《Heart of the Forest (Hiatus)》Interlude 2


I know, short chapter, but it let you peak at Luke future problems.

Yesterday i forgot to mention that the story finally got to more than a thousand views per chapter on average. So thanks to all of you, Readers!

The goblins were an issue even after several days and weeks had passed from The Beginning. The problem wasn’t their numbers as it was believed once, but the rate of spawning they had. Every city or settlement had to contend with at least thirty of the grey creatures everyday. Cities that controlled large areas may have to dispose of hundreds or thousands instead. It was a double-edged sword: at the same time it gave the opportunity to train and level up an increasing amount of people, but if you failed too many times, your base may be destroyed. It was also discovered that the greater the amount of goblins, the greater the possibilities of a stronger one showing up. There aren’t exact statics, though.

After the first appearance of this monster, the more organized structures and governments were confident in guns to solve their troubles. It didn’t work. When goblins amassed and enough shamans popped up, their magic could completely restrain humanity’s technology. And humans had no defense mechanism or strategy for the unconventional attacks that could be done with the help of Mana. It took some time to rethink schemes and calibrate tactics. In the end, mankind survived. However, the cost was high. The first day only, it is estimated that half of the world human population died. The successive days, a few more percents were lost. By the end of the week, less than a third remained.

Although animal type creatures appeared only a few hours after the goblins, they were mostly weak mobs (either because they were weak from the beginning or because they hadn’t developed their strength) that couldn’t compete with goblins. It took a week as a minimum for a balance to be reached. Goblins avoided the areas of stronger beasts, and those beasts struck only once in awhile to cull the horde before it could turn on them.


If the goblins were survived by those that deserved it (either by skill or luck), then the animals were a chance to grow stronger and feed the masses. Everyday several, increasingly stronger creature would be spotted showing how fast the curve was escalating. This planted the idea on all humans that they had to get as strong as fast as possible.

The situation changed when ten days had passed. Other races started to show up. They appeared near their natural environment: Dwarves, near mountains; Elves, depending their subraces (these hadn’t been documented, but we are aware of Forest Elves, Mountain Elves, High Elves and Dark Elves. The last two didn’t follow a rule to where they spawned. It is believed that High Elves appeared in places with high concentration of Mana and Dark Elves the opposite). Other races were orcs that didn’t have restrictions and a few giants that mostly occupied the areas near the poles.

The balance was again disrupted.

Anonymous Historian in the book The Beginning of a true cosmopolitan world.

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