《Forging his own destiny》chapter 021


In the capital city of so called Holy Kingdom the most wonderful building was located in the center, at the crossroad of four districts. Those were: District of Nobility, District of Merchants, District of Holy studies, and District of Visitors. They were placed all around this wonderful structure, for they were mean to be equal. Well… in the end those districts were a bit different from each other. The Nobility was actually area enclosed for everyone who were not part of so called high-blood-line. The city guards were patrolling this district precisely, and everyone who would be found inside of it was punished severely. The District of Holy studies, could be also viewed as one big campus. Everyone found worthy (so nobility and children of reach-men) could sign here to receive education. You could follow a path of a Knight, a path of a Priest… or witch hunter… but actually the last one was both not so easy to study, and students were picked after very strict selection.

It was not rare, for those people to be chosen by Grand Inquisitor… or even Prophetess herself. Just to say about last two districts: the Merchant District was a place that everyone else who was a inhabitant of city, without a noble title and not studying any of High-Arts, was living in. What was the most famous place inside it? That would be a slums, were the so called Underground was placed. It was a place where you rather not to lost yourself.

And the Visitors District… well, if a pilgrim would came here in order to see a Prophetess, this would be a place where he would rest. It was mostly inns and bars all over the streets.

But the location of those in not important now. The interesting meeting took a place in this one, big building in the middle of city. What this building is? It was a citadel, basilica and accommodation rooms for most skilled and… “honored”… members of Holy studies users. Those were Paladins, Bishops… and the office of witch hunters under Grand Inquisitor supervision. Of course by The Office I mean also whole dungeon underground, were… “guilty” could… “confess” their crimes… willingly or not. Ohh, one more time, sorry, looks like I am getting distracted about small things, for it is also not place, that we want to talk about… yet.

In the highest room of this citadel, the private rooms of her majesty: The Grand Prophetess, Seeker of Knowledge, Vicar of Light, Spokesman of True Words, Redeemer of Lost… (put 42 more titles here)… Ruler of Holy Kingdom – Alicia, were located. And yes, this is a place we want to… “investigate”.

Why? Maybe because she is powerful person ruling a Great Kingdom by herself… with just a tiny bit “help” of council of bishops and Grand Inquisitor? Or maybe because she is about to start a war with her neighbor? Or maybe because she is being visited by High-Angel? Yup, that would be the last one.

- What is your wish, oh servant of light? Is the only true goddess satisfied of my service? – Alicia humbly asked bowing her head to celestial being.

- My child, you always was making her proud of you… but now it is not her wish for me to be here… I have but a egoistic request to you by myself… will you listen to me child? – the voice of angel was filled with sorrow and fake kindness. She knows that this puppet will do everything she would say, but playing a guide for her and this small pathetic Kingdom makes everything easier. In the end they are forbidden to act directly without command… or without being summoned.


- Of course! Everything you ask will always serve the good of believers of light! – oh, you poor, poor idiot… you have no idea what you are about to start

- A creature was recently born… by the filthy experiments of mages on body of creature sent by gods… and this creature became an abomination, completely devoted to violence and darkness… the gods… with our beloved Luxia decided, to just simply watch it grow… and they do not react at all! It’s killing everything it see! The more it eats the more powerful it gets! Now it is still weak, but soon it can be a threat for everyone… I came here alone, without My Master permission, for I can see, that it will bring despair to this world… please my child… be in hurry and be wary! It has a body of human, yet it is not a one. It can change its form on spot, and use a magic… nature, dark and fire at the moment… but the progress that normal mage achieve by 5 years of training, he can achieve in a month… I…I have to leave now… please, child act now!

- Wait! My lady wait! What am I looking for?

- A white haired child, eyes blue and green, marks of spider, wolf and eagle on arm and dragon on heart. It’s a Chimera… the king of all beasts. Look for him in Forest of Dread…

Angel vanished in blue smoke leaving a Prophetess speechless.

~ Forgive me, my goddess… but I can’t stand this filthy creature to live on… He is surrounded by darkness… Even a devil as it’s servant… it has to end. I don’t care if I will be punish… in the end… I do it because I love you…

In the very same day, the hundreds of witch hunters, some even leaded by inquisitors were sent to the forest. Many were trembling on the very sound of its name, but no one dare to oppose a wish of Prophetess herself… they were told it by her face to face! Such a distinction!

Pov change

Ruby finished another simple task she was given. She was not in hurry to rise her rank, now she just want to get some information. What monsters are living here? Who is a bigfish in the country? In the end she will just stay here for a week, get experience and move on to the capital. Hanna is there. She didn’t want to stay, for she has some friend there, in main department of Magic Academy… his name was…? Professor Kleir? Ah, it is not important. She took a plate with her dinner and headed to inn’s part of adventure guild to sit and eat at peace.

And she groaned. The only place left was opposite Richard, that was looking at her with “I am innocence” gaze. “Tsh, I will eat in my room” was what she thought. As she was passing by him he yelled:

- Please! Stop! Honestly, am I so bad, that you don’t even want to talk a little?

- Actually… yes. I simply don’t like your type. You are importunate, and can’t understand that “no” means “no”, or from time to time even “fuck off”! Look, I had a really bad week, so… just step aside.

- And because You had a bad week, you have to treat everyone else like shit?! – well, he has a point… - I know how it is to have a bad time, and I also know, that if you would shut yourself, it will only get worse and worse. So no, I will not let go. I will do all my best to improve your mood, or else you may find yourself doing something you will regret.


He REALLY has a point… She was all grumpy for past 5 days, barely talking. Just raise from bed, do some basic task, and get drunk. Oh she wasn’t drinking because she was addicted. She was drinking to force herself to sleep for some time. Maybe… maybe he is not as bad as she thought? She put a plate on table. As she did, Richard put a warm smile on his face.

Two ravens were looking at this scene from a tree. Ruby was unlucky enough to sit near window. As those two looked upon each other, one flapped its wing and flew away.

Pov change

Fuck. FUCK!!! No, honestly! If I could find any words to describe my situation I was in, the: “fucking fucked fuck” would be most suitable. I was on 10th floor now. And everywhere I looked there was a wolf! As exping became easier, I thought that it would be good idea, to simply run through the floor. BUT! As I run past one wolf, I noticed that he would chase me no matter how long I would be running. Then I passed another one…. And one more… so I was being chased by three of them… but it was at the beginning… the more I run, the more wolf keep chasing me.

… you want to know how many of them wolves chase me now? Wait a sec… lemme take a look back… heh 14? About? So.. now you know why instead of, “hello guyz” I greeted you with “fuck”.

I may be a nice wolfie myself now… but back from where I came from, there was a saying, that to beat a wolf, just have to bring a bigger one, or more of them.

Haha, yes, I know… the situation may be funny from other perspective… probably in 2-3 weeks I will be laughing from this situation…. IF I WILL BE ALIVE IN THOSE 2-3 WEEKS!!!

Honestly? How do I lose those guyz? I turned into another corridor. From here, forward, ught I am getting tired… if a miracle won’t happen I will be in deep shit. Is this…? It is one of those hanging bridge-like passages. Haha! Oh crap! I am lucky! If there is any deity of luck or/and cheats – THANK YOU! I get on the other side and looked into wolves running one after another… can I do it? You will not hate me for this guyz, will you?

- YOU! – I screamed moving my arms on side in blocking path manner – SHALL NOT! – now I raised my right hand above and shut my hand into fist – PASS! – I bring my glowing with mana fist like a hammer on the bridge. Mana Shock Wave brake it apart. In next moment I saw more than dozen of monster falling to the deeps of dungeon.

You have slain [Mad Black Chaos Wolf level 18]You have obtained 41 exp + 7exp + 41 dungeon exp boost

You have slain [Mad Black Chaos Wolf level 16]You have obtained 37 exp + 7exp + 37 dungeon exp boost + combo x2 - 37exp

You have slain [Mad Black Chaos Wolf level 17]You have obtained 38 exp + 7exp + 38 dungeon exp boost + combo x3 - 76 exp

… there was pretty few such notifications, and last one said:

You have slain [Mad Black Chaos Wolf level 14]You have obtained 32 exp + 7exp + 32 dungeon exp boost + combo x13 - 384 exp

… did I… Did I just got over 3.6k exp? I mean…

You have leveled up

You have leveled up

General InformationNameZarielLevel[14/NA] [1126/2250 exp]Age16/NARaceChimera [Divine]ClassBlack DruidJobAlchemistTitleThe one who forge his own fate

Champion slayer

Deadly Arena Champion

The Great Duelist

The Wild Mage

Health265/330Stamina121/240Mana195/480AttributesStrength28 (added 3)Vitality33 (added 3)Endurance24 (added 2)Constitution29 (added 2)Dexterity49+4 (added 5)Reflex31+3 (added 1)Intelligence48 (added 4)Wisdom38 (added 4)Spiritualism33 (added 4)Hidden AttributesLuck12 + 10 (added 2)Charisma4 + 20Charm10Unallocated points28

Oooh, pure sweetness… but… I will not be able to take their cores with me… for now I was taking every one I found with me (as eating wolf-kin no longer gives me their traits, for my core is to weak) and I do not want to meditate here. Last time as I was growing those 5 cores I was attacked… twice. If not my beloved Kaito it could end bad for me… oh, you just noticed, that there is no Kaito here? Well… as we start running and I told him to ignore wolfs… well there was such a small situation… GUH! Fuck! He throw himself of wolves in order to buy me some time ok!? And then I got notification, that as he was forcefully kicked out this realm I have to wait 6 hours to re-summon him. Yes, I know. I have fucked up. Okay, okay mom! I will improve so stop nagging! For now let’s just laugh over those dead dumb wolves bodies…

As I step near the edge of deep abyss were those asshole fall, to literally mock over their stupidity, I was pushed there… Yes. Sebastian again. I. Will. Tear. Every. Single. Feather. He. Has.

I stopped 4 meters lower on the other bridge…

You have entered 11th floor of [Wolf Kind] dungeon

I raised groaning and in next moment ignored notification about losing 10 hp.

- Sebastian, I swear… I will – damn! I dodged, for he wanted to push me off one more time!- ARE YOU NUTS! WHY ARE YOU EVEN TRYING TO… - I forgot about one important fact as I focused completely on Sebastian. To be accurate I forgot I have one more raven… in results I was falling one more time, and one more time I was stopped by another bridge. 10 hp were lost one more time.

- W..what did I do to you? I thought we were friends!

You have entered 12th floor of [Wolf Kind] dungeonWarring!!!

Prepare for Boss encounter!!!

- You pushed me all way here just to face a boss?! You really want to kill me! you assholes! I really do consider un-summoning you! – Walter started flapping wings in nervous matters, but Sebastian only throw me gaze of some old teacher who is giving his student difficult task in order to improve him… NOPE! I STILL HATE YOU NO MATTER WHY YOU DID THIS! If you wanted me to go faster on those levels, you could simply said it… you can’t talk? Then show it! Whatever! DO NOT TALK BACK!

But, boss… huh? As I remember that Behemoth was Boss type monster… and Elite Old boss.. or something? I took a look on the sides. On the left a bridge was going all long route to stairs leading on higher floor. On the right the very same bridge was leading to pretty big doors… a Boss Room?

Cliché Allert!!! The level of cliché here is over 9000, sir!!!

O…over 9000!? It is impossible!

This is what measurement devices shows, sir!

We will have to be strong, private! Stand tall in the name of motherland!


… but honestly… I am running out of potions… one hp and one mp left… well there probably won’t be a better time for them. As I drank them I sat in meditation position. Sebastian throw an impatient gaze.

- No need to hurry. I am pretty hurt, tired and my mana is on so-so level. I want to fight with Kaito’s help too. So yes, I will sit here for next… - I took a look on count-down near Kaito’s name in Summoning menu – 5hours 31 minutes. Enjoy yourself till then… asshole

After the time passed Kaito was once more greeting me happily by licking my hand… cute monster. I have to get soon new type of summon monster, for I don’t want Kaito to die over and over again… can we evolve some ravens to meat-shield class? I know two, that would fit perfect to this role…

So, here we are about to face a Boss on Dungeon Floor. Breath in…out…in…out… AH FUCK THIS SHIT! If he would be a pain in the ass I would simply sacrifice few of my bones and nuke a shit out of him with shock wave!!!... or not… as I can see, it is extremely close range skill. It affect only 2-3 meters in cone radius. After it reach certain distance it’s turning into but a breeze. So what if enemy is agile and would dodge? Or a range fighter? There is a very simple answer: “I will be dead”.

- Fire orb. Wisp form. – the fire orb shined in the air, and soon was ignited with even stronger, blue flame and started moving like some curious animal all around.

I raised 4 of them… mana fall by 100. I was fighting inside of myself to not create more. They are useful, but I had no idea what boss monster is. In video game they tend to have some kind of special abilities… and resistances as one of them… it was common that if boss is water type monster it will receive lower damage from water source, and completely nullify fire damage. One more time. Breathe in .. out

I pushed doors and walked inside. It was a cave. HAHA cave inside of a cave! Who is a manager here!? Or interior designer!? The center was bright, almost eye hurting, while edges was hidden in shadows. Normally it would make everyone standing inside the bright-zone unable to see anything on its edges. That was also probably an idea behind this whole construction. I saw a movement in the shadows. Lazy one. Like if someone has just step aside from his/hers business and came to eat a lunch in break. “No time to rush things, here we have meal and we will enjoy a moment”.

It stopped. Its head, whatever it looked like was faced in my direction. And I was looking into his… oh, this is what surprised you? You wanted to take me from behind or sides, jumping from shadows? And as you noticed I am looking in your direction you start thinking about new plan?

Irritated growling filled the cave. It stepped into bright zone… GUH! NOT NOW! Pride was screaming! This stupid girl! He just found someone who is her new opponent… she even told me something about honoring him, and I should bow! What the… I focused all my power to silence her up. I can do it… if not I would be banging my hand over the wall right now to “silence voices in my head”

The [Wolf King] dungeon 1st Boss

Vairo - the Chaos Warg level 25Hp: 620/620Agile, powerful, and intelligent monster

It is advised to encounter this monster in party of four

Okay. Oookay. 620 hp? No problem. Fast, strong, smart? We will be okay. Party of 4ppl? Me, Walter, Sebastian and Kaito. It’s four no matter how much I count. We will be all right, We definitely will be alright…

Please tell me that we will be alright…

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