《Forging his own destiny》chapter 022


~ Master… you are not ready to face him… You are still naive… Let it go… Just relax, I will show you how a beast should Wight… - Greed said in low growling-like voice.

~Sure, I will give you control over my body, what can possibly go wrong? You are but some murderous instinct generated from beast I killed…

~ This is what I meant telling that you are naïve… I am not a beast… YOU are one! As you feed, you don’t get parts of personality of monster… those are boosting only those you already have… We are you. Greed. Lust. Hunger. Pride. Gluttony… Desire. Do you hate us? Are you disgust by us? Then… you hate yourself. But it’s not important. If you will last in this stupidity, you will die. Here. Now.

Warg growled and start moving in circle. I was all tensed . Barely could move.

~ See? We were created for moments like that. Pride wish for battle, I desire hunt… and you barely wish to survive… this is why you want to run. But here is an opponent which if you show back, you will be dead. Release your Hunger… unleash beast… Uncage us!

I didn’t like it. Not at all. I promised myself, that those two will never tell me what to do, that I will be the one in charge… not like I have too many options now.

~ Pride… you will have your duel… you will be in charge of defense… is it ok with you?

~ Don’t be so worried about me, dear wolf, I will do what is needed

~ As you wish, lamb, as you wish…

My body was shifted in the I never used before… my human part was completely omitted.

How big a warg is? Four horses that would be standing near each other. Looking at that big monster that has legs like columns in ancient building… completely covered in muscles. And it’s movements… so patient. So slow, but even of its huge body, you just simply knew he is extremely agile. I was to afraid to blink my eyes.

On the other hand, I was smaller, barely bigger than normal wolf. What a creature I am now? I wanted to “look” into its structure… but I was forced out

~ Haha, no master… knowledge given, not reached, is useless. You will have to find by your own all patterns of creation. All variants. Combining same two creatures in different ways can give two completely different results… or even more. Here is but a clue. You are holding your human shape too much. Human is great… when you have a weapon. But here, on this enemy no bow, nor dagger will have any use. Humanity will only slow you down… Now, look how beast fights… Are you ready? Pride?

~ Surely more then you will even be… Greed…

~Here our hunt starts…

~ We will clash

~ We will tear and rip

~ And we will feast… - … Why did I said that? It was more like natural reaction for me…

Now my body was moving on all four limbs… it felt so natural to me… I was still afraid, still wanted to think as much as possible about different ways of fighting. But I was forced back. I was but an observer… wait…

~Greed… You will move my body as Pride will be in charge for defense reaction?

~that’s right… You don’t like it?

~ then… You have no one to use magic? – I tried to order to move wisps that I summoned before. They reacted on my thought…


~That… will be helpful… - I almost saw Greed face grinning in pleased manner.

We were waiting for something… no, I have no idea for what. I just knew, that the one who would may a first move will be, depending on time, in good or bad position… Step by step… how did our legs didn’t tangle as we moved? No idea... tsh, my bad habit, every time I am stressed I am looking for something to distract myself. It can be deadly, I have to get rid of it.

We jumped. As we, as Warg. In exactly same time. We were moving low, near the ground, while warg was jumping in powerful, high leaps. Aw we were near, about 4 meters from each other , Warg jumped extremely high in order to land on our back. Greed slide under him and raised his head to hit his belly. In the very same time I ordered one of the wisps to hit it face. Ravens are useless now. He is too fast, and could kill them with one bite. On the other hand, wisps were inedible… and as I raised my fire magic they were also clinging to the skin like a napalm… very weak, easily putted down napalm… okay, they have still long way to go, to be called a napalm… but it was enough for now. He was temporarily blinded, and saw nothing as he was in midair.

My new body had horns, but because my skull was deformed in way I couldn’t recognize, they were embedded more steadily. As they were pushed into belly of warg, some painful whine could be heard. The body of monster was thrown behind us and landed on the ground with powerful thud.

It was not enough. Definitely not. We get some notification, but once again, those two didn’t let me to see it.

~don’t get distracted. Fighting knowing life power of your enemy, is a great convenience, but only if you are skilled enough to use it. Now it will only distract you, and give you false feeling of having a control over a fight. We are far from controlling this combat.

As if to confirm Pride’s words, Warg stood up. Angry. It hit its face with paw to completely put out rest of embers of fur on its head. Now as it has partly bald head it looked both uglier and deadlier.

~how strong our bone structure is now? I am not sure if I should use Shock Wave…

~only if we will be forced back. No matter if we will or will not receive damage from it. It’s powerful skill that shouldn’t be shown from the start. Even is chess, the pawns go first…

I felt like I am on some survival trip with experienced teachers. Even as they made situation to look dangerous, you just couldn’t feel unsafe near them.

In next moment, my opponent rushed once again, but this time in zigzag pattern. It was fast. Way faster then as he was charging forward. I could barely read it’s trajectory, even as my head was moving exactly after him. As we were about to strike each other we both took a bi-pedal stance, like a bears and forced ours body mass on each other. Oh yes. He was heavier, but somehow my rear legs were empowered… was they made more powerful by weakening frontal? Than how are we going to attack?!

~I would really like to use shock wave..

~not yet!!!

Great. I will just sit here and wait for us to be shred apart.. but there is something wrong. He is way bigger than us… Greed force our frontal limbs under his armpits in strange manner, restricting him from reaching us with his own limbs, and as he was taller by more than head-high, he burrowed his teeth in its neck, and as he hold it grip he started moving our head violently on the sides. It was really nice play. But aw we have no strong grip power to keep him in this position. The warg moved back and separated himself from us. Then he swiped his paw. We were hit on the side. As our skin was tore by its claw we were sent flying in same time. Somehow moving in air Greed managed to land on all four limbs… we were now with our backs faced to warg. And I heard it leaping again at us.


~Wait Pride… wait.

~ I know my job!!!

~Master… As Pride will move you will execute shock wave on rear limbs…

And then, as if I could I would piss myself, and Boss was extremely near, the whole weigh of our body were transferred at out frontal limbs, in this moment I started transferring as much mana as I could to rear legs. In next moment Pride raised our rear legs and executed powerful donkey-like kick. As one of hoofs… yes, I just noticed frontal had claws, rear had hoofs… landed on its head, with power boosted by Mana Shock Wave, I could hear his skull cracking. Yet, the power of skill break my limbs… not rear! Frontal! They were weaker and they hold whole impact for striking over 1 tone heave monster.

In the end my face was burrowed in dirt as we couldn’t support our posture. Crap! It’s painful! Those limbs were fragile! I have no idea what kind of grotesque creature I was now! Our body was just forced by greed to role on the side to look at the Warg.

~ A draw huh? Tsh, next one who will rise will win the whole battle. We had not enough of deer DNA to empower our frontal limbs…

~Not necessary, we still have Kaito, who can finish him up!

~Boy… warg can still bite even with his head cut off… even as he lies here with skull cracked, he still can kill this small dog while missing all its limbs…

~ Greed…

~now it all will be a battle of fight spirits!


~the one who is a better hunter will raise!





~I still have more than half of my mana left… can’t we just… cook him? I mean… I have this fire wall spell… it’s pretty useless on fast enemy spell… but if he can’t move…




~ so?

~just do it boy…

~haha! Greed forget that he is a monster in body of magician! He completely focused on animal-like battle!


The body of Warg was covered in flames. It took me a minute of repeated casting to finally catch him for good. Soon whining, groaning and growling like sounds could be heard in the cave.

You have slain [Vairo - the Chaos Warg level 25]You have obtained 270 exp - 7 exp - 270 dungeon boost expFor defeating A dungeon floor Boss, You have unlocked a Teleportation spot.Teleportation spot will allow you to leave a dungeon, and re-enter it from 12th floor

You skill [Appraisal] has leveled up. [Appraisal] is now level 4New information about appraised target are available

You skill [Predatory] has leveled up. [Predatory] is now level 4All your senses will be improved

Critical rate improved

Critical Damage improved

Stealth skills improved [skill locked - lack of required class]

Assassination attempts will be improved

Learning in uninhabited places will be improved

You skill [Fire magic] has leveled up. [Fire magic] is now level 5Damage of fire base spells will be improved

Cost of Fire based spells with be reduced

Control over Fire element will be improved

New manifestation unlocked: [Explosive bolt]

You skill [Mana Shock Wave] has leveled up. [Mana Shock Wave] is now level 4Damage dealt will be improved

Damage taken will be reduced

Max. Mana used by this kill will be improved

Distance of this skill effect will be improved

You skill [Hand to Hand Combat - beginner ] has leveled up. [Hand to Hand - Combat beginner] is now level 3

- Haha… - the control over my body was given back… - We are alive… - they didn’t say word again in that day… like they powers were completely drenched. My body also turned back to human form… with broken arms… really? I have no more potions… but I have about one more day of exp boost… as I can see by my skill leveling up in sick speed, the boost also apply to skill exp. So… what more do we have to do? As I secured the warg core, I sat and began to meditate while healing my arms. Somehow I can focus on part I can heal… it will still teak me some time to heal it up completely… and then… I will have business with some two raves…

You skill [Nature Healing Magic] has leveled up. [Nature Healing Magic] is now level 4You skill [Nature Healing Magic] has leveled up. [Nature Healing Magic] is now level 5The effects of your Nature healing spells will improve

The cost of your Nature healing spells with be reduced

You have new manifestation: [Enchanted Vigor]

[Enchanted Vigor] has been locked till you would improve [Hex bag Creation] to level 10

Oho, looks like I can’t use some spells if I haven’t got sufficient knowledge… it was said that hex bag creations are both curses and blessings… maybe it’s the lowest form? Will it separate to both, curses skill and blessings skills as it level up? Ah, screw this… I have my both arms somehow useful… and few hours to exp boost to perish… and two ravens as “volunteers” to “help” me “improve” my healing magic… what a bad luck, that in order to raise its level someone has to… GET HURT!

- So boyz… we are done with this dungeon for now… but I have to show you my GRATITUDE for SHOWING me this wonderful Dungeon… and helping me to get inside and deeper 3 times from 4 METERS HIGH LEDGE!!!

So, yes in the end I ended pulling off their feathers, than healing them back… it was weird looking like they grown back, and then pull the back again… and well, I was not pulling them back by one… rather as many I could grab in one time… Sebastian was somehow enduring it well… can’t say same thing about Walter. How long was I doing it? Till exp boost perished of course! So about 4 hours? But, in the end I leveled up my Nature healing! And Vitality enchant that is still can’t use. Bad luck.

As we were finished, I gave some…. Polite recommendation… to say what they want from me in future in more… civilized way… if they don’t want to have their legs pulled off next time…

The teleportation spot was some glyphs that appeared in the center of cave. As I step inside in next moment I was transferred to the entrance… I am completely exhausted. I want to wash… then eat something… and then go to sleep…. While cuddling… will Kaito be enough to be used as my pillow? Actually there is some in the forest, that would be better for this role…

Pov change

It was seven days since Zari disappearance and Aira was worried. She simply know every existence in the forest, but then Zari simply vanished from her radar.

First two days she was crying that somehow he died, but then she was told by other gods, that he is still alive, and he is located somewhere in the forest…

Then she was curious, she thought, that he is playing hide and seek with her…

After two more days she was angry, for she didn’t find it funny.

And after two more days she became furious, for she reached a conclusion that he is hiding from her cuz he don’t like her… after all she did for him…

You know how it looks like when deity gets furious? The whole forest went mad. Trees were shaking like during gale, all animals became acting like sick from frenzy savage beast, attacking anyone and anything, even each other.

And then after seven days he appeared. Aira completely restricted herself from moving right now… in semi mad-calm state she watched what he would do. He didn’t went straight to her. First he went into some lake, washed himself… it took him even longer then that… is he relaxing?! She is going mad here and he is swimming in a lake for fun? She took her time for first 4 days as he was missing – she build a house in tree for him, for she thought she would be praised. In next 3 days she was fighting with idea to destroy it, and half of the forest in progress…

But then he moved. Now in almost straight line in her direction… She waited with angry expression and hands crossed on her chest, puffing her checks reddened from anger.

And he step to the clearing… as she wanted to yell at him she noticed all those marks- awkwardly healed bite and scratch marks all over his body, leaving small scars.. those would vanish over time, but for not they were proofs of battling day and night. Shadow marks under his eyes… he was sleeping about 2-4 hours a day? He also lost a bit of his fat structure… even as he never had much of it… instead of yelling she asked:

- Where have you been?

- In dungeon. Those two assholes literally dropped me in, and I couldn’t get out same way, so I needed to clear 12 floors and kill boss to get out… Nice house… you made it? – house was nothing to laugh at. The tree itself was pretty powerful in structure. Huge, if you wanted to call it by one word. Way bigger than before Zari has left. And now all around it branches a really big house was made.12 or so rooms, everyone with windows covered in shutters. She was extremely proud of it… wait, it’s nothing she should pay attention now…

In. A. Dungeon. There are not many of them in the forest, and everyone is extremely difficult… well, at least for mortals. And this boy survived a whole week there? And she was mad at him as he was desperately fighting for his life! Now, she felt like an idiot.

- S..s..s..s..s. so, y. y..y.. you don’t h.. h.. hate me?

- Why should I hate you? – Zari simply couldn’t understand in which direction she is thinking at all. He never knew what is inside of this little green head ended in both sides by sharp, elven like ears. Now she was standing there, with head kept low, getting more and more red, now from embarrassment.

- Actually… I had no good sleep in past week, so would you mind if I already go straight to bed?

She minded. She missed him and wanted to talk. A lot. But she has to be responsible as deity! With all her might left she simply allowed him to go.

- Good, then you are coming too. - … what? She simply didn’t understood meaning behind this sentence and was looking with questioning gaze at him. Now he looked a bit abashed – well… you see… in this dungeon I was nervous for this whole time… and I think I would sleep better… with someone else… - if she was red before than now she was all up in colors of ripe tomato.

Zari was sleeping peacefully for the first time in a week while embracing Aira in big seized bed. Well, Aira, as deity, didn’t need to sleep at all, but as she excuse herself in her own eyes, that Zari is safe now, and can’t be safer anywhere else more than in deity embrace she allowed herself to fall asleep too.

So here those two were laying, with blissful expression of their faces.

Okay, here is a chapter. Once again I have barely any time to read it once, so some mistakes can be spotted…

well, in comets there were few ideas, about the nearest future of the story, about angel, Richard, and all those witch hunter entering forest. I didn’t answer them not because they are bad in any way nor wrong. I simply didn’t do it, for I had no idea how to do so with not giving spoilers right away. But I like yours ways of thinking guyz. At least you show you are really into story. (^_^)/ <-- here you have a hug from me

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