《Right Side of Hell》Chapter 25: Winds of Change
Albus Dumbledore looked at the staff table, feeling defeated. Madam Marchbanks had hired seven new teachers for the two first years, and one assistant for each of the professors in charge of the other students. She also got three healer apprentices to learn under Poppy, another two people to work in the library and Rolanda Hooch now had two assistants. Thanks to an overly generous donation, the school now had new brooms, new equipment, new books, new rooms, and new rules. The last one bothered him more than he was willing to express. They were too strict and he doubted the students would adapt but, of course, neither Minerva nor Filius listened to him and his hands were tied on the matter. He was the headmaster in name, but both professors had taken over the position and he had little to no voice in the school's decisions. However, there was nothing he could do about the situation if he wanted to keep the position.
Albus admitted that the school had always had the money, but he considered hiring so many teachers an unnecessary risk for the children. However, he knew that his authority would be challenged the moment he tried to interfere. Minerva had turned hostile and distant with him. The woman had been his student and he had known her since she was young. The fact that he had somehow lost her loyalty planted doubts about his decisions, doubts he would rather ignore, whether he had made the wrong decisions during these last years... He really did not want to think about it.
Filius had turned into another problem; while the man had never been loyal to him, never before had he opposed him as much as he did now. Albus knew that Madam Marchbanks and Filius were working together to change the school, but he had no solid reasons to dismiss the man. If he tried, the one to be dismissed from the school would be him instead. Filius had been the one to suggest adding martial magic into the curriculum and, while it was an important branch when taught by the right people, the new professor for the subject put him on edge. Benedict Munter was an accomplished man who was seen by the magical community as one of the best spell crafters in history and a talented duellist. The problem with the man was his dark views about magic. He did not believe in light or dark magic, therefore, he practised any kind of spells that caught his fancy, no matter their nature. He did not want to have those ideals passed onto the new generations, but he was unable to find anyone else who would take the place.
Now that the DMLE had the necessary funding and more Aurors than Albus felt comfortable with, Moody would only leave the Auror force if they dragged his dead body out and, even then, he would put up a fight. There was no other person that was qualified enough and Minerva would raise hell if he dared to try to hire an unqualified postulant. When Albus thought about it, he regretted dismissing Remus. The man had cut all ties with him for being fired with no justification so had been forced to contact one of his old acquaintances, Jacob Kowalski Jr. The man had refused his offer, but his daughter, Isabelle Kowalski, had been interested and he hired her in a moment of raw desperation.
The problem with the young woman was her grandmother. Queenie was, without doubt, an exceptional witch but after she left Grindelwald, her views had changed. He had no idea how much, because they had never been close, but it was enough for Jacob to marry her at last. She belonged to the faction he liked to call dark grey. Queenie believed that no magic was evil, the intent behind it was. Albus feared that she had managed to teach her descendants that dangerous philosophy. However, he had no choice. It was either the girl or the Aurors, and he was not willing to have Aurors in the school.
He watched Harry Potter and his friends enter the great hall and sighed. The tournament was his last desperate gambit to help the boy to find the right path. Perhaps it was not the best decision he had taken, but it was the right one.
Severus had told him about the attack at the Cup and Albus knew there was nothing he could do about it. He had tried to organize the Order, but it did not have enough members. Molly, Arthur, William, and Sirius were half of it and they would be at the game, either way, so he saw no reason to alert them. Minerva was not in the country during the summer and, if he joined, he knew he would be unable to defeat Tom, so he stayed back with regret constricting his heart.
Now, he regretted not going. The number of deaths was disheartening. It did not matter the side they were fighting on, Albus did not believe in taking lives. At first, he had blamed the brutal methods that Madam Bones had implemented, but then Severus reported, and he remembered wishing that it had been Madam Bones' fault.
"I see the battle was harsh," Albus said as a greeting when he went to visit Severus and saw his haggard appearance.
"It was worse than harsh," the man whispered and collapsed in the nearest couch.
"What happened, then?"
"I have no idea," the man chuckled; his haunted eyes and shaky hands gave him the feeling that it was perhaps better not to know. "I thought the Dark Lord was going to win; he got a pair of giants and hundreds of Inferi I didn't know about. Everyone was running away and it was clear that the Aurors were at a disadvantage... until they arrived. They wore dark cloaks and blank masks," the man whispered.
"Who arrived?" Albus demanded, his agitation destroying any semblance of patience.
"I don't know. I don't even know how many there were or why they helped the Aurors. One of them cast the most potent Patronus I have ever seen; all the Dementors ran away and didn't return to the battle. The giants were being dealt with - don't ask me how because I have no idea. The only thing I managed to see was two of them near the giants... It was as if they were somehow controlling them," Severus said in a small voice. Dumbledore had no idea what to say at this tale, one that seemed more like fiction, but was real because there was no way Severus would create such a fantastic story. "One of them was able to control Fiendfyre," the man whispered.
"That cannot be true!" Albus exclaimed, losing his calm demeanour.
"But it is. I have never seen someone play with the curse since... since Lily. Rodolphus is unable to wake up, but he isn't dead; no one knows what to do. Rabastan had to be put in stasis, his body is too damaged and no one knows if he will be able to fight ever again. Bellatrix had to be put into an enchanted sleep; we have no idea what happened to her. When we arrived at the place where she collapsed, she was convulsing and was unable to react. We found two needles in her body but, so far, no one has been able to identify the poison in her system. The Dark Lord lost more than half of the people he recruited and it is all because of them!" Severus exclaimed, hysteria dominating his being. The fear he felt had almost a physical presence in the room. "Of all the ones that fought against those demons, only the Lestranges survived, if you can call it that. The worst part is that one of them fought the Dark Lord..."
"What happened?" Albus asked after a few moments of tense silence.
"I don't know," Severus murmured, "somehow that monster managed to force the Dark Lord to retreat. At the moment, he is being healed, but he needs a new body if he wants to survive. I don't know what his plans to obtain a new body are, but he's furious. Lucius and his wife fought against him," he added after a brief silence.
"Do you think we can ask them to join the Order?"
"They won't accept; the Malfoys are close to Madam Bones," the man muttered and began breathing fast.
"Do you have any suspicion of who belonged to that group?" Albus asked after waiting a minute for Severus to calm down.
"No. They used spells I have never seen before... I have no idea how they communicated, but they never said any names or even talked. They appeared from thin air and left the same way, almost as if they were a mere projection of our imagination, but I know those demons were real..." Severus whispered, getting lost somewhere in his memories.
Severus' reaction perturbed Dumbledore. Never before had he seen Severus Snape so distressed, not even after that incident. All the information Albus had managed to obtain about that mysterious group only left him more worried. No one knew their ages or talents. No one was able to identify either them or their wands. It was almost as if they did not exist... He was worried because, although they had helped the Aurors, he had no idea where their loyalties lay. He would wait and see; perhaps they could turn into valuables allies instead of dangerous enemies.
Harry was feeling drained, hoping the headmaster would give his big announcement soon. The sooner the old man did so, the sooner he would be resting. He closed his eyes and tried to block out all the noises. Perhaps he had fallen asleep because Daphne poked his particularly tender hip under the table. No matter how gently she did it, the bruise on his hip was still fresh and the bloody woman knew that. He accused her with a glare, but she was looking at the front, where the headmaster was giving his speech.
"Now that you are fed and watered, I have a few announcements to make. First, the Forbidden Forest is forbidden - there are wards around it to prevent you from entering, so please don't even try. Mister Filch, our caretaker, wants to announce that his cat has had two kittens so, if there is anyone interested in adopting, don't hesitate to approach him," he announced. Argus looked so happy while holding two little fluffs of hair that Harry had to smile. Perhaps it was time to open a shelter and offer the man a decent job doing what he enjoyed.
"I want one," Flora decided. It was definitely time to open a shelter, then, if he did not want to see the castle flooded with cats... Thinking about it, that did not sound bad at all.
"It is also my painful duty to inform you that the inter-house Quidditch Cup will not take place this year-" the man was interrupted by most of the hall complaining, so he was forced to raise his voice. "If you'll allow me to finish speaking, this is due to an event that will be starting in October and continuing throughout the school year, taking up much of the teachers' time and energy, but I'm sure you will all enjoy it immensely. I have great pleasure in announcing that, this year at Hogwarts; the Triwizard Tournament will take place. There have been several attempts over the centuries to reinstate the Tournament," Dumbledore continued, "none of which have been very successful. However, our own Departments of International Magical Cooperation and Magical Games and Sports have decided the time is ripe for another attempt. We have worked hard over the summer to ensure that, this time, no champion will find himself or herself in mortal danger. The Heads of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang, along with their delegations, will arrive in two weeks and, on Halloween; we will have the Champion Selections. An impartial judge will decide which students are worthy to compete in the Triwizard Cup."
"We will also need to talk about how they need to conduct themselves when the visitors arrive," Daphne whispered and they nodded.
"The heads of the participating schools, along with the Ministry of Magic, have agreed to impose an age restriction on contenders this year. Only students who are of age – that is to say, seventeen years or older – will be allowed to put forward their names for consideration. This," Dumbledore raised his voice slightly, for several people had made noises of outrage at these words, "is a measure we feel is necessary, given that the Tournament tasks will still be difficult and dangerous, whatever precautions we take, and it is highly unlikely that students below Sixth and Seventh Year will be able to cope with them. I will personally be ensuring that no underage student hoodwinks our impartial judge into making them Hogwarts champion. Therefore, I beg you not to waste your time submitting yourself if you are under seventeen. You may be asking yourselves what you will win entering this competition when it sounds so all-consuming. Eternal glory! That's what awaits the student who wins the Triwizard Tournament, along with a thousand Galleons of personal money! But, to do this, that student must survive three tasks - three extremely dangerous tasks."
"And he makes it sound as if they will be menial compared to the prize," Draco scowled.
"The delegations from Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will be staying with us for the greater part of this year. I know that you will all extend every courtesy to our foreign guests while they are with us and will give your whole-hearted support to the Hogwarts champion when he or she is selected. And now, it is late-"
"But before you go to bed, let me make a few announcements and a small correction," a severe-looking Minerva McGonagall interrupted the headmaster, glaring at him. "The Quidditch games still stand because of the new staff, but I guess our headmaster has been so busy with the Tournament that he forgot that small detail. Anyway, Madam Marchbanks, the head of the Education Regulation Department and Governor of the Wizarding Examinations Authority, has been working hard to improve the education Hogwarts offers. First of all, the oldest students may have noticed that we have many additions to the staff. The ones at the right side of the table are the new professors. Their role is to teach the first two years, please welcome them: Professor Holmes for Charms, Professor Aldington for Transfiguration, Professor Ramsey for Potions, Professor Bane for Defence Against the Dark Arts, Professor Kent for Herbology, Professor Dayton for Astronomy, and Professor Brent for History," she introduced and the seven people stood up while the hall applauded.
"I'm glad the teachers won't be so overworked now," Blaise commented and the ones that heard nodded in agreement.
"You may also notice that each of the professors has a person sitting beside them. They are our assistants; their role is to help us during classes. They have the same authority as any professor, so I don't want to hear about any lack of respect," she announced and most of the hall nodded meekly. "Let me introduce you to Madam Bentham for Transfiguration, Miss Axton for Charms, Mister Fulmer for Potions, Mister Albee for Defence Against the Dark Arts, Mister Kenly for Herbology, Mrs Dayton for Astronomy, Miss Lester for Runes, Mister Johnson for Arithmancy, Miss Lindsey for Care of Magical Creatures, Mister Smith for Divination, Miss Goldstein for Theory of Magic, Mister Nix for Muggle Studies and Miss Landon for History. The sorting hat himself decided you could benefit from all his knowledge and experience and he will help Professor Cumberbatch and Professor Brent to dictate many classes." The hall exploded in excitement. Albus wondered if it would have been better if he had given the announcements himself because most of the hall seemed to have forgotten about the Tournament.
"I was not expecting that. Perhaps we can have a talk with the hat about the founders," Harry muttered, wondering how much the hat would remember.
"I also have to announce the new professor for the older years for Defence against the Dark Arts. Please welcome Isabelle Kowalski!" McGonagall announced and the hall roared in applause. The blonde woman was young and attractive, but her dark eyes were enough to warn everyone that she was not to be messed with. "I know you may be overwhelmed with the number of new staff, but I am sure this news will raise your spirits: We have also added a few subjects to our curriculum. For the moment, they will stay as electives, but we are planning to add them to be core subjects in the future. Martial Magic, a subject that will be taught by Professor Benedict Munter and his assistant, Mrs Jessica Munter. Spellcasting will be taught by Professor Dahlia Jackson and her assistant, Mister Stephen Law. Finally, we have inscription casting that will be taught by Professor Nina Somerhalder and her assistant, Mister Joseph Somerhalder. You will be allowed to attend the first two weeks to see which ones you like, after which you will need to register for one of them. For the upper two years, it is not compulsory, but I highly recommend it. That is all I have to announce, and I know this year will be full of big changes and gratifying rewards!" she announced and the students in the hall applauded at her words.
"Thanks for that enlightening information, Professor McGonagall... I know how important it is for you all to be alert and rested as you enter your lessons tomorrow morning. Have a restful night!" Dumbledore announced and conversations exploded around them.
Harry walked out of the hall, wasting no time. The group walked in silence until they arrived at the Slytherin common room, where they sat in their usual place. Adrian stood up and silence descended over the room.
"Before the new students join us, is there anyone who wishes to challenge the Guild?" the boy asked.
Unlike in previous years, there were no challenging eyes or rebellious demeanours. The Slytherins stayed silent in meek compliance. Harry wondered if the punishments imparted on the group of older students was the reason, or perhaps it was because, after four years, they had noticed at last that no one defied the Guild. The group of first-years entered the room, guided by the prefects. Terrence nodded at Theo and walked towards their seating place.
"Thank you for escorting them," Theo thanked the prefects, dismissing them. "First, I wish to welcome you all to the noble house of Slytherin. The prefects have already informed you how this house works and who rules it. We are a noble house and we pride ourselves on our impeccable conduct and the excellent reputation we have worked hard to earn. Therefore, the Guild has placed strict rules to protect our status. We do not give second chances so, please, don't try our patience," he threatened, his soft smile making him even more intimidating. "First, blood purity has no place in this house. Hence, any term such as mudblood, or any other vulgar expression, is forbidden. Second, no bullying is allowed. If you dare to harass a weaker person in this school, you will be punished. Third, always be polite, no matter whether they are house-elves or crass first-generation magicals. We will know if someone is even thinking of breaking the rules, and let me tell you this: you will not enjoy the consequences...
"These rules are essential, but we have a new one that was implemented thanks to the stupidity of some students. The Dark Mark is forbidden. If any of you decides to follow that disgusting thing called Voldemort, you'd better keep it quiet and not allow us to discover your alliances. If this rule is broken, the guilty ones will be excommunicated from the house. Any questions?" he asked the new students and no one moved.
It was obvious that no one was expecting the rules to be stricter this year and the last announcement left them paralyzed. No one had been excommunicated in more than half a millennium, and there was no way the teachers would help them if they bore the Dark Mark. The message was clear: join the Dark Lord and you would lose more than you could ever hope to gain. Most of them still remembered the screams that had filled this room less than a year ago and their resolution was cemented.
"We were told that we will have visitors," Theo began. "I hope you will be on your best behaviour. They are foreigners, so they might have accents and their customs will be different. Be patient with them and teach them about our customs, but don't forget to use the opportunity to learn more about other countries and their traditions. We will be the perfect hosts. Therefore, I want no misbehaviour. Many students in Beauxbatons have Veela ancestry - be nothing but polite to them and don't you dare to sully our good name with your lack of control. While they are beautiful, they are people and deserve respect. The new students may have a hard time adjusting to our climate and food; be considerate and offer them other alternatives if possible. If you notice any of them feeling lonely or being isolated for any reason, you are to inform us and we will take care of them. However, the same rules apply to our visitors. If any of them commits an infraction of any kind, you are to tell us and we will take care of it."
"As you were told, we are the Slytherin Guild. It is our duty is to guide and protect the house, which includes making the rules and, unfortunately, punishing you when necessary," Daphne announced in a clear voice that commanded the attention of the first years. "Slytherin has changed over the years. You can speak with the oldest students, and you would be unable to believe how much their lives have improved since we took control," she said and many students nodded. "We will continue improving our house. You may have noticed, on your way here, that the corridors are dim and it's easy to get lost. That will change tomorrow; we will be placing the same lights that we have in our common room. We will also be changing our entrance in a few weeks and we will be adding more books and some table games. We accept any suggestions and are open to requests, as long as they are reasonable. So please, don't be afraid to approach us. Also, you have to designate a person in your year to speak with us. Don't forget the rules and you will enjoy all of the benefits the Guild has to offer," she said, a charming smile adorning her features. "It's time for bed now; have a restful night," she dismissed them and every Slytherin went to their rooms, leaving them as the only occupants of the room.
"What should we add to give a better impression to the Durmstrang students?" Draco asked Luna.
"How am I supposed to know?" the girl shrugged, her eyes almost closed in exhaustion.
"So we are taking Justin in?" Daphne asked.
"Of course we are. Luna said he belonged with us," Fred commented with a shrug.
"Rome?" Harry called his elf before they fell asleep.
"Master calls," the elf said, popping in.
"Thanks for coming. I wanted to ask you a favour; would you please organize a team of elves to install the lamps in the hallways?" the sleepy boy asked.
"It was about time, sir! It will be ready before morning."
"Thank you, Rome. You can go back to the castle, now. Goodnight," Harry said and the elf left after bowing to him.
"Let's go to bed before someone falls asleep," George muttered.
"Too late, Luna already has," Daphne pointed the sleeping girl.
"Perhaps it would be better if we called the elves. At this rate, someone will fall asleep on their way to bed," Adrian murmured, his eyes barely open.
Justin arrived at the Hufflepuff common room but, before he could go to his room, he was grabbed by a worried Cedric Diggory. Seeing the older boy so anxious, he felt guilty. Perhaps Hannah and Ernie did not notice he had been gone for most of the trip, but Cedric did. Justin still remembered being a frightened first year and how the older boy had helped him to integrate. He was one of the few people who did not belong to Slytherin but accepted Muggleborns as equals.
"Where were you? I was really worried because Nicholson and his gang were prowling the train looking for victims and you weren't with your friends!" Cedric hissed, examining him in search of any injury he might sustain.
"I found them alright, but I was able to escape," he told the older boy and looked around for any eavesdroppers. "You know about Harry Potter's group of friends, right?"
"Of course I do. The Slytherins and Ravenclaws call them the Guild. Never mind that, where were you?" he demanded with a prominent scowl.
"With them," Justin stated. Cedric scowled at him until he noticed he was not joking, and then the older boy's eyes opened wide in surprise.
"Did they hurt you?"
"No, they were really kind. I met a bloke that also speaks Italian and the desserts they had were delicious. You wouldn't believe how amazing their compartment is - better than our common room for sure," Justin commented and Cedric rubbed his face.
"I swear that these kinds of things only happen to you," he grumbled.
"Yeah, I know. Anyway, they invited me to join them for meals."
"And you will do that," the older boy sighed at his wayward friend.
"I will. You know that even though Hannah and Ernie are my friends, I still feel like a stranger when I am with them. You are my only friend and you're graduating this year; I think it will be good to make new ones," the boy whispered and Cedric's expression softened.
"Okay, then. If you're joining them, I will join you for a while and see how they treat you myself," the older boy sighed, but the all the troubles he was subjected to were forgotten when Justin shot him the brightest smile he had seen.
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