《The Great Conqueror》Chapter 13 - His Atrocities
Hey guys.
Surprise buttsex chapter.
By the way, we absolutely encourage you to fight about controversial issues in the comment section. that is where i get most of my material. lol.
Any way enjoy.
Within the Shorn Manor, in the master bedroom, the family head, Aceen Shorn and his wife were currently sleeping in their bed. This was not an odd scene since it is only normal for people to sleep. However, at this instant, a dark robed figure with jade green eyes was staring intently at the sleeping couple.
'I wonder how I should do this. Being too quick won't be any fun.'
Wesley was currently thinking of a way to kill these two. He didn’t want to kill them in their sleep since that would be too easy an escape, but he also didn’t want to spend too much time here since he has already used half of his mana pool warping into the Manor and looking for their room.
'hmm, lets try doing it this way.'
Wesley having made up his mind instantly released his Dark Globe to cover the entire room. The moment the Dark Globe was released, all traces of light disappeared from the room and a chilling cold spread. Dark Globe was not a complicated spell, one only uses their dark mana to stimulate and attract all the darkness elements in the area.
This causes all the other elements to be ejected from the area where the darkness elements converge, especially the two elements of light and fire are immediately ejected since they are not compatible with darkness, while wind,water and earth can be expelled as well, only it will take a tremendous amount of mana to do. Therefore, when Dark Globe is activated, gloomy darkness and chilling coldness engulfs anyone within the range.
The moment Aceen and his wife felt the cold in the room they instantly sat down and looked around. Only they could not see a single thing, in fact they could not even see their own hands when it was in front of their eyes. How could they see anything when all light has been expelled. While the couple where wondering what was going on, a low, cold sound reached their ears:
"If you shout, you will die."
The voice was so filled with cold killing intention, that the moment they heard it, they instantly realized there was no way they would leave this room alive. But at that moment, the wife couldn’t stand the pressure:
By the time the first sound left her lips, a second didn’t follow. A deafening silence descended upon the room. Aceen instantly realized his wife was most likely dead as he felt her body slump lifelessly next to him. His heart felt like it was stabbed by a million needless, but he didn’t want to die so he kept his mouth shut and started calculating. This person could not be an assassin since he would've just killed them in their sleep, which meant that he wanted something. If he wants something, it must be something I have which means I can get out of this alive. Aceen decided to speak, but did so in a low whisper like voice so as not to be confused with a shout:
"What do you want from me. Anything you want I'll give, just spare my life"
'Oh, this one is not too dumb. I wonder how far he's willing to go to life.'
"How much is your life worth?"
Aceen immediately let out a breath of relief. If money is all he wanted then this could be easily solved.
"I will give you one million gold. What do you say?"
There was only silence. Not a single reply came which caused Aceen to become extremely worried. He instantly realized that his offer might have been too small.
"Five million gold?"
Aceen was once again surrounded by silence. He was starting to be anxious. How much could this guy want from him. Perhaps his entire wealth, although he was somewhat unwilling to part with his family's entire wealth, it still was not worth him losing his life over it. Gold could be earned back with time, but a life lost is gone forever.
"Fifteen million gold. That is the entire wealth of my family, I can't give you anymore."
"That is acceptable."This time a reply came.
Aceen instantly felt a tremendous weight of his shoulders. It seems he was going to get out of this alive.
"The gold is in my vault which is in the basement. I'll take you there........"
Before he even finished his sentence, his head left his body with a somewhat relieved look still on his face.
'Thank you for your donation.'
Wesley instantly canceled his Dark Globe and walked towards the wall. He then invoked his Dark Warp and reappeared inside a room ten feet away where a bearded guy was snoring. Wesley didn’t even bother with waking this guy up as he just swung his sword towards his head and chopped his head off.
'There is no easier death than dying asleep. You should be glad i feel too sleepy to play with you'
Wesley then warped out of the room and reappeared in the next room to find a similarly snoring man, only this one seemed a little younger than the first. But without even hesitating Wesley chopped his head off the same way.
'What are the chances.....'
Wesley had a thought that maybe these people were not the actual Shorn Family members so he went around a few more rooms in the Manor. Aside from the servants rooms which were packed full of maids and soldiers sleeping, the only people in the upper level rooms were those four he already killed. This eased his worries and he proceeded to the basement where the vault was.
This basement was just like the Black Manor one, only this one had a metal gate at about the halfway point and was very well lit. The gate was about three feet thick, making it rather hard to break into without a key, fortunately Wesley didn’t need a key.
Wesley's Dark Warp enabled him to not be bothered with barriers and doors. Dark Warp was far more complicated than Dark Globe. It requires almost double the mana consumption and needed a lot of fine control. One would use their mana to form a tunnel of darkness between the shadows in two different points. The more mana spent the longer the tunnel, however, one should still not use their entire mana since that would cause the tunnel to collapse with them inside getting them stuck in a material less void.
Wesley warped to the inside of the vault, and was surprised to find that the room was filled to the brim with neatly stacked. He was impressed at the wealth this Shorn Family managed to accumulate, but he knew that most of this wealth was collected from the blood and sweat of other people.
Wesley immediately stretched his right hand out and a dark Shadow seeped out of his hand like fog covering all the stack of gold.Dark Dimension was a basic storage spell used by most dark mages. Its mechanics were very similar to Dark Warp, only when one puts the materials in the tunnel, they immediately withdraw their mana, collapsing the tunnel and keeping the materials suspended in the void. The things that are suspended in the void can be retrieved, but it requires the original casters mana, making it impossible for dark mages to steal each others treasures.
The stacks of gold that filled the vault immediately disappeared with the shadowy fog. with that done Wesley walked to the furthest room of the vault and warped to the outside of the Manor. Since these basements spanned the whole length of the Manors including the back and front yards, the furthest walls were the outer border of the house.
Wesley found himself in an alley behind the Shorn Manor, then he warped away and reappeared in an alley five hundred away.
'I Should be careful not to be seen by anyone. I would rather avoid people talking about seeing a shadowy figure near the place where a noble family were wiped out.'
Wesley walked from alleyway to alleyway until he found himself outside of the Sixth District and in the Seventh District. He wouldn’t dare warp since his mana pool was nearly empty so he had to stick to walking thought the inconspicuous alleyways.
As Wesley was walking towards the Black Manor through the alleyways, as if making Michael's prophecy come true, three figures blocked Wesley's path with dark hoods and small short swords in their hands.
"Give us everything on you little one, or we'll take it off of your dead body."
'Great. I would rather avoid killing near where I live since it'll leave a trail.'
"I am in a good mood tonight so I will let you live as long as you move out of my way"
Wesley spoke in a cold detached voice that was filled with indifference as if he didn’t even feel threatened by these three armed men in front of him. The three men hearing Wesley's words felt odd, they knew that this kid in front of them couldn’t be older than ten, but to be able to speak with such confidence, he must have something up his sleeve. But the three men were not willing to believe that such a child could do anything to them, so they looked at each other, nodded, then swung at Wesley all at the same time.
'Sigh.....Now it can't be helped.'
Wesley seeing the three short swords swing towards him, didn’t even show a single strand of fear, he only put his hand on his hand, and the moment the swords were half an inch away, he pulled out his swords while dodging forward, and after half a breath, three headless bodies fell to the ground behind Wesley.
To the inexperienced eye, it would look like Wesley just walked between the three men and suddenly his sword appeared in his hand as the three men lost their heads. In reality, however, Wesley swung his sword three times with each swing bypassing each man's sword to his neck. This was Wesley's Silent Counter.
Looking back at the three dead men who lay behind him, Wesley felt a little bitter, he knew that perhaps they resorted to crime out of necessity, but he also knew that there are some people who commit crimes when they had other options, and he wasn't kind enough to ask for their reasons if they swing their blades at him. In the depths of his heart, he knew that they wouldn't hesitate to kill, so why should he.
'Sigh, these idiots' bodies look similar to the ones I left back at the Shorn place. Anyone with half a brain would notice the similarity. Now I have to dirty my hands.'
Wesley started mutilating the three bodies of the robbers. He didn't want the leave similar bodies to the ones back at the Shorn Manor near his actual residence, so he had to resort to making it look like these men were killed by some sort of psychopath with a different method than the guy who killed the Shorn Family.
Wesley resumed his walk towards the Black Manor. Fortunately he didn’t meet anymore robbers on the way and made it back to the Manor without any further complications. The Manor that was bustling with activity a short while ago was now deathly quiet without a single souls in sight.
'it seems everyone is asleep.'
Wesley walked through the front door and headed upstairs to change out of his bloodstained clothes and get some sleep. When Wesley reached upstairs, he was surprised to find Lane sitting in front of his room while asleep.
'This Lane is really diligent. I wonder if he was waiting for some news.'
"Lane. Hey Lane. Wake up."
Wesley called out to Lane while patting his shoulder. Lane groggily opened his eyes and after seeing Wesley, his eyes immediately turned sharp and he stood up with haste.
"Haha, You should go get some sleep Lane. You look tired."
Lane had a hesitant look on his face, and his lips quivered as if he wanted to say something, however, after noticing the blood all over Wesley's cloth, he realized what happened and a faint smile crept on his face and he spoke:
"Yes Master. And thank you."
"Yes, Yes. Now go."
Wesley patted Lane on the shoulder as he walked past him and into his room. He then took off his bloodied cloth and stored them in his Dark Dimension to be disposed of later.
'This has been a fruitful day.'
Wesley decided to get a short sleep, before he goes to the basement to refine, after all he had spent quite a lot of mana.
After a few hours of sleeping, Wesley woke up at around four in the morning. He wore a light green rope since he was starting to run out of his favorite dark clothes. He then immediately warped out of the room and reappeared inside the basement. He immediately released his Dark Globe and started refining.
After five hours of refining, Wesley noticed that the activity outside has increased tremendously with a lot of pounding and shouting.
'It seems that the renovations started again. I should go see how things are.'
Wesley walked towards the basement door. He didn’t want to Warp since that made it possible that someone would see him reemerge, so he didn’t risk it and decided to take the simple exit.
The moment Wesley walked out, he surprised to find that there were even more people running around the Manor than yesterday. There were people painting the walls of the house, others were fixing fixtures and doors around the house, while some where changing broken tiles on the floor and roof. It was truly a hotbed of activity.
Wesley immediately headed to the main hall to look for Lane. Lane was currently guiding two men who were positioning furniture in the hall so that they can place the furniture at the right spots, he was also holding some sheets in his hand and would glance at them ever so often.
'This Lane seems to working hard again.'
"Lane, you should really take a break."
Lane hearing those words jerked his head towards Wesley with a surprised look, then seeing Wesley there, his face lit up and he smiled as he spoke:
"Master. When did you come down. I told Lavar to tell me when you woke up."
"Well don't mind that. Tell me, how are things going with the renovations."
Lane noticed that Wesley evaded answering his question so he didn’t pursue it any further and spoke while looking at the sheets in his hand.
"Well Master, the roof, the inside walls and the inside floors have been already renovated since they had minimal damage. However, the foundation of the outer wall has been neglected for far too long so it'll take a few more days to restore it, and the walls themselves will be reinforced and heightened, which should take a few more days at most."
"I see. How about funds. Do you need more?"
Wesley did just come into a substantial amount of wealth so he wasn't too worried about money.
"No Master. I have barely spent three fourth of the gold you gave me yesterday. The rest should be enough to finish the current projects."
"Good,good. Well it seems you have everything under control. I'll go to the study and read. Come see me if you need anything."
"Yes Master."
Wesley immediately turned around and headed towards the study. As he walked past the workers, a conversation between two maids who were supposed to be mopping the floors caught his attention.
"Did you hear about what happened last night."
"You mean how the Shorn Family were eradicated."
"Yeah. They say their eyes were gouged and their hearts were missing."
"I also heard their flesh was gone and only bones remained. They must've been killed by a devil."
"That must be......."
The maid stopped her talking when she saw Wesley was near them. Rumors have already spread between the workers that the true master of the Manor was not Lane but the mysterious Wesley.
Wesley hearing the maids' conversation was on the verge of laughing out loud.
'Their flesh gone? How the hell do these kinds of rumors spread. Either way, now that news of the Shorn Family's demise has spread, I wonder who will take control of the Seventh District. I really hope that they aren't like the Shorn, but if they are......'
Wesley just walked into the study. After walking in, he was surprised to find Sala sitting in one of the seats attempting to read a book. Only she was holding the book upside down and was just looking blankly at the pages. Wesley seeing this was really amused, and he spoke in a kind voice with a hint of laughter:
"Little Sala. What are you reading."
"Oh, Master Wes. I wanted to read this book but it is too hard."
Wesley was extremely surprised at her Master Wes. He didn’t mind it, in fact he liked it a little. So he spoke with a laughter:
"Haha, Sala. Have you ever been taught how to read?"
"No. Big Brother Lane said he would when I grew older."
'ah, she was too young when their family was killed otherwise her education woul have started right about now.'
"How about this little Sala. I will teach you how to read and write from now on."
"Really Master Wes."
"Yes. But I will be very strict and give you a ton of things to do. Do you still want to learn"
"Yes, definitely."
"Good, let's start then."
Wesley walked around the study to look for a suitable book. Luckily this study had a lot of different books so it wasn’t too hard to find one that could be used to teach reading. It was a small book with less than fifty pages titled [Traditional Fables of The Four Kingdoms].
"Good, this book should be good enough."
Wesley handed the book to Sala and sat next to her as she eyed the words on the page. Wesley then started pointing at words and speaking them out loud for Sala to say after him.
An hour later, Sala was starting to get bored so Wesley decided to stop the lesson. It wouldn’t be good to make her resistant to learning by forcing it on her.
"This is enough for today little Sala. Go out and play. Also remember to come here everyday for you lessons."
"Yes Master Wes. Thank you." She spoke as she ran out of the study.
'haha, she must have been really bored to bolt out of here so fast."
Wesley started looking through the books in the study for something interesting to read for the remainder of the day. He had nothing urgent ot do until tomorrow when he'll have to go to the Academy.
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The First Corridor of Old Works
But what is it, really? Old Works. They say, some do anyway, or would, if they still had tongues - it's a dream. That it's a million year old mystery connecting three planets. Some, yet other, anonymous entities, charge that it's a structure, more accurately, an architecture - a quest, even, made from, and through - corridors. Pretty inarguably, for one thing, it's a maze. Even some pronounce, if you can understand those currently vomiting blood, that it's a corporation, and yet others - the brave ones – and dead - say it's... near death. Or that it is. Death. - Death itself. But that dark thing on the horizon, that thing emerging to replace the only system we... know. - Whatever it is it couldn't be the end, of everything, could it? Eminently possible, but - it couldn't be worse? 3 civilisations/3 planets... and Old Works. 4 heroes: The Cyclops seeing out his Eye the reality of that place - and by means of that vision - greasing the many-toothed gears of that great old churning nightmare. The Writer sweating to keep the story alive that supports the great old lying structure. The Fake King who abides among all those tunnels of dreams and lies and dreams and... slaves. And the Hero Dreamt, all those slaves - to maintain that structure's even functioning, have to - at all... they dream him. They literally dream him. But that thing, from whence, who knows, arriving? What kind of sick demonic mind could even - But it can only be psychosis - Or possession. Reducing all of reality to some kind of – what would you call it? A Game? A video... joke? And that half-Cyclops, that beauty – what does she have growing – beneath her supernatural genitals? A game for him? A game/a dream; a – world? Or just Old Works. And this Wound in reality – that our writer near-died putting inside her. What is it anyway? And what reality does it bring with it. This demon or God. Through the corridors; lattices of smoke and shadows and colours; dungeons; and supernatural organs; the labyrinths made from dreams... and flesh. - What happens when they face that Wound – staring the absolute. right. in. them? - Through - What happens to all us... slaves... then? But at the end of the hallway, you see it there, I say you do, that turning - It's only the First Corridor of Old Works. This finished 104,000 word kind of LITRPGy fantasy novel, the First Corridor of Old Works will be released in daily 2000 word chapters, or equivalent [unfailingly at 20:47 GMT] Immediately followed by the Second Corridor of Old Works [161,000 words, edited, ongoing, as of 24/09/21] At first lite on stats these LITRPGy elements will become increasingly - built meticulously upon what precedes - ubiquitous, as we proceed into a world painstakingly built to support these mechanisms. After - minimum - 6 months, this manic daily release schedule will be somewhat relaxed: 5 days a week. - But don't lie to yourself it's not there. That thing watching at the end of the hallway... and where it leads. It's - Of countless, it could only be - The First Corridor of Old Works.
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Vain Glories
In the 22nd year of the Glorious Era, tensions mount as the first pilots vanish one by one. Dr Gloria Vain seemingly laughs as worlds burn and a young man finds that his gifts place him at the forefront of the coming conflict. Can the drums of war that beat at the heart of progress be stopped? Can love truly bloom on the battlefield? Is pride in one’s legacy enough? Or is this all just Vain Glory? [participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge]
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[participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] Nuri, an [Assistant Glassworker], only has a single Skill. It’s really not fair. He’s worked in the hot shop his entire life, following in his father’s footsteps after his parents passed away, but he’s stuck. Despite possessing above-average talent as an artisan, he still hasn’t shed his [Assistant] status, gained a second Skill, or even leveled enough to reach the first Threshold. Besides, he’s bored; most days he daydreams of adventure and becoming a hero, or pines for the renown that’s sure to be his if he evolves his Class into a [Master Glass Smith], but nothing ever changes—until suddenly, fate strikes, and nothing is ever the same again. These days, Nuri sees more magic, prestige, and adventure than he can handle as he gets swept up in realm-shaking conspiracies and desperate fights for his life. Maybe a boring life wasn’t so bad after all. Disclaimers: 1) Names were mostly chosen through random generators and aren’t necessarily final. If they seem derivative or boring, blame RNG. 2) Skills, Classes, levels, and the entire system is currently a work in progress; please be kind if it’s not very well fleshed out yet. 3) This is the first full-length novel I've set out to write without a single plot point ready. I had nothing in mind other than a recent visit to a hot shop. Molten glass is pretty awesome. 4) Related, I know much less about glass than I’d like. I did some research, but mistakes are bound to happen. If you have a correction, thanks! Please be polite about it. 5) The prose is my experimental attempt at first-person, present tense. I realize it may not be everyone’s preference, but I hope you’ll give it a try anyway!
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Sander sides oneshots
I hope you enjoy. Started- 8-6-20Ended- 6-16-21-sorry it won't be getting updated anymore!!-
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(Hello someone commented asking if I could do a shinsou x todoroki so yea I'm gonna do that)Ships Shinkami (for the start)Bakudeku Kirikami (later in the fanfic)And then this ship shintodo What it's about They are both in ua but never talked to each other they sit beside each other todoroki only really talks to his close friends deku and bakugo but todoroki does have some kind of feeling for shinsou he just doesn't know what kind it is he knows it's not angry, shinsou is dating denki but denki has been cheating on him with kirishima and shinsou doesn't know about it yet shinsou wants to talk to todoroki but he doesn't know how or what to say because todoroki is so quiet and doesn't talk in class only once In a while
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Oh Honk | MCYT preferences
Gender neutral!IncludesDreamGeorgenotfound Sapnap Karl JacobsWilbur SootTommyinnit (platonic/wholesome)Tubbo (platonic/wholesome)QuackityNikiJschlatt Ranboo (platonic/wholesome)PunzTechno
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