《A Modern Day Demon King》* Chapter 1 - Awake


Blue-green eyes flicker open as tears slide out of them. A young woman with chin-length russet colored hair wipes the tears from her eyes and turns on her side to reach for her glasses on the nightstand next to her. Putting on her glasses the woman sighs as she falls back onto her pillows and stares at the ceiling.

Reyn is a former Demon King, who had been reborn as a human in an entirely different world. As a small child, she would dream every night about being a Demon King in another world until she finally understood the reality of the situation as she grew older. She wasn’t dreaming but remembering/seeing memories of her previous existence. Over the passing of time, her human and previous Demon King-self merged together to form her current self, Reyn Mephistopheles. Although that wasn’t to say, she was an entirely normal human either.

Reyn glances at the clock and sighs, it was time for work. Reyn sleepily yawns and kicks off her bedsheets before climbing out of bed to get ready for work. Reyn heads to the bathroom, where here pressed suit is waiting for her. After a couple of minutes, Reyn emerges in a typical white-collar button shirt, a black suit jacket and matching skirt with black stockings and black leather slip-on shoes.

Reyn only pauses to run her fingers through her short hair, before grabbing her office bag and heading to the kitchen to brush her teeth. As she brushes her teeth, Reyn grabs her packed lunch out of the fridge and puts it into her bag. Finished, Reyn pauses only to smile at the framed photograph of her and her parents. Much like in her previous life both of her parents had died when she was young, but this time around her human parents were killed when she was just thirteen by a drunken driver.

Afterward, Reyn had been put into the foster home system until she aged out. It wasn’t the best of times to say the least, but she lucked in her last two years left in the system by getting assigned to an older foster care couple. Mr. and Mrs. Pingree were relatively nice people for the most part if not for being a bit on the strict side of parenting. For the holidays, Christmas and Thanksgiving, Reyn would always return to her foster parent’s home to celebrate the holidays with them.


Upon graduating High School, Reyn enrolled into a local college to study accounting using the remnant of her parent’s savings and life insurance policy that she finally had access too. In just four years, Reyn graduated as a CPA with top honors as a Cum Laude from her university. Given her grades and internship as a student, it hadn’t been difficult for Reyn to find immediate employment after graduation at an excellent company that had an available opening.

Reyn sneezes and heads out of her small apartment. Scurrying down the steps Reyn makes her way to the street, before heading to her favorite bakery for breakfast. If she walked fast she would have enough time to grab a bite to eat and still make it in time for work.

Reyn hurries down the street to only hear a scuffle in the alleyway. Reyn is about to walk away when she hears a cry of pain and protest from a woman in the alley. Reyn sighs to herself and pushes her glasses up her nose, before darting purposefully into the alley.

Three leering men have a woman pinned against the wall. The scantily clad streetwalker presses herself in fright against the wall as the three men leer at her. One of the men reaches over to touch the woman’s face causing her to flinch away. Before the men can react, a voice says, “Excuse me, sirs, but could you give me a hand?”

One of the men, a tall buff man turns and grunts, “Go and mind your own business!” Before the man can react, a blow to the stomach sends him flying past his comrades and crashing further down the alley. The man groans in pain as his two friends turn to face their opponent.

One of the men guffaws and points at the woman in office clothing. “Oh my god, Jerry. Don’t tell me this little girl beat the living sh** out of you?”

The scantily clad woman in spiky pink heels seeing her assailants momentarily distracted hurriedly escapes without a single word of thanks and rushes out of the alleyway. Reyn sighs to herself at the thanks she is getting and wonders, why does she even bother?


The other man cocks his head to the side and growls, “You best be apologizing miss or we’re going to have to get physical.”

Realizing that the men are talking to her, Reyn carefully puts her bag on the floor, before straightening back up. Seeing the woman ignore them, the rougher looking man cracks his knuckles and rushes forward at the woman. Reyn easily reaches out and catches his fist in her palm. The man stares at her as his companion gapes in shock.

Reyn brightly smiles and wraps her fingers around the man’s fist and with ease begins to tighten her grip on the man’s hand. The man winces in pain as the force grows impossibly stronger until a loud crack is heard. Reyn instantly releases the bone-crushing hold on the man’s hand as the man falls onto the floor in pain cradling his broken arm to his chest.

The third man takes a step back and holds his hands up in the air in a sign of peace. “Whoa, there girl, I’m not looking for any trouble,” the third man exclaimed.

Reyn nods sagely and says, “Gentlemen I hope we never cross paths again. But should we meet again, I hope it won’t be under such similar of circumstances.” Reyn hastily grabs her leather bag off the ground and speedily walks away. With relief, Reyn turns the corner of the street to find she isn’t being followed.

Glancing at her watch, Reyn sighs dejectedly at this rate if she stopped by the bakery for breakfast, she would be late to work. With a frown, Reyn makes her walk to work only stopping to buy a sandwich from a street vendor on her way to work.

The streets are full of white-collar workers on her way to work. With care, Reyn weaves her way through the masses as she speedily chews on her sandwich. After a while, Reyn spots the large glass building that was her office building and dives through the crowd for the doors. She and several others push their way through the crowds to safely emerge in the lobby.

Reaching into her bag, Reyn pulls out her security badge on its black lanyard and shows it to the guard on duty. The plump security guard waves her through as Reyn makes her to the crowded elevator. As soon as the doors open, Reyn and other office employees dive into the metal box like cattle to the slaughter. The elevator is swiftly filled to the brim, but Reyn somehow manages to press the elevator button for her floor as the doors close.

The elevator slowly empties at each floor until finally, it’s Reyn’s floor. With relief, Reyn steps out of the elevator and makes her way to the office door and scan’s her keycard against the security, before being allowed inside.

Reyn speedily makes her way to her cubicle as Lisa’s pink dyed head sticks over the edge of the cubicle. “So, running late huh? Any juicy stories?” Lisa asked as she leaned over the cubicle. Her long pink braided hair brushes onto Reyn’s cubicle as Lisa pointedly pushes up her stylish fashion decorative glasses.

Reyn raises an eyebrow and murmurs, “Nothing to tell,” as she turns on her computer and takes a seat at her desk.

Lisa sighs dejectedly and says, “Girl, you have to get out more often. When was the last time you went out?”

“I go out every day,” Reyn steadfastly replied.

“I don’t mean going to work, but out to have some fun,” Lisa suggestively said with an exaggerated wink.

Reyn spots their supervisor turning the corner and hastily turns on her computer and pretends to be studying an open file. Lisa catches the hint and hastily dives to pretend to work as well until their supervisor passes by. After a moment, Lisa peers around the cubicle and whispers, “Fine, how about dinner and a few drinks after work?”

Reyn narrows her eyes at Lisa, “Fine, now get back to work.” Lisa playfully bats her eyelashes at Reyn before going back to her desk. Reyn glances at the complicated spreadsheet on her screen and frowns. It was going to be a long day.

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