《Right Side of Hell》Chapter 20: Revelations from the Past
The next morning, Harry and Elizabeth were walking towards the bank. Elizabeth was wearing a bright smile; it seemed that bullying Sirius at breakfast had put her in high spirits. Harry admitted being surprised by the revelation of that man going out with Amelia Bones but, if he was honest, what surprised him the most was the fact that his godfather was not in a relationship with Remus. For a long time, he had believed so... It was curious how human interactions worked. Nonetheless, romantic relationships were something he was unwilling to think about, much less experience for a long time. He would settle for nothing less than a person who was able to challenge him, but at the same time shared enough of his ideals and, of course, powerful enough to be a decent rival.
Harry Potter was an observant young man who noticed even the most minuscule details. He did not miss how beautiful Daphne was becoming, or the way most of the students in Hogwarts looked at her. He did not miss how Blaise's eyes were always focused on Luna, but he was unwilling to get closer to her and he guessed the girl also noticed. He did not miss how gorgeous his little sister was turning out to be and how many males stared at her even when she was so young. He did not miss the way in which so many people were entranced by his enticing features; only the fact that he was always around his friends deterred any possible advances... Nevertheless, they were all far too young. In the future, perhaps, he would begin thinking about finding a partner, but at the moment, he had great plans and was not ready to have someone holding him back.
They arrived at the entrance of the bank. The siblings greeted the outer guards and walked towards the corridor that led to Ragnok's office. On their way, they nodded at Sharpclaw, who nodded back but kept scowling at the witch in front of him. Harry almost scowled at the crass woman as well but kept his temper in check. They walked in silence until they arrived at a familiar office. He knocked and a few moments later the goblin opened his door with the happiest expression he had seen someone wear, so he contained a sigh.
“Good morning, Ragnok. It's good to see you,” his sister greeted the goblin with a sunny smile.
“Likewise, Miss Elizabeth. I presume you are enjoying your time at school,” Ragnok said and gestured towards the couches for them to sit.
“I am. I have met many interesting people and I admit I like Hogwarts less every time someone speaks about it,” she confessed with a slight scowl.
“It is true that they somehow manage to lose further prestige each year,” the goblin agreed.
“Good morning, Ragnok,” Harry said with obvious sarcasm. “It's also a pleasure to see you. Yes, I have been fine, you?"
“I apologize, but your sister is easier to talk with,” the goblin said with a wide grin.
"Whatever, though I am curious at the reason for your evident happiness."
“The Minister is receiving heavy... donations, let's say. Miss Skeeter received the information and assured us she is writing the article that will ensure the moron does not get near the Ministry in the future,” the goblin chuckled.
“Excellent. Do you have any news on the Triwizard Tournament?” Harry asked.
“It was reinstated, unfortunately. It will be announced on the fourth of September at Hogwarts and on the fifth in the newspaper."
“Did they change or add anything?” Elizabeth asked.
“They only changed the minimum age that will be allowed to compete, and that is seventeen. Otherwise, everything remains the same. The tasks have already been decided and I believe the first is the most concerning... It consists of retrieving a golden egg from a dragon, to be specific, a nesting mother,” he murmured with clenched teeth, his good mood long gone.
“How dare they?" the young boy almost hissed, "the travel itself will stress any dragon and nesting mothers are sensitive... Is there any way of preventing this?” the boy asked with narrowed eyes.
“The Ministry is planning on contacting the Romanian dragon reserve in the last days of August. Using that request, you can make a demand to the ICW on the basis that dragons are an endangered species. In that way, not only will the British Ministry suffer international ridicule, but also Albus Dumbledore. As head of the ICW, he will be the one who suffers the most repercussions. As he is knowingly and willingly requesting that, he is violating many rules and there is a high probability of him being dismissed... It would be a miracle if the man managed to keep that position,” Ragnok said with a nasty grin.
“Perhaps it would be an excellent idea for Rita to do a special article dedicated to that scandal,” Elizabeth said with faux gentleness.
“Indeed, and it would be quite unfortunate if the owner of the reserve decided to bring a legal case against the man for negligence. Quite a terrible scandal, if you ask me,” Harry smirked and Ragnok chuckled in amusement.
“If that is the case, then we can already start celebrating the ICW having a new head."
“Excellent. I can give you more silk for this favour,” the boy offered.
“No thanks. We have more than enough,” the goblin almost groaned and Elizabeth giggled in glee.
“Now you understand my conundrum. How is business going?” Harry asked, an amused smile playing on his lips.
“Everything is running well. Mirror Summons has a bright future if the sales so far are anything to go by."
“I see the magicals are beginning to adapt. When do you think we should introduce the idea of a television? I have plans for it,” Harry announced.
“Let's give them a year to get used to the idea of communication mirrors first. However, I have information about many countries that would appreciate the device,” Ragnok began explaining and handed him a thick folder. “The Frenchs, the whole Slavic region, Egypt, and the United North American Tribes are the ones our branches investigated and who would accept the new devices with no problem."
“You can add the Asian Empire to that list. I received a letter from the emperor and he wants to open two branch offices, one in each of the main cities... I was thinking of giving him a sample of our more recent devices for the exclusive use of the royal family,” Harry suggested while searching in his bag for the letter. Once he found it, he handed it to the goblin. “I believe it would be sensible to establish branch offices in the countries you recommend. I will ask Ploutos to send capable elves to each one and Miss Blair will be in charge of the contracts for the employees."
“Excellent. I will have reports regarding the other countries in less than a week. The investment will be considerably high, but I believe there exists no risk of wasting money."
“I will leave it in your capable hands,” the boy said.
“As with everything he is unable to handle,” Elizabeth added with a grin and the goblin chuckled.
“Yeah, thank you for that unnecessary clarification, dear sister. Anyhow, did you get more information on Tom Marvolo Riddle?” the boy asked, and a sober atmosphere dominated the room.
“I did. Miss Blair was vital to us in putting all the pieces together. As I told you before, Merope Gaunt married a Muggle despite her status as a pure-blood and her upbringing. As we investigated further, we discovered she was abused by her father and brother, both of whom treated her as a slave. The family lived in poverty, on the outside of a Muggle village. Tom Riddle, on the other hand, came from a rich family. We were told that she fancied him to the point of obsession. Therefore, when both males of her family were sent to Azkaban, she took the opportunity to ensnare the man. We do not know whether she used an imperius curse or a potent love potion, but the man fell for her. You know that they got married and ran away to London already, but what we discovered is that Merope was pregnant. Perhaps she believed the man would not leave her in her state and she suspended her control over him. The man left as soon as he could, leaving the woman to fend for herself,” he said, and Harry sneered at the information.
"What cowardly scum,” Elizabeth hissed, anger visible in her blue eyes.
“We don't have all the details," Ragnok muttered, looking as if he wanted to say something but unwilling to do so. "Merope Gaunt had no money and her depression hindered her use of magic. We found out that one Caractacus Burke, the owner of an antique shop in Knockturn Alley, bought from her a locket for ten Galleons. The locket was the one we found in Mister Black's house, the one that contained the Horcrux. It belonged to Salazar Slytherin himself and was passed down from generation to generation; we assume she was desperate for money to survive because it is worth hundreds of thousands of Galleons. We were unable to find any other information on the woman, so we are assuming she perished.
“However, we did find out about a brilliant student who took his OWL examinations in 1942 and had the best grades in half a century. His name was Tom Marvolo Riddle,” he explained, and Elizabeth's eyes widened. “Miss Blair looked within the Muggle system and found the same name in their registers. He was born on the 31st of December of 1926 in the same orphanage he was raised in. She searched everywhere until she found out who the caretakers were between 1926 and 1944, discovering an old woman who lives in an asylum. Mrs Cole was the matron of that orphanage from 1937 but had been working there from early 1926. Her memories were altered by a powerful spell. However, Miss Blair hired an accomplished Legilimens and she was able to access the old woman's memories."
“So, our suspicions were correct,” Harry muttered.
“Indeed, the woman that gave birth to Tom Marvolo Riddle in the orphanage fitted the description the villagers of Little Hangleton gave for Merope Gaunt. He had several bouts of accidental magic; hence, he was rejected by his peers, and it was obvious they began bullying him for being different. Everything started to change when the other children began avoiding him. Nasty things happened to those who bothered him. She suspected the boy was behind them but she never found any proof to blame him.
“Albus Dumbledore went in person to give the boy his letter when he turned eleven. We know that Tom Riddle went back every summer to the orphanage but, as we know, the first half of the1940’s was a dangerous time to be in Muggle Britain... When we talked to the old residents of Little Hangleton, we were told that a handsome young man was searching for the Riddle family in the summer of 1943. Around the same time, Morfin Gaunt murdered the Riddles. We managed to get Miss Blair to talk with the man and she found powerful compulsion charms. She undid them, but the man's mind was too fractured to find out much information. However, she did manage to discover that the boy had met his uncle; he took the man's wand after Morfin told him a distorted story about his parents. We believe Tom Marvolo Riddle was the one responsible for those murders and framed his uncle in revenge."
“Tom Marvolo Riddle became Lord Voldemort... I assume he created his first Horcrux around that same year. In Hogwarts there is a plaque with that name for services to the school, awarded by headmaster Dippet in 1943, the same year the chamber of secrets was opened and a first-generation witch died... Perhaps the Gaunt ring was the second Horcrux and the diary the first,” Harry muttered to himself.
"We can only presume. We discovered he worked at Borgin and Burkes once he graduated from Hogwarts, despite having many other offers from the Ministry. We managed to find out he befriended Hepzibah Smith, who was descendant of Helga Hufflepuff. She was the proud owner of the Hufflepuff cup that had been passed down for generations and the Slytherin Locket she bought from that same store for a hefty price. She was found dead in 1955; her house-elf admitted accidentally putting poison in her evening cocoa."
“House-elves don't make that kind of mistake,” Elizabeth murmured with clenched fists.
“No, they don't, so Tom is also guilty for that...” Harry inquired and the goblin nodded.
"We believe so. In 1965, he returned to Hogwarts for an interview for the position of Defence Against the Dark Arts professor. We know he was rejected, but we believe he used that opportunity to hide one of his Horcruxes,” Ragnok concluded.
“The moron seems to have a sentimental streak; he looked for everything that belonged to his ancestors. Seeing that he has an eye for antiques, there are possibilities of the other founders' belongings being found by him and turned into Horcruxes,” the girl announced.
“That's right... There aren't many objects left: Gryffindor's sword and Ravenclaw's diadem. There is also the founders' sorting hat, but I don't want to think the headmaster is so useless as to not notice that the hat living in his office is a Horcrux,” the boy sighed.
“Given all I've heard of the man, I'd be prepared, just in case,” Elizabeth suggested and both males nodded. Maybe Dumbledore had lost his touch.
“I have been asking the school elves and ghosts for any information on a possible evil device. The elves told me they would look in the abandoned parts of the castle during the summer months. I asked the Baron and he ignored me for a whole week. When I asked the Grey Lady, she began wailing and I haven't seen her since,” Harry commented.
“Just in case, don't forget to always carry the blade I gave you, and if you find it, you have to be careful in case it is cursed,” Ragnok warned him.
“I will,” the boy promised. “How do you destroy a Horcrux?"
“Fiendfyre. We believe basilisk venom may also work, but it is too valuable to waste,” the goblin explained and Harry nodded.
“It would be good for Rita to begin writing an article with this information so that we can have it to hand if we need it,” Elizabeth suggested after a brief moment of silence and her brother nodded. "We will also need an unbreakable vow from her; I don't trust that woman."
“I will speak to her. Rita is intelligent enough to know she should never cross me,” Harry said and the girl smiled at him.
“No more Horcruxes were indicated by our device, but we will keep them active, just in case. We confirmed that Death Eaters have been recruiting in other countries, mainly the Slavic regions. They are getting ready to attack once again. You were right, Harry, they will attack during the World Cup,” Ragnok informed them after a brief moment.
"We are ready, more than we could ever be. Luna is calm, so I know nothing terrible will happen. Somehow, we will manage to push them back. Aunt Eleadora and her friends managed to animate golems and send them to be marked instead of the ones that asked me for help. Madam Bones is ready and so are her Aurors... Aunt Eleadora and her friends are about to capture Greyback and his group, they are planning the attack. Many werewolves and a few vampires are also joining the hunt, the people you sent were invaluable to finding his location,” Harry confided and the goblin nodded.
“It will be hard. I am sure my people will be willing to fight with them."
“Although I appreciate it, Ragnok, I will have to reject your offer. We don't know whether there are any Death Eaters with them, but I won't risk it. If one of them belongs to a 'notable family' and manages to escape, the only thing you will obtain will be problems. You have done more than enough and I will never be able to thank you enough for it,” he said, looking solemn.
“It is an honour to help. Did Miss Pittsum install the new wards against inferi in the castle?"
“She did before we arrived... I have been thinking about the safety of Madam Bones. I want her as Minister when Fudge is kicked out and she will be a prime target. Although I have thought of offering her a place in the castle, I don't trust the woman enough. I was wondering whether your employees could place the new wards around her house without her knowing. Sirius will offer her other security measures and, seeing as they are dating, I believe she will agree."
“Mister Black and Madam Bones?” Ragnok asked with raised eyebrows. “The world is full of surprises; I thought he was dating his werewolf friend. Never mind. It is possible to place the wards without her knowing. So, Skeeter has the article to get rid of Fudge ready?"
“She does, but we're waiting until the Triwizard Tournament is announced to deliver that blow. I'm sure you will enjoy the article; it will be enough to make the Ministry bow down in shame,” Harry promised. Ragnok's eyes lit up and he bared his teeth in a menacing grin.
“I am sure I will enjoy that, but talking about articles, I have something to give you,” Ragnok said, his smile was so wide, it gave him a feeling that something he would not like happen. The man searched in his desk until he found something and handed it to him. It was a muggle newspaper, which had headlines he did not like at all. ‘Harry Potter: Child Genius and Philanthropist’.
“What is this?” Harry asked, taking a deep, calming breath.
“You said you wanted to begin buying materials from the muggle world. Before you could just cast a charm and you got what you wished, now though, they have different technology and it is almost impossible to erase all the data about anything. Miss Blair believed it would be for the best if we created a muggle persona so our deals with the muggle world are swifter, it was Mister’s Black idea to do it this way. He took advantage of the fact you finished your muggle school, so he announced that you are doing research in your free time and that way the materials you bought will not go under scrutiny. Your mother was intelligent enough to invest in the muggle world, so you have money in their currency. It is not much, but enough to invest and make even more. Sadly, we have no idea how it works, but Miss Blair has been taking care of it,” the goblin told him.
“I will not ask anymore and I will pretend I saw nothing,” he grumbled, life was indeed easier when people still asked his opinion.
Eleadora had always been considered one of the most powerful hags in Britain. She had worked hard for years to learn all the abilities she could flaunt today. However, she believed that what she was going to do in a few minutes would be her major contribution to the magical world. The group she had organized were near the cave that Greyback and his pack inhabited, ready to attack when she gave the order. The new moon gave the faintest wisps of light and she was drawing the runes to protect her allies with her own blood. Unlike what many believed, blood magic was almost sacred. The moment you used the blood of an unwilling or innocent victim, it cursed you because mother magic did not tolerate being toyed with.
She finished drawing the array and it gleamed silver for brief seconds, then she gave the signal. The main attack group marched forwards, wands ready.
Greyback was resting, that night was the one where cursed werewolves were most vulnerable. He almost chuckled in glee, remembering what he had done to earn his curse. Magic was vengeful when used in the wrong way; she cursed the ones who dared to misuse her to harm people, especially her precious children. He would be lying if he said he regretted something because he didn't. If he was forced to live with the curse, then so would others and what better way to make sure they suffer than turning them when their lives were still beginning...
He settled in with those pleasant thoughts until a shout raised him out of his musings. He heard many steps that signalled someone had managed to find them... That should have been impossible! The cave was under the Fidelius and he was the secret keeper. Realization hit him, and he growled in frustration. He knew that hags did not like him, but he never imagined they would turn on him; only potent blood magic was able to break the Fidelius and that was knowledge no wizard or witch possessed. He crept out of his nook, ready to attack, and his eyes widened. There were dozens of people fighting against his pack, killing them one by one. Overcome by rage, he jumped into battle.
Eleadora saw Greyback about to attack one of hers and she sent a curse that he avoided by the skin of his teeth. The man growled at her and the battle began. She admitted being an excellent duellist, but the man was giving her a hard time. However, no matter how skilled he was, he relied on brute force and his fast reflexes. He lacked her knowledge of curses and her ability to cast several spells per second. The battle around them was dying out and, if the dead enemy werewolves were any proof, her side would win the confrontation.
Greyback observed his comrades falling and growled in frustration. He needed to get away or he would be the next to die. In a moment of inspiration, he sent a curse towards one of the people that surrounded them, used that brief moment of distraction to send a blasting spell into the roof of the cave and ran away using their brief seconds of surprise. He almost smiled when he heard them panic, but there was no time. He ran until he reached a clearing where an ancient-looking hag was looking at a white cauldron bubbling on a bright fire. She was blocking his path. He stopped and looked for another route of escape because he had no intentions of confronting that woman. Anyone who visited Knockturn Alley had heard about her; she was known as Bedwyr, the knower of graves. She knew the oldest spells and deathliest curses, but few dared to approach her. During the last war, the Death Eaters that had tried to force her to join had ended as grotesque decorations in the Alley. Voldemort pretended the woman did not exist and ignored anything that had to do with hags, it was for the man's best interest.
The woman looked at him and Greyback felt her invading his mind but he was unable to expel her. Her white eyes narrowed, and she broke the connection after a few minutes. But he was sure they had been enough for the woman to know him more than he knew himself.
“Mother magic is judging you for your crimes. It is time for you to die and pay in blood for all the innocents you have harmed,” she stated with no inflexion.
Greyback growled at her and tried to attack, his desire to survive overwhelming his rational side... However, his body did not respond. He looked at the ground and noticed he was standing in the middle of a strange array. The woman took out a silver dagger that sparkled in her wrinkled hands.
“Your blood will be used to heal and you will feel the pain of the ones you have wronged - that will be your way of paying back,” she murmured.
Instead of stabbing him as he was expecting, she stabbed her left hand and allowed her blood to fall into the white cauldron. The most acute pain he had ever experienced lit his body on fire with pure agony. He howled and screamed but it did not stop. People started arriving in the clearing, the gruesome screams from the man alerting them. At last, Fenrir Greyback fell to the ground; his body was nothing but a dehydrated carcass and his face was etched into an eternal expression of pain.
“I have lived a long life; this was mother magic's last wish for me. It is time to rest at last,” the old woman said with a small smile. “Eleadora Pittsum, you will be the next Bedwyr. Hold that title with pride and follow mother magic's desires. She will guide you on the right path... This will be able to heal anyone; even if they have crossed the doors of death, one drop will be enough. Maintain the balance and let mother magic guide you all,” she announced and walked out of the clearing, disappearing to never be seen again.
Eleadora observed the white cauldron and approached it. The liquid inside was an iridescent white. Somehow, her life had changed in less than a minute, but she swore to assume her responsibilities with pride. That night, the new Bedwyr was established and, along with her, a new hope for the future was born.
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