《My Sister is the Grim Reaper》9. The Party
“Hey, Kit-Kat! I didn’t know you were joining us for dinner,” Charlie entered the dining room. “Of course, C! I hope that’s all right,” Kat nodded. She was sitting between Benimaru and Aaron. “C?” Tetsuya and Aaron thought at the same time. “You’re welcome any time,” Charlie pat her on the head before taking her seat between Tetsuya and Tenseiga, “This looks fantastic, Tensei!” “Why, thank you, my dear Charlie,” Tenseiga smiled, “How is your uncle?” “He— is losing track of time,” Charlie was still confused. “That’s— alarming,” Tenseiga put a hand over his mouth, thinking, “a god— losing track of time? That’s troubling…” “My grandma started losing track of time as her dementia started setting in,” Kat explained, “I’m sorry that you are going through that with your uncle.” “Me too,” Charlie looked down at her plate. Kat held onto Benimaru’s hand reassuringly. Aaron noted it out of the corner of his eye, then looked away, grumbling. “Man, Kat is annoying the hell out of me. Why hasn’t Beni mentioned her before,” Aaron was jabbing his food as he thought aggravated. Kat glanced at Beni and then motioned for him to look past her. Benimaru shook his head in disbelief. Kat sighed. Tenseiga caught on. “So, Kat, are you and Beni here seeing each other?” Tenseiga leaned forward. “Well, we’re considering it,” Kat met Tenseiga’s eyes with a smirk. “Oh! How sweet,” Charlie smiled. “Yeah… sweet,” Aaron griped, getting up. “Where are you going? You haven’t touched your food,” Benimaru called after him. “Just lost my appetite. I need some air,” Aaron sounded agitated. “Okay… well, we’ll wrap it up for you,” Benimaru nodded before returning to the conversation. “Yeah,” Aaron paused before leaving. — “Wanna talk about it, champ?” Tetsuya found Aaron shooting baskets outside. “What’s there to talk about?” “You know, Benimaru and that short girl?” Tetsuya insisted. Aaron missed, to Tetsuya’s surprise. “If Beni wants to date her, who am I to say anything?” Aaron went after the ball. “I don’t know, man. You seem kind of jealous,” Tetsuya stole the ball and took a shot, “Even I can see that.” “You’re crazy,” Aaron took the ball, “Why would I be jealous of that tiny, annoying brat?” “I mean, she uses weird nicknames, but I wouldn’t say she’s annoying,” Tetsuya was defending, but Aaron charged him and dunked. “Whose side are you on, Tetsu?” Aaron shouted. “I didn’t realize there was a side to be on, to begin with,” Tetsuya shook his head, confused. “Whatever,” Aaron tossed him the ball and sulked inside. Tetsuya shrugged and practiced shooting. — “Well, it was nice meeting you, Kit-Kat, was it?” Tenseiga insisted that he walk her to the door. “You can call me that, sure,” Kat smiled up at him. “I see what you’re doing,” Tenseiga glanced down at her. “I’m sorry, but that guy likes Beni and Beni likes him. They are just too blind to see it,” Kat defended. “Oh, believe me, dear Kit-Kat, I am aware of this,” Tenseiga lamented. “So you’ve provoked him, too,” Kat squinted her eyes at him. “Oh, I made it a game until Chad showed up,” Tenseiga crossed his arms, “Now, Aaron is unsure of himself.” “The kiss,” Kat nodded. “You sure do know a lot,” Tenseiga raised his eyebrows. “Well, Beni had to listen to my problems for a month, so I started letting him talk,” Kat admitted. “And he told you about it, just like that?” Tenseiga was impressed. “Well, as it stands, I’m an outsider even though we are pretty good friends,” Kat explained, “I’m not here every day, so I don’t contribute to the home dynamic.” Tenseiga thought for a long moment. “I can occupy more of Ben-bun’s time on campus and come to study,” Kat said, “but I don’t want to become a fixture here. Not my style. If you could help out by—“ “Asking about you every once in a while? You’re pretty brilliant,” Tenseiga returned her smirk. “I know! See you later, Ten-ten!” Kat walked out the door. “Hmm… well, I don’t hate it, and the fact that I have a Kat nickname could add fuel to the fire,” Tenseiga gave his foxlike smile. — A couple of months went by, and the two young men ended up passing their midterms. Tenseiga decided to throw a party for them. He invited some people from their classes. “Wow, I didn’t know you guys were loaded,” a classmate commented. “Well, this is more Beni’s sister than anything,” Aaron was passing a football with some of the guys from their class. “That her?” another guy indicated Charlie. “Yeah!” Aaron nodded. “Damn, man. You lived with that goddess this whole time, and you didn’t tell us?” “She’s like a sister to me, dude,” Aaron shook his head, “Plus, I wouldn’t mess with her. Her boyfriend—“ “Is built like a damn brick house.” Tetsuya decided to get affectionate when he noted them all staring. Charlie kissed him on the cheek. “You’re so cute,” she smiled up at Tetsuya. “Oh— yeah! Sure,” Tetsuya kissed her back, glaring at them. “Yep, wrong tree,” one of the group nervously remarked. Benimaru was hanging out with a group of people by the pool. “You know, I never would have expected everyone to be so over the top with how chill you are, Beni,” one of the people in the group noted as they all sat with their legs in the water. “You think I’m chill?” Benimaru was shocked. “Yeah, dude,” another person noted, “and you’re so helpful.” Benimaru blushed, “W-well, thank you.” “Careful, someone may snatch you up with that cute face,” a girl grabbed one of his arms, scooting closer. “For— for some reason, I get that a lot,” Benimaru flushed as the girl was being subtly provocative. Tenseiga beamed and thought, “A marked improvement.” “Hey, man. Why do you keep glancing at the pool? You’re going to get dinged with the ball, which would be highly unusual for you,” a guy advised before tossing Aaron the ball again. “No reason,” Aaron muttered, tossing the ball again. “Are you seeing anyone?” the girl was toying with the string on Benimaru’s hoodie. “N-no, why do you ask?” Benimaru tilted his head to the side. Kat pulled Benimaru back over to her, “He’s spoken for.” “By who? You don’t even like guys, Kat,” the girl yanked Benimaru back the gave him smokey eyes. Kat scooted over when she saw Aaron approaching. He sat next to Benimaru and wrapped an arm around him. “Hey, Beni! What’s going on?” Aaron squinted his eyes at the girl. “Oh, I’m sorry. Beni, I didn’t know you were gay,” the girl said, “I feel silly.” “Wait, I’m not—“ Benimaru began. “You don’t have to explain anything to her, Beni,” Aaron turned Benimaru to face him. Benimaru shrugged him off, “I know I don’t have to, but I don’t want there to be any misunderstandings. Linda, I’m not sure what I am at this current point in time.” Linda blinked, “You’re— not sure?” Benimaru looked down at the water, “Yeah…” “Haven't you tried anything to see if you like it? Or don’t like it?” Linda leaned in curious, putting a hand on Benimaru’s hand. “Well, I don’t know,” Benimaru shrugged, “I know that makes me a little odd, I suppose.” “Do you want to try something?” Linda leaned in close. “I think he’s good,” Aaron pulled Benimaru away, putting a hand in Linda’s face. “Aaron, that was rude!” Benimaru shrugged him off, looking Linda over, “Are you okay, Linda? Aaron, What’s your problem?” “Well, she was— I mean,” Aaron stammered. “If I didn’t want to, I could have told her no, politely,” Benimaru got up, “Come on, Linda and Kat. Let’s go get you two margaritas.” “Are you going to have one this time, Beni?” Kat asked, taking one arm while Linda took the other, nodding furiously. “I don’t know. I’ve never drunk before,” Benimaru confessed. “Awe! So cute!” Linda leaned in. Kat shrugged, “Well, what better place to give it a try than at home! It’s not like we aren’t old enough or anything.” Benimaru nodded, “You’re right!” Aaron sat by the pool, not exactly sure what he was feeling at that moment. “Well, that was rough,” Tetsuya sat next to him. “Whatever,” Aaron got up. Tetsuya shrugged and caught the stray football. He decided to play catch with the other mortals. — “You’re so cute,” Linda hiccuped as she held onto Benimaru. “Maybe I am, maybe I’m not,” Benimaru slurred and chuckled. “I think maybe another shot might help you agree with us,” Kat swayed but managed to pass out another round. “Sure!” Benimaru clinked shot glasses with them before they downed them, “You know, this doesn’t burn anymore. Haha!” “That’s 'cause we’re toasted!” Linda giggled. “To being toasted!” Benimaru held up his margarita glass as Linda and Kat cheered. “Awe! Beni’s first time being drunk with his friends,” Charlie smirked proudly, taking a picture. “It’s a good thing we have a big house. I don’t think any of these kids are driving themselves anywhere,” Tetsuya looked out at them all whooping, some of them playing drinking games. “We can call them some Ubers if they don’t want to stay,” Charlie nodded, “but they are all more than welcome to. I put a barrier on the left stairwell. It looks like it doesn’t exist to those who don’t live here.” “Good plan,” Tetsuya nodded, “who knew the stupid fox would be good at this— beer pong— though.” “Tensei is wiping the floor with them, isn’t he,” Charlie giggled. “Should we put a leash on him?” Tetsuya was concerned. “Tensei may be a sexual deviant, but a willing partner is the most important thing to him, and no one here— except maybe the two of us— are sober enough for anything,” Charlie gave Tetsuya side-eye. “True, true. You’re right. The fox may be a sadist, but I’ll admit he won’t do— things to people who don’t want him to,” Tetsuya crossed his arms, “but when did we become appointed party babysitters.” “Tetsu, you’re an angry drunk, and I have to have enough wits about me to guard the portal while we have guests,” Charlie leaned in, “Aaaand— since we both have our wits about us, that doesn’t mean we can’t get a little frisky.” Tetsuya cleared his throat, “That’s true. Very true.” “Well, ladies!” Benimaru stood up, “I— have to go to the bathroom. I’ve had to do that a lot…” “That happens when you drink, silly!” Linda pats him on the arm. “Huh, weird,” Benimaru stumbled off to the bathroom. “Was— he wearing lipstick when we started?” Kat pointed, “no— because none of it's on his lips. Linda, you skank.” “He’s cute!” Linda was indignant. “Oh boy, just shut up and take another shot, Linda,” Kat passed her another shot glass, and they clinked them together before they downed another. — “Of course, I would leave my key on the other side of the damn portal,” Chad was sneaking down the stairs, glad that his presence was being drowned out by the noise of the party, “If I use my powers to get out of here like this the jig is up.” “Man, the room sure is spinny,” Chad heard a familiar voice in the bathroom. “Hmm… well, if that isn’t music to my ears,” he tiptoed to the bathroom. Benimaru was steadying himself on the sink, “When did I put on lipstick?” “Yes, when did you?” Chad squinted his eyes as he approached Benimaru from behind. He grabbed Benimaru’s face and examined it, “None of it appears to be on your lips, though…” “Aaron, will you stop being so weird. I know we kissed, but…” Benimaru slurred. “What?” Chad hissed, then shrugged, “No matter.” “If you want to do it again, you could just ask,” Benimaru shook his head, “you’re usually smoother when messing with me, now you’re just— I don’t know…” Chad smirked, “So, all I have to do is ask, huh?” “Of course, Aaron. Though, it would be weird. Kat seems to think you like me like that,” Benimaru laughed, “isn’t that funny.” “Hilarious,” Chad was amused. “Though— I must admit that I can’t deny I feel feelings,” Benimaru slurred, “Sssh… I’m not supposed to tell you about that.” Benimaru put a finger to Chad’s lips. Chad took Benimaru’s hand and kissed his palm. “It’s not unusual for us to pose as other mortals, but I want him to know I am the one he’s submitting to,” Chad thought as he kissed up Benimaru’s wrist, “but he’s so provocative…” “Aaron, that feels weird,” Benimaru sighed, cheeks turning red. “Do you not like it?” Chad continued. “I didn’t say I didn’t. I said it feels weird,” Benimaru squinted, “Man, it’s hot…” “Perhaps you should take off this thick article of clothing?” Chad indicated the hoodie. “You’re talking funny, but you’re right,” Benimaru pulled his hand away and took off the hoodie. “Well, perhaps that long sleeve shirt needs to go also?” Chad grimaced at exactly how modest this mortal is. “If it bothers you that much, then you take it off,” Benimaru scoffed. “How could I say no?” Chad smirked before removing Benimaru’s shirt. “Thank me he’s not wearing anything else under this.” “Man, I guess I don’t look as terrible as I think… still a bit thin, though. I look pretty feminine,” Benimaru examined himself in the mirror. Chad grabbed him from behind, “That’s part of your charm.” Chad nibbled Benimaru’s ear, stroking a finger over his bare chest. Benimaru shuddered. “That— feels even weirder than the other thing you were doing,” he breathed. “Do you not like it?” Chad asked, kissing his neck. “I’m not sure,” Benimaru squirmed. “I think this gives a definitive answer,” Chad gave Benimaru’s crotch a gentle squeeze. “W-wait,” Benimaru moaned. “How untouched are you?” Chad breathed. “Well, that’s— hng,” Benimaru jolted. “From the way you’re squirming under my touch, I’d say very,” Chad caressing the front of Benimaru’s neck. “W-wait,” Benimaru felt something building up. “Don’t worry,” Chad let him go, “I’m not quite done with you yet.” “Wh-what does that mean?” — “Beni?” Aaron was concerned because he couldn't find Benimaru. Kat and Linda had passed out. “Drat,” Chad thought. Usually, he’d just drop whomever he was messing around with, but he decided to set Benimaru down gently before making his way out the window. He wondered why he was being so gentle. “Beni? Beni!” Aaron kneeled in front of him, “Why are you on the floor? Where’s your hoodie? Your shirt? What’s going on?” Benimaru flung his arms around Aaron, “Why did you stop?” “Stop— what?” Aaron was confused than shocked when Benimaru kissed him. Aaron pulled him back, “Wait! Beni!” “Why are you so confusing?” Benimaru groaned in frustration. “What are you talking about?” “You’re the one who came in here putting your hands on me, and now you’re pulling away again,” Benimaru fumed. “What are you even talking about, Beni? I just got here,” Aaron exclaimed. “Yeah, right. So you weren’t the one touching and kissing me just now?” Benimaru slurred. “Beni, I swear,” Aaron held his hands up. “So you were confident enough to touch me here,” Benimaru guided Aaron’s hand to his member, “but now suddenly you’re not interested?” “Beni, what are you even talking about?” Aaron was dumbfounded. Benimaru was never this forward, nor did he let anyone touch him like that. Benimaru shoved Aaron off of him, “I don’t understand. What am I to you? Just something to play with when you’re bored?” “No! That’s not it at all!” Aaron reached for him. “Whatever! I’m going to my room,” Benimaru swooned but pushed Aaron away, stumbling out of the bathroom. Aaron sat there, completely confused and frustrated. — “Charles, what did I tell you about being a workaholic? Wait, who is in here?” Mal asked before materializing, “A mortal? Wait? How did you get in here, and why are you crying?” Mal kneeled in front of Benimaru, who was hugging his knees to his chest. Mal pats his head. “Well, you’re not dead,” Mal was oddly relieved. “Of course, I’m not,” Benimaru buried his face into his knees. “So, what are you doing here?” Mal wasn’t sure exactly what would happen to a living mortal in the void. “Isn’t— this my room?” Benimaru looked around. “Wait, pops, what are you doing here?” “Pops?” Mal was even more confused. Then it dawned on him. “Oh, you sweet summer child,” Mal pat his head, “First time drinking?” Benimaru nodded. “What is this?” Mal squinted his eyes, “Why is my nephew's essence all over you?” “Well, Aaron— we were messing around, and—“ Benimaru hiccuped. “Whose Aaron?” Mal asked. “Aaron? You know my best friend! Or he was my friend…” Benimaru looked down. “Oh, dear…” Mal shook his head, “I— hate to tell you… that wasn’t your friend.” “Sure it was! Who else—“ Benimaru was confused, “Pops, what is going on?” “Look, I’m not your— Never mind. You need to get out of here,” Mal stood up. “How?” Benimaru was confused. “Go back the way you came in!” Mal sighed, exasperated. “Where? It’s dark in here, but somehow we both don’t seem to be in the dark,” Benimaru was confused. “Ugh, right… of course, he can’t see it,” Mal put a hand to his face, “Wait! Don’t fall— asleep…” Mal paced, “He can’t stay in here… but I’m not supposed to go outside, and I don’t know when Charlotte is going to get back.” Mal lamented, picking up Benimaru. “Yes, my nephew is just like his father. This child was too drunk to do anything,” Mal shook his head, “It’s pretty sickening. Just because we are the masters of this world doesn’t mean we get to take what we want… right? Right. Why did I just question that?” He gulped as he stood in front of the portal that led to Charlie’s house. “Well, here goes nothing.”
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