《My Sister is the Grim Reaper》6. The Near Devouring of Benimaru
“Kumiho, where have you been all this time,” Chad was lounging in a chair with two women feeding him grapes. “Sorry, Master Chad,” Kumiho bowed, “I had personal matters to attend to.” “Still messing with those mortals?” Chad raised an eyebrow. “Not anymore,” Kumiho bowed, “I grew tired of them.” “The only thing mortals are good for is war and sex,” Chad waved the girls away and stood up. “Speaking of which, Master,” Kumiho began, “I think I may have a way you can rage freely in the mortal realm.” “Go on,” Chad was intrigued. “I know where the portal to the void that holds Master Malum is,” Kumiho gave a fox-like smile. “That portal is guarded by my halfling cousin, with her pet dragon,” Chad began, “And one of the best celestial beasts to ever exist. It is beyond me why Tenseiga serves her when he could be living luxuriously.” “Ah, yes,” Kumiho rolled her eyes. “He would want for nothing. His talent is wasted on Charlotte, though I’m surprised he didn’t catch you poking around so close to uncle’s mortals.” He wasn’t wrong. If Tenseiga caught a whiff of her in full force, he’d know exactly who had been messing with Benimaru and Aaron and tip-off Charlie. “That damn halfling is always foiling me. That meddling princess and my pretentious cousin…” she thought. “Well, back to what I was saying,” Kumiho redirected, “Charlotte’s mortals are living with them now…” “You mean uncle’s mortal children,” Chad got serious, “There are dire consequences from those above both of our pay grades if either of them ends up hurt.” “Master, we wouldn’t have to hurt them,” Kumiho shook her head, “I have a plan.” — The doorbell rang to the Obsidian estate. “I wonder who it could be?” Benimaru asked, opening the door, “Good afternoon! Who are you?” Two blonde-haired golden-eyed men stood before Benimaru. One had a regal attitude. The other was nonchalant, at first. “Cousin! It’s good to see you!” The second man embraced Benimaru. “D-do I know you?” Benimaru asked nervously. “Ah, I’m sure uncle has never mentioned us to you,” the regal one nodded, “I’m Caz, and this is Chad.” “I’m Benimaru! Everyone else is out right now, but you can wait in the lounge area, and I’ll grab snacks,” Benimaru invited them in. “Thank you,” Caz bowed before following Benimaru to the lounge area. Chad looked Benimaru over as they followed him, “They left this innocent-looking weakling alone to defend the portal? Seriously?” Benimaru looked back at them and smiled, “It’s so nice to have family visit! Though I wonder why pops rarely talks about his side of the family.” “Such a sweet smile,” Chad thought, “I wonder what that face would look like kneeled before me.” Caz gave Chad side-eye and shook his head. Caz knew that look in his cousin’s eye all too well. Chad shrugged, looking away with a smirk on his face. “Hey, Benimaru, where’s the bathroom?” Chad asked. “Ah! It’s under the left stairwell Chad,” Benimaru led him in that direction. “Thank you,” Chad bowed before going in and shutting the door to one of the stalls. He waited to make sure that Benimaru had wholly left the area. As much as he would have liked to snatch Benimaru up and force him to submit, his original objective was more important than the second thing suitable for mortals. “It’s up the left stairwell,” a voice rang out in Chad’s ear. “Perfect,” Chad smiled. He tiptoed up the stairs and quietly entered the doorway, closing the door behind him. In front of him lay a portal that had a cold aura. “Fantastic, Kumiho,” Chad spread his arms. “Do you have the key?” The voice continued. “Of course,” Chad tapped his satchel before entering the portal. “Charles, I swear you’re going to turn back into a workaholic if you don’t follow your own boundaries,” Mal began, “Wait…” Mal fully materialized into the space to clearly see who had entered. “Oh, it’s you, nephew,” Mal said flatly. “Uncle, I haven’t seen you in centuries! Is that any way to greet your dear old nephew?” Chad mock pouted. “What do you want, Chad? More importantly, how did you find your way here?” Mal squinted his eyes. “I want to present you with a proposition, Uncle. You’ve been trapped in this dark, dank void for eons,” Chad began. “Yes, it’s best for the safety of the outside,” Mal crossed his arms. “Do you think mortals deserve the safety they have?” Chad asked, “You help Charlotte lead the souls to the other side. You see how they live.” “Chad, I don’t know why you and my brother like playing with fire, but the upper gods took an oath not to meddle in mortal affairs,” Mal warned. “And that oath keeps you locked in here, doomed to be the power source for the grim reaper to rip scars between dimensions,” Chad lamented, “It’s a real shame that my uncle, the mightiest of them all, is relegated to serving a weak halfling.” “Watch your mouth, Chad,” Mal hissed, “Charlotte may be half-mortal, but she holds the power of the reaper because she’s fair, levelheaded, and responsible.” “The kind of personality to tame chaos, not to wield it,” Chad insisted, “Listen, uncle, I only came to offer a way out. A way to not waste away on the sidelines playing nice. Just because my father and uncles took an oath didn’t give them the right to imprison you, their equal if not greater.” “I’m not imprisoned. I chose this,” Mal clenched his jaw. “Did you choose it? Or did your twin coerce you into believing that this was for the best?” Chad raised his eyebrows. “Sam wouldn’t do something like that to me,” Mal insisted. “When was the last time Uncle Sam visited himself?” Chad shrugged. “The agreement was that none would come except the reaper.” “I could understand the other siblings, but Sam is your twin brother,” Chad insisted, “Surely you miss him deeply. Do you think he misses you?” “I’m sure he does,” Mal nodded with conviction. “The way he goes traipsing around loving mortals, giving them children, and enjoying life tells me otherwise,” Chad took an interest in his fingernails. “He has one child and has adopted the others,” Mal rolled his eyes, “Don’t put Sam in league with the rest of my siblings.” “That’s fair, uncle, but do you not want that for yourself? Are you satisfied living vicariously through Charlotte?” Chad continued. “They are coming back,” Kumiho rang out in Chad’s ear. “Don’t answer that yet, uncle,” Chad held up his hand, “I have to leave now, but I will return later.” “You most certainly will not,” Mal began before Chad blew powder in his face. While Mal was blinded, Chad carved a scar with the key Kumiho gave him then locked it before exiting the portal to Charlie’s home. When Mal was able to see again, he wondered, “Was I talking to someone just now?” — “If you’re in charge of everyone, why does Charlie come home hurt so much?” Benimaru was questioning Caz. “Sorry I took so long,” Chad chimed, “What did I miss?” Caz sighed, “Nothing much. Just explaining to Benimaru here about our family business.” “Oh?” Chad was curious. Caz was more of a compulsive rule-follower than Charlie, so he had to wonder what he could have possibly told this mortal. “I understand you’re working for the government, but surely it can’t be that brutal,” Benimaru crossed his arms. “Clever,” Chad thought, “though soft. Everyone forgets that we are the creators and conquerors of creation, yet we tiptoe around these weaker beings.” “Beni, we’re ba—“ Charlie began before she saw who Benimaru was talking to, “What exactly are you two doing here?” Caz’s eyes flashed, “Is that any way to address me, Charlotte?” “Sorry, Lor— Caz,” Charlie caught herself, “You are always welcome to grace us with your presence, but why bring Chad?” “Can I not miss my cousin and want to know my family?” Chad feigned innocence. “Well, it’s just shocking since the only person you could ever possibly love or care about is yourself,” Charlie grimaced. Caz stopped Chad from rising. “Princess, what is going on with the air in h—“ Tetsuya’s eyes flashed when he saw Caz and Chad. Before he could do anything, Tenseiga stepped around. “What an unusual yet, pleasant surprise,” Tenseiga smiled brightly. “Well, Chad just wanted to meet our other cousins,” Caz shrugged, “Honestly, with the way Charlotte is so protective of them, I was curious myself.” “What’s that supposed to mean?” Aaron came in from putting his homework in the dining room. Chad thought, “Ah, this is the strong mortal stench that clung to Kumiho. He’s almost as handsome as me, but nothing special otherwise. This one in front of me though—“ he glanced at Benimaru, “So pure… and submissive… much more my speed.” Benimaru felt a chill for a second, “Why is he looking at me like that?” Aaron plopped down next to Benimaru, wrapping an arm around him. Tenseiga sat closely on the other side, both glaring at Chad out of Benimaru’s field of vision. Chad looked at them both smugly, “Ah, yes. I see it. Tenseiga is battling the other mortal for the affections of the one in the middle. Well, little do they know as the aspect of war, I love a challenge.” Tenseiga thought to himself, “If we want to talk about sadist brutes, Chad comes second to only me. I can’t have him destroying my apprentice here. The fact that he’s even considering it… Perhaps I should have let Tetsu loose on him.” Aaron squeezed Benimaru as he thought, “I don’t know why I’m so agitated by this, but I do not like the way this bastard is looking at Beni. And now he’s smirking! Is he cruising for an ass whooping right now?” Aaron stroked Benimaru’s cheek and put his face next to Benimaru’s. “Aaron!” Benimaru was startled. Aaron hadn’t teased him like that in a while. “It’s okay, Beni,” Aaron smirked back at Chad, “I’ll always— ALWAYS— be here.” “I know that! Why are you being so goofy right now, and why am I being sandwiched between you and Tensei?” Benimaru was confused as to what exactly was happening. “It seems, dear cousin, that I am being challenged,” Chad laughed, “It’s almost hysterical that either of them thinks they can get in my way.” “In the way of what?” Benimaru was still lost. “Chad,” Caz warned. “Right, right. Sorry, Caz,” Chad sat back, winking at Benimaru. Charlie stepped in before Aaron and Tenseiga moved to wring Chad’s neck, “Well, I think everyone is tired today. I hate to be rude, but perhaps we could entertain the both of you some other time!” “Of course, Charlotte,” Caz already felt the tension in the air and didn’t want Chad to be agitated any further. There comes the point to which even he can’t get a handle on Chad. “Oh! Let me put your tea in to-go containers!” Benimaru jumped up, remembering he started the kettle. “Thank you, Benimaru!” Caz bowed as he and Chad headed to the foyer. Charlie walked with Caz to speak to him. While the two were preoccupied, Chad hung back. — Benimaru passed through the dining area, making his way to the foyer with Caz and Chad’s drinks when he bumped into Chad. “Oh! I’m sorry,” Benimaru apologized. Chad stepped in close, “Don’t worry about it.” “Ah, okay!” Benimaru nervously smiled. Chad brushed a hair from Benimaru’s face and leaned down towards him. Benimaru immediately covered his mouth, Chad’s lips meeting Benimaru’s hands. “Wh-what the hell?” Benimaru stammered. “Hmm… interesting,” Chad bit his lip as he looked at Benimaru’s blushing face, “What sort of reaction is this? Surely, this mortal has been kissed before.” Chad pulled Benimaru in closer, spreading his hand over the small of Benimaru’s back, stroking his cheek, “There’s no need to be so nervous. I promise I’ll be gentle.” Benimaru squeezed his eyes shut, clenching his hands over his mouth as Chad tried coaxing them away with kisses along Benimaru’s knuckles. “Such a delight to come across someone so pure and untouched in this day and age,” Chad sighed as he thought, “such innocent reactions and the sounds he's making. It's so-- erotic.” Benimaru felt a shiver go down his spine, “Just push him away, Beni. What are you doing?” “Don't fight this,” Chad murmured, “It's okay to feel aroused. I know I do.” Benimaru shook his head, blushing profusely, then gasped when Chad nipped his neck. “This cannot turn me on,” Benimaru tried convincing himself. “I— think you should go,” Benimaru’s voice was muffled under his hands, but he was indignant. “So, he has more will than I thought,” Chad thought, amused, “I think I’ve toyed with dear Benimaru enough— for now.” Chad sighed, smiling, “Of course.” Chad grabbed his and Caz’s cups before returning to the foyer. Benimaru blushed even more profusely as he thought, “What in the sweet home Alabama just happened? I know I’m not Sam’s son by blood, but I’m still related to that guy! And why— did I let that go on as long as it did. There are a million things I could have done besides stand there and let him…” A chill went down Benimaru’s spine and a stir in the pit of his stomach as he thought about it, “I didn’t like that. I didn’t like it at all, so why am I reacting to it?” “Beni?” Aaron stepped into the foyer. Benimaru jumped at the sound of Aaron’s voice. He went from shock to shame that quick. “Beni! Why are you holding your hands over your mouth like that? Why are you blushing?” Aaron approached and was confused as to why Benimaru was so jumpy. “N-no reason,” Benimaru gave an uneasy chuckle as he looked down, still holding his face. “Did that Chad guy do something to you?” Aaron simmered with outrage. Benimaru flinched, “N-no! Nothing happened!” “Why did I lie?” Benimaru was pensive as he shifted uncomfortably. Aaron got close until he was at eye level with Benimaru, “Are you sure? It’s okay to tell me if he did. I won’t hurt him— too badly.” Benimaru sighed, “Let’s just drop it.” “Beni, are you sure you’re okay?” Aaron was concerned because Benimaru was trembling a little. Benimaru pushed Aaron’s hand away when Aaron touched him, “I said I’m fine, okay?” “Wait!” Aaron reached after Benimaru, but Benimaru rushed out of the dining room. Clenching his jaw and his fists, Aaron rushed to the foyer. “What in the hell did you just do?” Aaron caught them as they were stepping out the door. “This was fun, cousin,” Chad ignored Aaron as he and Caz closed the door behind them. Charlie stopped Aaron before he could follow after them, “Aaron, you’re strong, but believe me when I say that is a fight you cannot win.” “What the hell is that guy’s problem?” Aaron yelled. “I wish I knew, Aaron,” Charlie was confused as to why Chad was being so cordial. Out of everyone in the family, Chad hates her the most. — Benimaru sat on his bed, “Why am I so flustered? It’s like everyone is being so weird.” He looked down at his hands, then held them together to his chest, “I didn’t like that. I’m not supposed to like it. Calm down. Anyone would react to something like that, right?” There was a knock on the door, “Beni?” Benimaru turned his head slowly towards the door. It was Aaron. A sense of dread washed over Benimaru as he thought, “What do I even tell him? I let Chad just have his way with me just now?” Benimaru squeezed his eyes shut, trying to compose himself before going to the door. “Beni,” Aaron’s face lost some of its tension, “What happened?” Benimaru was silent for a long moment. Aaron grabbed his shoulders. “Beni, you know you can talk to me about anything, right?” Aaron looked Benimaru in the eyes. Benimaru just blankly stared back at Aaron. He was sure Aaron said something, but he wasn’t sure what. All he could do was feel that Aaron was touching him and how it felt— different. And, almost without thinking, Benimaru reached up for Aaron's face and pulled him in until their lips met. Aaron was startled by the fact that Benimaru decided to kiss him. “What is going on with him?” Aaron thought. Intimately kissing someone was a new sensation for Benimaru. It was almost electric. He pressed his body to Aaron’s. “This— doesn’t feel bad,” Benimaru thought, “But I shouldn’t like this either— right?” Aaron returned the kiss, wrapping an arm around Benimaru’s shoulders. Benimaru draped his arms around Aaron’s neck. “It feels like I’m on fire,” Benimaru thought, “This is—“ “He’s trembling again,” Aaron thought. Benimaru made a soft sound that caused Aaron to push back against Benimaru, bracing his hand against the bedroom doorway. “I— this isn’t right,” Aaron thought, fighting the desire to go any further, “Part of me wants to do this, but something is wrong.” Aaron pulled Benimaru away, concern painted on his face, “Beni?” Aaron pulling away shook Benimaru from wherever his mind had gone. When he realized what he had just done, Benimaru took a step back. “Beni,” Aaron tried to sound soothing, “Don’t panic. It’s okay. Just— relax.” Before he could turn to bolt back into his room, Aaron grabbed Benimaru and held him from behind, “Wait! Don’t run away, Beni! It’s okay. Just calm down.” “I’m sorry,” Benimaru’s voice cracked. “What is wrong with me?” Benimaru thought. “Why are you apologizing to me?” Aaron kept himself steady as he held onto Benimaru. “As hot as that was,” Aaron began thinking, “Nope. Don’t go there, Aaron. This is Beni. Stay calm.” “I don’t know,” Benimaru shook his head, “I— Chad almost— he almost kissed me and I— I’ve never…” “You’ve never what, Beni?” Aaron was confused but glad that Benimaru’s heart wasn’t pounding as hard. “I’ve— never kissed anyone before… not like how he was trying to or,” Benimaru’s voice was shaking. “Or how you kissed me just now,” Aaron finished, “Beni, if you’ve never done that before— why do it now, with me?” “I don’t know!” Benimaru shouted, “I don’t know… Just… I’m going to bed.” Benimaru slipped out of Aaron’s grasp holding his head as he shut his bedroom door. Being shut out like that left Aaron feeling empty somehow. “No, it’s selfish of me not to let him go,” Aaron thought, “It was selfish of me to push him like that when he very obviously was just— shaken from Chad putting a move on him. How far did Chad take it exactly?” Aaron rubbed the back of his neck as he turned to go to his room, “So that was his first kiss, huh? But why with me? And why apologize to me? Beni did nothing wrong. Was he apologizing because he felt like he let someone other than me mess with him that way? Maybe Laurelie was right. Maybe I am sending mixed signals.” Aaron looked back at Benimaru’s bedroom door, then turned away, thinking it would be best to leave Benimaru alone for now. — “I take it from the smile on your face, you were successful, Master Chad?” Kumiho asked. “Oh yes,” Chad smirked, “I was able to open my own door and find something new to play with.” “Oh? And that is?” “His name is Benimaru,” Chad laid back on his lounge chair, “Something innocent to conquer and taint.” “What?” Kumiho shouted incredulously, “Benimaru? Really?” “You know him?” Chad began, then laughed, “Ah yes… you were toying with my competition at one point, but Aaron would rather pay attention to Benimaru than to you. He even has Tenseiga’s eye.” “Way to rub it in, master,” Kumiho muttered. “Oh, don’t worry. Once we coax uncle out of his hole and I win that delicious creature, you can have what’s left of Aaron after I utterly destroy him and that mortal realm Charlotte and Sam love so much.” Kumiho returned Chad’s smile as they continued to scheme.
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