《Right Side of Hell》Chapter 26: Problematic Beginning
The next day, the Guild was sitting in their usual place at the Slytherin table. Last night, everyone had fallen asleep a few seconds after lying on their beds; it seemed they had underestimated how exhausted they truly were. Most of them were sore, but the potions they drank early in the morning were ensuring that breathing was no longer painful. Luna was eating like a famished cat while Blaise and Draco tried to match her pace, losing the unilateral battle. Owls flew in, interrupting the background murmur that different conversations caused. Hedwig settled on Harry's shoulder and preened his hair while the boy untied the newspaper and handed her a plate of bacon. A diminutive smile escaped when he saw the headlines.
By Rita Skeeter
Good morning, my fellow magical citizens. I am sorry to greet you with such glum news, but it is my duty to inform you of the truth behind this competition. Rumours of the Triwizard Tournament being reinstated had floated around the Ministry for a few months, yet I refused to believe the authorities would be so negligent. They proved me wrong.
For those who don't know, the Triwizard Tournament was created in the thirteenth century as a way of promoting international cooperation between the top schools at the time: Beauxbatons, Durmstrang and Hogwarts. The Goblet of Fire, an old magical artefact, acts as an impartial judge and chooses one student from each school. It is composed of three tasks that are spread throughout the year: retrieving an object from a creature, rescuing their respective hostages from an inhospitable environment (which normally includes some kind of guards), and a race towards the cup under various conditions. I know that, so far, it sounds interesting enough, but there is a reason why it was ended... The reason it was cancelled is because of the high number of contestants that perished! You read it right; it is because the teenagers that competed died during the tasks. That is without counting the number of viewers that somehow got injured thanks to one of the tasks, or the many judges that have died because the contestants were unable to handle dangerous creatures. This is understandable, considering that most were inexperienced children! I hope that now you are able to understand my horror at the news.
The Minister and the Hogwarts Headmaster, Cornelius Fudge and Albus Dumbledore respectively, have been pushing for this competition to be reinstated. Both men promised that they have taken the necessary security measures, which include: only students who have turned seventeen will be able to enter (the headmaster himself promised to secure the Goblet of Fire so that no one will be able to circumvent its security), all the tasks will be safe, and there will be professionals near in case one of the contestants is endangered. However, these measures do nothing to reassure me when the head of the DMLE, Madam Bones, and the head of the Education Regulation Department, Madam Marchbanks, are actively opposing this competition. I managed to get an interview with both women. However, I was unable to obtain an interview with Minister Fudge and Headmaster Dumbledore. Due to their busy schedules during the months of June, July, and August, they were not available. Therefore, I am unable to portray their point of view on the matter, something I apologize for, my dear witches and wizards.
RS: Good evening. Thank you for your time, especially since you both are busy people. Before we begin, I would like to ask you, Madam Marchbanks, what changes have been implemented in Hogwarts and what other improvements can we expect?
GM: Good evening, Rita. It is good to see you. There is nothing to thank us for - you arranged this interview weeks in advance. Anyway, thanks to the article you published a few months ago, we discovered how deficient our education system is. The first measure was to hire more teachers. Honestly, the professors are overworked almost to the point of exploitation. We have new teachers for each subject for the two lower years, and each of the professors for the older years now has an assistant. We have also added three new subjects that other countries consider core material: martial magic, spell casting, and inscription casting.
RS: These changes sound marvellous! Though I have to ask, what is the difference between spell casting and inscription casting?
GM: Simple, dear: spells were taught in Latin, but that is not the only magical language. We also have Greek, Norse, Mayan, Quechua and many others. The purpose of the class is to teach the students about the diversity that exists and the hundreds of spells that exist which are designed for the same purpose. They will also be able to learn how to use different language-based spells.
Inscription casting is a variation of this subject, but it is tightly knit with Runes. It will teach how to cast spells by using magical writing, symbols or arrays, essential knowledge for any aspiring rune master or curse-breaker. Both of these subjects are related to martial magic or combative magic, which teaches the essentials for any duel. Martial magic is considered so important in other countries that children are taught the basics of it to improve their strategic skills.
RS: Those subjects sound fascinating, though I have a question. Will the children be able to adapt?
GM: At the moment, they are not core subjects, but they will be from next year. This year, the students will be able to see if they wish to sign up for any class and, although the workload will be heavy, there are motivated students that are more than willing to work those extra hours.
RS: That's good to know. Madam Bones, how do you feel about these changes?
AB: Well, what can I tell you? Many things will change and I couldn't be happier. Aurors are required to face a three-year training program before they even join the force because of their lack of combative skills and general knowledge. These classes will cut the amount of time they remain as trainees to a year at most. I am glad that my niece will be able to experience a superior education to the one we received.
RS: I am glad to know that Hogwarts is improving. Now, though, it is time to move onto less pleasing topics. The rumours of the Triwizard Tournament being reinstated have been going on for more than a year but, in June, they were confirmed. I know that both of you oppose the competition despite the security measures; may I enquire the reason?
AB: We both have been working hard to ensure the safety of the students and no reassurance will be enough. The reason I deem the competition dangerous is because it is ill-planned. The tasks that are being proposed are dangerous, despite the extra security measures. The protections will not be able to be installed until March, which means that, during the first two tasks, the spectators will not have that extra shield that ensures their safety. And the reason they will need the protection in the first place is because they are planning the tasks to be interesting, not safe.
However, one of the things I oppose the most is the use of the Goblet of Fire. Even though it is a tradition, most forget to mention that it is lethal. When a student puts their name in, they are entering a magical contract. As we know, magical contracts are dangerous because they are able to strip a person of their magic by damaging the core. The moment the goblet chooses the champions, they are unable to leave the competition under any circumstance. This means that, if they don't compete in one of the tasks for whatever reason, they will lose their magic in the best of the cases.
RS: (My dear readers, I am sure that you feel the same horror I felt with this disturbing revelation) I can't believe they are using such a dangerous object!
AB: I felt the same way, but we were overruled and they will use the artefact.
GM: Amelia and I did our best, but they refused to hear our reasons. This kind of event needs time to be crafted and two months are not enough to have decent plans or organization. Another thing that bothers me is that Fudge and Dumbledore want to exempt the competitors from their exams. A preposterous thing when you consider they need to take their NEWTs and, if they don't take them, they will have to wait a year. No matter how much fame the Tournaments offers, no person or institution is going to hire someone who does not have the qualifications. To work at the Ministry, you need a minimum of four O's, but that is for a low position. Most specialized careers request more than seven, and that's without mentioning that Masters search for apprentices with high grades in their subjects through the NEWTs results.
RS: So, we can conclude that not taking the exams will hamper their careers. I was not expecting that, but it is logical. I am indignant! It's unbelievable that, despite your solid arguments, they still decided to go on with their plans.
AB: We feel the same way. Augusta Longbottom, Sirius Black, and Lucius Malfoy have been overexerting themselves in an attempt to gain more supporting votes in the Wizengamot. Still, it is unfortunate that we have so little support. The most we can do now is to hope for the best, but to be ready if things were to go dire.
RS: It's a shame that the authorities have been so negligent, but I'm glad that people like you continue fighting for our safety. Is there something you wish to tell the people?
GM: Yes, there is. Even though Amelia and I were ignored, you have proven how powerful the people are when they fight back. This has nothing to do with politics or pride; this is about the safety of our children, who may be adults in the eyes of the law, but will always remain children in the heart of every parent.
With this inspiring message, the interview was finished. I hope you are able to understand the reason why I oppose this competition now. My fellow citizens, there is no way to ignore it any more. Cornelius Fudge and Albus Dumbledore are no longer fit to continue holding their positions. We have ignored the many scandals related to Dumbledore's neglect of his students. We have ignored the inactivity and poor decisions of the actual Minister. I am ashamed, because it took a competition that may cost our children their lives, or even their magic, to open my eyes. I will not rest until our beloved offspring are safe once again and I commend you to do the same. Let's never forget that we hold the power to protect the ones we love! May Mother Magic guide our steps through this perilous journey!
Harry finished reading the article with a satisfied twinkle playing across his eyes. The pale faces and indignant expressions of most of the hall after reading the article were enough to know that many of the ones who wanted to enter the competition had decided it was not worth it. At the staff table, anger was almost palpable and the headmaster left the hall in a hurry before McGonagall approached him. Daphne finished reading the article with an uncharacteristic and slightly unnerving giggle. Adrian and Fred, who were sitting beside her, tried to move away in a subtle manner.
"Good morning, students," professor McGonagall spoke. Silence descended on the hall and the woman nodded in approval. "Yesterday night, you all were too tired, so I decided to wait before telling you about all the changes that will take place. I was going to explain what the new subjects consist of, but most of you read an accurate description in the newspaper, so we will be skipping that. As you know, we have more personnel in the school. This includes Mister Günter and Madam Roseburg, who will be working in the library along with Madam Pince. Madam Pomfrey accepted three apprentices to help in the infirmary: Mister Rook, Mister Jones, and Miss Tier. The school has received a generous donation, which will be implemented in many things, according to our benefactor's requests. Filius, if you would," she asked and the man nodded with obvious excitement
"Of course. Mirror Summons donated the money and had simple instructions that should improve Hogwarts!" Flitwick exclaimed with a jovial smile. "First, we improved our library and bought hundreds of new books. However, we also added study areas designated for study groups. Although there are dozens available, you need to reserve a room if you wish to use it. Everyone is allowed, so I am expecting more inter-house cooperation. Professor McGonagall and I decided that, if anyone damages these facilities on purpose, they will be subjected to severe punishments," the man stated. Everyone had seen him angry and Harry doubted there was someone stupid enough to provoke it once again. "Second, a new room has been established. It has been named the 'Hogwarts Hall'. Everyone is allowed in. There are comfortable spaces and different games. However, any kind of fight, bullying, discrimination, or calculated damage to the room will be punished," the man promised.
"We have also changed our punishment and reward method. House points are still important but, for excellent behaviour, we will award different individuals with benefits, such as visits to Hogsmeade once a week and a later curfew. The punishments have also changed: For a first-degree infraction, which consists of missing curfew, arriving late to classes or not doing homework, you will work under the supervision of Madam Pince in the library. For a second-degree infraction, which consists of bullying of any kind, damaging the school facilities, and blatant disrespect towards any authority, you will face punishment with Professor Binns. After he stopped being a teacher, he has dedicated himself to study history and has refused to pass. Therefore, you will write a ten-foot-long essay about the infraction you committed and it will be graded by him. If it is not satisfactory, you will have to do it again, plus taking an exam that Professor Binns will prepare. A third-degree sanction includes premeditated physical damage to any resident of the castle; you will be expelled with no second chances if this happens unless there are extreme extenuating circumstances.
"Five first-degree infractions will earn you a second-degree punishment. Three second-degree punishments will earn you a temporary suspension. If you obtain more than three suspensions, you will be expelled. If any prefect incurs a second-degree infraction, he or she will lose their badge with no second chances and an immediate temporary suspension. If they incur five first-degree infractions, they will also lose their badge but will not face suspension. Prefects are meant to be examples of good conduct, therefore, the rules will be stricter with them," the woman said. She could see many students paling at these announcements. It was good the Slytherins had reformed and they were almost glowing with pride.
"On a brighter note, we have opened a school store. It will sell snacks from Dulcis Magicae and a few desserts from the café Claire de Lune. I hope you will enjoy them. It will be open from nine to eleven in the morning and from three to five in the evening. However, there is a special payment method. For every Exceeds Expectations, you will be able to choose one type of sweet and, for every Outstanding you earn, you will be able to choose one dessert or two types of sweets. I hope this motivates you to improve your grades. Thanks to the donation, we were also able to buy new brooms for the school. Madam Hooch and her two new assistants, Madam Mont and Miss Bristle, have established new rules. If you would," the man said, inviting the professor to talk. Most of the students seemed to almost be vibrating in excitement at the news.
"Good morning, students," Madam Hooch greeted with her usual serious tone. "As you heard, we have new equipment for Quidditch. We have changed a couple of things to fit the requirements that our donor included, but we believe that they are long overdue. More Quidditch teams will be formed; no longer will a house have only one team. The groups will be divided according into the following categories: first and second years, third to fifth years, and the last two years together. The only limit of the number of teams that will be created is the number in the respective age group. We also decided that there will be an extra cup in which teams will be able to participate. The 'Hogwarts Quidditch Cup' was created in an effort to increase inter-house unity. The only teams that will be able to participate are ones which have members from at least three houses. The prizes for this cup will not only include a trophy, but also exclusive tickets to professional Quidditch games, gift cards to different stores in the Alley, and a meal in the restaurant of your choice, where you will be able to take three people with you. I see you are excited by this news and I hope you will train hard to earn the prizes. Also, personal brooms are no longer allowed in the school; we have more than enough equipment and it will be fairer this way. Approach either me or one of my assistants for more information if you are interested in forming a team," she said and sat down.
"We know that you have a lot of free time despite the homework, so we will try to give you more means of entertainment. Therefore, we have created more clubs: Potions Club will be under the guidance of Professor Ramsey, Duelling Club under Professors Flitwick, Kowalski and Munter, Literature under Mister Nix, Gardening under Mister Kenly, and Rune Inscription under Professor Somerhalder. If any of you wish to start a club, approach any professor and, as long as it is feasible, it will be established. I believe that's enough information for now. I hope that you adapt to these new changes because I'm sure that this school will be improving, thanks to them," Professor McGonagall announced and the hall exploded in a roaring applause.
Albus Dumbledore rubbed his temples. How had he not seen this coming? While Fudge assured him that the Prophet would only have positive things to say about the competition, Albus forgot that it was no longer the only newspaper around. The Magic Times Herald was a thorn in his side and, if that was not enough, Rita Skeeter seemed to have a personal vendetta against him and the Minister.
They had unveiled diminutive details he would have preferred to keep hidden. There was no doubt that an emergency session would be called because he was sure that people would rebel against the Tournament. He did not even want to imagine the amount of Howlers he would receive, or the lecture a furious Minerva would give him, or imagine how much his reputation would suffer... Even though it was eight in the morning, he took the ever-present bottle of Firewhisky, which had earned a home in his right drawer four years ago. Before he could take a swig, the fireplace lit and an irate Cornelius Fudge arrived.
"Have you read that news? People are going crazy; they're flooding the Ministry and demanding the tournament be cancelled! What will we do?" the man whimpered, his anger vanishing.
"How bad is the situation?" Albus asked.
"I told you already! They're flooding the Ministry! Mothers are yelling and the workers themselves are rebelling... What if I force Amelia to say she lied? I think that would be good enough to appease the people," the moronic man suggested with a twinkle in his eyes.
"Will she agree? She isn't someone you can intimidate and, if you threaten to fire her, she will leave and raise hell. Besides, she has allies," Albus sighed.
"What will we do then? If we cancel the competition, we'll be the laughing stock for years," Cornelius whined. "What's worse, I'm about to be sacked from the position!"
"We can try to explain ourselves; perhaps we need to accept the interview with Miss Skeeter," the old man suggested, feeling defeated at the idea of that being the only option left.
"She will portray us as scum. I am sure that vile woman will not give up that opportunity. No, we will give an interview to the Prophet."
"The question is: who will read it? Let's be honest with ourselves, Cornelius. Few read that newspaper and even fewer believe in it," Albus murmured, feeling exhausted.
An owl decided to interrupt his existential breakdown, carrying an official envelope he knew too well. The bird handed him his package and left without waiting for a treat. Cornelius paled when he recognized the thick parchment. He stood up without a word and took the Floo towards the Ministry with the Minister hot on his heels. When he arrived, his eyes widened in surprise and slight fear. The Minister had not been exaggerating when he said the Ministry was flooding with people; there was no space to even walk towards the elevators. With a resigned sigh, the old man took the Floo towards his office in the Ministry. It was good that it had some use every once in a while. Albus dragged himself from his office towards the Wizengamot meeting room.
He entered the room and a raucous cacophony of multiple discussions invaded his senses. Most of the members looked worried and anxious, with a few notable exceptions. Madam Bones and Madam Marchbanks were chatting with the junior undersecretary, something he considered odd, but decided to ignore. Lucius Malfoy, Sirius Black, and attorney Blair were engaged in a discussion that appeared to be fascinating, though Albus did not know what to think about that unexpected group together. Augusta Longbottom was watching everything with a grin so wide that the Cheshire cat would be put to shame. All of the ones who had opposed the Tournament being reinstated seemed tranquil, and that annoyed him more than a little. He walked towards his podium and, putting on the best calm facade he could muster, he banged his gavel to call the room's attention.
"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Now that all of us are present, let's begin this emergency session," he announced, and many glares were directed his way. "I know most of you may have read the newspaper already. Miss Skeeter painted us in a terrible light, with help of a few others, but it's time to discuss what we will do to remedy that situation," he said in an amicable tone. Miss Blair raised her wand and he sighed but signalled for her to speak.
"This event is ill-prepared; there is not enough security, and the fact that you decided that dragons would be part of the first task will do us no favours. I suggest we cancel this preposterous competition and save ourselves the international ridicule," she suggested. Much to his relief, Elphias raised his wand.
"That's not an option; if we cancel, we will be the laughing stock of the entire magical world. We can try to improve our security and perhaps change a few details, such as the nesting dragons," the man commented, looking at him.
"I am afraid that's not an option," Albus began explaining. "We have already sent the request to the dragon reserve and any other creature will be too dangerous or not offer much of a challenge," he said with an appeasing smile. Much to his annoyance, Sirius raised his wand.
"I still am unable to understand why cancelling is not an option. We will explain that we are not prepared, and I offer my own money to pay for the compensation we may need to pay. It's better to try again next year, with real security measures and not hoping everything ends well with foolish enthusiasm," the man said, his voice travelling through the room and many people seemed to agree, a fact that worried the headmaster.
"Cancelling is unacceptable!" Fudge exclaimed, his face turning puce. "This is about our honour! We have already been subjected to many humiliations lately; this will be the drop that the makes the glass spill," he complained. The irritable sound of someone clearing their voice almost made Albus groan; he had enjoyed the time that Umbridge was silent.
"If you'll excuse me, I have a suggestion. Rita Skeeter and that newspaper, along with all their reporters, have turned into a dangerous enemy. I suggest we treat them as such. Let's declare them enemies of the government and arrest them; that way we will regain control. I also suggest dismissing certain people that seem to ally themselves with those criminals," the woman said in a high-pitched voice that grated on his nerves. He could see Cornelius already agreeing with the idea, along with at least half the room... Perhaps this could work; if they got rid of the newspaper, he could turn a blind eye to how illegal it was. Of course, Lucius Malfoy had to choose that moment to speak.
"On what basis will you declare them enemies of the government, undersecretary Umbridge? As far as I was concerned, telling the truth is not illegal. For the stunt you're trying to pull, we could be brought before the ICW. Magical Britain would be placed under heavy fines at best, and a war at worst. Violating basic human rights is not only ridiculous but also utterly stupid. Besides, Miss Skeeter presented solid arguments. I never agreed with this competition in the first place, and I have to ask: is our pride worth more than the lives of our children? I would rather grovel on dirt than allow my son to be imperilled and I'm sure many of you agree. If that isn't enough, I will remind you that, if any international champions are harmed, the possibilities of facing a war are high," the man announced. Albus could already see the resolve of many people falter. Elmo Humpty raised his wand, and he gave the signal for him to speak.
"It's a competition that will bring honour to our country. I agree with the idea of going forward with it, with a few extra precautions. Let's hire Gringotts to establish the protective barriers," the man suggested and the hall exploded in conversations.
"I'll remind you that the bank's services are extremely expensive, and for a good reason. While they have the best of the best working there and will be able to establish the barriers on time, I doubt this competition has enough funding to afford it," Augusta Longbottom announced. The disgusting sound of the pink-clad woman clearing her throat sounded once again.
"Mister Black offered to pay for any eventuality," the pink atrocity giggled in a repulsive way.
"I offered to pay for compensation in the event that the contest was cancelled and we were fined. I will pretend you didn't suggest that I pay for the extra costs of this ridiculous event, but do remember your place, undersecretary Umbridge," the man said, his severe expression brightening when the woman turned red in ire.
"I offer, myself, to cover the costs of the Tournament, and I believe many more will. The safety of our children is vital. I have two daughters, after all, but our honour is also important," Amycus Carrow announced and, while normally Albus would try to go against the man, this time he agreed.
"I believe that Mister Carrow's suggestion is more than acceptable. Those in favour of following this course of action raise their hands," the old man suggested before anyone else tried to give another opinion that swayed the people, and his heart almost stopped beating while counting the votes. They had won by two votes - much less than he felt comfortable with, but it was better than the other option.
Albus Dumbledore had no idea how he would deal with another scandal and he hoped that nothing too terrible would happen. This was the trap that Tom needed to get out of his hiding place... He was sure that all the troubles would be worth it when Voldemort was defeated.
Omake: Another Weasley (Inspired by the image of Justin on Pottermore)
Severus Snape was glowering at the first-year students. He saw the Potter brat, looking all arrogant and mighty among the scared new students, and he sneered. Perhaps he did not look like the father, but he sure had inherited the Potter arrogance.
His gaze hovered over the students and he sighed when he noticed two distinctive redheads with freckled face. Severus had no idea that Molly had another pair of twins but, considering the number of children that family had, it was no surprise he had lost count. One pair of twins was a nightmare already and he was not sure he could preserve his sanity with another. Then he remembered that Arthur and Molly gushed about their youngest daughter.
He wondered if thirty-one was an appropriate age for retirement...
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