《Right Side of Hell》Chapter 19: Ready for Summer!
Harry Potter and his friends were back at school and, while he was used to the stares his fame brought, the admiring looks put him on edge. The Guild was impressed by how much their social standing had changed since the day of the attack in Hogsmeade. While, before, they had been respected, there had also been the obvious resentment at their success living within most of the students. Now, though, there was real admiration and even most of the jealousy had subsided.
The Slytherins' dedication when following Harry's rules had also worked. Now, the house was one of the most praised in the school. Harry thought it would be the perfect moment to look for the final member they needed to complete the Guild and at last form the Hogwarts Court. However, Luna did not agree, stating that it was not time. The only response he could muster was a sigh. He may trust the girl with his life, but sometimes he wished she had a more solid answer.
Following Ragnok's advice, he had started practicing the control of Fiendfyre in the Chamber of Secrets and had forced his friends to follow his example. Harry noticed how pliable his magic had become after the ritual. However, he had needed to go through the process of relearning all the spells because he overpowered them, a fact that pleased and peeved him in equal measure.
All of his friends were inspired by his hard work and began training even more. Those had been hard months of arduous practice, and most of the time they slept in their headquarters. Also, professor Flitwick was more focused than ever, pushing them to their limits, yet none of them faltered and kept practicing. Harry would never forget how, after weeks of being constantly tense, Luna relaxed at last.
It seemed they were doing something right and had somehow managed to change the future.
5th of June, Great Hall, Hogwarts
Albus Dumbledore was observing his students from his throne-like place at the teachers' table. The hall was decorated in green and silver, which meant that, once again, Slytherin had won the House Cup. However, unlike in previous years, all the other houses seemed to applaud them instead of showing open hostility. He looked at that table and sighed. Harry Potter was eating with his friends in that composed and regal, almost apathetic way of his that reminded him so much of Dorea. Her same uninterested and slightly disapproving expression was worn by her grandson.
The past year had been full of revelations, some of which he would rather not remember but which he was unable to erase from his mind. For example, the realization that he shared more characteristics with Voldemort than the chosen boy did. That day had changed his whole perception of how the world worked. For months, he had tried to deny it, observing the boy for any hint of Tom in him. Albus had resorted to desperate measures, in hopes to continue fooling himself, by asking the other teachers what they thought about the boy in their usual monthly meeting. To this day, he regretted opening that big mouth of his.
“Now that we are all here, I have a few questions about a particular group of students,” he announced at the beginning of the meeting, earning many curious glances and a few suspicious glares that he ignored. “Harry Potter and his friends are good students as far as you have all told me, but I need to know how much. Madam Marchbanks is adding a few new subjects and professors next year; she needs to know if they will be able to keep up."
“I am so happy you asked, Albus. It's not every day that a teacher gets to brag about her brightest students,” Bathsheba Babbling blurted in a singsong voice. “Mister Potter is brilliant in Runes, but Mister George Weasley already shows the makings of a true master in the subject, despite my doubts in accepting him last year. I've never had a group as applied as that group of friends; they are years beyond their curriculum and I fear that, before they graduate, there will be nothing left for me to teach them,” she lamented, but her glowing smile transmitted how proud she was.
“I have to agree with Bathsheba,” Septima Vector said. “Mister Nott has a marvellous talent for my subject and I have never seen a student understanding my most complicated lessons as if they were the simplest puzzles like Mister Potter."
"While most of my students had little to no knowledge on my subject, that group of students is years beyond what school will be able to teach them,” Thomas Cumberbatch, the new History professor, announced.
“Those students weren't born with amazing skills; they worked hard to earn them. I have never seen students so dedicated to their studies and practice. I believe we all agree that, even if they find the subject complicated, they will work hard to, not only understand but to excel in it,” Remus explained and the others nodded. The man had just killed Dumbledore's information influx.
“I think we all agree that they will be able to take whatever Griselda throws their way. As a matter of fact, she has been talking with them already to see which classes will be the first ones to be added. Although the older students are the ones that worry me because few have the motivation to work the extra hours required to be part of the new classes,” Minerva said and he sighed.
“Indeed. I gave Mister Potter and his friends the opportunity to take a more advanced curriculum. So far, none of the other students has been able to keep up. I had to force Miss Granger to drop it because the girl looked on the verge of a mental breakdown,” Filius explained and many others nodded.
“Precisely. She wanted to take all the electives and, for a while, I considered giving her a time turner. However, I decided not to and I don't regret my decision. She's unable to establish her priorities. It's quite sad that such a promising witch loses herself trying to compete with another student,” Minerva muttered, a deep scowl etched on her lips.
“Anyway, do you think it is wise to allow Mister Potter to take those new subjects? It seems he is too busy with the previous ones. Besides, the boy is getting too prideful about his knowledge. He almost never interacts with his peers,” he explained but seeing Minerva getting ready to give him a stern and painful scolding made him regret phrasing it that way.
"What gave you that idea, Albus? While he isn't the humblest person I know, he understands the limits of his abilities better than most adults. He has never bragged about his constant monopoly of the position of the top of the year to anyone. He admits without hesitation that there are people within his group of friends who are better than him at certain things. He is not prideful. Do not forget that I met you when you were still a teen and, when you were older than him, you had twice the ego and none of his common sense,” Filius rebuked and he almost groaned.
“I apologize. I did not mean to imply that,” he said with a gentle smile.
“But you did, Albus. You are Chief Warlock and you want me to believe you are not able to phrase things well? We all told you what we think. I believe that any further discussion needs Griselda to be present. If you'll excuse me, I've had a long day,” he announced and walked out of the room.
Most of the teachers followed him, many scowling at the headmaster. Remus, in particular, seemed angry at him, but in the end, it did not affect him as much. The man was no longer loyal to him and, no matter what he did, the only result of trying to get into his good graces only seemed to push him away. Minerva was glaring at him, and Albus thanked Merlin for Severus decision to stay back because she would not try to murder him with a witness present... right?
“That is enough. I'm tired of you always trying to interfere in my students' life because of some fixation you have with the boy. I've allowed it so far, but this ends today, Albus. How dare you talk with such distrust about a child?! Are you so reminded of your mistakes that you're trying to ensure he commits none? While he is James' son, he has none of his irresponsibility, but he does possess all of Lily's good sense. I know you are trying to hold him back - I have no idea why - but I will tell you this: continue harassing my student and I will fight you for the position that you are holding right now. After all your mistakes, perhaps it is time for you to retire,” she promised and left the room.
“Now you understand my frustration. I am unable to talk about the brat if I don't want to be chewed out,” Severus muttered, wearing a satisfied smirk for a change.
“Do you think I'm wrong?” he asked, fearing the answer.
“Yes," the man muttered after a prolonged silence, looking as if the simple word burnt his tongue. "While I don't like Potter, I admit the brat is more like Lily than his father. He is confident, not prideful,” the man grumbled. His pained expression showed how much he would rather deny that fact.
“So I was wrong all along...” Albus muttered and took out another bottle of firewhisky. Perhaps it would have been better if he had remained silent.
That had been a harsh week. Sleep eluded him and Minerva was still furious with him. After his declaration, Filius had undermined respect the other professors had for him. There would be time to earn it back, he decided. Now, he had another priority.
For months, he had been pushing for the Triwizard Tournament to be reinstated and it was about to become a reality. Perhaps it was true that the boy was not a replica of Tom Riddle, but there were still possibilities of him going dark. Besides, he needed to find a way of luring Voldemort out of his hiding place. He had no idea what Madam Bones was doing to do to deal with the man, but he knew her methods would be brutal. No more lives needed to be taken. Next year would be essential for his plans and few would understand his actions, but it was for the greater good.
The members of the Guild were on the train, going home for the summer. Harry was pleased by how tranquil the year had been because this meant he had been able to concentrate on his studies and training. The unexpected support they had received for what people considered heroic actions before the Yule holidays had brought more benefits than expected. For the first time in decades, the House of Slytherin had experienced acceptance within the school. They relished the feeling and were more committed than ever to follow the rules he had established. However, as much as he tried, he was unable to get rid of the thought that he should enjoy what was left of his peaceful life.
“Everything hurts,” Draco whined. Daphne pushed him off her when he placed his head on her shoulder.
“I would say 'man up' but, seeing as the males that surround me are as whiny as a soiled toddler, I recommend you shut up or I will make sure you woman up,” Daphne hissed. If her hostility was anything to go by, it seemed that her pride still ached from their humbling lesson earlier.
“Professor Flitwick wanted to remind us that, although we are good duellists, we lack the experience to defeat a true master,” Flora informed him, but her stiff movements betrayed how sore she was.
“He's a sadist,” Theo muttered, but did not move otherwise and kept using Terrence as a pillow.
“Did everyone decide on which classes to take next year?” Adrian asked the group.
“Martial magic is a must for all of us. An old friend of our beloved yet sadistic teacher is going to give the class,” Blaise murmured, his brow furrowed while he read The Quibbler for some unknown reason.
“Professor Benedict Munter will be one of the best teachers we will ever have,” Luna announced with a smile.
“Spellcasting sounds fascinating,” Neville told the others “But I think we should take inscription casting and learn the others in our own time."
“That's true. That way, we will learn different ways of casting. Besides, Aunt Eleadora will be ruthless in the months to come and we will learn more from her than any other teacher. She has been waiting to teach us how to weave spells. I think you'll like it, Fred. Spell weavers tend to be the best enchanters,” Harry informed the older boy.
During the last year, everyone had learnt healing, duelling, curses, runes, and magic detection to a proficient level. However, they had learnt the mere basics of blood magic, magic negation and ritual magic, for they were too complicated to learn in a short time. During these months, their main project was becoming animagi. Sirius had told him that he and his friends achieved that at fifteen, so Harry wanted to beat them by a year. However, he was planning to use his mother's method to do so because the Marauders' approach of trial and error did nothing to convince him.
Indeed, a busy summer awaited. Everyone in the Guild would begin their specializations. Theo had decided to put his strategic mind to use and chose to learn magic negation, runes, and spell crafting; a good friend of Aunt Eleadora would teach him the latter. Daphne surprised no one when she chose curse manipulation, maleficiums, and elemental magic; after all, the girl had an innate talent for powerful curses.
On the other hand, Draco surprised many when he chose healing, warding, and abjuration; all of them centred on protective magic. Blaise had also surprised everyone when he chose black magic and magic negation; combining those would make him a dangerous opponent. Marcus chose illusions and spell negation, stating that it would be invaluable in his political career and it would also be perfect to protect himself in case of an attack on the Ministry.
Flora chose warding and alchemy; the girl had an unusual imagination that would ensure she created the most epic wards and potions. Hestia, on the other hand, was fascinated by white magic, healing, and abjuration. While those branches tended to be on the spectrum of what the Ministry considered light magic, white magic and abjuration were still considered dark for some stupid reason. Perhaps that was one of the reasons the girl chose them.
Fred was also fascinated by alchemy and he was already reading all the books he could manage to obtain on the subject. George was concentrating on elemental magic and being an enchanter, but he still took extra time to learn about healing. Terrence was fixated on white magic, healing, spell negation, and curse breaking. If he somehow managed to combine them all, he would become a powerful and invaluable ally during any conflict. Adrian concentrated on magic negation and defence magic; it seemed the battle on Hogsmeade had cemented his desire to protect the ones he cared about.
Little Luna had chosen blood magic and elemental magic. There was no doubt in anyone's mind that she would be someone to reckon with in the future. Gentle Neville had chosen magical destruction, a dangerous branch of magic that few still practiced. Aunt Eleadora had moved heaven and earth to contact an old hag who specialized in that area and agreed to mentor the boy on the condition that Neville would also mentor someone in the future. That power combined with elemental magic and illusions would make Neville one of the most dangerous members of the Guild.
Harry had also chosen magical destruction and was eager to learn about it. Also, he wanted to follow his mother's path and decided to specialize in blood magic, enchanting, and duelling, though Aunt Eleadora was forcing him to learn potions, something that he did not mind at all, but he could do without all the nagging to which he was subjected to. Besides, he was longing to learn his family magic. The problem was waiting until he turned fifteen so the Potter Grimoire allowed itself to be read. It was a shame to wait so long, but it isn’t as if he was spending his time idle.
... He did not want to think about Elizabeth’s training. He pretended not to notice how much time his sister and aunt spent together; he did not want to think of the little girl he had protected for so long as a capable warrior.
"Who's going to take advanced runes and arithmancy?” Blaise asked, giving up on the magazine he was reading.
“I think all of us will,” Draco muttered while he used Neville as a human pillow, giving up on his attempts to use Daphne, after a particularly cold glare.
“The classes were getting boring. I'm glad we're going to be actually learning,” George said and everyone nodded in agreement.
"We still have to plan for the Quidditch World Cup; what defences will our tent be having?” Hestia asked, looking at Harry.
“Aunt Eleadora has placed wards on the ground where we will be camping already and she is the one who enchanted the tent, so we will be as safe as we can be inside it. Sirius expressed his worries to Madam Bones. She will send Curse-breakers a week before the game and Aurors will begin regular patrols,” he informed the others.
“I see she's happy with the number of new recruits if she's tolerating Sirius for so long,” Adrian stated with a smirk.
“Indeed, she is. The people that are under my protection, especially the young ones, are glad to be part of society once again... I think Voldemort will be surprised when he notices that the number of Aurors and Healers has doubled,” he said with a pleased grin.
“He will be, and now that you have a basic control of Fiendfyre we are no longer in grave danger,” Luna announced with a dreamy smile, but her reassurance only managed to put them on edge.
“Do you remember which mask belongs to which Death Eater?” Harry asked and they all nodded.
“If they attack, we will know how to divide ourselves,” Draco promised and he nodded in acceptance.
"Who will be joining us?” Neville asked to no one in particular.
“My aunt and sister, Remus and Sirius, Draco's parents, and a few elves who want to watch the game. Although, it's likely Elizabeth invited her friend without asking me... Thinking about it, let's just assume Hwasa is also going,” Harry sighed and a few smiled at his frustration.
“Astoria wanted to join us, but father didn't allow her to,” Daphne informed them, her stony expression showing what she thought about that decision.
“Mother will visit a few friends of hers. She loathes open spaces with all her soul,” Blaise chuckled.
“Should we take the mirrors?” Fred asked, taking out his palm-sized mirror from his pocket.
“No. Harry will give us something better in a few days,” Luna announced and the alluded boy smiled.
Luna had unveiled his surprise. The enchantress Aunt Eleadora met was an intelligent woman who felt affronted by the lack of methods of communication the magical people had. The woman had been a decent student but the discrimination in the world did not allow her to obtain a good job. Following Ragnok's advice, he contacted her with the aim of working together. Now he was her financial backer and they had founded a company named 'Mirror Summons', which was dedicated to creating new communication methods.
So far, she had managed to link a large number of communication mirrors, which were a best-seller among the magical people. They sold so fast that Ragnok suggested beginning to export them, something Harry agreed with. The woman had also managed to replicate a basic television using them, but it was still a prototype that needed a lot of work before it had the desired effects. However, the Ministry still bought specially made giant versions to use during the Cup final, though he suspected they were also planning to use them in the Triwizard Tournament. Harry's personal favourite invention, until the moment, was a necklace with a diminutive crystal that had the basic functions of a Muggle cell phone, subtle and practical. He had ordered fifteen of them, one for each member of the Guild.
“I told daddy that I would be with some friends for the Cup, and he decided he would join an exploration party to some Aztec ruins. So, I will stay with you until we go back to school,” Luna informed him and Harry sighed. He nodded in acceptance but was beginning to sulk about how he missed the good old days when people still asked his opinion.
"We told dad we're staying with Lee. He'll tell our mother,” George said.
“But Bill knows where we're staying and wants to come and visit a few times,” Fred added.
“I have no problems with it, though you have to tell us before either he comes or you go and visit him. You'll be sitting with us, right?” Harry asked the twins and they nodded.
“Dad got tickets, but he didn't mind when we told him we were sitting with our friends."
“Ginny took the chance to invite a friend of hers and Ron did the same,” George shrugged, knowing they would enjoy the game from a better place.
“Grandma accepted the moment I mentioned your name, she loves you,” Neville said with a pleased grin.
“Excellent. I have to go to the bank tomorrow; does anybody wish to join my sister and me for lunch in the Alley?” Harry asked and most nodded. He loathed the fact Fred and George were under scrutiny because their mother was still angry with them.
“Our OWL results will arrive in two weeks. Until then, mother believes she should ground us for not doing as well as Perfect Percy,” Fred sneered.
“Joke's on her when she notices we didn't only get twelve, but that we also got many offers for apprenticeships, something that her favourite son was unable to get,” George continued with a smirk.
"What about you two?” Daphne asked the two other fifth-year boys.
“Twelve O's. The head Healer of St. Mungo's offered me an apprenticeship along with George,” Terrence muttered looking sleepy.
“Same, though Auror Moody offered to train me and I'm not sure how to feel about that,” Adrian groaned.
“He couldn't be worse than Flitwick,” Theo stated with conviction. Adrian opened his mouth to argue but closed it again.
“You're right. I didn't think about it that way. I think I will agree, then,” Adrian announced with a triumphant smirk.
“How's Marcus doing in the Ministry? We can't talk with him as much as you do,” Neville complained.
“He's doing great. That idiot Fudge depends on him to decide if he will breathe or not. The pink atrocity that is his undersecretary is being ignored most of the time. In one more year, Marcus will be able to replace her... However, we need to change Ministers; even though Marcus has great influence over Fudge, the moron agrees with whoever gives him the most gold. We have been thinking about Madam Bones assuming the position,” Harry informed the others.
“She's an intelligent woman. I'm sure that father will agree to have her in power,” Draco mused.
“Did anyone else try something with your dad?” Flora asked the boy.
“No. After the stunt they pulled a month ago, no Death Eater approaches my father. Though it's a shame the bastards managed to escape; according to him, Dobby was particularly vicious,” Draco told the others with a brief chuckle that turned into a grimace because of the soreness.
The group of young people enjoyed the ride until they arrived at the station. To avoid security risks, their elves popped into their compartment to take them home without any further delays. They said their farewells and, in less than a minute, the once full compartment was empty.
Harry, Flora, Hestia, Theo and Terrence arrived in the parlour of the Potter castle, where people waited for them. Harry, as always, was hugged to the point of asphyxiation by his sister. Eleadora greeted each of the children with hugs and gentle words. Sirius was doing... strange things as usual. He was sitting on the floor, hugging his knees, and Remus was watching him with a wide smile on his face.
"What happened to him?” Harry asked and Eleadora composed a bright smile.
“He asked out Madam Bones, or perhaps I should start calling her Amelia,” Remus answered with a hearty chuckle and the newcomers raised their eyebrows in surprise.
“I suppose that, being the sensible woman she is, she denied the invitation and cursed the idiot,” Harry sighed in understanding. He was about to ask his aunt to heal his godfather of any curse he might have earned when the man spoke up.
“For your information, I am a very charming man and she agreed to go out with me!” the man exclaimed with a triumphant smile, then groaned when he saw Remus.
“Did he dose her with love potions?” Flora asked Eleadora and she shrugged in response.
“I heard that! And I did not. It's all Harry's fault!” the man accused the boy. “Thanks to him, I got back to being an Auror and he asked me to speak with Amelia to know where her loyalties lay. First, we began talking in the office, and then we went out every lunch and a few dinners... Then, somehow, we were spending all of our time together and the next thing I knew is that I was in love! You should be asking if she dosed me!” the man complained.
“She doesn't have the need; half the male population would give their right arms to get close to her while the other half would give more to be away. So why she settled for you I have no idea,” Hestia explained and Sirius stared at the girl with his mouth agape.
“You're a bad influence on those girls,” the man muttered to Harry with a frown.
“So, you're shocked because she actually agreed instead of cursing you?” the boy asked, and the man groaned again.
“It has nothing to do with that; it's something she said before accepting,” Remus explained with a wide smile. Sirius clamped his hand over the werewolf's mouth to prevent him continuing.
“She thought they were a couple,” Eleadora informed them and Sirius groaned, hiding behind his best friend.
“You aren't?” Theo asked, tilting his head in curiosity.
“But you sleep in the same room,” Flora accused.
“And you're always touching each other...” Terrence muttered.
"We are not together!” Sirius exclaimed and fled the room, his flushed face resembling a ripe tomato.
“So, you aren't together... I guess I'll no longer be able to give you couple clothes for Christmas,” Harry muttered and shrugged. “Never mind, let's have dinner."
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My World Traveling System: The Harbinger Of Death
After being hit by thunder while sleeping with his phone, Frank awakened to his Ability, being revealed to a new world of wonders and dangers and countless other Worlds filled with Chaos through his World Traveling System!
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"'Why,' a woman asked me, 'would they show a movie with things I do not want to see?' She is not unusual. Most people choose movies that provide exactly what they expect, and tell them things they already know. Others are more curious. We are put on this planet only once, and to limit ourselves to the familiar is a crime against our minds." - From the Great Roger Ebert Be forewarned, this story is not for everyone. It's not even for some people. This is for just a select few who get wet from misery and excited by suffering. This is no level up, power up, let's kill monsters, op mc, fantasy land, standard litrpg garbage you find in basically every other story on this site. If the rest of RoyalRoad is shounen (which it is), then this is Gantz/Berserk. Sorry. I lied. This is darker than Berserk and bloodier than Gantz. Not a manga fan? Then how about Korean cinema? Have you heard of Kim Ki-duk? His works The Isle, Moebius, and Pieta all come to mind. Again, this is not for normal people. There's a bunch of other normal stories for normal people to read. The whole rest of the site library is for normal. This is a special section set aside for a special type of story meant for a special kind of people. If you follow or favorite this, you're telling the whole world that you're a little different. A bit twisted. I guess you could call it the BDSM of reading. Which segues perfectly into the introduction. Are you kinky? Are you familiar with the taboo? Have you ever thought about the depths of human depravity? What I'm trying to ask is, do you like fucked up shit? Do you like massacres and public shamings? Do you like watching people fall into despair, going insane, or turning into psychopaths? Do you get turned on when love is destroyed and hedonism reigns king? Well, I've got the perfect story for you! If you're uncomfortable with profanity, gore, sexual and traumatising content, then I recommend you move on. I won't judge you just cause you're a pussy. And I'm not talking about the fake labels of the other candy ass stories on this site who think their shit is morbid or even remotely disturbing, I'm talking about the shocking, offensive, real fucked up shit that you can't even use incognito mode for and you gotta install Tor browser. (You don't actually need to install Tor, you idiot.) If you love that shit or even if you're just curious, then read on. I swear it's not as bad as you think it'll be. It's much worse. - Signed with no love, Marley (written by a friend in the voice of Marley) Unapologetic, cynical, pretentious, pessimistic, hypocritical, selfish, sarcastic, passive, apathetic asshole main character named Marley. Alternate POV: Badass, intelligent, proactive, loving, nice, friendly, optimistic co-main character Sophia. This is essentially a rough draft. Grammar and spelling has been read through and fixed for the most part. If you don't like something, tell me why you don't like it. Don't just rate it low anonymously. Thanks.
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