《A Modern Day Demon King》* Chapter 22 – Rules Ⅱ


Ye Ming emerges from the 2nd bedroom still drying his hair with a towel and wearing Reyn’s black tee-shirt and loose gym pants that Reyn had set out for him. Underwear was most definitely not included and as such Ye Ming was going commando. But that didn’t seem to be bothering him very much at the moment.

Ye Ming takes a seat on one of the kitchen counter stools, while Reyn finishes platting the warm food, before putting a plate of piping hot food before him. Ye Ming doesn’t even wait to be told to eat as he instantly digs into the food with a belly full of hunger. The meal is quiet for a time until Ye Ming’s hunger quells down and takes a sip of his orange juice to wash the food down. “Master, most of my more serious wounds are already healed. How is that possible?” Ye Ming curiously asked the question on his mind since emerging from the shower.

Reyn reluctantly lowers her eating utensils and replies, “That is the World Tree seed growing in your heart cavity.”

“World Tree seed?”

“Yes, that is how I absorb Mana via a World Tree. Yours is merely a sapling, but when it grows large enough your entire body including your broken energy channels will be healed and made strong. At which point, it will be ripe time for you to begin absorbing the Mana of the world.”


“I believe that in this land it is called, “Qi.”

Ye Ming is quiet as Reyn about to begins to eat, when Ye Ming confused asks, “But Master, then what will I do in the meantime?”

Reyn sighs and puts her utensils down and turns to face the kid. “How old are you, Ye Ming?” Reyn asked.


“18 years old, I think,” Ye Ming replied.

“Well, until your World Tree is large enough to absorb man, you will be my housekeeper and pet cat. I assume that you enjoy eating rice and the typical cuisine of your homeland, so you’re in charge of most of the meals from now on.”

Ye Ming gapes and sputters in protest, “Your Pet?”

“Of course, this is a company apartment, I can’t have someone else living with me. Besides, I would have to register you as an addition to the household and that will not only be dangerous but just plain stupid given who’s after you. Besides it’s much convenient for both of us if I just say you’re my pet,” Reyn pauses and mutters to herself in thought, “I better pick up some things form the pet store.”

Ye Ming chokes and faintly says, “Do I have to use a litter box?”

Reyn snorts in disgust, “Of course not. You’re not a real cat.”

Ye Ming sighs slightly in relief as Reyn continues, “But don’t worry, I’ll buy you clothing and such things to be kept in a closet of your own.” Reyn makes a personal note to herself to magically ward the closet lest an unexpected visitor enters the second bedroom and find a closet filled with male clothing. One could never afford to be too careful.

Besides your most important duty is to allow the World Tree seed to grow. I don’t want you to leave the apartment for any reason until that World Tree is no longer a sapling! And so, until then, you’re the housekeeper and my pet cat, is that understood?”

Ye Ming nods his head faintly as he dutifully finishes the cold food on his plate. Reyn studies the gloomy figure of Ye Ming as an idea comes to mind. “C’mon, how about we shop for stuff online. I’ll even buy you brand goods if you’re good,” Reyn pointedly said, the magical words to all teen’s hearts, money and things.


Ye Ming perks slightly up at his master’s words as Reyn goes to get her laptop, while Ye Ming washes the plates in silent contemplation as his eyes grow colder with revenge and fury. Despite lacking any memories, a part of Ye Ming remembered that he had a purpose and that was to avenge himself. And so, by the time, Reyn returned with a credit card in hand, Ye Ming felt better than ever.

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