《Azran - Magic King of the Darkness(Finished Volume 1/Dropped Volume 2)》Chapter 12 - The Devil's Job is to Screw People Over
Azran the Magic King of Darkness
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Chapter 12
Azran POV
Hmmm. Hmmmmmm. Hmm. Hmmm. I hum quietly as I listen to the ear splitting screams, of this Steven guy. Ah, Music to my ears. I grin as I finish flaying him alive, he told me which God sent him a while ago. Apparently it was some stupid lower God named Marxis, I suppose I'll end up visiting him soon. Now I'm just having fun.
The fight was rather anti-climatic. Since we are kind of literally inside Navaris's original body, nothing happens here without her approval. In this place, Navaris is God, and nothing happens without her approval. Yeah, I wouldn't want to be in Steven's shoes. . . . or what's left of his feet.
Of course I didn't have her just stop his movements. I mean, where's the fun in that. I just had her make it so that all his attacks were changed into mana which were absorbed by my mana pool. And man did he have a ton of mana, I mean he had way more mana than any demi-god should have. I quickly figured out that he didn't have much time to live, probably a half-hour at most, so I should make what little time he had left, nice and painful.
Of course I couldn't resist absorbing all his excess mana, he actually had more than I did when I was full up. Although the trick to power was not how much mana you have but how you use what you have. Of course it helps if you have a large mana pool and are efficient with your use of mana. So since I could do anything, I decided to test out my supernova spell and then absorb the rest of his mana so that I would still have a full mana pool.
And just let me say. . .Wow. I immediately swore never to use that spell again except as a last resort. If Navaris hadn't been controlling everything there, I would have died. The explosion was so strong it would have wiped out not only an entire planet, but half a f*cking solar system.
It was way overpowered, so overpowered that I would never be able to use it, except as a suicide spell. And I had no plans on dying anytime in the near future. . . Or ever. Even though I can create a new body, that spell would create so much energy that it might rip my soul in half, and even though it would eventually become whole once again, I would probably have lost all of my memories.
Since time has no meaning here, I am relying on Navaris to control when we return. If she wasn't I might end up returning 5,000 years in the future, or five seconds after I left.
I am having Navaris repair his body slowly as I continue to break it. It's actually kind of like Markal's tortures in Hell, where no matter what happens your body will almost always regenerate. I pluck out his eyes and tounge then wait for them to regenerate, while I rip out his heart, again. I had been doing this for a while and I was starting to get bored, I needed to find something else to do with him.
Hmm. Since I absorbed all his excess mana, his body has had all of the stress removed from it, and he should go back to having a normal life-span, but obviously I couldn't let him just return to Marxis.
So, maybe I'll be able to use him as a pawn. Of course, he's different from Sirenia, so I won't just warp his mind. Hmm. Maybe I'll just wipe his soul clean, and give him a fresh start. Of course, I won't let him off that easily, after all he did kill my body.
Oh, I know. Yeah, this will be fun.
I concentrated and forced a bunch of mana into his soul before pushing it slowly out and making sure all of his memories were taken with it. Think about filling a bucket full of dead leaves with water, and eventually the water will force all of the dead leaves up and out, leaving only a clean bucket with no leaves.
It was similar to doing something like that. It obviously couldn't just be done in a short amount of time. It probably took me about a solid month of complete concentration, since I had to remove all of his memories, while leaving the knowledge of how to talk and fight. Although since we were in the void, Navaris could make that month turn into a fraction of a second, in the real world. Normally you would just strip everything and send it back out into the universe to be reborn, since it could be done within hours, but I needed him to be able to act.
Whew. . .All right. That took a lot of energy, but I still have plenty. Now, Let's do this.
"Awaken. . .Dufus"
What can I say. I do hold a grudge, even if the recipient doesn't remember what he did.
"Huh...Where am I? Who am I?"
I grinned, this was hilarious.
"You are Dufus. And I am your creator. I forged your soul in the depths of the void, to make you into my familiar."
"Incredible. Are you a God?"
HAHAHAHA! This is hilarious, I can say whatever I want and he will believe me. Dufus. . .snicker. What a great name.
"Not quite human. I am the being that exists out side of space and time. I am your creator, and I have use for you. But I am called Azran, Magic King of Darkness."
"Amazing, you created me to fulfill some incredible purpose, right? Don't worry, I Dufus will do my utmost to accomplish whatever you wish me to do."
HAHAHAHAHA! I, Dufus. This is to good to be true, he sounds like an actor on some comedy tv series.
"Very well, Dufus. Then accept this blood contract and become my familiar."
A familiar contract is different from a slave contract or a normal bloodbinding. A slave contract forces someone to obey every command and can be forced upon someone, while a bloodbinding merely makes the person unable to harm or plot to harm the contract holder. They still have abilty to spend their free time as they wish as long as it does not affect their master. A familiar contract is different as it will force the recipient to obey any command, and they can be summoned at will, but it cannot be forced upon someone, they must accept it by themselves and cannot be forced into it.
Of course I cheated a little by pretending to be his creator but Hey, He did try to kill me. I sliced my palm open and allowed some blood to fall onto a piece of blank paper that Navaris produced. The blood then twisted on the page and moved to form the words of the contract. I held it out to Steven, now Dufus, along with a knife and he quickly slit his palm, letting his blod run onto the paper. Once his blood touched the paper, the paper disappeared in a flash of smoke and fire.
"There the contract is sealed. Now let us return to the mortal realm. I will introduce you to some friends I have there. Your primary job is to protect me, but I have an important job for you that will soon come up. Make sure you do your best to complete it."
"Of course Master. I, Dufus will definitely complete the task that you assign to me."
Oh, this is so good. I swear, I have to see the look on Marxis's face when Dufus attacks him. Oh. I can't wait.
Now then, I wonder how my pet is doing.
Minerva POV
GAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH! Why won't he break! I've put him through enough torture to break, even me. But he is still happy. There must be some reason, some reason that explains his mental fortitude. I have torn his body to shreds numerous times, how can he still resist? There must be some reason...Wait. Could it be?
Yes, That's it. That is the only answer. Cyril is the bigges masochist in the universe. That is the only explanation. He probably rivals the Goddess of Masochism. So that would mean that the more we torture him the more pleasure he feels. In other words, he must feel like he is in heaven right now.
Unacceptable. I will withdrawl all pain from that room and leave him alone floating in the darkness, and feeling nothing for a thousand years. Then we will see, what he is like without his precious pain.
Now to tell my husband, so that he doesn't continue to mope around. I teleport to the bedroom and he is lounging on the bed and looking off into space, trying to create new ways to torture that person.
"Yes, my love?"
"I have figured out why neither of us were able to break him."
"Really. Wait. You weren't able to break him either?"
"Not yet. But I figured out why all of our torture was ineffective. It turns out that Cyril is the masochist of masochists. Any pain we inflict upon him, he feels as pleasure. Therefore, all of our torture was like heaven to him. He probably felt like he was having a bath in one of our relaxing lava springs."
". . . Of course. You are a genius, my love. I would have never figured that out. It all makes sense now. No wonder all of my torture didn't work, it was because he liked torture. So we should withdrawl all torture and he will break."
"Already done. I have sealed the eighth level of Hell and taken all pain away. He is now floating in an enless void with no pain. Now all we have to do is wait for a thousand years, and he will be broken."
"Perfect. Hmmm. It seems that the High Priestess, on the world where Azran is, is making a sacrifice and asking for advise on what to do? Shall I take care of it?"
"Yes, Darling. Do a favor for Azran, that army was incredibly delicious. But don't make it to big. After all he was the reason that Cyril came here in the first place. Although we would have just ignored him, if he hadn't insulted me. So a medium sized favor, I don't like to be in debt to anyone."
"Of course, my love."
Akane POV
Ugh. I shook my head. What had happened? Oh. That's right. I was hung, and died.
I suppose this is heaven, or Hell. Although I doubt Hell would have such nice beds. Huh. Why was I on a bed? I quickly sat up and looked around. It seemed that I was in a rather small bedroom, with a window. I looked out and saw a bunch of Dark Elves walking around, training, and talking.
Hmm. It looks like I am in a Dark Elf Village or Fort. But why?
"Oh. You're awake"
I spun around as a voice sounded behind me. It was a small Dark Elf girl. She was probably about eight years old. There was a tall man standing behind her. He looked like a bodyguard or something.
The girl offered me a cup of tea. I took it and sipped, it was good.
"Thank you. Why am I still alive? I only remember being strangled. And who are you?"
"I am Angeline, and the tall man is Hasan, one of brother's bodyguards. My brother saved you and your people, but was attacked by a champion. He hasn't returned yet."
"Thank you Angeline. But why would your brother save me? He had nothing to gain."
"Oh. Hasan said that my Brother saved you, because you are going to be his new toy or pet."
Oh. That makes sense. Wait. Did she just say toy or pet? LIKE HELL. I am a proud member of my tribe. I will never be a pet.
I jump out of the bed and try to leap past the door, but before I even reach Angeline, I am flung backwards into the wall. I look down. Angeline had merely extended her small hand towards me and I had been flung back with great force. She frowned and looked at her hand.
"It's still not strong enough. I should have used the water droplets to throw your body through the wall, not into it. I suppose I'll have to try harder."
Just as I was wondering, 'Exactly how strong is this girl?'. An icy voice echoed throughout the room.
"Try something like that again, and I will remove your arms and legs, so that you will not be able to escape or harm the princess. I would recommend that you simply stay put and enjoy your wait."
He's scary. Angeline is pretty strong, but this guy is on a whole different level. I don't look forward to being a pet, but that might be better than having my arms and legs removed.
He did save my people, but I'm not that thankful. Maybe I should kill him when he comes here, then I will accept my death. Yes, I will do that. I will regain my honor, by killing my captor before being killed.
I should be able to do it easily, because all kings are weak. It's only their bodyguards you have to worry about. I will make it quick and relatively painless though, after all he did save me from hanging.
I'm sorry but I am going to have to kill you, Mr. King. Now all I have to do is wait.
Demon King Lana Bloodray POV
I laughed as I ripped out the fourth human's heart. Blood splattered all over me, before I incinerated the body, leaving only four beating hearts on the altar.
I raised my hands and began the ceremonial chants, leading the thousands of gathered demons in the chants, in the hope that the great Markal, would deign to send us his word upon the empty tablet of stone.
However; for the first time in thousands of years, The Great Demon God's voice boomed throughout the plaza.
I immediately dropped on my face, prostrating myself, along with all the other demons. It was incredible, the Demon God almost never spoke. He would always send his words to the empty tablet, this must be an important time.
"I wished to know whether or not Azran is your champion. My spymaster said that he was on loan to you from the Coffee God."
There was silence for a few moments before Markal's voice boomed out once more.
"Azran is not my champion, but he holds my favor. When he travels to the Demon Kingdom, you will marry him and seal an alliance between your people and his. He will drive the humans away, and my kingdom will once more cover the world."
I almost cursed, when The Great Demon God told me to marry this Azran person. But there was nothing I could do about it, all of the other demons had heard, and it was an order from my God, so there was no way I would be able to disobey.
"Of course, my God. Thank you for gracing us with your presence."
Go f*ck yourself. Is what I was thinking. But there was no way I was going to tell that to a God. I slowly got up once I felt his presence leave.
Well, this was a clusterf*ck of a day. First everything was great, as I was visited by my God. Then everything goes to Hell, when my God tells me to marry some jack*ss.
Well, Just because I have to marry him, doesn't mean I can't make his life a living hell.
Just wait you little Sh*t.
Markal POV
I almost laughed when I heard their pathetic ideas. Azran was on loan from the Coffee God. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Coffee God. That was hilarious, where did they even get the idea that there was a Coffee God? They don't even know what coffee is. But this did give me a chance to both do Azran a favor, and do him a concealed bad turn, because he left me with that horrid Cyril.
So I decreed that the High Priestess, I think she was called Lama, or was it Lana? Oh, Well. With this Azran would get an alliance with the Demons, and I would royally screw him over, by sticking him with a pissed off wife.
I laughed when I heard her thoughts, the 'Go f*ck yourself' was particularly amusing.
Yeah, Azran was screwed. I was going to enjoy watching this. BWAHAHAHA. I am the Devil after all, it's my job to screw people over.
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