《Welcome to the Party》Chapter 19


Rose leaned her head against Britt’s shoulder as they sat on the floor, leaning back against the foot of the bed in the master bedroom. Bruce’s belongings had been packed in boxes except for a few keepsakes that Rose wanted, and now they were just resting before they actually started moving the boxes. Going through his stuff had been emotionally taxing for both of them. Rose’s hand crept into Britt’s, their fingers interlacing.

“I know this was my idea, but it still feels wrong somehow,” she said.

“This was his room for years. It’ll be weird to see Phil use it, sure, but everything changes with time, you know,” answered Britt, giving her hand a comforting squeeze. “I wonder how Phil’s going to take sleeping in Bruce’s bed. I already know it’s going to be weird for me.”

Rose chuckled. “You finally get between his sheets, but not with the man you thought it would be?”

Britt snorted. “Guess we’ll find out tomorrow. It’s Reese’s night tonight…” Her voice trailed off as she considered that.

Rose caught on to her thought. “Should we switch the beds? I can’t imagine sleeping in his bed will just feel weird for her.”

“That’s probably a good idea. The other bed is where she shared her first night with Phil anyway. I’m sure the sentimentality will appeal to her.”

Britt felt Rose move next to her and glanced down, briefly seeing her brown eyes before they closed and Rose’s lips met hers. She backed off quickly though.

“Speaking of sentimental,” Rose said, pressing her forehead against Britt’s. “I’d love one last romp in this bed, in this room.”

Britt sighed at that. “A couple of days ago, I would’ve eagerly taken you up on that. While I’m certain Phil wouldn’t object, little pervert that he is, it wouldn’t feel right. Not yet at least.”

Rose groaned but nodded. “Sorry. I just… miss you. It’s been so lonely in bed, you know?”

“We can still share a bed, Rose. We just can’t play like we used to. I’d feel like I was betraying him.”

Rose sighed, then flopped back down next to Britt. “Just another thing he’s taken from me, I guess.”

“Hey! That’s not fair and you know it!”

Hanging her head, Rose gave a small nod. “I know. Sorry. This isn’t easy. Saying goodbye helped, but I still need a lot of work. I guess I just realized how much you mean to me, and how much he means to you.”

Britt held her hand and opened her mouth to say something before snapping it shut and jerking upright.


“Phil!” Britt said. “He’s in trouble!”

“How do you know that?”

“I don’t know, I just do!”

Rose sighed. “Alright. Do you know where he’s at?”

Britt paused in getting up to look at Rose in shock. “You’re coming?”

“If he’s in trouble, that means something’s happened to Reese as well. They may need a healer. Do you know where he’s at?”

Britt finished standing up and closed her eyes. “Yeah, I can feel him somehow. He’s in the college part of town. Reese must’ve dragged him to Tony’s.”

“That’s twenty minutes away!” Rose exclaimed.

Britt smirked. “Still got your helmet?”


Phil could only stare as Reese’s grip loosened on his arm and she stepped over to Chuck, nuzzling in under his arm and clearly charmed. Keeping his eyes on Phil, Chuck smiled and gripped her shoulder, pulling her in tighter.


“She’s pretty, man. Not sure how you scored this fine piece of ass, but I think I’ll enjoy it tonight.”

Phil’s stare turned into a glare. “If you do anything to her, I’ll kill you myself.”

A look of mock fear crossed Chuck’s face. “Oh no! Not the rage of Phil! Whatever shall I do?” He turned serious. “You should’ve just died when I threw you off that balcony. Might’ve saved your pretty friend here. Your simple act of living has caused me far too much grief in the last few months. You and that bitch of a waitress.”

“Tina? What’s she have to do with this?”

“EVERYTHING!” he shouted before realizing he was drawing stares from passersby on the street. “Let’s take this somewhere private, shall we? Ladies?” Phil suddenly felt arms on both side snake around his, the tight, athletic bodies of two women pressed up against him. A warning signal shot through is body like it had that morning with Chuck. Before he could react, the whole world turned inside out for a second and he found himself in an alleyway behind some buildings. The women were still clinging to him with Chuck and Reese in front of them.

“What the fuck is going on, Chuck?”

Chuck shrugged. “By now I’m sure you’ve figured out what I was doing to you and recovered from it, right? You never could have gotten a beautiful babe like this when I knew you. I guess you’re lucky you broke the spell when you did. You only had months left until you died. Probably right about now, actually.” He grinned. “Hell, you’re going to die tonight anyway after I let the girls here have you, so I guess it all evens out.”

“Chuck, if you’ve got a problem with me, you don’t need to include her. Let her go and take me alone.”

“Awww. Isn’t he adorable and heroic, Charlie? Can I have him now?” the blonde said.

“Later, Felicity. I want him clear headed as I take his woman here, then I think he should get one last throw with her. Call it a last meal, if you will. Or we could share her, just like we did Jenny Smith. Oh, that’s right. You don’t remember that, do you?”

Phil’s head rocked back in shock, images suddenly flooding his head. He vaguely remembered Gaia saying something about returning his memories but hadn’t thought much about it since then. Now they all came flooding back. The events of the previous night came back in very vivid detail, and more kept surfacing. Women he didn’t remember flashing through his mind’s eye. A few, a dozen, tens, hundreds, Chuck present in everyone. Including his first time with a woman. Jenny Smith. The girl whose advances he’d been oblivious to. He remembered every curve of her body, the taste of her, her moans, the scratches she’d made on his back, the mess he’d made on her stomach, Chuck scooping up some with his finger and mixing it with blood from Jenny, who’d bled when Phil had entered her. His eyes had glowed as he licked the finger clean, then Phil and Jenny had jerked back, held in place by something they couldn’t see, but Phil saw the faint tendrils of energy move towards Chuck from their chests and his satisfied smile when they connected. He remembered Chuck telling him to watch as he took Jenny in front of him. Over and over again.

“You son of a bitch,” he growled. “That’s when you did it. That’s when you connected that spell to me.”


Chuck raised an eyebrow. “And how could you possibly know that?”

“Because I remember. All of it. You charmed me, shared me with women. So many women. Why? What could you possibly gain from that?” A thought struck him. “Jenny! You said I was months away from dying! Where’s Jenny!?”

Chuck sighed. “Well, shit. I don’t know how you remembered all that, but whatever. Jenny’s dead. Died a couple years ago. Guess she wasn’t as strong as you.” He smirked, then used a couple fingers draped over Reese’s shoulder to pull the front of her dress out. Taking a look down, he gave an approving nod as he continued speaking. “After yours, my dick was the only one she ever tasted. Anyway, that’s why you being cut off was a very bad thing for me. I didn’t have a backup anymore. Do you know how fucking hard it is to find a couple of virgins in this town? I suppose I could’ve hit up the high school, but I don’t look as young as I used to, you know? They tend to freak out when str-”

Anything else he was going to say was cutoff when Phil’s fist landed on his jaw. His movement was so unexpected that the girls clinging to him hadn’t had time to tighten their grips before he was already pulling away from them and swinging. If Chuck hadn’t been monologuing, he probably would’ve seen it coming, but he’d been too interested in his own voice and trying to see down Reese’s dress to notice. Phil took another step forward as Chuck hit the ground and pulled Reese behind him.

“Lily!” Chuck yelled and suddenly Reese was pulled from his hand. Whipping around he saw the black woman standing there, her hand on Reese’s throat.

“Do it, hero. I dare ya,” she said. Phil felt a ball of rage ignite at her unintentional use of Reese’s nickname for him but kept himself from reacting. He held up his hands. “Smart man. You couldn’t handle fighting an Amazon. I’ll let ya try fucking one later though, if you’re good.”

Cautiously backing up and keeping an eye on everyone, Phil tried to keep Chuck talking. He wasn’t sure if his call for help had reached Britt or not, but he had to buy time in case it had. “So… what’s any of this have to do with Tina? She was just another notch on your belt, wasn’t she?”

Chucked rubbed his jaw and grimaced, both at the pain and the mention of Tina. “That bitch. Did you know all these bars talk to each other? I don’t know how he found out, but that bouncer told everyone that I fucked his wife. Got me harassed and kicked out of bars all over the city. Cut off my easiest source of women. If it wasn’t for these two, I might have had to stoop to using hookers.”

“I always told you going after the married ones would get you in trouble, man.”

“You certainly did, didn’t you? Always looking out. Maybe I shouldn’t have been so quick to toss you off the balcony. You might’ve been some help when that bitch ruined things for me in this town.”

“Why didn’t you just leave town? Find some new hunting grounds?” Phil asked, genuinely confused. It’s what he would’ve done.

Chuck stared at him wide eyed, the idea having clearly never crossed his mind. He quickly recovered though. “B-because I met these two! Who’d leave town when you get the chance to fuck two hot sluts every night?”

“Who are you calling a slut?” objected Felicity.

“Us, honey. He’s not exactly wrong, you know?” said Lily.

“Oh, I don’t mind being called a slut,” Felicity said flippantly. “But only when it’s by guys who know what they’re doing in bed. They have to earn it.”

Phil raised an eyebrow. He was very aware that this was a tense situation and that Reese’s life was literally in Lily’s hand, but he had to draw out the conversation. Keep them talking. “Are you a masochist?”

She gave him a sneer. “Only when it’s done right. Jackhammer over here isn’t worth my time, really. Just sticks it in and humps away for a couple minutes while grabbing my tits like they’re handle bars or something.”

Chuck’s face turned red in anger. “Maybe if you weren’t such a dead fish I’d last longer!”

Reese chortled, catching everyone off guard as she swept her hand to her side and sent Lily flying away from her. The athletic woman rolled with it and was up on her feet in an instant but didn’t advance again, unsure of this new threat.

“What the fuck? I charmed you!” Chuck whined in confusion.

“I’m a mage,” she said, shrugging. “I’m not immune like a friend of mine you’ve met, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have defenses that’ll break down your spell eventually. You’re very pretty, but not very smart, are you?”

“Reese!” Phil breathed in relief.

“Hi, lover. I tried to keep pretending, but when little tits over there bitched about his ability, it reminded me of Tina bitching about how bad he was.”


“Little tits!?” Felicity yelled. “I’m a fucking athlete, okay? Exercise burns fat. Tits are fat. They also get in the way when I’m running.”

Reese waved her off. “Right, right. You’re very beautiful. If you weren’t a cold blooded murderer, you might even be gorgeous.”

“What the fuck do mean ‘Tina?’” Chuck yelled, his rage outpacing his reason at this point. “How do you know that little slut’s name?”

“Because she watched me and two other women get dominated by Phil last night,” came a voice from a connecting alley. Tina and Rachel strode out into the dim light provided by the backdoor lights of the buildings.

“What the…” Chuck began, his voice failing in shock.

“What are you two doing here?” asked Phil in a state of shock of his own. “Not that I’m not thrilled to see you.”

“Aww. Missed you too, energizer bunny,” said Tina.

“Britt called us. She got your distress call and is on her way with Rose. Should be here in a few minutes. Fortunately, my apartment isn’t too far from here,” answered Rachel.

Lily looked at the new arrivals and dropped her guard, raising her hands and backing away. “Numbers are against us, Fel. I think we should call it a night. This was pretty boy’s dumb idea anyway.”

Felicity was only half listening to her though. She gave her a distracted nod but looked at Tina while pointing at Phil. “Hold on. Energizer bunny?”

Tina smiled. “Oh yeah. He just keeps going and going and going. I swear, I was speaking another language by the time he fell asleep. He was a lot more memorable and talented than someone else I won’t mention.” Her eyes flicked disdainfully towards Chuck.

“I’ll show you a fucking energizer bunny. I’ll show all of you,” Chuck growled as his eyes started to glow.

“Close your eyes!” yelled Rachel, pulling Tina behind her, her own purple eyes glowing much more intensely than his. Reese and Phil didn’t hesitate to follow her instructions. Lily wasn’t looking at Rachel, but both Felicity and Chuck immediately fell under her thrall. Lily stared in wonder as Felicity suddenly dropped to her knees, breathing heavily and squirming as her hand worked its way between her thighs. Chuck was immediately hard and awkwardly trying to walk towards Rachel.

“What the hell? You can’t charm a succubus!” Lily exclaimed.

Rachel looked just as surprised as Lily did. “I was just looking to block his charm, honestly. These two must be the girls we’re looking for, I take it?”

“Safe bet,” said Reese. “Little dick over there was talking about giving Phil to the girls later.”

Tina made a face. “That name doesn’t really apply to him, I hate to admit. He just doesn’t know how to use it.”

“That’s the part you focused on?” said Rachel.

“What? He’d gotten my hopes up, then dashed them. It was all so very disappointing,” Tina grumped. Then her face lit up. “But now we’ve got Phil! So it was all worth it in the end.”

Reese raised an eyebrow at her as Phil blushed. Rachel just rolled her eyes as she held out a hand to Chuck’s forehead as he tried to approach her, then she made a face as he grabbed her wrist and started sucking on her fingers. She pushed him away, and he stumbled in the direction of Felicity, whose hand was working furiously between her legs. Seeing her, he locked on to his new target.

“Oh hell no,” said Lily, who quickly grabbed her friend and vanished, reappearing down the alley way near the opening to the road. “He’s all yours!” she yelled back, struggling to get her horny friend to her feet. Anything she was yelling to get her friend moving was drowned out by the high pitched whine of a motorcycle shooting past the entrance to the alleyway.

Phil suddenly felt hands grabbing for him and turned to see the lust filled gaze of Chuck, who’d once again targeted the closest body to his. Panicking, Phil jumped back and lashed out with his foot, sending the other man flying with a spartan kick to the chest. Reese squeaked and jump out of the way as the blond man tumbled her direction before coming to a stop, unconscious after hitting his head on the pavement.

“Oh shit! I’m sorry!” Phil said to her after she shot him a dirty look.

“Goddammit, woman! Move, will you?” they heard Lily yell. Felicity was still working herself over while trying to pull Lily down with her, Rachel’s charm leaving her desperate for relief. The whine of a motorcycle returned and a sport bike turned down the alley, its headlight silhouetting the two succubae. “Perfect!” Lily cried. “You can take care of her! Haha!”

Two figures got off the motorcycle, one racing past the women to join the crowd around Phil.

“Reese! Are you ok?” Rose asked as she ran up on wobbly legs while fighting with the helmet she wore. As Reese filled her in on what happened, Phil and Rachel started making their way towards the newcomer and the two women. Tina was checking on Chuck by nudging him over with her foot and seeing if he was breathing.

“Why the fuck can’t I charm you?” Lily raged. Britt took off her helmet and pulled her hair loose from the clump it had become. She smiled at Lily.

“Orc,” she said. Lily’s face narrowed.

“You must be that bitch Chuck was talkin’ about. Back off, honey. You don’t want to mess with an Amazon like me.”

Britt kept her smile, and looked over at Phil. “Hey, lover. Got your message.”

Phil returned her smile. “I noticed. So glad that worked.”

“Lover?” asked Lily, her face losing its anger and suddenly becoming one of worry.

“Oh, yeah. Lover,” Britt said sweetly. “And judging by your face I’m guessing you tried to take him from me, didn’t you?”

Lily stared, wide eyed, as Britt hung her helmet from her bike’s throttle and took a couple steps towards her.

“So yeah, I just might want to mess with an Amazon like you after all.”

Panicking, Lily swung. She knew she could handle an orc on a good day easily enough. Handling an orc whose man she’d just tried to take, however, was a completely different matter. Her fist connected with the side of Britt’s head, who’d made no move to block it. The crack that followed sounded like a gunshot in the alley, and the scream that followed was deafening as Lily collapsed to the ground holding her arm to her chest. Phil wasn’t a medical expert, but he was fairly certain the human hand wasn’t meant to hang at that angle.

Britt hadn’t moved a muscle. The blow hadn’t even caused her to move her head. She shook it now, though. “Well, fuck, that’s disappointing. I was hoping for a good fight tonight. Hey, Rachel, these the two we’re looking for?”

Rachel shrugged. “Could be. I got here a couple minutes before you did. How did you get here so fast?”

Britt smiled and patted her motorcycle. “On my second favorite ride,” she smirked.

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