’s name was right there in the middle of the summary. My time was up, and I would be making my move as soon as they docked.
The ship took its time coming in and I was on edge the entire time, Kakashi, Naruto, Sakura, and Rock Lee were all on that ship. If I saw them in the flesh I wondered if this would feel more or less weird than it did now.
When the ship was a couple of minutes away from docking I turned towards the treeline and immediately got a notification.
Quest Unlocked
Save the King.
Reward - ???
Failure - Capture, Death.
I grit my teeth, why had it appeared now? If I hadn’t figured any of this out, would I have still gotten the quest randomly? Or was it because I was moving to start it? I started making my way back to where the King was hidden and the instant I felt one of the guards randomly appear on the edge of my range I immediately dropped down into stealth.
Sneaky guard.
I slowly made my way closer but stayed amongst the trees, there were only six guards left in total, although one of the signatures was a lot stronger than the others, that would probably be the captain guy. The King's own signature was weak and warped from the chest downwards as it slowly faded.
I heard someone coming before I saw them, they weren’t exactly being stealthy.
“The Prince is back!” A plain-clothed man called excitedly when he rushed out of the trees.
The guards all huddled around him and spoke in harsh tones before one disappeared inside to speak with the king. Almost five minutes passed before the man stepped back out and brought his men into another huddle. Something of an argument broke out, and I caught some words that led me to believe they were arguing about whether or not they should leave someone behind to look after the King.
The same stronger signature ducked back into the chamber and returned within thirty seconds this time shaking his head and putting an end to the argument. They all packed up their equipment and headed into the trees in the direction of the city, and the plain-clothed man went with them.
I felt them leave with my energy sense and waited another minute before stepping out of the bushes and slowly making my way up to the chamber. I took my time in case the King yelled out or something when I entered, but he didn’t even notice me until I was halfway across the room.
“Who are you?” Kakeru Tsuki, King of the Land of the Moon rasped out from his bed. “Have you come to kill me?”
I shook my head and kneeled sat down next to his bed.
“Nope,” I said easily, “and my name is Sora.”
I Observed him silently and read through it all quickly.
Name: Kakeru Tsuki
Title: King
Gender: Male.
Age: 64
Level: 20
Next Level: 17.75%
Health Points - 35/240
Chakra Points - 10/10
Vitality 24
Strength 21
Speed 22
Perception 29
Intelligence 63
Chakra 1
Status Effects: Petrified.
Emotions: Despair. Hopelessness. Sadness.
History: Kakeru Tsuki became the King when he was incredibly young after his father died during an ongoing conflict. Kakeru is a benevolent man whose youth shaped him into a kind and generous King. Kakeru seeks to raise his people's standard of living and hopes to eliminate poverty in the Land of the Moon. Kakeru has a son Michiru, and a grandson, Hikaru.
I expanded the prompt for status effects.
Petrified - The afflicted body is pervasively turned to stone.
Effect: Paralysed affected body parts, damage scales depending on the location of petrification.
Afflicted Area: Lower half.
I assumed that it meant that the damage changed based on which organs were turned to stone. If his heart were petrified he would probably be dead in under a minute, but just his legs only did enough damage for him to die slowly of the course of a couple of days, what a horrible way to go.
“You are probably going to die in the next hour if nothing is done.” I said honestly, “Do I have your permission to heal you?”
I moved my hand to hover over his chest and the man watched me with sharp eyes but made no move to stop me, whether through weakness or trust I didn’t know.
“You have my permission,” Kakeru said weakly.
I cast Heal and slowly starting feeding Mana into the spell, making sure it didn’t interact weirdly with the petrification in any way.
“Oh.” Kakeru rasped, “Are you one of the ninja escorting my son?”
I shook my head again.
“No,” I said simply. “I’m not a ninja at all. At least I don’t think so, anyway. I found myself on this island over a month ago, with no memory of how I arrived here, or of anything else really.”
Kakeru watched me quietly, and I could see his face becoming less pale with every passing second as his health ticked upwards. I used my other hand to push the blanket covering his body out of the way. The man’s entire lower half, from halfway up the right side of his chest down to his toes, was entirely made of a cracked and chipped stonelike material.
There was dried blood where the stone met his flesh, and I had absolutely no idea how he wasn’t dead yet. Heal had done absolutely nothing to cure the petrification either, and his health was already ticking very slowly down again. I would need to make a cure spell of some kind, luckily enough for me, there were hundreds of those in video games I could try and emulate.
“How did you come to find me here?” Kakeru said quietly, sounding much more aware of his surroundings now.
I lost my train of thought around the point that I remembered ‘Esuna’ from final fantasy, it removed petrify in one of the games along with basically everything else, and it was cheap to cast. This probably meant that here it would cost way too much here, at least judging by everything else I’d tried to make so far.
“I saw the fighting in the city, and noticed some men guarding this area, they left so I thought I would check it out.” I said distractedly, “Who are you anyway, and what’s going on here exactly?”
Kakeru’s health finally reached maxed out, his skin was no longer pale and had a healthy shine to it, although he now had a pained grimace on his face, I’m glad he was the one on the bed and not me, it looked pretty painful. I moved my hand down to rest against the petrified area and started pushing mana into my hand.
Kakeru was silent as he studied my face carefully.
“I am King Kakeru Tsuki of the Land of the Moon.” Kakeru said simply, “There was an attempt by my minister, Shabadaba, to kill me.”
I glanced up at his face feigning curiosity.
“Shabadaba? What a silly name,” I said amused, “Do all Kings in the Land of the Moon have stone legs Or is it just a Kakeru thing?”
Kakeru huffed out a breath in what might have been either amusement or annoyance, he was rather hard to read if I was being honest.
“It is a Kakeru thing, as you say. Shabadaba hired three ninjas to kill me, one of them did this with some kind of ninja technique coming from his hand.” Kakeru said dryly, “Whatever you have used to heal me, I feel much more alive than before, but the pain has returned along with it.”
I nodded easily.
“Sorry Kakeru, I can’t do anything about the pain, but I’m going to try something to deal with this,” I said simply, gesturing to the stone affliction. “I’ll need a moment to concentrate.”
“Very well,” Kakeru said simply. “Do as you will, I will persevere.”
“That’s the spirit,” I said belatedly, already deep in thought.
I was repeating a mantra in my head while I focused as much mana as I could into my hand.
Esuna, Remove, Status Effect, Esuna, Remove, Status Effect.
I continued for almost ten minutes before my mana finally twisted into an incredibly complicated pattern and began to glow with translucent white light. I felt what had to be just under a third of my mana vanish in an instant and I blinked in surprise at the sheer cost of it.
I stared down at the stone legs that were still there, and the tiny patch that had returned to normal flesh and cloth, I immediately toggled Meditate on.
Status Removal (Level 1) – Use mana to remove status effects.
Type – Cast.
Cast Time – 49.75(60) seconds.
Target – Self, Other.
Cost – 191.25 Mana.
Exchange 200 Mana to lower durability of Status Effect by 1(+1 per level.) Can exchange up to maximum Mana for increased effect.
I stared at the cast time despairingly.
“Kakeru,” I said resignedly, “This is going to take a while.”
Kakeru huffed again, and I thought it may have been amusement after all.
“My idea of fixing you up and running away before your men return is looking like a complete failure.” I continued dryly, “I’ll have to ask you to stop them from killing me if you please.”
“You are a very odd man.” Kakeru said bemused, “I will of course ensure that you come to no harm from my men, it’s the least I can do for you, given what you are undertaking.”
“Thanks, buddy,” I said wryly, “This sounds like the start of a beautiful friendship.”
Kakeru huffed out another raspy laugh.
“Feel like telling me about the Land of the Moon while I regain my energy?” I asked curiously, “I’ve only been into the city a few times since I got here, I mostly just stick to the beach or the forest.”
Kakeru gave me a brief rundown on what things were like here from a very top-down view, mostly how it was at least before this Shabadaba nonsense had started. I listened curiously while Meditating until I had around six-hundred mana to triple cast Status Removal again, doing a whopping three points of damage to the Petrification.
Status Removal is now level 2!
It took three casts until it leveled up, which seemed to be quite common, although not universally so for my other skills. Some of them must have had larger EXP requirements to level up or something else funky was going on because they were much slower. Either way the tiny area the spell covered became slightly larger.
Kakeru had just finished explaining what had kicked off this entire shitshow in the first place. Apparently, he had been planning to turn a section of the city outskirts into housing for the poor, and Shabadaba didn’t like the idea of all of that money going to the commoners.
“Kakeru,” I said bemused, “This Shabadaba guy sounds like a total asshole, why were you friends with him for so long?”
Kakeru gave another of his raspy laughs, he seemed to find almost everything I said amusing for some reason, I had no idea why though. It had to of been at least half an hour by now, and I had only managed to remove a patch about the size of my hand from his hip. I was probably only a few casts off the next level if my guess was correct, but this was going to take all night at this rate.
“He wasn’t always like this,” Kakeru said quietly, “I have known him for four decades now, he has been growing more resentful of late, I suppose this is the culmination of that resentment.”
I felt really bad for the guy.
“That’s pretty messed up, Kakeru,” I said honestly, shaking my head. “I can’t imagine what it must feel like to have known someone that long and have them suddenly turn on you.”
Status Removal is now level 3!
Kakeru didn’t say anything for a long moment, so I attempted to distract him from his no-doubt depressing thoughts.
“Hey, Kakeru. I met this hottie in your city called Yuna-” I started cheekily, before stopping.
Energy signatures were stepping into my range, one by one. One of them was massive, easily the biggest thing I had ever felt, tightly coiled and densely packed. Another smaller signature stepped in next glowing brightly, and another after that brighter than the last but strangely twisted.
They were all dwarfed by the last one.
If the first one was massive and controlled, this one was a sun to my senses, vast, dense, and burning brightly, that had to be Naruto.
“Your men are back,” I said distractedly as they approached the entrance.
Kakeru turned his head to stare at the entrance with a raised eyebrow as a tall, wide-shouldered man with short shaved brown hair stepped into the chamber. The man wore grey armor, carried a sword of some kind at his hip, and was staring straight at me with anger in his eyes, the level above his head was daunting.
Korega (Level 59)
Captain of the Land of the Moon Military
Korega started towards me in an instant, sword halfway out of its sheath already and the signature that I assumed was Kakashi had abruptly split into two smaller ones, and one of them vanished from the entrance to reappear above us with untraceable speed, crouched in the shadows against the ceiling. I didn’t make any motion that might indicate that I knew he was there, but the speed of his movement was startling.
“Korega, be calm.” Kakeru said calmly, “He is a friend.”
Korega stilled in his advance and hesitated for a long moment, before slowly sliding his saber back into its sheath, he stared at me for a little while longer before finally bowing to the king.
“Kakeru-sama,” Korega said seriously, “We engaged Shabadaba’s forces at the castle and have recovered your son and grandson, they have brought ninja from Konoha with them, we would have most likely been overrun if not for their efforts.”
Kakeru sagged back onto his bed in relief at the news, and I could hear the voices that were echoing in from the entrance growing louder. Two weak signatures and the rest of the ninja started to move into the chamber, while the rest of them stay outside to stand guard.
“Father!” Michiru shouted worriedly.
Michiru was a really big dude, overweight for sure, but his arms had large muscles, easily visible through the layers of thick skin. He charged into the chamber, followed closely by his son Hikaru, a short boy with dark hair and round glasses, and both of them ignored me entirely as they knelt beside Kakeru’s head.
I reached full mana and triple-casted the spell again.
Status Removal is now level 4!
I felt the Kakashi on the roof tense at the sudden appearance of white light, but he made to move to murder me, so I did my best to ignore him. Michiru and Hikaru were both rambling on over the top of what Kakeru was trying to say. The King looked equal parts annoyed and relieved at their sudden verbal cascade upon him. The Kakashi that was still on the ground stepped forward to lean against the wall, watching us both silently.
“How did he come to be turned to stone?” Kakashi asked calmly, while the King was distracted.
I heard Sakura make an alarming noise from behind me before she stepped forward to look at what I was doing, she made some quick motions with her fingers before a pale green light appeared under her hands and she pressed it down onto Kakeru’s legs.
I Observed her silently before answering.
Name: Haruno Sakura
Title: Leaf Genin
Gender: Female
Age: 13
Level: 83
Next Level: 19.82%
Health Points - 900/900
Chakra Points - 590/650
Vitality 90
Strength 80
Speed 65
Perception 85
Intelligence 90
Chakra 65
Status Effects:
Emotions: Excitement. Determination. Worry.
History: Haruno Sakura was born in the Land of Fire, she is a member of Team 7 and is currently training to become a medical ninja under Tsunade of the Sannin.
“Kakeru said that three ninjas were hired to kill him a day or so ago,” I said easily, “One of them had a technique with one of his hands that petrified whatever he touched, turning it to stone.”
Level eighty-three? Wow, my estimates were off entirely, I had thought that the higher end Genin would be below that level. Kakashi let out a quiet hum of understanding, but Sakura was the first to speak.
“How is he still alive?” Sakura said seriously, “The petrification is deeper than just the skin, its completely pervasive, his blood circulation would have been completely blocked to his waist and legs.”
“He was almost dead when I found him,” I admitted, “Maybe an hour left at most, I managed to mostly heal him, but this petrification is proving much more difficult to deal with.”
“How on earth did you ‘heal’ him?” Sakura said strangely, “All the damage at the point of petrification is still there, his blood circulation is still blocked. How long was he like this?”
“A couple of days I guess,” I said distractedly.
I didn’t actually know exactly when he had been ganked, I cast Status Removal again and Sakura jumped at the sudden burst of white light, canceling her own technique in surprise.
“Days!?” Sakura said sharply. “and what was that technique just now?”
I noted that neither of the Kakashi’s moved this time, which was interesting. Only the one on the roof had seen me do it, so the one against the wall was restraining his reaction entirely to follow the lead of the one above.
Silent communication of some kind? Hand gestures maybe?
“I’m nullifying the petrification in that area,” I said easily, “It takes me a little while to recover from, but I’m getting better at it.”
“How are you nullifying it?” Sakura asked seriously, “It is for all intents and purposes stone at this point, all of the lingering chakra from the technique is gone, are you somehow transforming the stone back into flesh?”
I had no idea how it worked if I were being honest, but I didn’t think she would take that very well. If I said yes, she would want to know how I was doing that, which I wouldn’t be able to explain at all.
“This is a strange technique,” I said slowly, “It picks up on what the target should look like in perfect condition, and then reverts the targeted area to that condition.”
That was pretty much true, the spell was based on Esuna, which could do all manner of weird things to reverse status effects. It could cure ‘sadness’, ‘petrification’, transformations spells, and a bunch of other stuff. Somehow it knew what was supposed to be there and then made it better.
Magical nonsense at its best.
“What?” Sakura said weakly. “I could maybe remove the chakra and possibly revert the effects if it was fresh, but this is days old, it’s just stone at this point, you shouldn’t be able to affect it at all!”
I didn’t answer, mostly because I had no fucking idea what to say. People didn’t usually explain their techniques to random people anyway, did they? I should just keep the mechanics of my skills to myself, probably.
“Who are you, anyway?” I said pointedly. “You seem to know some stuff about how this stuff is supposed to work.”
Sakura straightened suddenly before looking somewhat sheepish.
“My name is Haruno Sakura, I’m a Genin from Konohagakure.” Sakura said formally, “I don’t know very much yet, but I’m training to be a medical ninja.”
I made a noise of understanding in my throat, before casting Status Removal again.
“Who are you?” Sakura said curiously.
“My name is Sora, I am not a ninja from Konohagakure,” I said cheekily, “I know everything there is to know about all of the things, and I am not training to be a medical ninja.”
Sakura frowned at the vague introduction, while Kakashi let out an amused hum from behind his mask.
“You sound just like Sensei,” Sakura muttered.
I glanced up at Kakashi who was still watching us silently and used the moment to Observe him as well.
Name: Hatake Kakashi
Title: Kakashi of the Sharingan
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Level: 214
Next Level: 56.32%
Health Points - 1900/1900
Chakra Points – 1800/1800
Vitality 190
Strength 200
Speed 250
Perception 115
Intelligence 135
Chakra 180
Status Effects: N/A.
Emotions: Suspicion. Regret.
History: Hatake Kakashi was born in the Land of Fire. He is the son of Konoha’s White Fang, and a ninja genius known across the world. He has suffered many losses in his life and does his best to keep his allies alive, he is the leader of Team Seven.
I stared at the level for a long moment, while pretending to think about what she had said. Level two-hundred-and-fourteen?! I was only level one goddammit, I needed to get some EXP immediately, or I was going to die.
“You would be the ‘Sensei’ that Sakura is refereeing too?” I asked distractedly.
Sakura looked at me strangely when I said her name, but I’m not sure why.
“You would be correct.” Kakashi said easily, “I am Hatake Kakashi, Jounin of Konohagakure.”
I nodded easily.
“Pleased to meet you, Kakashi,” I said honestly.
Kakashi tilted his head at his name, still looking amused.
Why did everybody keep giving me weird looks when I called them by their names? Whatever, I would just ignore it. I could see Naruto and Lee moving closer to us now, having been hovering around the entrance talking. Korega chose that moment to speak up as well, giving the Konoha ninja a rundown on how things had gotten to this point.
I listened idly, it was pretty much what Kakeru had told me already, although there was a lot more anger from Korega, it was interesting actually interesting hearing the same story told by such vastly different people, one a King, and one a military captain. Kakeru had humanized Shabadaba while Korega was making him into a monstrous power-hungry menace.
Michiru and Hikaru finally quietened down enough for Kakeru to renter the discussion.
“I had been planning on stepping down as King once this situation had resolved itself,” Kakeru said seriously, glancing at his son. “Now would be a good a time as any to make the transition.”
Michiru called his father’s name in alarm before pulling back to stare at him in shock.
“Shinobi of Konoha,” Kakeru said quietly. “I know I have no right to ask this of you.”
Kakashi pushed off the wall and turned to kneel before the King.
“Sir?” Kakashi said seriously.
“We do not have the manpower to overcome Shabadaba’s forces.” Kakeru pleaded, “I would ask that you take my son and grandson away from here and protect them, please.”
“Of course, your majesty,” Kakashi said quietly.
“Father!” Michiru said in alarm, “You can come with us, there is no reason for you to stay here!”
“I cannot move from here Michiru,” Kakeru said simply, “Shabadaba’s shinobi may well find us before the night is through, I will remain here while you all escape.”
“Father!” Michiru pleaded.
“Sora, you should leave as well.” Kakeru said firmly, “I will not have such a kind young man caught up in a mess that has nothing to do with him.”
“Nope,” I said immediately.
Kakeru blinked at the abrupt denial, he must be pretty used to people saying yes to him, he was a King after all, but I had never been good at taking orders though.
“Listen, Kakeru.” I said amused, “I decided I was going to fix you up, so that’s what I’m going to do, if these ninjas want to take you with them, we can just carry you or something, it’s not a big deal.”
Someone made a startled noise when I said the man’s name, but I ignored it.
“I’ll tag along and keep working on you in the meantime,” I said easily.
Everyone remained silent for a long moment before Michiru made a happy noise.
“See father!” Michiru said happily, tears in his eyes. “You can come with us!”
“Grandfather, please come with us,” Hikaru said quietly.
Kakeru gave me an annoyed glance and then sighed.
“Very well, It would be foolish to turn away your help after you have offered it so freely,” Kakeru said quietly and closed his eyes. “Korega, I leave this situation up to you.”
The light that was barely illuminating the chamber was gone now, and if I had to guess it would be dark outside. I listened idly as Korega and Kakashi came up with a plan of action, something to do with boats and a ship waiting out on the water.
Nobody made any mention of what to do if the ninja showed up, so I spoke up.
“What should we do when the other ninja gank us?” I asked curiously but Kakashi tilted his head at the term.
“Gank?” Kakashi murmured.
“Surprise attack us.” I clarified immediately, whoops.
“You think they will attack us?” Kakashi said seriously.
There was something off with his tone, he had to know that there was a chance of that happening, but yet he was asking as if it had never even occurred to him, was he messing with me?
“From the perspective of the enemy, the best time to attack us would be when we are out in the open and carrying wounded.” I said easily, “If we assume these are competent ninja, that is probably when they will attack. They must be keeping track of anything suspicious going on given the situation, and boats approaching the beach all sneaky like will set them off.”
Kakashi hummed thoughtfully.
“That’s an interesting way to look at things, putting yourself in the position of the enemy and modeling their best course of action.” Kakashi said curiously, “You could go a step further, however.”
I tilted my head at him, trying to add another layer to it. If the enemy was modeling us as a competent ninja team, and a handful of soldiers trying to protect civilians, hell they might even assume that the king was still alive, but grievously wounded. If they assumed that we were hiding somewhere on the island protecting the king, and they knew about the ninja they might try to be sneaky about it and try to sabotage us in some way first.
Oh, I glanced up at Kakashi with narrowed eyes.
“You really think I would try to infiltrate this group, heal the king, and only to reveal that I was secretly an enemy ninja all this time just looking for an opportunity to gank you?” I said annoyed.
There was an intake of breath from behind me.
“What?!” Naruto said alarmed, from directly behind me. “You’re an enemy ninja?!”
I just sighed.
“Do I look like an enemy ninja to you?” I said annoyed.
Naruto didn’t get a chance to reply.
“A mysterious figure that none of the guards here have seen before, sneaks into the wounded King’s hideout, he quickly establishes himself as indispensable to the King and cannot be removed easily,” Kakashi said quietly, “He can undo an unknown ninjas petrification technique that even a medic-nin thinks is hopeless, while not knowing enough of the terminology to fake being a medical ninja himself. So instead he reveals a strange technique that only removes a tiny amount of the petrification at a time, giving him ample time to stick around.”
When he said it like that it sounded almost reasonable.
“So it’s true!” Naruto said loudly.
I sagged under the metaphorical weight of the accusation while Sakura tried to calm him down to no avail.
“Kakeru, do I look like the guy who did this to you?” I said resignedly.
Kakeru cracked his eyes open and looked almost amused.
“No,” Kakeru said honestly, “The two of you look nothing alike.”
“Oh,” Naruto said sheepishly.
“Ninja have techniques to change what they look like,” Kakashi said easily. “Your majesty.”
I frowned at him, almost sure he was just fucking with me at this point.
“Gah!” Naruto noised loudly, “Is he a bad guy or not?!”
“If you think I’m changing my appearance, just do whatever you ninja do to disrupt it,” I said immediately.
Kakashi hummed thoughtfully, before actually moving forward to take me up on the offer. Seriously? Was he fucking with me or not, I honestly couldn’t tell. Kakashi placed his hand on my shoulder and I felt him pulse his chakra through Energy Sense.
“Kai,” Kakashi said belatedly.
“Hah,” I said smugly when I remained exactly as I was.
Kakashi hummed again, and I turned to look at him with narrowed eyes, don’t you dare asshole.
“It could be a wig, and makeup as well,” Kakashi said amused.
“You must be shorter than I initially thought, Kakashi.” I said annoyed, “Because you are reaching so hard.”
Kakashi snorted at the terrible joke, I took it as an admission of his defeat.
“Heh, it’s the way his hair sticks up.” Naruto commiserated, as he came to sit down next to me.
I hit him with a quick Observe.
Name: Uzumaki Naruto
Title: Jinchuriki of the Nine-Tailed Beast
Gender: Male
Age: 13
Level: 102
Next Level: 12.62%
Health Points - 2100/2100
Chakra Points - 15790/15790
Vitality 210
Strength 118
Speed 110
Perception 72
Intelligence 50
Chakra 1579
Status Effects:
Emotions: Sadness. Excitement. Determination.
History: Naruto Uzumaki was born in the Land of Fire. He is an orphan who due to his status as a Jinchuriki was disliked and feared by the people of Konoha. His childhood was lonely, and he struggled to make friends. He is a member of Team 7 and he dreams of being the Hokage.
Twenty levels above Sakura, but look at that Chakra stat, it was a result of Kurama, but his health was even higher than Kakashi.
“My cute little student,” Kakashi said sadly, “How could this have happened?”
“Hey, hey.” Naruto said curiously, “Who are you?
“Sora,” I said easily, “Who are you?”
“I’m Uzumaki Naruto!” Naruto declared. “Where did you come from?”
I hummed in thought for a moment before answering.
“I honestly have no idea.” I explained, “I woke up on the beach here about a month ago with no memory, I guess that means I must be from this place. You’re from that Konoha place right?”
“Yeah!” Naruto said curiously, “How do you know your name then?”
I read it on the status page, I didn’t say.
“I just picked the first thing I saw.” I said dryly, “Lucky for me I didn’t wake up face down, or you’d be calling me Suna.”
“That’s awesome!” Naruto grinned. “That means I’d have woken up in a bowl of ramen!”
I snorted.
“What the hell did that Shabadaba guy wake up in?” I laughed.
Naruto descended into giggles at the joke, and he even came up with a couple of his own before he brought the last member over and introduced me. His eyebrows were a little bit bushy and his haircut looked a little strange, but he was otherwise remarkably normal.
I Observed him to collect them all.
Name: Rock Lee
Title: Konoha's Green Beast
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Level: 125
Next Level: 49.95%
Health Points - 1314/1314(1500)
Chakra Points - 1/1070
Vitality 175
Strength 175
Speed 200
Perception 73
Intelligence 52
Chakra 1(107)
Status Effects: Shattered Bones. Chakra Locked.
Emotions: Hope. Determination. Excitement.
History: Rock Lee was born in the Land of Fire. He is an orphan who is unable to use chakra externally due to a chakra mutation. He is a member of Team 9 and he wants to prove that he can be a splendid ninja despite his shortcomings.
“Naruto-kun!” Lee said cheerfully, “Sora-kun, I apologize for not introducing myself sooner, I am Rock Lee.”
Lee bowed at the waist and I smiled up at the happy guy, he had been one of my favorite people from the show.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you too, Lee.” I said honestly, “You look like a strong ninja.”
Lee grinned happily at the remark.
“Thank you!” Lee said cheerfully. “I have only recently been able to start taking missions again, this is actually my first in a while.”
He was a pretty open guy, huh.
“Oh?” I asked curiously, “Were you injured, or did you get in trouble?”
Lee looked sheepish for a moment and glanced over at where Kakashi was talking quietly to Korega.
“Both.” Lee said honestly, “I got injured on an unsanctioned mission.”
Naruto looked away at the reminder, that would indicate the Sasuke retrieval mission, probably. Lee’s health was reduced because of the ‘Shattered Bones’ status, some kind of left-over damage in his arm and leg from his first fight with Gaara, I could probably fix that with liberal uses of Status Removal. I might try and heal the guy later on if they let me.
Kakashi stepped back into view and made a motion that brought the three younger ninjas over to where he was standing. Too far away for me to eavesdrop, so I didn’t bother trying.
Looks like we had a plan.
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In the future, the mankind stepped into space but hasn't gotten far. With planetary travel comes terraforming and new land to explore but also new animal evolution as well. Each step, however, is long and Leon Holmes is feeling this as an Entomologist. Highly regarded in his field, his only friends were coworkers and his collection of insects which he prided himself in but research can only last so long and falling into a slow period, with incentive from his boss, starts playing a Virtual Reality game that has been the recent talk. However, old habits die hard and his habits put him on a path crazier then anyone ever expected to exist in the games.
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Ambitious Soul
Karolina Grant is desperately unhappy living in a world that she can’t change. When she is transported to a new world, one governed by a mysterious System, she will do her best to gain enough power to finally be able to make a difference. However, this new world is violent and dangerous, and Karolina isn’t alone. Will she merely survive in this new world, or will she find a way to thrive? Ambitious Soul updates every Monday and Thursday. Cover created by @Uvexar.
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A Coder's Guide To Magic
Magic, you wave your hand, use up some mana, call out the name and stuff happens; that's how it usually works. Not in this world... Otto is a slightly unhinged programmer brought to a fantasy world where magic exists, not as a list of spells or a wall of icons you press but as a detailed system of commands and mechanics allowing one to problem solve encounters and create countless inventions! With one goal on his mind, to learn all he possibly can about magic, Otto will be thrust into a troubled world where magic is heavilly regulated and the corupt nobilty wield god-like powers and arcane tools passed down through generations. Will Otto join the system? Try to overthrow it or completely ignore it on his quest for knowledge? Or maybe he'll fall prey to it...
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i see no colors, i only know the pureness of white and the mystery of black.(cadie)
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meet me in the pale moonlight | pantalone
❝𝗶 𝗸𝗻𝗼𝘄 𝗶 𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗲𝗱 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝗯𝗿𝗼 𝗯𝘂𝘁 𝗶'𝗺 𝗶𝗻 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘆𝗼𝘂.❞╰┈➤ 𝗽𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗮𝗹𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝘅 𝗳𝗲𝗺!𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿𝙘𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙜𝙚 𝙖𝙪 , 𝙝𝙖𝙡𝙛 𝙘𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙠𝙛𝙞𝙘 , 𝙝𝙖𝙡𝙛 𝙬𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙣 !𝙩𝙞𝙩𝙡𝙚 𝙞𝙣𝙨𝙥𝙤 : 𝙢𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝙢𝙚 𝙞𝙣 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙥𝙖𝙡𝙚 𝙢𝙤𝙤𝙣𝙡𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 , 𝙕𝙝𝙣𝙖𝙧𝙠𝙡𝙤𝙬𝙚𝙧𝙘𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙞𝙣𝙩𝙚𝙣𝙙𝙚𝙙 !𝙞 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙤𝙤𝙘 𝙬𝙩𝙫
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Anakin x Padme (Two sides)
What if Padme didn't die when giving birth? What if Obi Wan didn't leave Anakin to burn but put him up the higher ground so he doesn't burn but still discovered by the Emperor. That will be answered.
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