《My Sister is the Grim Reaper》8. Ben-bun and Kit-Kat
Charlie approached a mansion in her shroud. She reread the request in the letter. The house used to be an asylum, and society abandoned the building and patients only for the place to be remodeled years later. Of course, once people started moving in, they all started dying tragically. The house was full of souls that clung to it and would not let go. “This seems like a whole cliche, but some silly realtor got lucky, and instead of a demon, they managed to summon me to get the souls out of the house,” Charlie shook her head. She entered the house, and as soon as she did, the door slammed behind her. “Cute,” Charlie rolled her eyes, “Listen, you can submit to your eternal rest by coming with me willingly, or I can take you all by force.” “You can’t take all of us reaper,” one ghost chided. “Wanna bet?” Charlie’s eye glinted black. “How will you do it without your scythe?” Another asked. “You thought I’d leave without it?” She opened her portable door to grab it, “Uncle, it’s time to go to work. Uncle?” “You have your scythe but no one to power it but yourself?” “Uncle Mal!” Charlie called into the void, then groaned, “Fine. I’ll do this myself.” She took a deep breath and used her essence to power it up, “All right, you all asked for this.” Using her otherworldly voice, she solidified the ghosts, so they were at least visible to her. “Wow, it’s only a few hundred,” Charlie confidently declared. Some of the angrier ghosts were able to start throwing things. “So we’re choosing violence? All right,” Charlie began carving across the air. The scythe started pulling in some ghosts, screams, and wails filling the air. The others kept fighting. Charlie dodged and reaped until the ones with enough power to grab someone took hold of her out of nowhere. “You all are starting to piss me off… hey!” One was able to pull her scythe away from her. “Well, let’s see how you like it,” one of the ghosts that used to be a doctor went to swing the scythe. “You fool, it’s not going to suck me in,” Charlie hissed as it cut one of her arms, but in doing so sucked one of the ghosts holding her in, “but I guess it can still do that.” Charlie wrestled free and dodged her own weapon cursing uncle Mal for not showing up to work today. Suddenly, something blunt hit her in the back of the neck, and she went unconscious. — “Didn’t she say she’d be back in three days?” Benimaru asked at dinner, “It’s been almost two weeks. “We know, Beni,” Tetsuya snapped. “I know she hasn’t contacted anyone, but there’s no need to take it out on Beni,” Aaron snapped back. Suddenly there was a whoosh and a thud in the foyer. Aaron, Benimaru, Tenseiga, and Tetsuya rushed to see what had happened. Charlie managed to escape through her portable portal, but not before the ghosts tormented and tortured her. She was able to reap them all, but she took considerable damage to her body in doing so. She coughed and heaved as she tried catching her breath, some of her wounds still pouring blood. “Princess!” Tetsuya scooped her up, “Hey! Hey. It’s okay. You’re home now.” “I was hoping this is where I landed,” she smiled weakly. “I’m going to call an ambulance,” Aaron reached for his phone, but Tenseiga grabbed his hands. “Don’t worry about that. We have a doctor that treats us all personally,” Tenseiga pulled out his phone to summon Dr. Goldfuss. “Doctors still make house calls?” Aaron tilted his head to the side and followed everyone up the stairs. “Ours does,” Tenseiga grimaced, “Pompous ass though he may be. You heard me, Goldfuss. Get over here. Charlotte is injured. No, do not alert Sam.” “Why would we not tell pops?” Benimaru wondered. — “Fortunately, the princess can recover from blood loss quickly,” Dr. Goldfuss finished bandaging her up, “had she been mortal, she would have died for sure. She should be okay in a couple of days, though.” “Thank you, Goldfuss,” Tenseiga bowed. “Call me anytime you reach the limits of your competence, fox,” Dr. Goldfuss gave a smug grin before exiting. Tenseiga’s eyebrow twitched, “That— pompous— son of a—“ “Tensei?” Benimaru asked, “How is she?” “Resting for the moment, Beni” Tenseiga patted his head and smiled, “No need to worry.” “Right,” Benimaru nodded solemnly, “Can I go sit with her?” “Of course, Beni!” Tenseiga let him pass. “Thank you,” Benimaru looked up at Tenseiga before entering the room. He grabbed a chair and took her hand. “What could have possibly happened,” Benimaru squeezed her hand as he sat and watched her, “She acts and seems virtually indestructible. They all do, so it never occurred to me that— that—“ Despite them all moving at a different speed through life than Benimaru, who was only starting to come out of his shell, he couldn’t imagine a world without his sister. He didn’t want to. Sometimes he wished she worked in an office or at a local department store and not the government. Benimaru didn’t quite buy the government thing, but Caz seemed to have more conviction than any of the rest of them when Benimaru asked about what they all did for a living. He figured that was the best answer he was going to get. “Beni,” Charlie said weakly, “don’t worry about me. I’ll be back up in a couple of days.” “A couple of days?” Benimaru exclaimed, “Absolutely not. You’re going to stay here until you get better, even if I have to watch you myself.” “Well, I guess a couple of days isn’t a normal amount of time for recovery to him,” Charlie thought. “Can I get you anything?” Benimaru asked. “Nope, you can just sit right here with me,” Charlie nodded. “Okay,” Benimaru was silent for a long moment, “Do you— have to do this?” “Yes, Beni. I am the only one uniquely qualified to do this particular job,” Charlie nodded. Benimaru let out a small laugh, “Mom used to say the same thing about my dad. He was special ops.” Charlie raised her eyebrows, “You rarely bring up Daisuke.” “Well, he died when I was three or four, so I don’t remember too much about him. I often wonder, though, how things would have turned out if he did something normal instead of something dangerous,” Benimaru looked down, then backtracked, “Not that I don’t love my life with you and pops! You getting hurt like this just— scares me. I don’t know if— I could handle it if you died, too.” “Beni,” Charlie squeezed his hand. She wished that she could tell him that as the aspect of death, she can’t die. Her mortality is what makes her sustain injuries like this, though. Unfortunately, because of the rules, none of them can know. She didn’t want to tell him anyway. Her cousins treat her like a freak because she deals in death on top of being half-mortal. She could only imagine what her mortal family would think. Regardless of the rules, it’s best he didn’t know. Unlike everyone else, she does have a deep fear of Benimaru and Maki’s rejection. Sometimes the thought of that hurts more than any of the things her cousins and uncles could ever say. — It took Benimaru a week before he let her get out of bed to do anything more than going to the bathroom, which she didn’t necessarily need to do. However, since that also seemed to be an issue for him, she’d go. “Are you sure you’re okay? Let me help you with that,” Benimaru was still following Charlie around. Charlie grabbed Benimaru by the shoulders, “I love you dearly, little brother, so what will it take to show you that I am fine.” Benimaru thought for a long moment, then shrugged. “Wait! Charlie!” Charlie scooped up Benimaru and carried him over her shoulder. “Hey, Charlie! What are you and Beni doing— wait, Charlie!” She threw Aaron over her other shoulder then went about her day doing things around the house, ignoring their protests. “Okay! Okay! I get it, Charlie!” Benimaru covered his face as she decided to climb up the stairs and slide down the banisters. “What in the actual hell is going on, and why am I being tossed around like a rag doll, too,” Aaron put a hand to his face. “Don’t like it when the shoe is on the other foot, huh?” Benimaru grimaced at him. Charlie laughed, “Okay! I think I’ve tormented you two enough.” When she set them down, Benimaru pouted. Charlie ruffled his hair. “Don’t worry about me so much. Okay?” Charlie smiled before heading up the left stairwell. “Yeah, yeah,” Benimaru crossed his arms, “Ow!” Aaron pinched his cheek, “Beni, Tetsuya has wanted to play tackle football nonstop. I need a break, and it’s obvious he and Charlie need alone time.” “Okay, but what if she’s not up to— that,” Benimaru paused. “I’m sure all he wants to do is cuddle,” Aaron nodded, “I mean, I’m sure he wants to do more than cuddle, but for as hardheaded as he is, Tetsuya can read your sister.” “Yeah,” Benimaru looked down, “You’re probably right.” Aaron couldn’t admit that even he was starting to get a little jealous of the amount of attention Charlie got over the last seven days. They’d go to class, and when they came back, it would be right up to Tetsuya’s room. The fact that Benimaru was there didn’t seem to displace Tetsuya. Aaron noted that he only sleeps in that room when Charlie’s around. Otherwise, he sleeps on the roof. They were both broken from their thoughts by the doorbell. “Yeah? Who are you?” Tetsuya asked in a gruff voice. “I was told this is where Benimaru lives?” a happy-go-lucky voice rang out. “Wait, Tetsu!” Benimaru ran to the door, “I knew she was coming! Hi, Kit-Kat!” “‘Sup Ben-bun!” Kat wrapped an arm around him, grinning wide, causing Benimaru to bend over slightly because Kat was shorter than him. “Ben-bun? Kit-Kat?” Aaron and Tetsuya thought as their eyes twitched. “Sorry, I kept putting off our study sessions, Kit-Kat,” Benimaru bowed his head. “Don’t worry about it, Ben-bun! Your sister was sick! I think it’s adorable that you love your sister that much!” Kat smiled. “Well, my room is up the right stairwell,” Benimaru continued to banter as he and Kat made their way up the stairs. “Who’s that?” Tetsuya asked, confused. “I’d like to know that, too,” Aaron crossed his arms. “And what the hell’s a Ben-Bun?” Tetsuya scratched his head. “Obviously it’s a wordplay on Benimaru’s name and the fact that he often wears his magnificent locks in a messy bun,” Tenseiga came in after Kat, “Since Beni has company, you two are going to help me get dinner ready since I’ll have an extra mouth to feed this evening.” Tetsuya and Aaron crossed their arms as Tenseiga dragged them off to the kitchen. He hated that they would be in his kitchen, but if Beni is going to show any growth as his apprentice, he needs his own group of friends that comprises more than Aaron, Tetsuya, Charlie, and himself. “The things I do for my apprentice,” Tenseiga lamented internally, “but this Kat is pretty delicious for whatever a snack-sized Texan is.” — “Whew! Professor Mason is relentless,” Kat sighed as they closed their textbooks. “Yeah,” Benimaru nodded, putting his books away, “I’m putting myself through the wringer here. Community college was a breeze.” “I don’t know, you make this stuff look pretty easy to me,” Kat smiled, “So now that we’ve got business out of the way, I’ll take it that the cranky muscle head is Tetsuya.” “Yep!” Benimaru nodded. “Seems cranky because he’s shy and doesn’t want to admit it.” “That’s what I keep saying!” “Also, the faux hawk was Aaron I’m going to guess?” “You’re good at this,” Benimaru blinked. “You know he likes you, right?” Kat asked. “Aaron? No. I mean, yeah, he teases me, and then there was the incident—“ Benimaru began. “When that Chad guy assaulted you, and you gave Aaron your first kiss?” Kat recalled. “Yeah! But that doesn’t mean he likes me, right?” Benimaru laughed nervously, “He’s got plenty of other men and women to date!” “That reminds me,” Kat laid her chin in her hand, “It’s obvious Aaron is bi and even more obvious to me that he likes you, but that’s beside the point.” “Yeah, okay,” Benimaru rolled his eyes. “But what are you?” “What do you mean?” “Are you gay, straight, bi, pan, ace,” Kat started listing several different orientations. “I’m not sure what half of that means,” Benimaru’s head was spinning by the number of things she listed off. “Okay, okay, I’m sure you’re familiar with the first three,” Kat backtracked. “Yeah, I know you mentioned you were— ace— before?” Benimaru scratched his head. “Yep! I like cuddling and all that, but I’m not into sexual relationships,” Kat nodded. “See, I don’t think that’s me,” Benimaru shook his head. “Yet, you’re still a virgin,” Kat shook her head, “You’re a bit of an odd duck, Ben-Bun.” “Yeah… I get that a lot,” Benimaru acknowledged. “Which, by the way, don’t tell them I’m ace,” Kat requested, “I mean, I’m very open about it, but I’m curious about how your friend will react by my continued presence as a potential rival.” “Rival in what way? Kat, you aren’t thinking of proving one of your points again, are you?” Benimaru groaned. Kat shrugged, cocking her head back, “I have no clue what you mean, Ben-bun.” “Okay, okay,” Benimaru waved his hands, “Say I play along with this. What will it prove?” “Well, first and foremost, even though you’re not my cup of tea, Ben-bun, you’re still a catch,” Kat asserted. Benimaru rolled his eyes, “Whatever you say, Kit-Kat.” “Ben-bun, I think this Tensei and I have more work to do. He said something about you being his apprentice. He’s another odd duck, but moving on,” Kat held a hand up, “Most of the people that trigger Aaron's protective side have been men.” “Yeah…” “And with women, he simply mopes around, you mentioned?” “Yeah, that’s weird, but he probably just misses me.” “Oh boy,” Kat rolled her eyes, “you and Aaron both come from a small town, right?” “Yeah,” Benimaru nodded. “And Aaron was the top dog? Kind of an alpha, if you will,” Kat continued. “I guess.” “And he liked flirting with you constantly.” “Well, I wouldn’t call it flirting…” “And he would choose you over all of the people he was romantically involved with.” “Yeah, because we’re best friends!” “And because of his alpha-male machismo and the fact that you’re so an adorable, innocent—“ “Watch it, Kit-Kat…” “Omega-type, he managed to chase off any potential mates for you…” “Can we use anything other than the omegaverse metaphor?” Benimaru rolled his eyes. “Which is kind of hypocritical if you think about it,” Kat speculated, “Then there’s how Aaron gets possessive when other alpha-types challenge him for your attention in more than a friendly way serves to prove my point.” “He’s— just looking out for me.” Kat threw her hands in the air, crying out in frustration, before plopping back on Benimaru’s bed, “You’re killing me, smalls. But you’ll see it this way because I’m going to be coming by. He may not react to me the way he has others since I’m a girl, but just take note of how he acts.” “Okay, let’s pretend you’re right for a second,” Benimaru plopped down next to her as they both stared at the ceiling, “Why me?” “Why not you?” Benimaru rolled over, “I don’t know about this.” Kat pounced on him, “Well, I do know, and I’m going to prove it to you, which by the way, your denial is kind of alarming.” “What’s that supposed to mean?” Benimaru exclaimed, looking up at her. She squeezed his cheeks in one hand, “Because you kissed him,” Kat made smoochy noises. “I was— having a weird experience,” Benimaru said through squeezed cheeks. “And yet— hey! That tickles!” Benimaru decided to use his only weapon against Kat. She’s really ticklish. “Two can play at this game, you know,” Kat decided to return fire. “Hey, Beni, dinner’s,” Aaron walked in the door, then grumbled, “ready…” “Okay!” Kat waved from on top of Benimaru. Their tickle fight put them in a precarious position. “Yeah, whatever,” Aaron waved and closed the door behind him. “See!” Kat pointed smugly. “That was kind of weird,” Benimaru contemplated, “but doesn’t prove anything.” Kat snorted in frustration as she rolled off Benimaru and dragged him downstairs by the hand. Benimaru contemplated lifting weights because Kat was stronger even though she was smaller. “I can’t catch any kind of breaks here,” he thought. — “Hey, Charles!” Mal materialized then was immediately alarmed, “What’s wrong with your essence? It’s diminished! Did you do a job without me?” “Are you serious right now?” Charlie was incredulous. “You know you shouldn’t—“ “I wasn’t. I got to the job site, called for you, and you didn’t come,” Charlie crossed her arms, “I spent three extra days being tormented by angry spirits who managed to exercise themselves since they took abject joy in swinging my own scythe at me despite it sucking in their comrades.” “What do you mean?” Mal shook his head, “You— were just here a couple of hours ago to grab the portable portal…” “Hours? Uncle, it’s been over a week now!” Charlie exclaimed. “N-no. That can’t be right,” Mal shook his head. “What’s going on with you?” Charlie looked concerned. “I-I’m not sure,” Mal looked at his hands, “I remember going back into the void to take a nap, and now— you’re here.” “Well, perhaps you needed the rest, uncle,” Charlie hugged him, “Just— let me know next time, okay?” “Y-yeah,” Mal hugged her back, “Perhaps I did…”
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A Poem for Springtime
The greatest warrior in the world has died at the hands of invaders from the south. The four kingdoms brace for the invasion but politics and greed prevent them from unifying against the common enemy. A handful of heroes across the kingdoms rise to the call to embark on a journey to find themselves, find each other, and find a way to fight this war. I will be publishing new chapters every Tuesday and Friday. A Poem for Springtime is Book IV from the Lyric of the Aum Series. The publishing order is as follows: Book IV A Poem for SpringtimeBook V A Song for the Field GodBook VI A Hymn for the Sunset KingBook I A Table for the Shepherd Book II A Sword for the Horse LordBook III A Well for BonesBook VII A Memory of MirrorsBook VIII A Vision of Silver and GlassBook IX A Dream of GaiaBook Zero The Lyric of the Aum Map of Lower Gaia I have a discord channel if you have questions, suggestions or just want to shoot me a note: https://discord.gg/PFn3UAvV
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Against The World, All Alone? (Harry Potter SI)
Important: DO READ THE DESCRIPTION BEFORE JUMPING INTO THE STORY. If you like to read a fast-paced story, this is not for you, sorry. It has decent action, grammar is decent, there can be some pronoun issues, but they are unintentional (I know where to use he and she) and there is HAREM. And do follow me and my other stories.~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Alexander Ashbridge had everything he could possibly ask for. Loving parents, a cute younger twin sister and a peaceful life. But before he could even feel content, everything changed overnight. Enemies of his parents found them. To save their children, Mr and Mrs Ashbridge fought to the bitter end. Alex was forced to flee with his sister. Having no idea of the fate of his parents, Alex devoted himself to his sister and his revenge. With me, follow the journey of Alex and his sister from being presumed to be muggles to Hogwarts and his revenge on the unknown enemy. The cover is not mine.~ ~ ~ ~ ~Chapter update after first 10 chapters: Monday - Wednesday - Friday
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Gabriel Claw is a small neko boy, he is bullied and beaten up quite a bit. He goes to a school for shifters such as werewolfs, vampires, were cats, centaurs, and many more. Being the shy new kid doesn't help in the battle for exception. Jay Dawson is a hefty werewolf boy and is very popular. He is also the schools star quarter back and loves sports.FAITHFUL AT UPDATING!!!!
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