《The Arduous Path》Chapter 21: Reunion
The giant white tent stood upright in all its majesty while people walked in and out of it. Most of those that walked in had a wound of some sort or another, while the ones walking out seemed completely fine. Two guards stood before the entrance to the white Healer’s Guild tent, screening anyone who wanted to enter. Both of the guards wore exquisite black leather armour with a short white cape hanging off their backs.
It was these two guards that stood in Alex and Jane’s path when they finally reached the Guild.
“Halt. State your purpose with the Healer’s Guild.” spoke one of them, raising his hand in a stopping motion.
Hearing the words, Jane simply walked in front of Alex and rolled the black outer robe’s sleeve, revealing her injured hand. That, along with the obvious bandages wrapped around her head seemed to ease the two guards' paranoia.
The two guards looked to each other before turning their gaze towards Alex.
“And you?” the other guard asked.
“Harry and Michelle did mention they would try for the Healer’s Guild, though if they actually made it is another question entirely. Besides, even if they made it, I sincerely doubt these two know them.” Alex thought to himself.
“Visiting an acquaintance,” Alex said.
“Their name?” the same guard asked.
“Alaric. He’s really pale and has small black horns. I’m not clear on his Path-name, but he was wearing pure white leather armour and a short black cape.” Alex replied expectantly.
Hearing Alex’s description, the guard’s face was overtaken by a thoughtful expression. As seconds passed, a frown started descending onto his face, as his memory seemed to give out. At this point, the guard turned towards his colleague for help.
“Did we have someone like that?” the guard asked his friend.
Hearing the question, the other guard started frowning in tandem with the first, forcing his memory to work. A couple of moments later, the frown dissipated in a second as the guard exclaimed.
“He must be Elder Marion’s seventh disciple. Huh, didn’t even know his name was Alaric, but the description fits. The man practically lived in the infirmary for the first two days after the descent. Most of the new arrivals were healed by either him or his assistants.” the guard told his friend.
“So, what’s your business with the seventh young master?” the guards asked Alex, turning their heads towards him.
Hearing the guard’s inquisitive question, Alex was left somewhat dumbfounded. It was the first time that the thought he would need a good reason to enter the Healer’s Guild crossed his mind.
“Damn, I could have just lied that I needed to get my cuts healed. Now that I mentioned Alaric there’s a zero chance they’re going to buy it.” Alex sighed internally, deciding to wing it.
“It’s personal, regarding some mutual acquaintances,” Alex said, already thinking about what he was going to say next.
“Okay, you can pass.” one of the guards said.
“Wait, what?” Alex asked. “That’s it?”
“Yeah.” the other guard answered.
“Why’d you even stop us and ask why we’re here?” Alex asked.
“Standard procedure. Wouldn’t want to get the short end of the stick if someone found out we shirked our duties, right?” one of the guards asked the other.
“Yeah, besides, I doubt the seventh young master needs protection from someone at the Mortal Step, no offence.” the second guard added.
“None taken,” Alex replied, making a concerted effort not to sigh again.
That having been said, the guards stood aside and lifted the tent cloth, allowing Alex and Jane to enter. Once inside, the two were greeted by a world of pure-white wooden floors, walls, and roof while the furniture was a shade of darker white, but white nonetheless. Taking in the sight before him, Alex saw something reminiscing of a reception desk, complete with a receptionist, as he approached it.
“How can I help you?” the receptionist asked.
“I swear, I’m starting to miss the blood and guts outside. All this ‘How can I help you’ is starting to get to me.” thought Alex, recounting how many times he’d heard the word in the last hour.
“I’m Legionnarie Farwalker, and this is Jane. She needs healing,” Alex said, pointing at Jane, “And I’d like to inquire about something.”
“Very well, Legionnaire.” the receptionist said.
It seemed that Alex’s attempt to impress the receptionist didn’t go as well as it did with Volsa. Taking a lazy, droopy-eyed look at him and Jane, the receptionist waved her hand, creating a small white crane. Whispering something into the crane, she once again waved her hand and sent it flying into the inner parts of the Guild. Having done that, she turned her attention back to Alex.
“Now, while we wait for a healer, what was it you wanted to know?” she asked.
“I’d like to know if two of my friends managed to join the Healer’s Guild. The last time we saw each other, they said they’d apply here, and we didn’t have a chance to speak after that.” Alex replied.
“Well, the Healer’s Guild is somewhat capricious when choosing recruits, which means that if they did join, chances are I know them. Who are they?” she asked.
“They’re husband and wife, Harry and Michelle. Harry is about as tall as me, he has brown hair, brown eyes, and slight stubble on his face. Michelle is slightly taller than Jane here and she wears a blonde pixie cut. The two used to be doctors, healers, on our world before this.” Alex said, motioning with his hand around him.
“Oh, yeah, definitely, I remember them. Pleasant enough.” the receptionist said.
“Great, then, could I see them?” Alex said.
As Alex’s question rang out, a smile covered the receptionist’s face as she motioned with her hand towards the side. As she did that, Alex turned his head towards one of the corridors of the Guild Hall as he started hearing footsteps, his heightened hearing sense at work.
“Three sets.” Alex immediately noticed.
As the footsteps got closer and closer, Alex could hear the familiar voices talking to each other from the corridor.
“You’re sure it’s fine not taking them to the healing chambers?” asked one of the voices.
“Michelle.” Alex smiled underneath his mask.
“Well, the communication construct mentioned that the wounds weren’t grave enough to warrant the usage of a chamber.” another voice replied.
“Alaric.” Alex thought to himself as his smile widened.
“Then, the last set of footsteps must be…” Alex thought.
Unable to finish his thought, Alaric, Michelle and Harry stepped out of the corridor into the Guildhall. Taking a look at the three of them, Alex noticed that Harry and Michelle abandoned their previous attire in favour of the white leather armour and short black cape that Alaric sported. After taking a closer look at his friends, they seemed more fit and healthy than they previously did. Whether that was the effect of good night sleep and a new set of clothes or something else, he did not know. His ignorance didn’t stop him from feeling happy for the couple though.
“Greetings, senior sister,” Alaric addressed the receptionist.
“Why am I not surprised you’re the one who showed up? Alaric, how many times did I tell you? If you die from overworking yourself, you won’t be able to save anyone else. You should pace yourself; we’ve only been here for three days.” the receptionist replied.
“Nonsense, healing is our calling, and not answering that call is anathema to the Healer’s Guild.” Alaric added, “Now, who requires healing?”
“This young lady here,” the receptionist pointed to Jane.
“So kind of you to ease my workload, Alaric.” the receptionist added, chiming in again.
“Whatever do you mean, sister Alba?” Alaric asked Alba.
“Why, Legionnaire Farwalker here was searching for Apprentice Harry and Apprentice Michelle, who you’ve taken under your wing. I was about to send another communication construct in search of them, but it seems I won’t have to anymore.” Alba explained.
Once the words were spoken, a small curtain of silence fell over the gathered group as Alaric, Harry, and Michelle all turned their sight towards Alex. Alaric took in the sight before him; Alex’s battle-torn garments, pure-black mask, as well as the vicious pair of clawed gauntlets on his arms coupled with the spectral black snake sleeping coiled around his neck. Alaric’s demeanour changed from casual to a more formal one in a beat as he addressed Alex.
“Greetings, Legionnaire.” Alaric said, slightly lowering his head while cupping his fist in his palm, “I am the Journeyman assigned to guide the two Apprentices. May I inquire the reason you sought them out? I sincerely hope they did nothing to inconvenience you.”
“Pfft. I’m sorry, this got out of hand way too fast.” Alex said, unable to contain a giggle.
With one smooth motion, he reached towards his mask and took it off. Cupping it in his outstretched palm, he handed it to Jane as he addressed her.
“Could you pack it into the duffel bag? Afraid I’m fresh out of pockets.” Alex said, gesturing towards his ragged look.
Jane took the mask in silence, unzipped the bag, and dropped it into the bag. As she did that, Harry and Michelle were unable to contain their surprise.
“Oh my god, is that you, Alex!?” Michelle exclaimed.
“Looking good, friend.” Harry jibed in a friendly manner.
“What the hell happened to you?” Michelle asked.
“It’s a story for another time.” Alex replied, turning to Alaric, “Hello Alaric, I’m afraid I didn’t get the chance to thank you last time.”
“Nonsense, it was a transaction. Though the sentiment is appreciated. So, what brings you here today?” Alaric said.
Alex simply pointed with his head sideways, once again pointing the healer’s attention towards Jane and her wounds. Turning his gaze towards the patient, Alaric’s gaze changed immediately as he started to look Jane over before speaking.
“Of course, sorry, I must have spaced out. Michelle, I’ve already seen what Harry can do, so it’s your turn to practice. Go ahead, don’t hesitate.” Alaric turned to Michelle, encouraging her.
Coping with slight pangs of performance anxiety, Michelle shook her head and composed herself. She approached Jane with apprehension and started to look her over. First, she took off the bandages wrapped around her head, after which Jane took off Alex’s outer robe she was wearing at the moment. Just as Michelle was about to say something, Alaric’s eyes widened in surprise as he approached Jane, standing side by side with Michelle.
“May I?” Alaric asked, pointing towards Jane’s hand.
“You don’t bite, do you?” Jane said, using her snark to hide her anxiety from Alaric’s intense gaze.
“He doesn’t. Don’t worry, he healed my maimed shoulder when I first reached the outpost.” Alex assured Jane.
Taking Jane’s hand into his own, Alaric started slowly and carefully twisting it, looking at the cut stretching across the entirety of Jane’s arm. The more he looked, the more worry crept unto his face. Lifting his head, he looked into Jane’s eyes, saying.
“This is not a wound from an Awakened Beast. This was done by a blade; maybe a…sword?” Alaric speculated, worry seeping from his face into his voice.
“Saber,” Jane said in a sour tone.
“Starry Sky above, is it the Demonic Path? Have they already started their incursion in this world? But, it can’t be. Elder Marion said they never invade before the Divine Breath strips everything the native populations built.” Alaric said, his eyes darting from side to side.
“Not quite,” Alex added.
“What do you mean?” Alaric asked, clearly confused.
“What he means, seventh brother, is that your naivete gets the best of you sometimes.” Alba addressed Alaric.
“You mean to say that…?” Alaric was about to ask.
“What I mean to say is that good and bad, Orthodox and Unorthodox, are simply labels created by us; and labels don’t necessarily reflect reality,” Alba added with the same droopy-eyed face.
“If this is true, then we must report this to the administration, they must be informed,” Alaric said, his righteous nature flaring up.
“There is no need.” Alex chimed in.
“There are rules! Laws! We can’t let this pass!” Alaric raised his voice.
“They won’t be bothering anyone, ever, again,” Alex added, clearly implying something.
“But-!” Alaric was about to embark on another righteous tirade when Alba interrupted him.
“No buts, dear brother. If Legionnaire Farwalker says ‘tis done, then who are we to go and create inconveniences for him.” Alba scolded Alaric.
“Thank you for your understanding.” Alex expressed his gratitude towards Alba.
“I’m sorry, but, can we like, focus on healing me?” Jane said, exasperated.
Jane’s voice caused the mood to do a complete one-eighty, successfully capturing everyone’s attention and changing the topic towards herself. Michelle was the first one to gather her wits as she started to check Jane’s wounds again.
“The wound on the arm seems shallow; most likely made to intimidate rather than deal damage. The head, well, the skull is intact while the scalp is cracked. She might have sustained mild brain damage from the impact though. All in all, I think a simple Flesh Regeneration spell should do the trick.” Michelle concluded her report to Alaric, looking forward to his feedback.
“Nice work. And how much would you charge for this service?” Alaric asked in a mentoring manner.
“Considering you charged two hundred contribution points to heal Alex’s maimed shoulder, this should cost around a hundred. The wounds are far more shallow than Alex’s was, and if left alone, these wounds would heal in time, something that couldn’t be said about the shoulder.” Michelle answered, feeling as if she was back in college, taking an exam.
“Full marks, Apprentice. Now, get to work.” Alaric said with a gentle smile.
Hearing Alaric’s go-ahead, Michelle got started. She closed her eyes, cupped her palms towards Jane, and started cycling the Divine Breath within her body towards her hands. A hazy white aura started manifesting around Michelle’s hands when she opened her eyes in a snap and spoke.
“Mend!” Michelle incanted.
As the word rang out, the hazy white aura around Michelle seemed to take a life of its own as it darted through the air towards Jane, and seeped into the cut on her arm and the wound on her head. As the white aura completely immersed itself into the wounds, the gash on her arm started to close at a speed visible to the naked eye, even if slower than when Alaric healed Alex’s shoulder. Once the gash was completely healed, the same thing happened with the wound on Jane’s head, with the added benefit of restoring the small patch of hair that got torn with the wound. Once the healing was done, Michelle seemingly deflated, completely drained from her feat. Seeing the result, Jane was left flabbergasted while Harry put a hand on Michelle’s shoulder and spoke.
“You did great, darling,” Harry said.
“Don’t worry, you just embarked on the path of cultivation yesterday; it’s completely normal to be drained after a spell. You know, our normal recruits take roughly a month before they can heal the smallest of cuts. I guess uplifted world natives are just a different breed.” Alaric said encouragingly.
Done marvelling with her healthy body, Jane took out her Darkstone and paid Michelle for her services when Harry approached closer towards Alex.
“Hey, do you need help with the cuts?” Harry asked, pointing to the myriad small cuts littered across Alex’s torso. “Free of charge, of course. I could use the practice.”
“I…don’t think it’s a good idea,” Alex said, remembering Keeper Sophia’s warning about the Intrinsic Unity.
“Oh, it’s not a big deal, really.” Harry tried convincing Alex to become his guinea pig as well as he could.
“Well, fine, just, be careful.” Alex gave in, remembering his debt to Harry for saving him from under the rubble.
Hearing Alex’s permission, Harry took the same stance as Michelle did earlier. He closed his eyes, cupped his hands in front of Alex, and routed the Divine Breath in his body towards his hands. Once the white aura appeared, Harry made his move.
“Mend!” Harry chanted.
The white aura, suffused by Harry’s intent, took off into Alex in one swift motion. Everything seemed fine up until the moment when the white aura tried breaching Alex’s body, but, the moment the white aura made contact with Alex, the golden Unity previously floating serenely inside him started revolving at a fast speed, creating a golden vortex inside his body. The golden vortex immediately absorbed the white aura and started breaking it down. Once the Unity was done with the small trickle, it seemed to calm down, and return to its serene state, leaving the cuts on Alex’s torso untouched. Seeing this, Harry felt dumbfounded as he turned in confusion towards his mentor.
“I…don’t understand?” Harry said.
Alaric and Michelle both focused their attention on Alex, wondering about what transpired moments earlier, while it was Alba that broke the silence.
“It’s impolite to stare, and even more crass to ask questions about another’s Path.” Alba calmly reminded Alaric with the same droopy-eyed expression on her face, already expecting his reaction.
“You’re right, how unbecoming of me.” Alaric admitted, ”So, I guess you’re not going to visit often then?”
“We’ll see,” Alex said with a pang of remorse in his voice. “ By the way, did Elder Eastfire and Neyesme visit? They said they would the last time we spoke.”
“They did in fact. Sarah and Claire accompanied them. You should have seen those flashy robes they were rocking.” Harry answered.
“Yeah, that was part of the reason we were so surprised to see you. Claire told us about the issue with your recruitment. We were planning to look for you tomorrow and here you show up all like…this; the weird mask, the scary gauntlets, and you definitely were not that shredded. Cute snake though, what is it? ” Michelle added, waving her arm at Alex.
“It’s a she, and, yeah, it’s a long story,” Alex replied. “I guess all’s well that ends well though?”
“I see, well, you’re definitely telling us later. Maybe we can organize a small get together?” Michelle asked, full of hope in her voice. “You know, joining the Guild has been rewarding, but I need some normalcy after all that’s happened, and you, Claire, and Sarah are the only friends we know of in the outpost.”
“I guess we could do that.” replied Alex, “Though I don’t know if I’ll be in the outpost when you’re free.”
“We’ll check up on you, just let us know which faction you joined and we’ll come to find you,” Harry said with a confident smile on his face.
“Yeah, I’ve been meaning to ask, which faction did you join, Legionnaire Farwalker?” Alaric asked with genuine interest. “Already earning a Path-name is no mean feat, even for someone from an uplifted world.”
“The Nightmare Legion,” Alex said, gauging everyone’s reaction to his answer.
Harry and Michelle seemed surprised, while Alaric, weirdly enough, showed signs of confusion. Of those present, only Jane and Alba didn’t show any kind of reaction to Alex’s words. Unable to contain himself, Harry spoke up.
“Sounds…scary, and, kinda edgy to be honest,” said Harry.
“I’m afraid I am not aware of such a faction within the Alliance,” said Alaric chimed in with a deadpan face.
“Not all of the Alliance’s inner workings are revealed to you, Alaric. I’ll tell you later.” Alba said, seemingly in the know about the Legion’s status within the outpost.
“I see. Well then, Alex, Jane, it has been a pleasure but we have duties to return to, don’t we?” Alaric said, looking towards Harry and Michelle.
“Well, we’ll have to talk some other time then. Alba could probably point you to the Legion’s Keep in case you want to find me.” Alex said as he turned to Alba. “Would you?”
“No problem, Legionnaire,” Alba answered, winking at Alex.
Having said their goodbyes, Alex and Jane took their leave from the Healer’s Guild while Alaric, Harry, and Michelle returned to their tasks.
The walk to the Legion’s Keep was quiet, mainly due to the fact that Alex’s mind was reeling with thoughts. Thoughts about his fight, about what happened at the Healer’s Guild when Harry tried healing him, and about what he was supposed to do in preparation for what was to come. Jane noticed the maelstrom of thoughts plaguing Alex at the moment and decided to spare him the snarky comments this time. It was in this fashion that they reached the row of ghostly green torches leading to the Legion’s Keep entrance.
Once inside, Alex guided Jane across the winding corridors of the Inner Keep as he quickly made his way towards his room, used the Darkstone to open the locked door, and entered.
“Woah, this bed is like, what? Triple king-sized? Look at these sheets, is this silk?” Jane basked in the luxury of the furniture.
“Don’t know, and honestly, too tired to care,” Alex said as he approached the cleansing enchantment on the side of the bed and activated it.
Once the same ghostly green light did its usual job, everything in the room was rid of any impurities, including Alex’s and Jane’s clothes. Having done that, Alex jumped onto one side of the bed, tucked himself in, and went to sleep immediately.
“G’night, see you tomorrow,” Alex said drowsily.
“You’re not going to take advantage of me, are you?” Jane asked in mock accusation.
The only thing in reply to Jane’s loaded question was a mild snoring sound coming from Alex.
“Hm, he’s no fun. Oh well.” Jane spoke to herself while looking at the sleeping Alex with a smile on her face.
Shortly after, she tucked herself onto the other side of the bed and swiftly fell asleep as well, glad to be sleeping in a nice bed rather than on hard concrete.
High above, where the glistening Starry Sky formed the canopy of the cosmos, a fierce ray of golden light was travelling at a tremendous speed, homing towards its mysterious target while being fueled by the reality-warping intent of its creator. Ploughing its way across space, the ray finally seemed to close in on its goal; the third planet orbiting a small yellow dwarf star called Sol, a jewel of blue floating in the cold nothingness of space. Feeling that its journey was finally reaching its end, the ray sped up towards its final destination.
Having arrived above Earth’s atmosphere, the ray of light could finally feel its intended recipient, the only one on the floating rock with an aura akin to its creator; infinitely smaller and weaker, but similar nonetheless.
Having found its intended vessel, it started its majestic descent, undetected by even the greatest cultivators currently residing on this newly uplifted world. It made its way straight to one of the Alliance’s obelisks, completely unopposed by the various enchantments, arrays, and restrictions that littered the black metallic monolith.
Once inside, it snaked its way towards the fringes of the pocket dimension towards a small, black tent, and entered it. Being so close to its goal, it once again sped up, phasing through the various defences of the Legion’s Keep. A fraction of a second later, the ray arrived in the presence of its new master, who was soundly asleep. Unable to resist the compulsion inside of itself, it immediately drilled its way inside his body, quietly and innocuously nestling inside the new-born Unity serenely floating inside of its host.
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