《Rebirth Online》Chapter 13 - Resolutions & Reunions -
As the Lich laughed over the wounded man it was shocked to see the man become larger and furrier, its damaged arm shattering and falling away as the beast growled savagely. ”Very well I'll just have to beat it out of you.... ” Before the Lich’s eyes, the man's clawed left hand and the fangs in his mouth began to emit an eerie black and red flame-like aura.
The very air around him began to be filled with dread and hatred, Enough so that the lich immediately began to search for another spell to send at the beast as she leapt back. But as she went to land the beast was there and she was met with searing pain across her ribs as the clawed hands raked across her body,
She was sent flying into the door she had been hiding behind with four large scars, The wounds had been burned shut instantly. As though the beast wanted to interrogate her rather than kill her, She lifted her palm and willed the tome to open where she needed, to a spell of weakness, one to make him as weak as an infant.
To her dismay however as the black haze of smog poured from her hand and surrounded the beast he became wreathed in ivy, His armor becoming encrusted with it as he charged through and slammed her against the door, biting savagely into her right arm and tearing it from her socket. She wailed in pain, releasing a scream much like a banshee which stunned the beast, giving her time to take flight into the high rafters of the room.
How had the beast resisted her curse! What was this strange Ivy that was coating his body!
As Atticus was enveloped in the smog he felt the mark on his neck flare to life, a faint whisper of power flowing through his body, a whisper he could not make out in his rage. But as the effects of the wail left him he looked around for his prey, seeing her high in the rafters he howled savagely, the sound causing a movement of wind that put out the torches and braziers in the room as he kicked off from the floor.
He kicked off of the wall and up to the lich as his eyes readjusted to the darkness, seeing her fumbling with her tome to remember a spell to bring light. He grabbed her leg and pulled hard, flinging her back down to the ground as he dropped on top of her, slamming his fist into her gut as he growled savagely, hot breath filled with the scent of blood hitting her face. “I ask again corpse, Why are you here? Why are the elves hear? How did they get in here?”
As he watched the Lich take a deep breath he growled and punched her hard in the chest, feeling a few bones breaking as he knocked the wind from her. ” Don't think that you will be able to scream anymore bitch… ” Atticus pressed one of the burning claws against her cheek resulting in a burn as the lich struggled to get air. “ The only thing I want to hear from you is the answers to my questions, Anything else and you will lose something important.... ”
However all this earned him was a cruel grin from the lich, and behind him, he felt a rush of wind, Next thing he knew he had been sent flying across the room, and right before his eyes he saw his left arm. He howled in pain as he looked to see what had attacked him and before his very eyes was the massive axe of Ragnar Blackfang, in the hands of the great Bears hands.
The cheeky little wench had been reanimating him!, Atticus struggled to get up only to keep falling down. And with every failed attempt the skeleton got closer, With a howl of rage he kept struggling, enough so that the back pouch he had stored the Bound Spirit of frost in opened itself, the crystal rolled down his back and became wedged between his back and the axe holster.
At this time, everything grew cold as once more he saw the cruel frost spirit, But now he saw her walking beside Ragnar, with sorrow in her eyes, her hands trying to touch him only to phase through his bones. It was then that Atticus noticed a fourteenth slot on the weapon, This one in the spearpoint, through the slot was empty now. It only took him an instant to piece them together.
“You were his...Weren't you...” The world around them seemed to slow as the spirit nodded, Ragnar now frozen in place as well as the Lich who was stopped mid laugh. The spirit ran her hand along the blade of the spear at the base of the axe, a look of longing in her eyes.
“ I was his first spirit, He found me locked away in a trunk owned by a Dark Elf general, his curiosity got the better of him and he picked me up. I filled his mind with illusions of enemies but he did nothing but watch me, calmly, peacefully, with no hate or fear. And when I asked him why he simply said “ Because I have killed every last living being within twenty miles of this place, You are not but a spirit who can do no harm unless I allow it, All I have to do is let go of this crystal and you will vanish. ” ”
The spirit smiled as she sat on the haft of the axe in her former master's hands, leaning back against the broad bone chest with her head sitting just under his chin, as though it were her rightful place.
“But he did not drop the crystal even as I created more and more elaborate illusions, tapping into his memories and using his loved ones. But he just kept watching me, for hours we were like that. Finally, I could not stand it and I asked him why he refused to lash out at me, why he refused to let go of the crystal even as he was forced to watch the scene of his village being attacked over and over again. But he just smiled at me and said. “ Because you don't make me feel the urge to kill, I feel calm when I look into your eyes, Calm like I was before that night happened. Like the pain and Rage were frozen under your gaze. ” “
“ It was then that I realized that I had been the first sentient being he had spoken to in nearly three years, All others would shun him, pretend he didn’t exist for fear that he would snap and kill them all. I felt a bit of pity for him, After all, you humans are like rabbits, too much loneliness could kill you in ways you don't know. “
The spirit stroked the blade of the axe and the stones within it which caused them to light up a bit letting him see there was a variety to them, some were darkness and some were light, but all were a combination of those main elements and the primal elements.
“ I then decided to accompany the poor soul, I taught him the way to smith a weapon to house me, I kept him as sane as I could as he tore through elves like paper, And in time he found more Spirits, Each of us helped him in different ways, but all of us grew to love him over time, soon giving him our names to be added to his weapon to be of use to him. But we all knew that our time together would be short lived. You humans always die in time.”
The spirit smiled sadly as she tapped the slot where she used to reside. ” He knew this and wanted to free us but we refused to let him, banding together to bind him to his throne in his final hours, we wanted to stay with our beloved king of chaos to the end of days, In time the residual power left our crystals, with myself being the oldest I have the greatest stores, even now the last of his power is leaving me.”
The spirit then glared at the lich, for an instant before turning back to Atticus. “Then this whore came along and removed me, using my stone to fuel that abomination to pulverise the prisoners they would bring in for their dark magics, I could handle that role with glee, after all, I had always taken pleasure in killing your mortals. But what I cannot stand is having to see my beloved warrior forced to fight once more after he had taken his long-awaited final sleep... ”
The spirit then stood up and moved to Atticus, kicking him violently in the burnt socket of his right arm. “I will grant you my blessing for a time beast if only to see that Lich punished and my beloved returned to his throne, to sleep once more...”
As she spoke time begun to resume as she turned into a purple fog, his left arm sliding across the floor and reattaching itself as he watched his blood pool around the stump if his right arm, the fog mixing with it as his arm was reformed. In the back of his mind, he could hear her cruel voice as the spot where her crystal was felt ice cold, her mark branding into his spine between his shoulder blades. “ Stand resolute warrior, Let the blessing of the black glacier carry you through your battle to victory… ”
As time returned to normal and he stood up he looked to Ragnar, the skeleton had stopped altogether, frozen in place by the purple fog, the fog forming his body at the time of his death, A grizzled old man covered in countless scars, to the point where his flesh alone had to be as thick as the best plate mail, A great flowing kilt with armored plates, and the fur of a massive bear draped across his shoulders. A true berserker.
Atticus shook his head as he turned to the Lich who was dumbfounded at the change, About to shriek once more before Atticus grabbed a skull from the throne and threw it as hard as he could, hitting her right in the face as he rushed her, His strength fully restored as his clawed hands wrapping around her throat as he squeezed violently.
“As a Warrior of Black Rock and one of the úlfhéðnar I cannot allow you to live a minute longer… ” As he squeezed down and snapped the Lich's neck the girl vanished, leaving a large crystal wrapped in a dark mithril setting, It had no runes but Atticus could see the woman inside of it, covered in arcane glyphs.
Seeing this he knew it was her phylactery, A crystal that held the spirit of a Lich which left alone would allow the lich to respawn at full power. But Atticus knew this from extensive sessions with classic games, most players would not have known this unless they had also been fans of D&D style games.
Atticus decided to try something special, he took out his rune smithing tools and began engraving the crystal with the marks to bind the spirit, which should prevent her from taking form once again, making her nothing more than a bound Spirit. However at the same time, he added a few runes of Loyalty, As he finished the inscribing he got a series of notifications as his body returned to that of a human.
Spoiler :
You have defeated the Lich of Black Rock Barrow and stopped the production of Dark Mithril by the Dark Elves. You have completed the dungeon!
You are the first being to ever capture a Lich, A reward you have gained the title Lich Lord. Once per day you may summon an undead minion to fight for you until it dies. Minion chosen is based on your level and class. Current Minion, Skeleton Magi
For defeating the boss solo the best possible items have dropped!
You have completed your quest! Under-Keepers in all major cities have begun taking on apprentices and showing them the dark arts of Necromancy.
Level Up!
Level Up!
Level Up!
Level Up!
Atticus smiled as he saw his level rise from sixteen to twenty from the massive surge of exp, he was close to catching up with the girls now He looked over and saw a chest sitting by the door, but he stood up and turned to the image of Ragnar, Moving to the ghastly image as he lifted it, grunting with exertion as he slowly moved to the throne of skulls, each step cracking the flagstones beneath him as he set it down upon the throne once more.
As he did, however, the image smiled at him and reached out a large hand, setting it upon his head. The hall became radiant and full of light as the image solidified, turning into a true human. ” Thank you young wolf for honoring this old demon… No one has ever shown true respect to me since I became a true Berserker. And I thank you for honoring Isolde's wish, For helping my oldest friend I want to reward you with something to aid you in your coming trials… ”
Ragnar then reached out and grabbed Atticus’ right arm, This sent a fiery hot sensation through his entire right side, along his entire arm and side, down to the heel of his right foot a series of intricate norse scrollwork appeared with the skulls of wolves, bears, and men inside of it. As the burning subsided he was greeted with another notification.
Spoiler :
You have been granted the favor of Ragnar Blackfang, The greatest Berserker to ever wield an axe. As a result, you may now take the Great Axe Shadowsong. A monstrous blade that when swung releases an eerie song that has a chance to force your enemies to see their darkest memories, leaving them open to attack.
It houses fourteen powerful spirits that were once on the levels of gods, by earning their respect you will be granted their mark and blessing. Due to the countless lives that were taken by the blade it will attract wraiths to attack you if it is wielded for too long, It has the ability to be stored within the tattoo you have gained. It can be summoned at will after you have completed the Rite of Blood.
To allow for you to wield the weapon your level has increased by ten and all points were put directly into Strength, These points may not be removed.
Atticus panted softly as he had dropped to a knee before Ragnar, the man merely smiled and reached down Atticus’ back and grabbed Isolde's crystal, kissing it faintly before placing it back into its socket.
“ While this blade may grant you no small amount of trouble due to its inhabitants they will in time grant you the strength needed to surpass every challenge you come across if you have earned the right spirit's blessing that is… However I urge caution young Wolf for a power of this magnitude can swiftly become your greatest enemy, become too captivated by the blades song and your mind will become warped beyond recognition.”
Ragnar then shoved the axe into Atticus’ right side, but rather than it killing him the blade vanished within him. “ The spirits will feed on your energy until they are ready, Isolde will continue to watch over you from her mark… And take pride Wolf, I shall be watching you from the halls of Valhalla to see what you become..”
With that Ragnar sat back down upon his throne, turning back into a skeleton. Panting from the sudden rush of power from the massive increase in levels Atticus crawled to the chest, opening it to find only one item, The massive tome the Lich had been using earlier.
Spoiler :
Tome of Grand Lich Elzol Type:TomeDurability:350/350Quality:EpicDamage:350An ancient tome made from human flesh the writing itself is actually a series of scars cut from the backs of the living. This tome of the arcane was written by Grand Lich Elzol nearly a thousand years ago.Requires the class Necromancer to wield.+50 Int & Wis.You will gain a new spell every five levels.No Level Requirement.Increases your Grave Summoning to Adept Level.
Atticus cringed looking at the book, it was indeed bound with human flesh, the edges and center design were done with Dark Mithril with a large ruby embedded in the center. He shoved the book into his bag and decided to figure out something to do with it later. He then pocketed the five thousand gold and ten of each potion before he stood up, dusting himself off as he realized something. He had yet to find how the elves had gotten in.
He decided to go back to the first room, The crypt of the berserkers closing behind him as he stepped into the room, the crude liquid gone as every chunk of mithril had been stained black. It was then that he saw Rose, she was moving from where he had left her and across the room where he could see a large group of Stalagmites.
He moved silently around the mountain of mithril and saw there was a rough opening that could easily be missed if one had not been looking for it. Atticus smirked and gave a loud shout startling Rose. ” Get back here woman! I have not given you leave! ” He then stormed up to her and grabbed her by the arm, dragging her to the twelfth floor where the commander was with all the other women.
He then slung the princess to her as he stretched. ” I have a job for you women, for now, I want you to go to the mithril mine and block off the entrance through whatever means necessary, then I want you to block off the entrance you lot came through. If a few days time I will come back and gather you all and my Mithril understood? ”
Atticus got a few lackluster nods and yes’ but he expected as much for now he would work his way back up to the mine, killing any undead remaining and burning all the bodies of the deceased on his way up. It took him the better part of the day to get back up to the top having found a few draugr had risen from their recesses to defend the halls once more.
From here Atticus met up with Sam and then Lilim, As they went through the forest Sam and Lilim noticed that there was not a single beast in the area, whether a wolf or a bear they were all in hiding, Clearly regarding Atticus as the Apex predator of the forest. As he walked into the town he smiled seeing his favorite wolf charging at him, looking like a giant animal mech from a classic cartoon his grandfather showed him when he visited.
He swiftly set Sam down and held out his arms as Shadow tackled him, lapping at his face as he barked happily. ” MASTER IS BACK! PLEASE TAKE ME AWAY FROM THEM! ” Atticus laughed as he looked past Shadow and saw the girls and little Elena and Iris, Iris had grown quite large, the armor he had made for her being replaced with a bigger set that had been left with Lucian.
Atticus shook his head and began taking the armor off of Shadow since he had been stuck in it for nearly four in game days. ” Sorry buddy but we’re already trapped.... ” He then walked over to the girls and hugged each of them, though he got looks of restrained disgust as he then remembered he had not bathed in quite some time.
He smiled sheepishly as he then stripped everything off of himself as he walked to the well, smiling as he saw the entire town square as covered in cobbled stone with drain grates built in around the well, He knelt by the well and began bathing himself, Shadow, And their armor. The girls were stunned save for Sasha and Lilim who had gotten used to his habit of stripping down in the middle of the square to bathe.
As he bathed Elena and Isis came over and Elena mimicked Atticus, stripping down and bathing herself and Iris, Or tried to until Atticus thumped her on the head and made her pull her dress back on. “No little one if I let you bathe out here in public your daddy will flay me alive, Go with miss Lilim and she will take you to a private bath..”
Elena pouted but nodded and went with a laughing Lilim who took her to his home where she would bathe the girl who was caked in mud, And for now Atticus bathed Iris before sending her off with Shadow to play, Shadow now the size of a horse he stood out and had killed enough foolish players that none would bother to attack him, even the newest users were warned right off the bat by the older ones about the massive wolf, and even the little girl and her wolf who were now level 15 thanks to Shadows kills.
Atticus then took the women to his home and began making dinner, sending all his wolves out to hunt and play for now as he told the girls about his month alone, leaving out his devouring of a dark elf but letting them know about his quest and even Ragnar's Blessing. Even having them touch Ivy to let them see the sultry spirit so they knew he was not crazy when he would turn his head and shout at her to stop as she had been biting his ear.
He then looked at the girls and smiled, they all looked annoyed with him, no doubt for managing to gain nearly twenty levels in a single day. But he just shrugged as he finished their meal, the girls had brought many things from their journey to Black Rock, Best of all had been steak, Not wolf, bear, or horse, But actual freaking steaks from a cow!
He had bought some potatoes and onions the day before so he chopped them up and fried them on the girdle, saving the ends to replant in the small window box in the kitchen. He then cut the steaks into thin strips, taking out some rolls which he split in half and laid on the griddle to soak up the juices before he made some very improvised cheese steak sandwiches.
As they ate there was an urgent knocking at the door which caused Atticus to growl, standing up from his meal he went to the door and flung it open to show a guard that was out of breath. “ Thane Shadowsong, Thane Cinderbloom The town is under attack! ”
Atticus still in just his kilt pulled on his boots and gloves, grabbing Ivy, now a massive slab of a blade at a full seven feet long and nearly one foot wide, her blade was a solid inch and a half thick with razor sharp edges. “ Who in the hell is attacking us boy! ”
The guard swallowed hard as he pointed towards the village gate. ” Its a band of people calling themselves the Rising Tide, They keep shouting to bring out the monster. We can only assume they are talking about you, sir. ” The Rising Tide, The name alone made his blood boil, It was the band of morons who kept attacking him during the first few days of the game.
Now they were the first true guild with nearly forty members strong of various classes though no one had a unique class other than Atticus, Sam, And Sasha. Atticus looked back at the girls and shook his head. ” Who wants to see how a monster fights his battles?” There was a savage look of joy on his face as he took off running, heading straight to the front gates he took the steps to stand on the ramparts in a mere three strides, no one of the Rising Tide knew of his level just yet so this would be fun.
As the game only updates the leaderboards once every twenty-four hours in the real world everyone in the guild would think Atticus was just a lowly level 11, Atticus let out as loud of a howl as he could, letting his hatred fill his voice with an aura of dread and hate, enough so that everyone who heard it stopped moving to look at the speaker. ” Who dares to attack my hold! ”
As they stopped moving Atticus surveyed the field, the only dead were his guards and a few of the wolves. None of the players had sustained any real damage just yet. And as he looked out he saw fifteen familiar faces looking back with looks just as full of hate as his voice. The one that stood out, however, was Noir, having two legs again the man was wielding a pair of long daggers that looked to be small swords.
Atticus singled him out and smiled darkly. ”I see you have both legs again boy… ” He took pleasure in seeing the hate grow in him as the attack was made fresh in his mind, Noir had spent every day since he got out of the hospital playing the game non-stop, reaching the fifth place on the leaderboards over all, He had just found a Unique class today that none but the guild knew about.
He looked back up to Atticus and shouted. “ The Rising Tide comes to exact vengeance upon the monster known as Atticus Shadowsong! We will ignore all else if he comes with us peacefully!” As the girls joined him Sam went to throw her spear only for Atticus to stop her, The same savage joy in his eyes as when he cut Noirs leg off in the real world.
“Very well, All guards are to retreat inside of the gates! On the authority of Jarl Lucian Frost, no one is to interfere! ” Atticus had kept Ivy out of view, for now, leaving her a step below him he decided to leave her there. He leapt from the gate and slammed into the ground on both feet, unarmed save for the gloves but they did not look menacing.
As he landed he walked calmly into the middle of the field, kneeling beside poor little Iris, whimpering as she had a spear through her back legs, not dead but clearly the pup would not be moving again if he did nothing. He kissed her forehead and smiled. ” It will be ok little one, Alpha will save you… ” He felt bad for little Elena who could feel the pain and was no doubt paralyzed from it.
He then stood up and looked around, taking in the faces of all who stood against him.”So this is the guild who has proclaimed me Kill On Sight, A ragtag band of bandits more like it, Attacking an innocent town when you could just have issued a challenge… ”
This remark clearly hurt quite a few of the people there, they had been told that this was a hostile place, most of the guild had spawned in the large city of Dawn's Rise to start thinking it would be easier. So when the first fifteen came to Dawn's Rise to recruit more members to take on dungeons they discovered none could pass it up. So when their guild masters brother had gotten his new class they could not pass up the chance to attack the guilds enemy.
Noir stepped to the front, clearly being the leader at the moment. ” Why take the risk that you had corrupted their minds to make them into an army! We merely played smart...” Atticus looked him over, seeing he wore a strange combination of armor, an all white set of leather and cloth robes, It made him look like the pope from the real world while at the same time like a pirate.
“Yes, that is your way isn't it, attack before checking to see if there is a threat, and just like before it will cost you dearly.... Rejoice members of the Rising Tide! This is no longer your main spawn point so I will not be able to play with you like I had before! But I will not go with you, For all of you shall be killed here and now! ”
Noir merely smiled, thinking Atticus stood no chance against forty level 16-23 players. Noir raised his hand and as he did four archers drew their bows and aimed at his joints, and with the drop of the hand, the arrows were launched, impaling Atticus’ knees and elbows.
Despite this, however, he stood strong, And before their eyes he became a true monster, The first and still the only Lycan, He then let out a blood chilling howl, sending out a command through the pack link, All wolves within the area began to howl the same haunting song they had when he took up his class, but now there were more howls, wolves of the wild began to howl as well, paying heed to the order of the Apex.
And at the same time he shouted. “I shall show you true fear tonight you insolent bandits, Tonight Shadowsong is Revived! ” He felt the mark at his spine chill, Isolde granting him permission as he rammed his right claw into his own side, this caused a gasp until they saw him pulling the monstrous axe from his side.
No one had ever seen anything like this let alone thought it possible, Atticus begun swinging the blade overhead, The air began to thrum with something akin to the wail of phantoms, a depressing sound that when added to the howling reminded everyone there of a raid boss from other games.
He then slammed the axe to the ground as he looked at Noir with savage glee in his eyes, At the same time, Noir let out a shout. “ Shield Wall! ” in that instant all members fell into line, the shield and spear users formed a strong shield wall, with the mages and archers behind them. At the same time, Noir gave another order. “ Charge! ” With this, every warrior let out a battle cry as they charged, spears out and ready as they overcame their fear of the beast before them.
But it was short-lived, Atticus took up the ax and held it as low as he could on the haft, swinging it violently, Letting the beast take over as the blade ignited in the pitch black flames Though now the fire was ice cold, Isolde's gem glowing brightly as the axe connected with the first user, cleaving straight through his shield and body, and so with the next and the next, He took down half of the members of the wall in an instant, the rest were knocked aside with the force.
As the mages launched fireballs at him and the archers loosed more arrows Atticus stood still, letting them all land on him, his fur was singed but not truly burned, The arrows barely going past the tips as Atticus executed the rest of the strength users, Howling with the wolves and swinging Shadowsong at the same time.
He then kicked off, charging the archers and swinging his with ease, severing limbs and bisecting the unlucky, It was at this moment however that Noir appeared, a flash of white as his blades lashed out, both hitting Atticus, right arm and severing it, at the same time Shadowsong vanished, No doubt because of Isolde recalling the blade.
But Atticus did not stop, he lashed out at Noir without missing a beat, slamming a fist into the mans chest and sending him flying into a group of mages as he began tearing into the remaining archers using his fangs and remaining arm. He could see that Noir was being healed but he could not bring himself from the closest targets, howling louder as he tackled one of the younger archers, tearing savagely into the poor lad, his Interrogation skill activating as he devoured him alive, Causing his victim to scream in pure terror and agony.
Before the groups eyes, Atticus’ wounds healed, the arrows were pushed from his body, As he looked up he saw Isolde, staring into his eyes and helping to center him and return his human mind to control. As this happened Atticus noticed a few people running away, He then howled, at the same time the thundering sound of paws could be heard as every wolf in his pack charged, leaping from the ramparts. The wolves then encircled the players and charged them,
But unlike before the wolves were cloaked in an aura of red, They had been granted an increase in stats from his command and from his own large pool of stats. And the one taking the forefront was Shadow, walking over to Iris and picking the pup up by the scruff of her neck, carrying her into town where Sam was waiting with a health potion to heal her.
Atticus then began walking towards Noir who had just stood back up, charging the beast as Atticus kicked off the ground, vanishing for a brief instant as he appeared behind Noir, tearing apart the healers until it was only Atticus and Noir. At the same time, his body reverted to his human form.
Noir was confused at this change but took up a Dimachaerus stance, This made Atticus smile as this was a style William had told him about in passing, It was used by the roman gladiators when they were using two swords. It was a style that required great skill and dexterity to pull off properly.
It was at this moment that a haunting thought crossed Atticus’ mind. If they were near the period of time when the Roman empire was expanding and pushing conversion to Christianity then this could be truly bad After all the Roman empire lead great purges against the pagans, And if Atticus was right then this could be a great change.
“ What is this, Do you fancy yourself a roman now Noir? ” This earned him a smug look as Noir charged him, both blades lashing out swiftly. “If you only knew you disgusting freak, I will purge all of your pagans from these lands and show you the true god!”
This made Atticus growl as he began his dance with Noir, dodging the blades as he shook his head. ”Just as I thought a small minded man would be the one to find a class dealing with Christ.... ”
As he spoke Noir grew angry, jumping back he shouted out. “ Benedic Laminae! ” As this shout went out the blades began to glow with a bright yellow light, Noir then charged in, faster than before as he began lashing out at Atticus, leaving light nicks on his body that sent great shocks of pain through his body.
Atticus growled and lashed out with his left hand, his claws cutting across Noir’s eyes, The boy cried out in pain at being blinded, clearly having turned Pain on, This caused Atticus to laugh as he watched his foe fall to the ground. “ What is this, The great man of god was foolish enough to turn Pain on? Did you miss the feeling of pain when we played together Jack?
Noir lashed out at Atticus’ voice. ”Shut up! It's a side effect of my class! ” Atticus sidestepped the blades and knocked Noir down, pinning him to the ground as he leaned down, his mouth by his ear. “ And just what would that be, Religious Nut Job? Murderous Priest? Noir struggled against Atticus but it was no use, the man was like a boulder on top of his back, making it hard to even breathe. “I am one of the Sicarius Sanctus! The left hands of the holy church of christ! ” Atticus smirked and wrenched one of the long bladed daggers from Noir’ hand, It was a beautiful blade, but it oddly burned his hand as he held it, shaking his head as he looked down at Noir.
Well isn’t that cute, but you interrupted my dinner and a reunion with five beautiful young women, so be a good boy and fuck off, Oh and just keep in mind that your entire guild is now the target of the wrath of the Shadowfang guild... “ With this Atticus slammed the dagger into Noir’s temple, killing the man instantly for once.
He then began looting the bodies, all the items were standard fare, nothing really stood out to him, they must have left their best items at home in case of this very outcome. At the same time, he noticed that Noir had vanished completely, no items were left behind which meant that they were all Heirlooms of his class.
Atticus sighed as he stood up, whistling sharply as the wolves began tearing greedily into the now naked bodies, on his way back to the gate he grabbed his arm. At the same time, Lilim landed on his shoulder in her crow form, mending his arm as he held it pressed into place.
As he walked back into town he was met with cheers and praise for taking out the attackers, though as he looked at Sam and the others he was met with a stern look. ” Really now you're not only going to steal all the kills but you name our guild on your own? ” Atticus laughed a little awkwardly as he held up his hands defensively.
“ Sorry sorry, It was a spur of the moment! “ At the same time Lucian came out of the great hall, Anger clears on his face as he looked over the bodies of his guards, men, and women he had grown up with or watched from childhood.
“ Such senseless violence, All for a petty disagreement…. Once more violence has been brought to our lands, We were lucky this time that we had a capable Thane on hand. But I cannot stand to let this pass without punishment. This means war boy…..”
- In Serial28 Chapters
One Look to Rule the Heavens
What would you do if you were told you were going to reincarnate into a world of immortals and have three wishes? What happens if things don't go the way you thought? With no knowledge of the world at large, our MC will stumble his way through with knowledge not his own, a body not his own, and power that doesn't belong to this world. One look to rule the heavens. One flap to travel the earth. One thought to destroy them all. I do not own the cover photo. It was drawn by silverbloodwolf98 on deviantart (If someone wants to draw me one let me know) I do not own the rights to some of the ideas in the story as this is a FanFic (Please don't sue me, I have no money)
8 160 - In Serial20 Chapters
Diana Swan - Jane And Alec
Hi I'm Diana Lily Swan, younger sister to Bella Marie Swan, daughter of Charlie Swan and Renee Dwyer. Sorry I have to go pack, moving to my dad's house in Forks, Washington.⚠Discontinued⚠This story is being rewritten and will be republished on a later date.
8 176 - In Serial41 Chapters
Taken to Another World In My Bathrobes - Isekai
After being swallowed by a dragon Tristan Bell finds himself in Umbra, a land of swords and sorcery. He will need to figure out what's going on, gear up and learn some spells all without being killed by magical beasts, renegade magi and a dragon unleashed from a century long imprisonment. The answers he seeks and the power he needs are in Tempest academy, a school of magic and a dark secret that threatens the lives of Tristan, his friends and the whole of Umbra.
8 222 - In Serial34 Chapters
Lost then found (eren x reader)
You and Eren have known each other forever. When shinganshina is breached you loose each other. You believe he's dead and him you. what will happen when you both join the cadets.( Disclaimer: I do not own attack on Titan or its characters)
8 120 - In Serial26 Chapters
The Colour Seers
It's 3070, and in this world, there is only one barrier between a person and normality. And that's colour. At age 5 Ryan Alexander Madden was chucked into the dangerous world of being one of the 1000 people left in the world that can see colour. Seen as monstrous and savage, the colour seers have been locked into camps with never more than 10 seers in each but no one knows why. Until Ryan and his friends start to question the way their people have been living for the past millennium. Can he deal with the harsh realities of living THIS life?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~#22 in Control 11/11/2022#25 in Government 13/08/2022#3 in Gasp 15/10/2022#6 in LGBT 19/11/2022
8 147 - In Serial22 Chapters
Please don't leave... again ||Wil Horneff||
You had a childhood best friend. You've always had a crush on him. You were best friends from 1st grade-9th grade. The summer to Freshman year, he disappears. The whole summer, you never gave up on him. You all missed him. When you enter high school, you realized he was still in town and he ghosted you all. You don't know whether to feel angry or relieved that he's okay. Will he have a explanation on why he ghosted you guys? Does he even know who you guys are anymore? Will he do it again? Is your friendship going to be rough or easy? Will everything go back to normal?Start: August 8, 2021End: August 12, 2021
8 114