《Rebirth Online》Chapter 12- Sinful Pleasures - Redone
As Atticus walked through the halls of the 12th floor of the Barrow he had forced Ivy back into the blade as he had grown tired of her flirting, despite the fact that he wanted nothing more than to give into his lust but he wanted to complete the dungeon as quickly as he could.
As he kept going into the dungeon he discovered something interesting, Dark Elves. He was greatly confused now as he watched a group of Dark Elves wearing a combination of gray leather and a type of chainmail made of the same metal as Ivy. Dark Mithril.
The group was moving around and looting the bodies of the deceased as well as moving some bodies to the middle of the room where a cart was waiting, As he watched he decided to take in the appearances of the Dark elves.
As one would guess they were Tall, Slender, Beautiful, Long Slender Ears, A Seductive Tan Skin Tone, Bright Crimson Eyes, And Ghastly Silver White Hair. The women were just positively beautiful, and the men could well be mistaken for a woman if they didn't keep their hair cropped short.
He noticed that all of the men and women in this group were in a scout style gear, Lightweight and designed for maximum maneuverability, They had plenty of pouches and multiple small throwing knives. In addition to the armor, The elves were equipped with daggers made of Dark Mithril as well as Long and Short Bows made of a black wood that he could only guess was Ebony.
Atticus took a deep breath in and softly exhaled, He then held his weapons in a tight grip as he began sneaking towards the elves, Knowing better than to test an elf and their prowess with a bow,
Before he was going to attack he heard the conversation of the group, Hiding under a table as he listened in and grinned widely at the valuable information.
One of the men let out a noise of disgust as he threw another Draugr into the cart. “ Why must we do such things, Even if she is the Princess consorting with a Lich still gives me the creeps.... ”
A woman with a soft and nervous voice then spoke up. ” I agree to defile the dead in order to corrupt the Mithril so that those with a high Darkness Affinity can use it doesn't feel right...Even if they are human swine. ”
It was then that a woman who seemed to be in charge responded. ” Quit your complaining!, You find another way to allow us to alter Mithril besides soaking it in the elixir and we will do it! Til then were stuck with that disturbing wench... ”
As she finished the same man let out another sound of disgust and by the sound of his voice a shiver.”Don't even remind me of it, I was on mixing duties earlier and they had us grinding the bones and flesh into a powder, Then the blood that disgusting Abomination collected got added in and it let off an aura of complete darkness. Even for me it was weird..”
Hearing this Atticus got a notification.
Spoiler :
You have heard of a way to corrupt Mithril, Normally a metal that only those of the Lawful alignment, or those with a high affinity for light may wield. Perhaps you can find the notes on the process?
He read through it quickly but soon closed it as he prepared to attack the elves, Waiting for them to get close enough together for him to attack them all at once. He noticed the elves all getting close together, about to open a large coffin.
He then leaped out from under the table and swung his weapon violently, He was met with a sight of the heads of the two male elves heads flying, As their blood splashed on his arms and face he shivered.
Not in disgust but pleasure, Oddly the blood of these elves had a sickeningly sweet scent, not to mention the warm soft feeling, more akin to water than blood. He then had to jump back as two of the women had managed to draw their daggers and lunged at him.
While he managed to avoid a pair of stabs into his kidneys he now had long gashes on his abdomen, But it didn't hurt, instead he felt an odd pleasure from it, He licked the blood from his lips as he then shivered raggedly, The taste was intensely delightful, like a cup of hot cocoa in the winter.
As the women saw this they gave a look of fear as Atticus then charged them and in their moment of hesitation one of the women was killed, Atticus had swung Ivy at a downward angle and severed the woman's spine,
He would have managed to cleave straight through to her hip but the Dark Mithril Chainmail prevented his attack from getting that far, As he killed the woman he felt a sharp pain in his back.
Spinning around he slammed his elbow into the cheek of the Dark Elf who sounded to be in charge earlier, Resulting in a yelp as she fell to the floor, Atticus reached back and pulled the daggers from his back, having narrowly missed his kidneys.
He charged the last elf standing as she nocked an arrow in her bow, He raised Ivy as though it was a shield and lunged at the elf right as she shot the arrow, It glanced off of Ivy’s blade and skittered off into the shadows as he slammed the woman up against the wall,
Seeing she was the woman who was in charge he smiled a bit.” I thank you for your information regarding Dark Mithril... ”
Before she could speak he tore her throat out, swallowing the meat and muscle down and panting raggedly as an almost orgasmic feeling shot through his body, Dark elves tasted simply delicious!
He then turned and looked down at the final elf and walked over to her, Kicking her roughly in the stomach which caused her to hack up a glob of blood.”I have special plans for you, my dear...”
She had seen what he did to the last girl and had a dark feeling welling in her stomach.
(WARNING! The following will be quite gruesome so if you dislike things such as abuse, Gore, and a detailed scene of a woman being devoured then continue on without opening!)
Spoiler :
Atticus picked the woman up and carried her to the table he had been hiding under, It was a large stone embalming table. He slammed her down on top of it and strapped her down to it as he began removing her armor.
As he no longer felt a threat his body changed back into his human form, This caused the woman to begin squirming and fighting against her restraints even more as she screamed. “Wh! What the hell are you doing you pig!”
Atticus gave her a wolfish grin.”Oh, I am just going to have a little fun with you little wench...” He remembered a horror movie where the killer took the time to neatly fold the victim's clothes before them so he decided to do the same.
Smiling as he noticed that the way he seemed to treat this so nonchalantly scarred the woman even more. Watching her squirm he could even smell her fear, The beast was currently taking over in a more subtle way. Working on integrating himself into Atticus’ very personality.
He then stepped back, licking his lips as he took in her body, Tall, likely 6’0, weighing around 120 pounds, Firm well toned body though her breasts, rear, and thighs still had the plump curves that would send any man crazy as one would expect of an elf.
He then moved up onto the table, moving between her legs as he licked her inner left thigh, smiling at the small yelp she made, He then bit softly, just above where the femoral artery would be.
The result was a cute ragged moan that caused the woman to blush furiously, even her thighs turning a bit red in embarrassment. Atticus smirked and kissed slowly up her thigh, working closer to her virgin sex.
The closer he got the more she struggled, her mind racing as she remembered the tales her mother told her and her siblings of the Dark War, Of how entire battalions of their armies were wiped out by madmen,
It was as Atticus moved up so he was on top of her, His hands on either side of the table my her head that she saw his tattoo, It was one of the two marks engraved deep into the minds of young Dark Elven children.
The mark of a Beast, Shortly after the incident related to the founding of the Úlfhéðnar the brothers had been called to war, While Atticus Blackfang had led a pack of wolves to harass supply chains and kill all who did not run.
Ragnar Blackfang had stood alone against entire battalions in the light of day, Slaughtering the elves by the dozen. As a result, their marks had become symbols of fear and hatred among their people.
The Woman was about to scream again but Atticus bit deeply into her throat, Silencing up her scream as he ran his hands along her body, his sharp claw-like nails cutting slightly into her skin. “Go fuck yourself you human pig!” As she spoke she spat in his face which caused Atticus to growl, His eyes showing his anger. And it was at that time that the woman realized her mistake, And that Atticus’ earlier threat was one he would keep.
He kissed her forcefully before biting her tongue roughly, causing it to bleed as he then bit it completely off, swallowing the sweet tasting flesh before he kept kissing her, drinking up all the blood she tried to spit out. All the while he felt his body surging with power, and pleasure. Soon he pulled back and licked his lips before pushing some cloth into her mouth to soak up the blood.”Stupid wench, if you would have behaved I would have let you live...” He then moved down and bit savagely into her right breast, ripping out a large piece.
The woman gave a somewhat muffled scream as she watched the monster of a man begin devouring her body, He kept her alive for as long as he could, eventually her legs from the hips down were nothing but bone,She had bled out when he tore her femoral artery but he felt she had suffered enough anyway. He then wasted no time devouring the rest of her body, Licking her sweet blood from his claws as he shivered with pleasure.
He looked at the bodies on the floor but they had grown cold which made him a little sad,
But he cleaned himself up and began looting their bodies, Looking over the armor they had it was impossible for him to fit into it, So even if he was level 40 like them it was useless to him for now, But he did learn a few new things about the properties of Dark mithril as he looked over the armor he had looted.
Spoiler :
Ashwalker ChestpieceType:ChestDurability:400 /400Quality:UncmmonDefense:300A chestpiece made of hardened leather from a stag and chainmail made from Dark Mithril .Requires 200 Dex and End to wearRequires 75% Darkness Affinity or the Evil Alignment to wear.+20 Dex and LuckYou are harder to see during the night.
Atticus smiled as he got more information on the requirements of Dark Mithril, though he wondered why Ivy didn't have any set requirements like that, Though the thought that it was because it was a Bound Spirit weapon helped to explain it a bit as perhaps the spirits affinity made up for his own.
He knew he would be holding onto this armor for a while but when level 40 became common then rogue characters would love this armor for its defense and the benefits After all the Darkness affinity would help one in various ways.
From what he had read it would make one take less negative effects from curses, Makes it easier to sneak as at higher levels one can almost blend completely into the shadows, So he could only assume that Darkness would be something all rogue based players would be aiming to get.
After he looted all of the weapons and armor he piled the bodies up with those in the cart and lit them on fire using the nearby brazier, He then resumed walking through the Barrow, He felt his mouth watering as his mind kept going back to the dark elven woman he had eaten.
He wondered why he felt the urge to devour more of the women but he figured it had something to do with his title The Bloodthirsty. As he continued through the dungeon he found that the Elves were rare, scattered throughout at checkpoints so to say.
Atticus went through taking his time to clear out the barrow, As he went through he found more dark elf scouts, though none of them were women so he didn't bother eating them as for some reason the thought of eating another male was just disturbing to him even if their blood tasted decent though not as good as a woman's.
The rest of the floor was filled with an assortment of Draugr, He had grown accustomed to fighting them but even then he couldn't relax, As soon as he wanted to relax during a fight one would manage to get past his defense and knock him back while leaving him open to attacks for awhile.
As Atticus came to one of the Checkpoints and saw the group of elves he all but drooled, They were all women These, however, were two wearing Dark Mithril Plate, Wielding halberds made of Dark Mithril.
The halberds looked simply amazing to him, The poles were nearly six foot long with a sharp spike on the butt cap and a sharp bladed spear on the tip, On one side of the pole was a large axe blade but rather than being solid it had cut out designs to make it lighter, On the opposite side they had curved bladed hooks that could be used to disarm an opponent, Literally if they were used properly.
He looked over the weapons with a bit of envy, He had always liked the Halberd as it combined a spear and a battle axe in one, These however seemed far too light for him, they would be great for one handed use, But he already had an idea formed for the first weapon he would make from the Dark Mithril.
Atticus waited for them to be occupied with something that would face them away from the doorway, he then snuck into the room and hid under another table, wondering if he would learn something new.
As he watched through a hole in the cloth covering the bottom of the table he smiled as he noticed a few chunks of black ore on a smaller table that the women were standing around. It was at this moment that one of the smaller women turned and looked at one that was taller, her armor having an emblem of a raven standing perched on a bow that had an arrow nocked.
He identified this woman as the leader due to the emblem that none of the others had.”I am starting to worry knight commander, the scouts should have returned with the next batch of bodies by now, Could the Princess have lost control over the Draugr guards?”
The taller woman who was now confirmed as the Knight Commander shook her head.”That's not possible, Especially not while she is so close to them, Something must have happened along the way…..”
After a moment, she turned to look at the three scout types and pointed down the hallway he had just come out of.”Go scout out what has happened and report back, Hurry now we can't have production slowing...”
They swiftly saluted and ran down the hall, Atticus groaned in his head as he remembered he killed some draugr just a few hundred yards down the hall, He decided now was the time to act, As the scouts ran down the hall and the knights turned back to the table he crept after the scouts.
But rather than kill them he had something else in mind for them, He sheathed his weapons and took out a large stick he had planned to make a torch out of if it got too dark but he could now use it to knock out the women.
As they arrived at the bodies of the Draugr they began to inspect them, It was then that he struck, With swift and strong movements he bashed two of the elves over the head with the club before tackling the third and grinning coldly as he slammed her head down to the floor.
As he didn't kill them he got no exp but he was able to now try something interesting. He took out his rune smithing tools and some simple bracelets he had found before etching the slave rune into them,
He then put drops of his blood into the carvings before slipping them onto the woman's wrists, He then took the three bangles and got drops of their blood on them after carving the Master rune into them.
After a bright glow, he was met with a message detailing the women's names and stats, But he ignored them as he would not be keeping them around for long. He let them sleep while he went back to take care of the remaining two elves.
As he stalked back through the barrow Atticus began to think of a way to deal with them without killing them, after all taking high-ranking prisoners was always a beneficial plan. He could use the club but he felt that was too basic, But then he remembered that there was another way.
He had overwhelming strength when fighting unarmed, perhaps by using open palm attacks he could beat them into submission without the risk of killing them. But then he had a new problem, How to get past the halberds, He was fast but he had realized how light the Dark Mithril gear was, in addition to elves natural agility he was looking at one hell of a fight.
He had been tempted to turn back, Returning with Shadow or even recalling Lilim for a time. But without thinking much more about it, he grit his teeth and charged in head on, He had decided on a shock and awe tactic, dropping to all fours and taking off at full tilt down the hallway and bursting into the room.
He leapt and slammed one of the women against the wall, knocking her out but despite this the commander was not phased, she merely spun and with the back spike of her halberd slammed into his side, causing a howl of pain before she withdrew the blade and lined herself up to begin thrusting the blade at him as a spear.
As the tip of the blade got closer Atticus jumped back, his hand going out and grabbing the axe blade of the halberd by the beard, pulling hard to try to pull the woman off balance, However the commander merely smirked at him, twisting the handle as he pulled the halberd to unsheath a hidden estoc. He groaned as he tossed the halberd across the room and down the hall from where he entered.
" Stop resisting I'm not going to kill you! " Atticus yelped as the estoc came flying towards his eye, moving to the side to let it catch his armor instead. The commander was shocked as she heard him, After all, no one expected a wolfman to be smart enough to talk, make armor yes, think and speak no. She took up a fencing pose and began launching lightning fast thrusts at him as he danced around to dodge them. " What is the meaning of this? What business does a beast like you have down here! "
Atticus took deep breaths as he began his dance, Rather than dancing with his weapon as Ivan had beaten into him he decided to dance with her weapon, watching it and only it as he begun swaying and dipping under the blade. After a few short seconds, something strange happened. He reverted back to a human.
This had never happened since he had been turned, and at the same time, he noticed a tiny window that he would have to check later no doubt explaining this event. As she saw the massive beast become a human the commander was shocked, Enough so that she overextended and allowed herself to be caught by the wrist and slammed to the ground where she was swiftly pinned down by Atticus.
" What manner of sorcery is this! " The elven woman struggled below the heavy man, his knees pinning her wrists down by her waist as he used his shins to hold her legs down to prevent her from kicking him. Panting softly Atticus begun tightening his armor down, as he did it exposed his tattoos, not just the mark on his chest but the one on his left shoulder.
Seeing these marks together shocked the commander, Not only was this beast truly a man, but he was one of the madmen who all but obliterated her people, On top of this he was also a royal consort of the forest elf queen. " What in Hel's name are you! "
Atticus smiled softly as he begun removing the woman's armor. " I am a Thane of Black Rock Hold, I am the Royal Consort of the Ironwood Queen, And I am a Bloodthirst Werewolf. But above all else I am an adventurer. " Atticus smiled seeing the quality of the armor pieces, stacking them neatly beside them as he soon took out a small golden earring.
The woman felt a tug of fear as the name Black Rock pulled at her memories, It was an important name but she could not remember of what, however, but it tormented her, struggling to remember what it meant.
" So imagine my surprise when the miners of my hold re-discover this barrow only to find it swarming with the restless dead, And to discover hideous abominations all along the way only to find that the Dark Elves are behind this all. Oh and let us not forget the secret to corrupting Mithril..."
Atticus opened the earring and bit his thumb sharply and smeared his blood along the inside of it to reveal the runes etched into it, Slavery and Permanence. Once the ring was closed it would seal as the one of his hold symbol had The commanders eyes grew wide seeing the runes together which only renewed her struggles.
" Don't you dare you filthy pig! " Atticus grinned as he watched her, grabbing the front of the soft cotton shirt she wore and tore it away, He had something special in mind for her now. He leaned down and kissed between her breasts faintly, earning him a gasp of shock as he then took the nipple of her right breast into his mouth, nibbling it lightly to get it hard before he used his canines to pierce it.
The commander cried in pain as she kept struggling. " No stop! Just kill me! I refuse to be your slave! " This made Atticus smirk as he pushed the ring through her nipple and closed it, taking out a new ring as he wiped some blood from her nipple and smeared it across the new ring, showing the matching runes, Mastery and once more Permanence.
" That is the beauty of this system my dear I don't need your permission..." Atticus went to push the ring through his ear as he noticed the elf open her mouth not to scream but to push her tongue out, preparing to bite it off and drown herself with her own blood. But he could not allow this.
He shoved four of his fingers into her mouth and winced as she bit down hard but to no avail, barely able to injure his tough hands. And at the same time, she watched in complete despair as using only one hand Atticus forced the rune ring through his ear and closed it, gasping as the flood of power flowed through them both signaling the ritual was finished.
Atticus shivered as he decided to check a few things, stroking the woman's cheek tenderly as she cried. He felt bad for her but he could not kill an enemy commander blindly nor could he allow for her to be held by mere ropes, He had to bind her to him in the truest sense of the word.
He opened the notifications window and looked through briefly, finding out the woman's name was Natalia, A level 40 knight commander who was a mere 23 years old. Sighing softly he got up and put her armor back on for her, stroking her head tenderly as he kept reading as the other notification he had obtained was the cause of his sudden change back to human.
You have calmed the beast for now by resisting the rage of battle, choosing to take a pacifist route to detain your foe. As such you have learned a new War Dance. The Dance of Baldur, When using this dance you will revert to your human form.
You have attained the ability to calm the beast of your own will, you may now change freely between your human and beast forms.
Atticus smiled seeing this and shrugged, His beast form had not bothered him so far but it did feel nice to have just that much more control over things. He then looked back to Natalia, pulling her to her feet as he took out a small brush and red paint, painting his mark on her breastplate before pushing the pot of paint into her hands.
" Go down the hall and retrieve your weapon, then go further down and paint this mark on the breastplate of the three women there, After that return here and do the same to her. " He motioned to the woman on the floor by the door to the next hallway. " Once that is done you are to wait for my return understood?"
Natalia looked at him with tears and hate in her eyes as she nodded." Yes, master... " He sighed but turned and went to the next woman, making her his slave using a ring as he had the first three. He then continued along the path before him with Ivy in hand.
As he walked down the hall Ivy came out of the blade, poking at one of the small wounds on his body. " Well, aren't you the cruel one, not even allowing her to take her own life to avoid the dishonor of not only being taken captive but being made a slave to her clan's mortal enemy... "
Atticus winced and spanked Ivy roughly, resulting in an overly sexual moan. "She is too important to kill, I will need her to command the other elves under my command. And she knows far ti much for me to ignore..."
Soon they came to a set of rough stairs that descended into the 13th floor. It was here that he saw something astonishing, A massive mine of Mithril that was being excavated by skeletal miners. There was only one elf woman in this room, standing at a table below the stairs.
Atticus took advantage of this and dropped right on top of her, slamming her head into the table to knock her out before binding her. He then took to slaughtering the skeletons who finally realized he was there. He took a moment to look around before noticing that all of the mithril chunks had been tossed down a large hole in the floor leading to the next floor down.
He noticed a staircase that was leading down and went for it, moving down slowly as to avoid making any excess sound. He then came to the entrance of a room, rather than charging in he decided to peak in first. What he saw shocked him, It was a beautiful young dark elf woman with a flawless hourglass body standing in a pool of glowing crimson, wearing nothing more than a sheer black robe.
In front of her was a massive mound of Mithril, but from the bottom and spreading up it was changing from the light blue-silver to pitch black. This must be the Elixer the others had mentioned. He dropped low and begun sneaking towards the center of the room, staying out of the pool for now as he moved across high rocks.
He noticed no enemies in this room save for this woman, And even then she was too focused on the ritual she was performing. He took out the improvised club from before as he got closer, standing up and swinging hard as he cracked the woman over the head and dropping her to the floor.
However it was as he did this that a horrifying shriek could be heard, he heard a rumbling behind the mound of mithril, He heard nothing coming so he swiftly bound the woman, deciding to use another earring this time as he felt this was the princess he had heard the commander speak of earlier. She had a tattoo on the nape of her neck much like his mark as Consort.
However hers was a faded gray, and instead of a stag, he saw a sabercat surrounded by smoke. He picked her up, seeing the new notification had her name as Rose, up out of the pool of muck and laid her down by the staircase where he had come down from.
He then returned to the pile of mithril to see it was still converting, though, at a far slower rate, He shook his head before he moved up on top of the mound and looked to find where the noise came from. It was here that he saw a large stone door that had opened. The shriek had come from the new passageway.
He heard a giggle from Ivy who was standing over Rose."I look forward to seeing how you fare warrior...." With that, Ivy vanished back into the sword. Atticus sighed as the spirit went back to sleep, He then shook his head and climbed the mountain of Mithril, noticing that it was still being converted from the beautiful blue-silver into a pitch black despite Rose being knocked out. Her ritual had only been to speed the process up.
Atticus looked around to find the source of the sound he heard a moment ago and soon saw a large stone door now opened behind the mountain of ore, He decided that before he progressed he would take a short break. He pulled out a sandwich he had made from bread, cheese and roast goat meat. As he ate he took the time to read through the Bound Spirit guide once more.
In doing so he discovered every rune he would need to bind a spirit inside of a crystal, And as he finished the book he found that in order to create a weapon with the stone one must learn the name of the Spirit as the Name holds all power. It was for the simple reason that Atticus owned Ivy that he knew her name. All weapons being named for the spirit they contain.
Atticus sighed softly as the only way he would be able to bind his other spirit was to gain her trust and respect, After all, she would not give it up freely. But he pushed the thoughts from his head for now as he stood up and jumped down from the mountain and stepped into the passage, finding it was shockingly better detailed than the areas above, like the difference between a nobles mausoleum and a peasant's group mausoleum.
As he walked he began to see very detailed murals depicting a battle between men wearing furs and thin demons, It didn't take much for Atticus to realize this was depicting the battles of the Dusk War. Of battles between the Berserkers, úlfhéðnar, and the Dark Elves. As he kept walking he came across a large row of the skeletal remains of wolves, As he began to walk by he noticed what looked like tiny cells. Inside were the skeletal remains of long dead úlfhéðnar.
They were still in full armor, wearing full suits of leather and bone, and on either hand was a battle ax. Not a single úlfhéðnar that he saw so far had a Great Weapon. As he walked he looked to the right side of the hall and noticed more cell like resting places. Inside of these were men wearing simple kilts with monstrous weapons laid beside them.
The Berserkers. Atticus took a moment and looked over their weapons and noticed that they were all made of bone and iron. And more here were the large crystals embedded in the blades, They were all Spirit Weapons. And it only took an instant for Atticus to realize why, The berserkers were forced to tread alone into the tide of battle, lest they kill their allies. The spirits were there to be a constant companion to the Bear in question, The blade took the place of the wolves of the úlfhéðnar
This thought made Atticus shiver, all alone with a being that would just as soon kill you as look at you had it not been bound. For days, weeks, even months with only a spirit to keep your company, there at all times watching your every move from within the blade. Atticus shook his head and pushed on.
It did not take him long to come to a Massive door. Pushing it open he was greeted with the sight of a large skeleton sitting upon a throne of what he could only guess had been Elven bodies, The skeleton held a monstrous battle ax that had to be at least ten feet long. It was a weapon of pure black that was riddled with spirit crystals. Atticus counted thirteen along the haft and blade of the ax.
The ax blade had large notches cut out like a massive saw blade, on the back of the ax was a brutal barbed spike. At the butt cap of the ax was a massive spear blade, This was a weapon born of pure hatred.
By the skeletons, feet was a large plaque that read. “ Ragnar Blackfang: Elf Foe, Beast Bane, Scourge of humanity. A beloved brother who gave his all to Vengeance for his home of Black Rock Hold only to be forsaken by those who could not understand his love. “
As Atticus read this he was floored, All along he had been in the village of his order without realizing it, He was standing before the remains of the greatest Berserker in the history of their kind, And even long dead he could feel the power emanating from the bones and the weapon clenched in the skeletons fists.
He moved closer to the skeleton and reached out to touch the blade of the ax, but as his fingers got close he heard the same shrill shriek as he had earlier, but now it was so close and in such a small area that it hurt his ears. Atticus howled in pain as his body shifted forms, spinning around to look for the source as he drew Ivy.
It was as he turned to the door that it slammed shut and hiding behind the door was a ghastly pale woman, she was short, perhaps 4’11, She had a curvy and thick body much like Sam, But it was the eerie runes flowing over her body, the billowing cloak, and the large tome floating by her side that made her stand out. This woman was the Lich, And a very powerful one at that if she could maintain a human form.
Atticus howled and got ready to fight. ” Why have you come to this place you filthy corpse! ” This however only got him another shriek as the Lich raised her hand, the tome opening itself and moving below her palm as she began to recite a spell.
He moved to stop her but it was already too late, a massive ball of fire had shot out and engulfed his entire right arm, and burnt it to a crisp, This earned a howl of fury as his weapon fell down as the Lich laugh darkly at his face of pain.
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My Name is Keiren. Keiren Ignis. At least that was what IT told me. Now all I have to do is figure out everything else. No simple task when you're an amnesiac. Honestly, why do I know these words and what they mean, but I have no idea who or even what I am. Except for what IT told me. IT is whatever is causing the wierd pop-up screens that appear in my vision when I think about certain things. Seems like I'm going to have to play by ITs rules until I get a better understanding of everything else. This is my first attempt at writing anything. To be honest I'm not 100% sure as to what direction this will take. GLHF It became sci-fi. There will probably be a romantic subplot at some point. There will be some implied sexual content, but nothing more explicit than kissing will be written. Will try to release at least one chapter a week, but there could be none, or possibly 3 or 4.
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Tales at the Golden Sink General Store
Mira, a worker at the Golden Sink General Store, finds herself in odd circumstances due to the weird situations that transpire around her boss Luke.
8 177 - In Serial8 Chapters
The Late Night Walks By The Lake (Jason Voorhees X Reader) Short Story
You go to a party that your best friend set up. He lives in a summer home that you find that was built on a camp site. You were going to have a great time. OR where you?You soon find out that something happened when the camp was opened and running. A child drowned and a legend was created. You thought it was fun and games until something sinister happened.
8 215 - In Serial33 Chapters
Someone Under Stress Meets Someone Looking Pretty (Lin-Manuel Miranda X Reader)
*Inspired by "Empty Libraries" from tumblr user manuelmirandamn*And as both the writer and the reader of this story, I invite you to write yourself along side with me, into a narrative of what might have happened if, instead of a Latino-hip-hop fusion experience, Lin-Manuel Miranda found his passion for playwriting through You.
8 147 - In Serial16 Chapters
Everybody's a Killer if You Push 'Em Far Enough • Ivy Wheeler
Ivy Wheeler has lived in the town Hackensack her whole life with her twin brother Jake Wheeler and her father, Luke. When their mother was killed in a car accident, the two fucked up teens have been trying to find their place in the world with an abusive father and a pile of ass hole kids at school. Oh, and a possessed psychopathic doll..(I do not own the Chucky franchise, this is simply a story adding onto the plot of the Chucky TV series)[ #1 in lexicross - 1/16/22 ][ #1 in jakewheeler - 2/20/22 ][ #1 in chuckytvseries - 2/27/22 ][ #1 in lexycross - 3/4/22 ][ #1 in juniorwheeler - 3/16/22 ]
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